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Polytene interphase chromosomes are compacted into a series of bands and interbands reflecting their organization into independent chromosomal domains. In order to understand chromosomal organization, we set out to study the role of proteins that are selective for interbands. Here we describe the Drosophila melanogaster chromodomain protein Chriz that is coimmunoprecipitated with the zinc finger protein Z4. Both proteins colocalize exclusively to the interbands on Drosophila polytene chromosomes. Like Z4, Chriz is ubiquitously expressed throughout development and is associated with chromatin in all interphase nuclei. Following dissociation from chromatin, early in mitosis Chriz binds to the centrosomes and to the mitotic spindle. Newly induced amorphic Chriz alleles are early lethal, and ubiquitous overexpression of Chriz is lethal as well. Available Chriz hypomorphs which survive until pupal stage have a normal chromosomal phenotype. Reducing Z4 protein does not affect Chriz binding to polytene chromosomes and vice versa. Z4 is still chromosomally bound when Chriz protein is depleted by RNA interference.  相似文献   
The no-on-transient-A (nonA) gene of Drosophila melanogaster influences vision, courtship song, and viability. The nonA-encoded polypeptide is inferred to bind single-stranded nucleic acids. Although sequence-analysis of NONA implies that it belongs to a special interspecific family of this protein type, it does contain two classical RNA recognition motifs (RRM). Their behavioral significance was assayed by generating transgenic strains that were singly or multiply mutated within the relatively N-terminal motif (RRM1) or within RRM2. Neither class of mutation affected NONA binding to polytene chromosomes. The former mutations led to extremely low viability, accompanied by diminished adult longevities that were much worse than for a nonA-null mutant, implying that faulty interpolypeptide interactions might accompany the effects of the amino-acid substitutions within RRM1. All in vitro-mutated types caused optomotor blindness and an absence of transient spikes in the electroretinogram. Courtship analysis discriminated between the effects of the mutations: the RRM2-mutated type generated song pulses and trains that tended to be mildly mutant. These phenotypic abnormalities reinforce the notion that nonA''s ubiquitous expression has its most important consequences in the optic lobes, the thoracic ganglia, or both, depending in part on the nonA allele.  相似文献   
Total nuclear protein from the embryonic D. melanogaster cell line Kc and crude hydroxyapatite fractions thereof were used for immunization of mice. From the spleen cells of these mice we established 755 permanent lymphoid cell lines using the hybridoma technique originally developed by Köhler and Milstein (1975). Radioimmunoassay showed 455 of these cell lines secreted antibodies which bound to component(s) contained in the antigen mixtures used for immunization. Screening of 311 cell lines using indirect immunofluorescence revealed 58 lines whose antibodies showed a highly selective staining pattern on polytene chromosomes from the salivary glands of D. melanogaster third instar larvae. Eight of these cell lines were cloned and further characterized. We were able to order the staining patterns into three distinct classes based on the staining behaviour of the monoclonal antibodies: staining of active regions, staining of phase dark bands or staining of most interbands. The molecular weight of those antigens against which the monoclonal antibodies were directed was determined in SDS polyacrylamide gels.  相似文献   
The MYST histone acetyltransferase (HAT) dTip60 is part of a multimeric protein complex that unites both HAT and chromatin remodeling activities. Here, we sought to gain insight into the biological functions of dTip60. Strong ubiquitous dTip60 knock-down in flies was lethal, whereas knock-down in the wing imaginal disk led to developmental defects in the wing. dTip60 localized to the nucleus in early embryos and was present in a large number of interbands on polytene chromosomes. Genome-wide expression analysis upon depletion of dTip60 in cell culture showed that it regulated a large number of genes in Drosophila, among which those with chromatin-related functions were highly enriched. Surprisingly, a significant portion of these genes were upregulated upon dTip60 loss, indicating that dTip60 has repressive as well as activating functions. dTip60 protein was directly located at promoter regions of a subset of repressed genes, suggesting a direct role in gene repression. Comparison of the gene expression signature of dTip60 downregulation with that of histone deacetylase inhibition with trichostatin A revealed a significant correlation, suggesting that the dTip60 complex recruits an HDAC-containing complex to regulate gene expression in the Drosophila genome.  相似文献   
H Eggert  K Bergemann  H Saumweber 《Genetics》1998,149(3):1427-1434
