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The roseringed parakeet has been shown to exhibit a variable testicular responsiveness to both altered photoperiodic regimens and to treatment with melatonin during different phases of the annual gonadal cycle. Adult male roseringed parakeets were held under either natural photoperiods (NP), or long photoperiods (LP; 16L 8D), or short photoperiods (SP; 8L 16D) for a total period of 90 days. From day 46 onward, half of the total birds in each group were administered with the vehicle of melatonin, and the other birds were injected daily in the afternoon with melatonin (25 µg/ 100 g body wt.) till the end of the experiment. An identical experimental schedule was followed during the four different (preparatory, progressive, pre-breeding, and breeding) phases of the annual testicular cycle. The testicular activities in various bird groups were evaluated by volumetric, gravimetric, histometric and karyometric measurements, and by quantitative histological studies. The findings revealed that exogenous melatonin may exert either a suppressive influence or none at all on the testicular functions in relation to the photoperiodic schedule as well as to the reproductive phase of the concerned bird, but in no case modulates gonadal responsiveness to artificially altered photoperiods.  相似文献   
Formoguanamine (2,4-diamino-s-triazine) was known to be an effective chemical agent in inducing blindness in poultry chicks, but not in adult birds. The present study was undertaken to demonstrate the influences, if any, of this chemical on the visual performance and retinal histology in an adult sub-tropical wild bird, the roseringed parakeet (Psittacula krameri). Formoguanamine (FG) hydrochloride was subcutaneously injected into adult parakeets at a dosage of 25 mg (dissolved in 0.75 ml physiological saline)/100 g body weight/day, for two consecutive days while the control birds were injected only with a placebo. The effects were studied after 10, 20 and 30 days of the last treatment of FG. Within 24 h of the treatment of FG, about 90% of the total birds exhibited lack of visual responses to any light stimulus and even absence of pupillary light reactions. The remaining birds became totally blind on the day following the last injection of FG and remained so till the end of investigation. At the microscopic level, conspicuous degenerative changes were noted in the outer pigmented epithelium and the photoreceptive layer of rods and cones in the retinas of FG treated birds. A significant reduction in the thickness of the outer nuclear layer was also found in the retinas of FG treated parakeets, compared to that in the control birds. However, the inner cell layers of the retina in the control and FG administered parakeets were almost identical. It deserves special mention that the effects of FG, noted after 30 days of last treatment, were not very different from those noted just after 10 days of treatment. Collectively, the results of the present investigation demonstrate that FG can be used as a potent pharmacological agent for inducing irreversible blindness through selective damage in retinal tissue even in the adult wild bird, thereby making FG treatment an alternative euthanasic device to a cumbersome, stressful, surgical method of enucleation of the ocular system for laboratory studies.  相似文献   
The active site of a protein folding reaction is in domain V of the 23S rRNA in the bacterial ribosome and its homologs in other organisms. This domain has long been known as the peptidyl transferase center. Domain V of Bacillus subtilis is split into two segments, the more conserved large peptidyl transferase loop (RNA1) and the rest (RNA2). These two segments together act as a protein folding modulator as well as the complete domain V RNA. A number of site-directed mutations were introduced in RNA1 and RNA2 of B.subtilis, taking clues from reports of these sites being involved in various steps of protein synthesis. For example, sites like G2505, U2506, U2584 and U2585 in Escherichia coli RNA1 region are protected by deacylated tRNA at high Mg2+ concentration and A2602 is protected by amino acyl tRNA when the P site remains occupied already. Mutations A2058G and A2059G in the RNA1 region render the ribosome Eryr in E.coli and Lncr in tobacco chloroplast. Sites in P loop G2252 and G2253 in E.coli are protected against modification by the CCA end of the P site bound tRNA. Mutations were introduced in corresponding nucleotides in B.subtilis RNA1 and RNA2 of domain V. The mutants were tested for refolding using unfolded protein binding assays with unfolded carbonic anhydrase. In the protein folding assay, the mutants showed partial to complete loss of this activity. In the filter binding assay for the RNA–refolding protein complex, the mutants showed an extent of protein binding that agreed well with their protein folding activity.  相似文献   
