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The crystal structure of the light-harvesting protein-pigment complex C-phycocyanin (C-PC) from Mastigocladus laminosus (at 2.1 A resolution (1 A = 0.1 nm] has been refined by energy-restrained least-squares methods to a conventional R-factor of 21.7%. In the same way, the crystal structure of C-PC from Agmenellum quadruplicatum has been refined further (2.5 A, R = 18.4%); pyrrole rings C and D of the chromophore at position A84 have been corrected with respect to the previously reported structure. The two C-PC structures are very similar, 213 C alpha positions have a root-mean-square deviation of 0.49 A. Polar and ionic side-chain interactions are discussed in detail and the two subunits of C-PC from M. laminosus are compared to each other. All three chromophores are completely defined and their tetrapyrroles exhibit very similar geometry. The structure of a C-PC chromophore resembles a cleaved porphyrin which has been twisted roughly 180 degrees around the C-5-C-6 and C-14-C-15 bonds. Accordingly, the configuration/conformation of the chromophores is Z-anti, Z-syn, Z-anti (with the exception of the "configuration" of C-15 of chromophore B155, which is almost midway between Z and E). The three chromophores interact similarly with the protein. They arch around aspartate residues (A87, B87 and B39), and the nitrogens of pyrroles B and C are within hydrogen-bonding distance of one of the carboxylate oxygens. Most of the propionic side-chains of the chromophores form salt bridges with arginine and lysine residues. The updated relative chromophore distances and orientations confirm our conclusion that hexameric aggregates are probably the basic functional units, and that inter-hexameric energy transfer takes place preferentially via the central B84 chromophores.  相似文献   
Twenty-five gram-negative bacteria and one gram-positive bacterium capable of growing on poly(3-hydroxyoctanoic acid) [P(3HO)] as the sole source of carbon and energy were isolated from various soils, lake water, and activated sludge. Most of the isolates degraded only P(3HO) and copolymers of medium-chain-length (MCL) hydroxyalkanoic acids (HA). Except for the gram-positive strain, which was able to hydrolyze P(3HO) and poly(3-hydroxybutyric acid) [P(3HB)], no isolate was able to degrade polymers of short-chain-length HA, such as P(3HB) or poly(3-hydroxyvalerate) [P(3HV)]. All strains utilized a large variety of monomeric substrates for growth. All gram-negative strains, but not the gram-positive strain, accumulated poly(hydroxyalkanoic acids) (PHA), consisting of MCL HA, if they were cultivated under accumulation conditions. One strain, which was identified as Pseudomonas fluorescens GK13 (biovar V), was selected and the extracellular P(3HO) depolymerase of this strain was purified from the culture medium of P(3HO)-grown cells by chromatography with Octyl-Sepharose CL4B and by gel filtration with Superose 12. The relative molecular weights of the native and sodium dodecyl sulfate-treated enzymes were 48,000 and 25,000, respectively. The purified enzyme hydrolyzed P(3HO), copolymers of MCL HA, and para-nitrophenyl esters of fatty acids. P(3HB), P(3HV), and characteristic substrates for lipases, such as Tween 80 or triolein, were not hydrolyzed. The P(3HO) depolymerase of P. fluorescens GK13 was insensitive to phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride and dithioerythritol, unlike other PHA depolymerases. The dimeric ester of 3-hydroxyoctanoic acid was identified as the main product of enzymatic hydrolysis of P(3HO).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
S-Conjugates of glutathione influence the glutathione/glutathione disulfide (GSH/GSSG) status of hepatocytes in at least two ways, namely by inhibition of GSSG transport into the bile [Akerboom et al. (1982) FEBS Lett. 140, 73-76] and by inhibition of the enzyme GSSG reductase (EC The interaction of GSSG reductase with a well-studied conjugate, namely S-(2,4-dinitrophenyl)-glutathione and its electrophilic precursor 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene are described. For short exposures both compounds are reversible inhibitors of the enzyme, the Ki values being 30 microM and 22 microM respectively. After prolonged incubation, 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene blocks GSSG reductase irreversibly, which emphasizes the need for rapid conjugate formation in situ. As shown by X-ray crystallography the major binding site of S-(2,4-dinitrophenyl)-glutathione in GSSG reductase overlaps the binding site of the substrate, glutathione disulfide. However, the glutathione moiety of the conjugate does not bind in the same manner as either of the glutathiones in the disulfide.  相似文献   
Substrate positions and induced-fit in crystalline adenylate kinase.   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
The binding positions of ATP and AMP in pig muscle adenylate kinase (EC have been located by X-ray diffraction analysis. For this purpose crystals have been soaked with solutions containing substrates and substrate analogues. Two adenosine pockets and the region of the phosphates have been identified. In combination with other experimental data the pockets have been assigned to the AMP site and the ATP site, respectively. Moreover, the results suggest that the known conformations of adenylate kinase reflect an induced-fit of the enzyme: conformation B being related to the free enzyme E and conformation A being related to E1, the enzyme species after a substrate-induced conformational change.  相似文献   
