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The ultimatum bargaining game (UBG), a widely used method in experimental economics, clearly demonstrates that motives other than pure monetary reward play a role in human economic decision making. In this study, we explore the behaviour and physiological reactions of both responders and proposers in an ultimatum bargaining game using heart rate variability (HRV), a small and nonintrusive technology that allows observation of both sides of an interaction in a normal experimental economics laboratory environment. We find that low offers by a proposer cause signs of mental stress in both the proposer and the responder; that is, both exhibit high ratios of low to high frequency activity in the HRV spectrum.  相似文献   
Functional analysis of the sea urchin U7 small nuclear RNA.   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
U7 small nuclear RNA (snRNA) is an essential component of the RNA-processing machinery which generates the 3' end of mature histone mRNA in the sea urchin. The U7 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particle (snRNP) is classified as a member of the Sm-type U snRNP family by virtue of its recognition by both anti-trimethylguanosine and anti-Sm antibodies. We analyzed the function-structure relationship of the U7 snRNP by mutagenesis experiments. These suggested that the U7 snRNP of the sea urchin is composed of three important domains. The first domain encompasses the 5'-terminal sequences, up to about nucleotides 7, which are accessible to micrococcal nuclease, while the remainder of the RNA is highly protected and hence presumably bound by proteins. This region contains the sequence complementarities between the U7 snRNA and the histone pre-mRNA which have previously been shown to be required for 3' processing (F. Schaufele, G. M. Gilmartin, W. Bannwarth, and M. L. Birnstiel, Nature [London] 323:777-781, 1986). Nucleotides 9 to 20 constitute a second domain which includes sequences for Sm protein binding. The complementarities between the U7 snRNA sequences in this region and the terminal palindrome of the histone mRNA appear to be fortuitous and play only a secondary, if any, role in 3' processing. The third domain is composed of the terminal palindrome of U7 snRNA, the secondary structure of which must be maintained for the U7 snRNP to function, but its sequence can be drastically altered without any observable effect on snRNP assembly or 3' processing.  相似文献   
Proliferation of a cold-sensitive cell-cycle mutant isolated from an undifferentiated murine mastocytoma line is reversibly arrested at the nonpermissive temperature of 33 degrees C, and the arrested cells undergo morphological differentiation as expressed by the formation of metachromatic granules. Following transfer of these mutant cells from the permissive temperature of 39.5 to 33 degrees C, a transient increase in both cytochrome c oxidase and DNA polymerase gamma was observed, the ratio of total mitochondrial volume to cell volume nearly doubled within 6 days, and numbers of mitochondrial cross-sections per cellular cross-section as determined in electron micrographs underwent a threefold increase. Addition of chloramphenicol (100 micrograms/ml) to the mutant cell cultures 6 days prior to transfer from 39.5 to 33 degrees C prevented the increase in the ratio of total mitochondrial to cell volume. Furthermore, chloramphenicol markedly inhibited the increase in granule number per cell that normally is observed after transfer of cultures to 33 degrees C or during treatment with 1 mM butyrate, suggesting that mitochondrial proliferation may be an obligatory step in the process of morphological differentiation of these mastocytoma cells.  相似文献   
Cell-type preference of immunoglobulin kappa and lambda gene promoters.   总被引:47,自引:13,他引:34       下载免费PDF全文
Immunoglobulin gene constant regions are known to be associated with strictly tissue-specific enhancer elements. Until recently the promoter of the variable region, which becomes linked to the constant region by somatic rearrangement, could have been viewed as a passive recipient of the enhancer stimulus. Here we show that the promoters of the immunoglobulin kappa and lambda light chain genes are approximately 20-30 times more active in lymphoid cells than in non-lymphoid cells. To avoid the problem of differential mRNA stability upon transfection of immunoglobulin genes into non-lymphoid cells we have constructed chimeric genes. All kappa mRNA sequences were progressively deleted to fuse the kappa gene promoter to a globin gene coding body. A similar chimeric gene was constructed with the promoter of the lambda gene. The cell-type preference of the promoter may be exploited during B-lymphocyte differentiation to regulate the immunoglobulin gene promoter independently from the enhancer.  相似文献   
The livers of rats exposed to pure oxygen were examined electron microscopically to study toxic effects of oxygen in a metabolically sensitive organ. Pressures of 1/3 (258 mm Hg), 1 (760 mm Hg), and 3 (2280 mm Hg) atmospheres were used, with exposures up to 90 days with the lowest pressures. The first changes in the hepatocytes were loss of glycogen and enlargement of mitochondria with development of mitochondria with bizarre shapes which were seen after 3 days at 258 mm, 1 day at 760 mm, and 3 hours at 2280 mm. These changes were followed by formation of increased numbers of cristae, membranes surrounding mitochondria, autophagic vacuoles, and polyribosome clusters. After 2 weeks at 258 mm, which is the pressure of the atmosphere of space cabins, numerous mitochondrial myelin figures appeared but the mitochondrial enlargement had begun to regress. After 90 days at 258 mm, the liver cells appeared almost normal except that many pigment granules had accumulated in the pericanalicular zones. The changes were non-specific and seemed to parallel biochemical alterations recorded elsewhere. They are not considered the result of toxicity but rather of adaptation. These atmospheres, which are used in clinical medicine and in space travel, appear to have no permanent deleterious effects on the liver in rats under the conditions of this experiment.  相似文献   
A comparison was made between mathematical variations of the square root and Schoolfield models for predicting growth rate as a function of temperature. The statistical consequences of square root and natural logarithm transformations of growth rate use in several variations of the Schoolfield and square root models were examined. Growth rate variances of Yersinia enterocolitica in brain heart infusion broth increased as a function of temperature. The ability of the two data transformations to correct for the heterogeneity of variance was evaluated. A natural logarithm transformation of growth rate was more effective than a square root transformation at correcting for the heterogeneity of variance. The square root model was more accurate than the Schoolfield model when both models used natural logarithm transformation.  相似文献   
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