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Silicateins are the key enzymes involved in the enzymatic polycondensation of the inorganic scaffold of the skeletal elements of the siliceous sponges, the spicules. The gene encoding pro-silicatein is inserted into the pCold TF vector, comprising the gene for the bacterial trigger factor. This hybrid gene is expressed in Escherichia coli and the synthesized fusion protein is purified. The fusion protein is split into the single proteins with thrombin by cleavage of the linker sequence present between the two proteins. At 23 °C, the 87 kDa trigger factor-pro-silicatein fusion protein is cleaved to the 51 kDa trigger factor and the 35 kDa pro-silicatein. The cleavage process proceeds and results in the release of the 23 kDa mature silicatein, a process which very likely proceeds by autocatalysis. Almost in parallel with its formation, the mature enzyme precipitates as pure 23 kDa protein. When the precipitate is dissolved in an urea buffer, the solubilized protein displays its full enzymatic activity which is enhanced multi-fold in the presence of the silicatein interactor silintaphin-1 or of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG). The biosilica product formed increases its compactness if silicatein is supplemented with silintaphin-1 or PEG. The elastic modulus of the silicatein-mediated biosilica product increases in parallel with the addition of silintaphin-1 and/or PEG from 17 MPa (silicatein) via 61 MPa (silicatein:silintaphin-1) to 101 MPa (silicatein:silintaphin-1 and PEG). These data show that the maturation process from the pro-silicatein state to the mature form is the crucial step during which silicatein acquires its structure-guiding and structure-forming properties.  相似文献   
By in vitro translation of mRNA’s isolated from free and membrane-bound polysomes, direct evidence was obtained for the synthesis of two lysosomal hydrolases, β-glucuronidase of the rat preputial gland and cathespin D of mouse spleen, on polysomes bound to rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membranes. When the mRNA’s for these two proteins were translated in the presence of microsomal membranes, the in vitro synthesized polypeptides were cotranslationally glycosylated and transferred into the microsomal lumen. Polypeptides synthesized in the absence of microsomal membranes were approximately 2,000 daltons larger than the respective unglycosylated microsomal polypeptides found after short times of labeling in cultured rat liver cells treated with tunicamycin. This strongly suggests that nascent chains of the lysosomal enzymes bear transient amino terminal signals which determine synthesis on bound polysomes and are removed during the cotranslational insertion of the polypeptides into the ER membranes. In the line of cultured rat liver cells used for this work, newly synthesized lysosomal hydrolases showed a dual destination; approximately 60 percent of the microsomal polypeptides detected after short times of labeling were subsequently processed proteolytically to lower molecular weight forms characteristic of the mature enzymes. The remainder was secreted from the cells without further proteolytic processing. As previously observed by other investigations in cultured fibroblasts (A. Gonzalez-Noriega, J.H. Grubbs, V. Talkad, and W.S. Sly, 1980, J Cell Biol. 85: 839-852; A. Hasilik and E.F. Neufeld, 1980, J. Biol. Chem., 255:4937-4945.) the lysosomotropic amine chloroquine prevented the proteolytic maturation of newly synthesized hydrolases and enhanced their section. In addition, unglycosylated hydrolases synthesized in cells treated with tunicamycin were exclusively exported from the cells without undergoing proteolytic processing. These results support the notions that modified sugar residues serve as sorting out signals which address the hydrolases to their lysosomal destination and that final proteolytic cleavage of hydrolase precursors take place within lysosome itself. Structural differences in the carbohydrate chains of intracellular and secreted precursors of cathespin D were detected from their differential sensitivity to digestion with endoglycosidases H and D. These observations suggest that the hydrolases exported into the medium follow the normal secretory route and that some of their oligosaccharides are subject to modifications known to affect many secretory glycoproteins during their passage through the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   


Cellular responses to death-promoting stimuli typically proceed through a differentiated multistage process, involving a lag phase, extensive death, and potential adaptation. Deregulation of this chain of events is at the root of many diseases. Improper adaptation is particularly important because it allows cell sub-populations to survive even in the continuous presence of death conditions, which results, among others, in the eventual failure of many targeted anticancer therapies.  相似文献   