As an alternative to existing methods for the detection of new insertions during a transposon mutagenesis, we adapted the method of vectorette ligation to genomic restriction fragments followed by PCR to obtain genomic sequences flanking the transposon. By combining flies containing a defined genomic transposon with an excess of flies containing unrelated insertion sites, we demonstrate the specificity and sensitivity of the procedure in the detection of integration events. This method was applied in a transposon-tagging screen for BJ1, the Drosophila homolog of the vertebrate gene Regulator of Chromosome Condensation (RCCI). Genetic mobilization of a single genomic P element was used to generate preferentially new local insertions from which integrations into a genomic region surrounding the BJ1 gene were screened. Flies harboring new insertions were phenotypically selected on the basis of the zeste1-dependent transvection of white. We detected a single transposition to a 13-kb region close to the BJ1 gene among 6650 progeny that were analyzed. Southern analysis of the homozygous line confirmed the integration 3 kb downstream of BJ1.  相似文献   
von Besser  Hans  Schnabel  Petra  Wieland  Claudia  Fritz  Elke  Stanewsky  Ralf  Saumweber  Harald 《Chromosoma》1990,100(1):37-47
The DNA coding for the puff-specific protein Bj6 has been isolated by expression cloning. The gene is localized in 14C1,2 on the X chromosome and is expressed ubiquitously during embryonic development with prominent expression during the first 12 h of embryogenesis. cDNA and genomic clones have been sequenced and show a single open-reading frame of 2.1 kb length, coding for a Mr=77000 basic protein. In the aminoterminal half of the protein we detect stretches of repeated amino acids, centrally a region with homology to RNA-binding proteins containing the RNP 1 and RNP 2 consensus motif of RNA binding proteins, and the carboxyterminal part is rich in charged amino acids. The Bj6 protein is a product of the gene no-on transient A, a gene required for normal vision and courtship behaviour in Drosophila.W. Hennig  相似文献   
To identify X chromosomal genes required for salivary gland development in the Drosophila embryo, we screened embryos hemizygous for EMS-induced lethal mutations to find mutations causing gross morphological defects in salivary gland development. The parental strain carried a lac Z transgene on the second chromosome, which was specifically expressed in the salivary glands so the mutations could be unambiguously identified. Embryos from 3,383 lines were tested for salivary gland abnormalities following lacZ staining. From 63 lines exhibiting aberrant salivary gland phenotypes, 52 stable lines were established containing mutations affecting salivary gland development. From these, 39 lines could be assigned to nine complementation groups: armadillo, brinker, folded gastrulation, giant, hindsight, Notch, runt, stardust and twisted gastrulation. Received: 10 April 2000 / Accepted: 31 May 2000  相似文献   
We have performed a genetic analysis of the 14C region of the X chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster to isolate loss of function alleles of no-on-transient A (nonA; 14C1-2; 1-52.3). NONA is a nuclear protein common to many cell types, which is present in many puffs on polytene chromosomes. Sequence data suggest that the protein contains a pair of RNA binding motifs (RRM) found in many single-strand nucleic acid binding proteins. Hypomorphic alleles of this gene, which lead to aberrant visual and courtship song behavior, still contain normally distributed nonA RNA and NONA protein in embryos, and in all available alleles NONA protein is present in puffs of third instar larval polytene chromosomes. We find that complete loss of this general nuclear protein is semilethal in hemizygous males and homozygous cell lethal in the female germline. Surviving males show more extreme defects in nervous system function than have been described for the hypomorphic alleles. Five other essential genes that reside within this region have been partially characterized.  相似文献   
TheDrosophila nuclear proteins Bj6 and Bx42 characterized previously are detected in a series of developmentally active puffs on salivary gland chromosomes. Here the binding of both proteins at puff 3C11-12 containing the glue protein geneSgs-4 is described in more detail. By deletion analysis we show that both proteins bind within a chromosomal segment containing 17–19 kb of DNA surrounding theSgs-4 gene. They are detectable at this site during the intermoult stages, before the puff regresses in response to the moulting hormone ecdysone. If theSgs-4 gene together with flanking DNA sequences is brought into a different chromosomal position by P element transfer, both proteins are detected at this new location. Both proteins are bound to the chromosome within the range of 2.5 kb DNA upstream of theSgs-4 gene. A strain containing a 52 bp deletion within this region fails to bind Bx42 protein suggesting that the missing DNA, which overlaps a hypersensitive region, may be required for the binding of the Bx42 protein.  相似文献   
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