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Human skin fibroblasts were cultivated within the three-dimensional space of polymerized alginate and collagen, respectively. The in vitro synthesis of collagens and proteoglycans was measured during the first 3 days of culture, and the deposition as well as the ultrastructural organization of newly synthesized extracellular matrix components were examined by electron microscopy. The amount of collagens and proteoglycans synthesized by fibroblasts, embedded in calcium alginate gels as well as in collagen lattices, was lowered as compared to monolayer cultures. Furthermore, it was found that collagen synthesis was reduced to a greater extent in alginate gels than in collagen lattices. On the contrary, total proteoglycan biosynthesis was similarly reduced either in alginate gels or in collagen lattices. At the end of a 3-day-culture period, filamentous material as well as cross-striated banded structures were found extracellularly in the alginate gel. According to their periodicity, their banding pattern, their association with polyanionic matrix components and their sensitivity towards glycosaminoglycan-degrading enzymes we could distinguish (1) sheets of amorphous non-banded material consisting of irregularly arranged filaments and containing dermatan sulfate-rich proteoglycans (type I structures), (2) sheets of long-spacing fibrils consisting of parallel orientated filaments and containing chondroitin sulfate-rich proteoglycans (= zebra bodies; type II structures), and (3) fibrillar structures with a complex banding pattern different from that of native collagen fibrils (type III structures). In fibroblasts cultured in collagen lattices, we only sporadically found depositions which are identified as type I structures. Using indirect immunoelectron microscopy and monospecific polyclonal antibodies, we localized type VI collagen in type I structures and type II structures. Type III structures can be identified as type I collagen derived as becomes obvious by comparison with segment long spacing crystallites of type I collagen.  相似文献   
Allogeneic bone marrow grafts carried out after previous administration of antilymphocytic serum alone were attempted in 16 patients. Of these, six had acute myeloblastic leukaemia, four acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, and one a blast cell crisis in polycythaemia vera. Ten of these patients were in an overt phase of the disease and resistant to chemotherapy, while nine had complete agranulocytosis. In five of these patients erythrocyte and leucocyte antigenic markers demonstrated the establishment of the graft. One patient had thalassaemia major, and four others had aplasia of the bone marrow, in one case due to chloramphenicol poisoning and in another to virus hepatitis. The grafts were successful in the last two patients and transformed their clinical condition.No signs of early acute secondary disease were noted in any of the patients, either when the donor had been given antilymphocytic serum or when he was untreated. The grafts had no adoptive immunotherapeutic effect on the acute leukaemia. These observations have clearly shown that antilymphocytic serum has an immunosuppressive effect in man when it is used alone.  相似文献   
Myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoform expression changes with physical training. This may be one of the mechanisms for muscular adaptation to exercise. We aimed to investigate the effects of different strength-training protocols on MHC isoform expression, bearing in mind that alpha- MHC(slow) (newly identified MHC isoform) mRNA may be upregulated in response to training. Twelve volunteers performed a 6-wk strength training with maximum contractions (Max group), and another 12 of similar age performed combination training of maximum contractions and ballistic and stretch-shortening movements (Combi group). Muscle samples were taken from triceps brachii before and after training. MHC isoform composition was determined by SDS-PAGE silver staining, and mRNA levels of MHC isoforms were determined by RT-PCR. In Max group, there was an increase in MHC(2A) (49.4 to 66.7%, P < 0.01) and a decrease in MHC(2X) (33.4 to 19.5%, P < 0.01) after training, although there was no significant change in MHC(slow). In Combi group, there was also an increase in MHC(2A) (47.7 to 62.7%, P < 0.05) and a decrease in MHC(slow) (18.2 to 9.2%, P < 0.05) but no significant change in MHC(2X). An upregulation of alpha-MHC(slow) mRNA was, therefore, found in both groups as a result of training. The strength training with maximum contractions led to a shift in MHC isoform composition from 2X to 2A, whereas the combined strength training produced an MHC isoform composition shift from slow to 2A.  相似文献   