The role of the 50S particle of Escherichia coli ribosome and its 23S rRNA in the refolding and subunit association of dimeric porcine heart cytoplasmic malate dehydrogenase (s-MDH) has been investigated. The self-reconstitution of s-MDH is governed by two parallel pathways representing the folding of the inactive monomeric and the dimeric intermediates. However, in the presence of these folding modulators, only one first order kinetics was observed. To understand whether this involved the folding of the monomers or the dimers, subunit association of s-MDH was studied using fluorescein-5-isothiocyanate–rhodamine-isothiocyanate (FITC–RITC) fluorescence energy transfer and chemical cross-linking with gluteraldehyde. The observation suggests that during refolding the interaction of the unstructured monomers of s-MDH with these ribosomal folding modulators leads to very fast formation of structured monomers that immediately dimerise. These inactive dimers then fold to the native ones, which is the rate limiting step in 23S or 50S assisted refolding of s-MDH. Furthermore, the sequential action of the two fragments of domain V of 23S rRNA has been investigated in order to elucidate the mechanism. The central loop of domain V of 23S rRNA (RNA1) traps the monomeric intermediates, and when they are released by the upper stem–loop region of the domain V of 23S rRNA (RNA2) they are already structured enough to form dimeric intermediates which are directed towards the proper folding pathway.  相似文献   
The physiological significance of melatonin in the regulation of annual testicular events in a major carp Catla catla was evaluated through studies on the effects of graded dose (25, 50, or 100 µg/100 g body wt.) of melatonin exogenously administered for different durations (1, 15, or 30 days) and manipulation of the endogenous melatonin system by exposing the fish to constant darkness (DD) or constant light (LL) for 30 days. An identical experimental schedule was followed during the preparatory (February-March), pre-spawning (April-May), spawning (July-August), and post-spawning (September-October) phases of the annual cycle. Irrespective of the reproductive status of the carp, LL suppressed while DD increased the mid-day and mid-night values of melatonin compared to respective controls. Influences of exogenous melatonin varied in relation to the dose and duration of treatment and the reproductive status of the carp. However, testicular response to exogenous melatonin (at 100 µg, for 30 days) and DD in each reproductive phase was almost identical. Notably, precocious testicular maturation occurred in both DD and melatonin-injected fish during the preparatory phase and in LL carps during the pre-spawning phase. In contrast, testicular functions in both the melatonin-treated and DD fish were inhibited during the pre-spawning and spawning phases, while the testes did not respond to any treatment during the post-spawning phase. In conclusion, this study provided the first experimental evidence that melatonin plays a significant role in the regulation of annual testicular events in a sub-tropical surface-dwelling carp Catla catla, but the influence of this pineal hormone on the seasonal activity of testis varies in relation to the reproductive status of the concerned fish.  相似文献   
Establishment of angiogenic circuits that orchestrate blood vessel development and remodeling requires an exquisite balance between the activities of pro- and antiangiogenic factors. However, the logic that permits complex signal integration by vascular endothelium is poorly understood. We demonstrate that a "neuropeptide," neurokinin-B (NK-B), reversibly inhibits endothelial cell vascular network assembly and opposes angiogenesis in the chicken chorioallantoic membrane. Disruption of endogenous NK-B signaling promoted angiogenesis. Mechanistic analyses defined a multicomponent pathway in which NK-B signaling converges upon cellular processes essential for angiogenesis. NK-B-mediated ablation of Ca2+ oscillations and elevation of 3'-5' [corrected] cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) reduced cellular proliferation, migration, and vascular endothelial growth factor receptor expression and induced the antiangiogenic protein calreticulin. Whereas NK-B initiated certain responses, other activities required additional stimuli that increase cAMP. Although NK-B is a neurotransmitter/ neuromodulator and NK-B overexpression characterizes the pregnancy-associated disorder preeclampsia, NK-B had not been linked to vascular remodeling. These results establish a conserved mechanism in which NK-B instigates multiple activities that collectively oppose vascular remodeling.  相似文献   