Phylogenetic relationships were determined for 76 partial P-element sequences from 14 species of the melanogaster species group within the Drosophila subgenus Sophophora. These results are examined in the context of the phylogeny of the species from which the sequences were isolated. Sequences from the P-element family fall into distinct subfamilies, or clades, which are often characteristic for particular species subgroups. When examined locally among closely related species, the evolution of P elements is characterized by vertical transmission, whereby the P-element phylogeny traces the species phylogeny. On a broader scale, however, the P-element phylogeny is not congruent with the species phylogeny. One feature of P-element evolution in the melanogaster group is the presence of more than one P-element subfamily, differing by as much as 36%, in the genomes of some species. Thus, P elements from several individual species are not monophyletic, and a likely explanation for the incongruence between P-element and species phylogenies is provided by the comparison of paralogous sequences. In certain instances, horizontal transfer seems to be a valid alternative explanation for lack of congruence between species and P-element phylogenies. The canonical P-element subfamily, which represents the active, autonomous transposable element, is restricted to D. melanogaster. Thus, its origin clearly lies outside of the melanogaster species group, consistent with the earlier conclusion of recent horizontal transfer.   相似文献   
Silicateins are enzymes, which are restricted to sponges (phylum Porifera), that mediate the catalytic formation of biosilica from monomeric silicon compounds. The silicatein protein is compartmented in the sponges in the axial filaments which reside in the axial canals of the siliceous spicules. In the present study silicatein has been isolated from the freshwater sponge Lubomirskia baicalensis where it occurs in isoforms with sizes of 23 kDa, 24 kDa and 26 kDa. Since the larger protein is glycosylated we posit that it is a processed form of one of the smaller size forms. The silicatein isoforms are post-translationally modified by phosphorylation; at least four isoforms exist with pI's of 5.4, of 5.2, of 4.9 and of 4.7. Surprisingly silicatein not only mediates polymerization of silicate, but also displays proteolytic activity which is specific for cathepsin L enzymes, thus underscoring the high relationship of the silicateins to cathepsin L. The cDNAs from L. baicalensis for silicatein and cathepsin L, as well as the respective genes, were cloned. It was found that the five introns present in the sponge genes are highly conserved up to human cathepsin L. This analysis has been completed by sequencing of two silicatein genes (both for silicatein-alpha and -beta) and of cathepsin L from another demosponge, Suberites domuncula. A comprehensive phylogenetic analysis with these new sequences shed new light upon the evolution of cathepsin L and silicatein families which occurred at the base of the metazoan phyla. It is concluded, that in parallel with the emergence of these enzymes at first the number of introns increased, especially in the coding region of the mature enzyme. Later in evolution the number of introns decreased again. We postulate that modification of the catalytic triad, especially of its first amino acid, is a suitable target for a chemical modulation of enzyme function of the silicateins/cathepsin L.  相似文献   
Silicateins are unique enzymes of sponges (phylum Porifera) that template and catalyze the polymerization of nanoscale silicate to siliceous skeletal elements. These multifunctional spicules are often elaborately shaped, with complex symmetries. They carry an axial proteinaceous filament, consisting of silicatein and the scaffold protein silintaphin-1, which guides silica deposition and subsequent spicular morphogenesis. In vivo, the synthesis of the axial filament very likely proceeds in three steps: (a) assembly of silicatein monomers to form one pentamer; (b) assembly of pentamers to form fractal-like structures; and finally (c) assembly of fractal-like structures to form filaments. The present study was aimed at exploring the effect of self-assembled complexes of silicatein and silintaphin-1 on biosilica synthesis in vitro. Hence, in a comparative approach, recombinant silicatein and recombinant silintaphin-1 were used at different stoichiometric ratios to form axial filaments and to synthesize biosilica. Whereas recombinant silicatein-α reaggregates to randomly organized structures, coincubation of silicatein-α and