In order to study the expression of the morphological and functional characteristics of human thyroid cells, 3-dimensional cultures were carried out in collagen gel. This substrate allows the cells to retain their organization in follicles with a normal polarity. Cellular polarities appeared normal at the time of collagen embedding, but there was a delay of 4-5 days in culture before the maximal TSH stimulation of 125I- uptake and of cAMP accumulation occurred. In normal and adenoma-derived cells, 125I- uptake, which could be increased by TSH, was demonstrated. cAMP accumulated in the culture medium and thyroglobulin was secreted into the follicle lumen. Of the 4 differentiated carcinomas for which the 72-hr uptake of 125I- was measured, only 2 displayed slight 125I- uptake and response to TSH. Thus, human thyroid cells exhibit better morphological and functional differentiation in collagen gel culture than in monolayer culture. Furthermore, in a variety of pathological cases studied, the expression of specific characteristics in culture varied in a fashion similar to differences observed in vivo.  相似文献   
The apple rootstock,A106(Malus sieboldii),had 17 bivalents in pollen mother cells at meiotic metaphase 1,and 17 chromosomes in a haploid pollen cell.Karyotypes were prepared from root-tip cells with 2n=34 chromosomes,Seven out of 82 karyotypes(8.5%) showed one pari of satellites at the end of the short arm of chromosome 3.C-bands were shown on 6 pairs of chromosomes 2,4,6,8,14,and 16 near the telomeric regions of short arms.Probes for three ripening-related genes from Malus x domestica:endopolygalacturonase(EPG,0.6kb),ACC oxidase(1.2kb),and ACC synthase(2kb)were hybridized in situ to metaphase chromosomes of A106.Hybridization sites for the EPG gene were observed on the long arm of chromosome 14 in 15 out of 16 replicate spreads and proximal to the centromere of chromosomes 6 and 11.For the ACC oxidase gene,hylridization sites were observed in the telomeric region of the short arm of chromosomes 5 and 11 in 87% and 81% of 16 spreads respectively,proxiaml to the centromere of chromosome 1 in 81% of the spreads,and on the long arm of chromosome 13 in 50% of the spreads. Physical mapping of three fruit ripening genes in an apple rootstock A106.Twenty five spreads were studied for the ACC synthase gene and hybridization sites were observed in the telomeric region of the short arm of chromosome 12 in 96% of the spreads.chromosomes 9 and 10 in 76% of the spreads,and chromosome 17 in 56% of the spreads.  相似文献   
Four fallow deer, Cervus dama, became infected with Trypanosoma (Megatrypanum) sp. by oral application of triturated guts from tabanids collected in an area with deer but without any cattle; four control calves remained negative. Upon challenge with triturated guts from tabanids from an area with pastured cattle, the four calves became infected with Trypanosoma (M.) theileri. The prepatent period in deer was five days or less. Haematopota spp. and Tabanus spp. were identified as vectors of the deer trypanosomes. It is concluded that the trypanosomes of C. dama belong to a Megatrypanum species that is not identical with T. theileri.  相似文献   
We examined the formation of motile, chemotactically active, anucleate fragments from human blood polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN, granulocytes), induced by the brief application of heat. These granule-poor fragments are former protopods (leading fronts, lamellipodia) that become uncoupled from the main body of the cell and leave it, at first with a connecting filament that breaks and seals itself. The usual random orientation of such filaments can be controlled by preorientation of cells in a gradient of the chemotactic peptide, N-formylmethionylleucylphenylalanine (F-Met-Leu-Phe) (2x10(-9) M- 1x10(-8)). Cytochalsin B, 2.5-5 μg/ml, prevents fragment formation; colchicine, 10(-5) M, does not. In scanning electron micrographs, fragments are ruffled and the cell body rounded up and rather smooth. In transmission electron micrographs, fragments contain microfilaments but lack centrioles and microtubules. Like intact cells, both bound and free fragments