Trigonal crystals of porin from Escherichia coli   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Trigonal crystals of the integral membrane protein porin from Escherichia coli have been grown and characterized. They belong to space group P321 with unit cell constants a = b = LL8.4, c = 52.7 A, alpha = beta = 90 degrees, gamma = 120 degrees. The crystals grow as well-defined hexagonal prisms to a size of 0.25 mm in all dimensions, and diffract to 2.7 A. The molecular symmetry coincides with 3-fold crystallographic symmetry, giving two trimers per unit cell (1 monomer/asymmetric unit). This corresponds to VM = 2.9 A3/Da. Native X-ray data to 3.0 A resolution have been collected on a FAST area detector and a search for heavy atom derivatives is underway.  相似文献   
GTP-AMP phosphotransferase has been purified 116-fold with a yield of 24% from beef heart mitochondria using freeze-thawing, alkali and acid treatment and successive column chromatography on phosphocellulose, Sephadex G-100 and blue-dextran--Sepharose. It has crystallized from poly-(ethylene glycol) and is essential homogeneous by sodium dodecylsulfate electrophoresis and isoelectrofocusing. The specific activity of the crystalline preparation was 290 U/mg. The molecular weight was found to be 26000 and the isoelectric point to be 9.8. Amino acid analysis showed 21 aspartic acid or asparagine, 19 threonine, 12 serine, 26 glutamic acid or glutamine, 15 proline, 16 glycine, 14 alanine, 15 valine, 4 methionine, 12 isoleucine, 28 leucine, 7 tyrosine, 7 phenylalanine, 5 histidine, 14 lysine, 16 arginine, 2 tryptophan, no --SS-- bonds or free --SH. Guanosine(5')pentaphospho(5')adenosine is a very strong inhibitor similar to adenosine(5')pentaphospho(5')adenosine as an inhibitor of cytosolic adenylate kinase.  相似文献   
When observed over a temperature range, erythrocyte membrane lipids undergo a transition at 18–20 °C (Zimmer, G. and Shirmer, H. (1974) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 345, 314–320). This observation has prompted an investigation of the effects that substrate binding has on the transition of the red cell membrane. Glucose and sorbose were compared, since transport kinetics of these sugars still pose unresolved questions.In membranes, preloaded with glucose, the break at the transition temperature was intensified, while it was abolished or reversed in membranes preloaded with sorbose.These results were corroborated using different solubilization procedures (sonication, sodium dodecyl sulfate treatment) of the membranes, and also different techniques (viscosimetry, 90° light scattering, 1-anilino-naphthalene-8-sulfonate fluorescence).In extracted membrane lipids, viscosimetry indicated a break at transition temperature after preloading with either glucose or sorbose.Disc electrophoresis revealed a different binding pattern of the two sugars.It is suggested, that the amplification of the discontinuity in red cell membranes by glucose and the abolition or reversal of the break by sorbose are mediated by membrane protein- and/or membrane lipid-protein interaction.  相似文献   
Surfactant protein-A (SP-A) belongs to a family of collagen-containing C-type lectins called collectins. SP-A is expressed by renal tubule epithelial cells. We investigated the distribution of SP-A in renal cell carcinomas (RCC) using immunohistochemical techniques and western blotting. We used 35 formalin fixed, paraffin embedded (FFPE) RCC tissue samples. We compared results with clinico-pathological parameters of RCC including age, sex, Fuhrman grade, tumor volume, tumor node metastasis (TNM) and clinical stage. SP-A was localized in the glomerulus and renal tubule epithelium in nontumor tissue and strong SP-A immunoreactivity was observed in tumor tissue. SP-A was expressed in the RCC tumor cells (64%) and nontumor cells (34%) in males and RCC tumor cells (90%) and nontumor cells (30%) in females. There was a significant correlation between SP-A immunoreactivity in tumor cells and gender, age, tumor diameter, Fuhrman grade and tumor diameter. Western blot analysis supported the immunohistochemical findings. We present evidence for involvement of SP-A in RCC and suggest that increased SP-A expression in RCC is associated with favorable prognosis.  相似文献   
Proteins that associate with lamins: many faces, many functions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Human cytosolic thioredoxin reductase (TrxR), a homodimeric protein containing 1 selenocysteine and 1 FAD per subunit of 55 kDa, catalyses the NADPH-dependent reduction of thioredoxin disulfide and of numerous other oxidized cell constituents. As a general reducing enzyme with little substrate specificity, it also contributes to redox homeostasis and is involved in prevention, intervention and repair of damage caused by H2O2-based oxidative stress. Being a selenite-reducing enzyme as well as a selenol-containing enzyme, human TrxR plays a central role in selenium (patho)physiology. Both dietary selenium deficiency and selenium oversupplementation, a lifestyle phenomenon of our time, appear to interfere with the activity of TrxR. Selenocysteine 496 of human TrxR is a major target of the anti-rheumatic gold-containing drug auranofin, the formal Ki for the stoichiometric inhibition being 4 nM. The hypothesis that TrxR and extracellular thioredoxin play a pathophysiologic role in chronic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, Sj?gren's syndrom, AIDS, and certain malignancies, is substantiated by biochemical, virological, and clinical evidence. Reduced thioredoxin acts as an autocrine growth factor in various tumour diseases, as a chemoattractant, and it synergises with interleukins 1 and 2. The effects of anti-tumour drugs such as carmustine and cisplatin can be explained in part by the inhibition of TrxR. Consistently, high levels of the enzyme can support drug resistance. TrxRs from different organisms such as Escherichia coli, Mycobacterium leprae, Plasmodium falciparum, Drosophila melanogaster, and man show a surprising diversity in their chemical mechanism of thioredoxin reduction. This is the basis for attempts to develop specific TrxR inhibitors as drugs against bacterial infections like leprosy and parasitic diseases like amebiasis and malaria.  相似文献   
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