silintaphin-1 (molecular ratio 4 : 1) resulted in synthetic filaments via fractal-like patterned self-assemblies, as observed by electron microscopy. Concurrently, owing to the concerted action of both proteins, the enzymatic activity of silicatein-α strongly increased by 5.3-fold (with the substrate tetraethyl orthosilicate), leading to significantly enhanced synthesis of biosilica. These results indicate that silicatein-α-mediated biosilicification depends on the concomitant presence of silicatein-α and silintaphin-1. Accordingly, silintaphin-1 might not only enhance the enzymatic activity of silicatein-α, but also accelerate the nonenzymatic polycondensation of the silica product before releasing the fully synthesized biosiliceous polymer.  相似文献   
Dopamine covalently modifies and functionally inactivates parkin   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Inherited mutations in PARK2, the gene encoding parkin, cause selective degeneration of catecholaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra and locus coeruleus of the brainstem, resulting in early-onset parkinsonism. But the role of parkin in common, sporadic forms of Parkinson disease remains unclear. Here we report that the neurotransmitter dopamine covalently modifies parkin in living dopaminergic cells, a process that increases parkin insolubility and inactivates its E3 ubiquitin ligase function. In the brains of individuals with sporadic Parkinson disease, we observed decreases in parkin solubility consistent with its functional inactivation. Using a new biochemical method, we detected catechol-modified parkin in the substantia nigra but not other regions of normal human brain. These findings show a vulnerability of parkin to modification by dopamine, the principal transmitter lost in Parkinson disease, suggesting a mechanism for the progressive loss of parkin function in dopaminergic neurons during aging and sporadic Parkinson disease.  相似文献   
Familial Parkinson disease (PD) can result from α-synuclein gene multiplication, implicating the reduction of neuronal α-synuclein as a therapeutic target. Moreover, α-synuclein content in human cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) represents a PD biomarker candidate. However, capture-based assays for α-synuclein quantification in CSF (such as by ELISA) have shown discrepancies and have limited suitability for high-throughput screening. Here, we describe two sensitive, in-solution, time-resolved Förster''s resonance energy transfer (TR-FRET)-based immunoassays for total and oligomeric α-synuclein quantification. CSF analysis showed strong concordance for total α-synuclein content between two TR-FRET assays and, in agreement with a previously characterized 36 h protocol-based ELISA, demonstrated lower α-synuclein levels in PD donors. Critically, the assay suitability for high-throughput screening of siRNA constructs and small molecules aimed at reducing endogenous α-synuclein levels was established and validated. In a small-scale proof of concept compound screen using 384 well plates, signals ranged from <30 to >120% of the mean of vehicle-treated cells for molecules known to lower and increase cellular α-synuclein, respectively. Furthermore, a reverse genetic screen of a kinase-directed siRNA library identified seven genes that modulated α-synuclein protein levels (five whose knockdown increased and two that decreased cellular α-synuclein protein). This provides critical new biological insight into cellular pathways regulating α-synuclein steady-state expression that may help guide further drug discovery efforts. Moreover, we describe an inherent limitation in current α-synuclein oligomer detection methodology, a finding that will direct improvement of future assay design. Our one-step TR-FRET-based platform for α-synuclein quantification provides a novel platform with superior performance parameters for the rapid screening of large biomarker cohorts and of compound and genetic libraries, both of which are essential to the development of PD therapies.  相似文献   
The need for improved diagnostic accuracy and markers of progression in neurodegenerative diseases motivates the identification of objective biomarkers as well as optimized assays for their quantification. Several potential marker candidates for Parkinson's disease (PD) in cerebrospinal fluid have been identified. These include α-synuclein, a major constituent of the intracellular aggregates. We give a general overview and details of our experience in converting established enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assays (for α-synuclein and other proteins) onto an electrochemiluminescence-based platform as well as considerations on multiplexing different assays for PD.  相似文献   
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