can respond chemotactically to an erythrocyte destroyed by laser microirradiation (necrotaxis); the free, anucleate fragments may do so repeatedly, even after having been held overnight at ambient temperatures. We propse the name cytokineplast for the result of this self-purification of motile apparatus. The exodus of the motile machinery from the granulocyte requires anchoring of the bulk of the cell to glass and uncoupling, which may involve heat-induced dysfunction of the centrosome. In ultrastructural studies of the centrosomal region after heat, centriolar structure remains intact, but pericentriolar osmiophilic material appears condensed, and microtubules are sparse. These changes are found in all three blood cell types examined: PMN, eosinophil, and monocyte. Of these, the first two make fragments under our conditions; the more sluggish monocyte does not. Uncoupling is further linked to centrosomal dysfunction by the observation that colchicines-treated granulocytes (10(-5)M, to destroy the centrosome’s efferent arm) make fragments after less heat than controls. If motive force and orientation are specified mainly from the organelle-excluding leading front, then endoplasmic streaming in PMN is a catch-up phenomenon, and microtubules do not provide the vector of locomotion but rather stabilize and orient the “baggage” (nucleus, granuloplasm)—i.e., they prevent fishtailing. Moreover, constraints emanating from the centrosome may now be extended to include, maintenance of the motile machinery as an integral part of the cell.  相似文献   
The neuropeptide melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) is expressed in central and peripheral tissues where it participates in the complex network regulating energy homeostasis as well as in other physiologically important functions. Two MCH receptor subtypes, MCH-R1 and MCH-R2, have been cloned which signal through activation of Gi/o/q proteins and hence regulate different intracellular signals, such as inhibition of cAMP formation, stimulation of IP3 production, increase in intracellular free Ca2+ and/or activation of MAP kinases. Most of the data were obtained with cell systems heterologously expressing either of the MCH receptors. Fewer reports exist on studies with cell lines which endogenously express MCH receptors. Here, we describe human and other mammalian cell lines with which MCH receptor activation can be studied under "natural" conditions and we summarize the characteristics and signaling pathways of the MCH receptors in the different cell systems.  相似文献   
Inheritable forms of medullary thyroid carcinoma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) arises from parafollicular or C cells of the thyroid that produce calcitonin. It accounts for 5-10% of all thyroid cancers. Hereditary MTC represents 20-30% of all MTCs. It can be transmitted with an autosomal dominant pattern, either as a single entity, familial MTC, or it can arise as part of a multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) syndrome type 2A or 2B. The identification of hereditary MTC has been facilitated in recent years by the direct analysis of the ret proto-oncogene.  相似文献   
The pathogen Salmonella Typhimurium is a common cause of diarrhea and invades the gut tissue by injecting a cocktail of virulence factors into epithelial cells, triggering actin rearrangements, membrane ruffling and pathogen entry. One of these factors is SopE, a G‐nucleotide exchange factor for the host cellular Rho GTPases Rac1 and Cdc42. How SopE mediates cellular invasion is incompletely understood. Using genome‐scale RNAi screening we identified 72 known and novel host cell proteins affecting SopE‐mediated entry. Follow‐up assays assigned these ‘hits’ to particular steps of the invasion process; i.e., binding, effector injection, membrane ruffling, membrane closure and maturation of the Salmonella‐containing vacuole. Depletion of the COPI complex revealed a unique effect on virulence factor injection and membrane ruffling. Both effects are attributable to mislocalization of cholesterol, sphingolipids, Rac1 and Cdc42 away from the plasma membrane into a large intracellular compartment. Equivalent results were obtained with the vesicular stomatitis virus. Therefore, COPI‐facilitated maintenance of lipids may represent a novel, unifying mechanism essential for a wide range of pathogens, offering opportunities for designing new drugs.  相似文献   
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