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We interact with the world through the assessment of available, but sometimes imperfect, sensory information. However, little is known about how variance in the quality of sensory information affects the regulation of controlled actions. In a series of three experiments, comprising a total of seven behavioral studies, we examined how different types of spatial frequency information affect underlying processes of response inhibition and selection. Participants underwent a stop-signal task, a two choice speed/accuracy balance experiment, and a variant of both these tasks where prior information was given about the nature of stimuli. In all experiments, stimuli were either intact, or contained only high-, or low- spatial frequencies. Overall, drift diffusion model analysis showed a decreased rate of information processing when spatial frequencies were removed, whereas the criterion for information accumulation was lowered. When spatial frequency information was intact, the cost of response inhibition increased (longer SSRT), while a correct response was produced faster (shorter reaction times) and with more certainty (decreased errors). When we manipulated the motivation to respond with a deadline (i.e., be fast or accurate), removal of spatial frequency information slowed response times only when instructions emphasized accuracy. However, the slowing of response times did not improve error rates, when compared to fast instruction trials. These behavioral studies suggest that the removal of spatial frequency information differentially affects the speed of response initiation, inhibition, and the efficiency to balance fast or accurate responses. More generally, the present results indicate a task-independent influence of basic sensory information on strategic adjustments in action control.  相似文献   
A rare form of Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) that is associated with hereditary spastic dystonia has been studied in a large Dutch family. Neuropathy and ophthalmological lesions were present together in some family members, whereas only one type of abnormality was found in others. mtDNA mutations previously reported in LHON were not present. Sequence analysis of the protein-coding mitochondrial genes revealed two previously unreported mtDNA mutations. A heteroplasmic A-->G transition at nucleotide position 11696 in the ND4 gene resulted in the substitution of an isoleucine for valine at amino acid position 312. A second mutation, a homoplasmic T-->A transition at nucleotide position 14596 in the ND6 gene, resulted in the substitution of a methionine for the isoleucine at amino acid residue 26. Biochemical analysis of a muscle biopsy revealed a severe complex I deficiency, providing a link between these unique mtDNA mutations and this rare, complex phenotype including Leber optic neuropathy.  相似文献   
Summary Soluble enzymes were immobilized and visualized by polyacrylamide gel slabs, impregnated with the incubation medium including auxiliairy enzymes. The method has several advantages over existing techniques which make use of gel films or a semipermeable membrane. The diffusion of tissue compounds is effectively limited, while auxiliary enzymes may be operative. Moreover the viscosity of the medium is temperature-independent so that the incubation temperature can be varied.To demonstrate the suitability of the method glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, lactate dehydrogenase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, hexokinase, phosphoglucomutase and aldolase were visualized in human or rat skeletal muscle. Cytosolic and mitochondrial glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase were both visualized in the absence of added NAD+ and menadione.For the visualization of ATP producing enzymes, like creatine kinase and pyruvate kinase, the method is not suitable.  相似文献   
Recurrent interactions between neurons in the visual cortex are crucial for the integration of image elements into coherent objects, such as in figure-ground segregation of textured images. Blocking N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors in monkeys can abolish neural signals related to figure-ground segregation and feature integration. However, it is unknown whether this also affects perceptual integration itself. Therefore, we tested whether ketamine, a non-competitive NMDA receptor antagonist, reduces feature integration in humans. We administered a subanesthetic dose of ketamine to healthy subjects who performed a texture discrimination task in a placebo-controlled double blind within-subject design. We found that ketamine significantly impaired performance on the texture discrimination task compared to the placebo condition, while performance on a control fixation task was much less impaired. This effect is not merely due to task difficulty or a difference in sedation levels. We are the first to show a behavioral effect on feature integration by manipulating the NMDA receptor in humans.  相似文献   
Chad is amongst the richest countries in terms of biodiversity in Sahelo-Sudanian Africa with some of the last remaining populations of large mammals that once roamed West-Central Africa. Its protected area (PA) system, made up of three national parks (NP) and seven faunal reserves (FR) and introduced 40 years ago to focus on the protection of large game, has never been reviewed in terms of biodiversity coverage. This study (i) assesses whether the PA network captures Chad's current biodiversity (focusing on ecoregions and threatened mammal species), (ii) identifies gaps in the PA system and (iii) proposes recommendations to improve the representativeness of the PA system, in a country characterised by the lack of biological data. Of the seven ecoregions in Chad, three are not covered by PAs and two are represented only once and have less than 10% of their area included in the PA network. Of the 31 large mammal species used in the analysis, five occur only once in the network and five species are not represented. Analysis of the persistence of species shows that, of the nine historical PAs, all have lost at least one (and up to six) species of large mammals. The Ouadi Rimé-Ouadi Achim FR was found to have the highest irreplaceability index, with the Bahr Salamat FR and Zakouma NP second and third respectively. Zakouma NP has the highest number of large mammal populations of an internationally important size. Threatened large mammals, many depending on large-scale migration, and (migratory) waterbird populations highlight the lack of wetlands in the formal PA system. We recommend a more effective protection of these wetlands, an extension of the PA system into ecoregions not covered by current PAs and provide details on the realignment of several of the PAs that have been encroached upon and are no longer viable.  相似文献   
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