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We examined the haematic concentration of 5 HT in idiopathic headache in children. We observed plasma and platelet 5 HT concentration in 18 migrainous patients free from painful crisis, and we compared the results with a control group of 20 clinically healthy children. No significant variation was noted in plasma 5 HT concentration between the two groups. The data are more difficult to interpret on the platelet because of the slight statistical difference (0.1 greater than p greater than 0.05). However we think suggestive the possible existence of persisting platelet anomalies in migrainous children and this hypothesis can be verified in a larger number of children free from painful crisis.  相似文献   
Abstract. Recent reports of occasional males in Austrian populations of Triops cancriformis have promoted interest in an analysis of the ultrastructure of the male gonad. It appears as a double thick and well‐defined tubular structure running along the midgut, inside the hemocoel. It is composed of two portions: the wall and the lumen. The former is made up of germ cells that are widespread and intermixed with somatic cells. The lumen is ~200 μm wide and acts as the collecting site of spermatids and sperm. The germ cells are recognizable by their rounded appearance and by the occurrence of exceptionally long synaptonemal complexes in their nuclei. Their maturation implies a volume elongation and an aggregation in a characteristic “cyst” arrangement. The cysts migrate towards the lumen, where they break open, releasing spermatids and sperm. At the end of this process the lumen is filled with maturing gametes. The sperm have very condensed chromatin nuclei and partially reduced cytoplasm where the most striking features are the axoneme and strewn microtubules together with evident pseudopodia. Our morphological data support the full functionality of males in T. cancriformis. However, further work on gametogenesis, distribution of sexes, and genetic analysis of breeding experiments are needed to reach a fuller understanding of the role of males in middle and northern European populations of this species.  相似文献   
The living fossil Triops cancriformis comprises bisexual (either gonochoric or hermaphroditic) and unisexual populations. Genetic surveys have recently revealed a general trend of low differentiation of 12S and 16S mitochondrial genes. We, therefore, surveyed further mitochondrial (COI gene and control region) and nuclear markers (dinucleotide microsatellites) to assess the genetic variability and to establish any relationship with the different reproductive modes found in European populations. The mitochondrial analyses confirmed the pattern of low variability. Hence, the low mitochondrial genetic variability appears as a common feature of the genus Triops. The microsatellite analysis found that Italian populations are monomorphic or exhibit little polymorphism, while other European samples display a higher degree of polymorphism and private alleles. Spanish, Austrian and Italian populations show patterns of Hardy-Weinberg disequilibrium that could be explained by the mode of reproduction, or by a higher frequency of null alleles in these populations. The low diversity and differentiation among Italian populations lead us to question the Monopolization Hypothesis. One microsatellite locus appears to be sex-linked, with heterozygotes detected only in males and hermaphrodites.  相似文献   
Summary The first stages of the oogenesis of Triops cancriformis have been studied. At the outset the oocyte is smaller than the nurse cells. Meiosis begins with typical synaptonemal complexes. The significance of these complexes and of some other peculiar structures of germ cells, i.e., pore complexes and annuli within the nucleus, and annulate lamellae within the cytoplasm are discussed. The morphofunctional uniformity of some cytoplasmic structures (annulate lamellae, concentrically arranged ER, and yolk globules) in the oocyte as well as its nurse cells is also discussed.  相似文献   
Summary Each ovarian follicle of Triops cancriformis is four-celled; these cells (one oocyte and three nurse cells) are interconnected by cytoplasmic bridges. In the course of differentiation, the nurse cells are early recognizable; they increase in size more than the oocyte and their nuclei contain many nucleoli. For the first time in Arthropoda, yolk globules are reported to be present in nurse cell cytoplasm; these globules arise from the smooth endoplasmic reticulum. The functional significance of the intercellular bridges and the trophic role of the nurse cells are discussed.The authors are grateful to Dr. Bruno Sabelli for his support and to Mr. Francesco Monte for his technical assistance  相似文献   
The genetic variability of the gonochoric Leptestheria dahalacensis (Rüppel, 1837) was studied through the analysis of mitochondrial and nuclear (microsatellite loci) markers in eight Italian and two Central European populations. Mitochondrial data exhibited a low variability, as only six mitotypes were scored: five in Italy and one for both Central European samples, with a very low number of substitutions. All analysed microsatellite loci were variable, with 3–5 alleles per locus and 1–4 alleles per population. All populations were at the Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium, with the exceptions of two samples for locus ldAC-16, due to heterozygote excess, and of four populations for locus ldAC-11, probably linked to the presence of null alleles. A substantial population structuring was found between Central European and Italian samples for both utilized markers. This observation may be explained by isolation by distance and/or recent isolation events. On the other hand, the absence of a clear inter-pond variability in Italian sample comparisons may be ascribed to high dispersal ability in the short range. Handling editor: K. Martens  相似文献   
Spermatogenesis ultrastructure was studied in a simultaneous hermaphrodite population of the solitary coral Balanophyllia europaea. In this species, spermatogenesis takes place in spermatocysts located within gametogenetic mesenteries surrounded by a bilayered boundary. Spermatogonia and spermatocytes are large flagellate cells, densely packed at the outermost edges of the spermatocyst. Spermatids and sperm are loosely distributed near the centre of the spermatocyst. The cytoplasm of spermatogonia and primary spermatocytes often contains short lengths of free axonemes, probably derived from the reabsorption of a primitive flagellum. Maturing spermatids either contain long intracytoplasmic axonemes, that may be stages of the tail synthesis, or have a flagellum. The morphological features of the sperm of this hermaphroditic scleractinian, very similar to those observed in the sperm of gonochoric taxa, support the hypothesis that the hermaphroditism of this population is an adaptive condition. Accepted: 1 October 1999  相似文献   
Abstract. The ultrastructure of the male gonad of Eulimnadia texana (Branchiopoda, Spinicaudata) has been observed for the first time to investigate the sexuality of a well-studied case of androdioecy in the animal kingdom. The male gonad is a double structure located in the hemocoel throughout the entire body length on each side of the midgut. Male gametes originate from the wall and mature centripetally toward the lumen; the proliferative activity is very high and continuous and therefore the mature gonad is full of numerous germ cells. Inside the lumen several degenerative stages are found mixed with sperm cells and spermatids, the latter two being not easily distinguishable because of the slight differences between them. The evolutionary meaning of the degenerative process in E. texana male gametes is difficult to explain, and we propose some hypotheses about its possible role or cause in the studied population: (a) to help build spermatophores, (b) to act as a trophic component for viable sperm, (c) as a manifestation of inbreeding depression, and/or (d) to regulate the number of sperm cells.  相似文献   
We have studied the early stages of the development of the female germ cells in the Conchostraca Eoleptestheria ticinensis Balsamo-Crivelli, 1859. The gametes originate in a scattered way throughout the tubular units of the gonad, with no development gradient recognizable. The female germ cells arise from successive karyokineses not followed by cytokinesis, within an unorganised area in which a sort of plasmodium is formed. Each primordial nucleus of this germarium develops and then forms an individual plasmic membrane. Subsequently, the usual organules differentiate in the cytoplasm. The presence of synaptinemal complexes and the beginning of the endogenous vitellogenesis by the rough endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus qualify the previtellogenesis. The general characteristics of this early development phase of the gametes, as well as several substantial differences in the gametogenesis with respect to the other Phyllopoda studied, lead us to suggest the systematic positioning of the Leptestheriidae.  相似文献   
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