Daily variation in melatonin receptor (MT1 and MT2) density in three specific tissues-brain, retina, and ovary-and its temporal relationship with serum melatonin were evaluated for the first time in a freshwater teleost, the carp Catla catla, under natural as well as altered photoperiods in different reproductive phases of the annual cycle. Cosinor analysis was used to determine rhythmic features of the serum melatonin and receptors (MT1 and MT2) in different tissues. In each photoperiodic group, irrespective of season, the daily minimum serum melatonin level was noted at midday. However, the daily peak value of melatonin varied in relation to both photo-schedules and reproductive phases. Under natural photoperiods (NPs; duration varied with seasons) and short photoperiods (SPs; light [L]:dark [D] 8:16), it occurred in the late dark phase during the preparatory phase, and at midnight in the remaining parts of the annual cycle. On the other hand, in each reproductive phase, compared to corresponding NP carp, the daily melatonin peak under long photoperiods (LPs; L:D 16:8) exhibited a phase delay of ~2-3?h (occurring during the late dark phase). The melatonin levels at each sampling point were highest during the postspawning phase and lowest during the spawning phase, irrespective of the photoperiodic history of the fish. In each tissue, Western blot analysis revealed a band at ~37?kDa and a band at ~36?kDa corresponding to the molecular weights of native MT1 and MT2 receptor proteins, respectively, with the band intensity of MT1 always being higher than that of a 36-kDa protein. The content of both melatonin receptor proteins varied significantly according to the studied tissue (being highest in the retina, intermediate in the brain, and lowest in the ovary), time in the daily cycle (peak at midnight and fall at midday), and reproductive phase in the annual cycle (highest in the spawning phase and lowest in the postspawning phase). Remarkably, no significant effects of altered photoperiod were detected on any rhythm parameters of either MT1 or MT2 in any of the studied tissues. Collectively, the results of the present study suggest a role of photoperiod in determining daily and seasonal profiles of serum melatonin, but not its receptor proteins, on the ovary or on any nongonad tissues in carp.  相似文献   
The Schellman motif is a widely observed helix terminating structural motif in proteins, which is generated when the C‐terminus residue adopts a left‐handed helical (αL) conformation. The resulting hydrogen‐bonding pattern involves the formation of an intramolecular 6 → 1 interaction. This helix terminating motif is readily mimicked in synthetic helical peptides by placing an achiral residue at the penultimate position of the sequence. Thus far, the Schellman motif has been characterized crystallographically only in peptide helices of length 7 residues or greater. The structure of the hexapeptide Boc–Pro–Aib–Gly–Leu–Aib–Leu–OMe in crystals reveal a short helical stretch terminated by a Schellman motif, with the formation of 6 → 1 C‐terminus hydrogen bond. The crystals are in the space group P212121 with a = 18.155(3) Å, b = 18.864(8) Å, c = 11.834(4) Å, and Z = 4 . The final R1 and wR2 values are 7.68 and 14.6%, respectively , for 1524 observed reflections [Fo ≥ 3ς(Fo)]. A 6 → 1 hydrogen bond between Pro(1)CO · · · Leu(6)NH and a 5 → 2 hydrogen bond between Aib(2)CO · · · Aib(5)NH are observed. An analysis of the available oligopeptides having an achiral Aib residue at the penultimate position suggests that chain length and sequence effects may be the other determining factors in formation of Schellman motifs. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biopoly 50: 13–22, 1999  相似文献   
Type Three Secretion Systems (T3SS) from many gram-negative bacteria utilize ATPases for the translocation of effector proteins into the eukaryotic host cells through injectisome. Cytosolic regulators effectively control the action of these ATPases. PscN from Pseudomonas aeruginosa was an ATPase which was regulated by an uncharacterized PscL. Here we have bioinformatically, biochemically, and biophysically characterized PscN as a T3SS ATPase and PscL as its regulator. In solution, PscN exists predominantly as oligomer and hydrolyzes ATP with Vmax of 3.9 ± 0.2 μmol/min/mg and K m 0.93 ± 0.06 mM. Hexameric structure of PscN was observed under AFM and TEM in the presence of ATP. PscL was dimeric in solution and interacted with PscN strongly in Ni-NTA pull-down assay and SPR analysis. PscL was shown to downregulate PscN ATPase activity up to 80% when mixed with PscN in 1:2 ratio (PscN:PscL). SEC data reconfirm the PscN–PscL interaction stoichiometry (ie, 1:2 ratio) which can also be visualized under AFM. In the present study, we have also found out the existence of an oligomeric form of the PscN–PscL heterotrimeric complex. PscL being the regulator of PscN and interacts to form this conformation, which may play an important role too in the regulation of T3SS utilized by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. For structural aspect, three dimensional in silico models of PscN, PscL, and PscN–PscL were generated. So, in short, present study tried to enlighten both the structural, functional and mechanistic insights into the action of PscN–PscL complex in T3SS mediated pathogenic pathway.  相似文献   
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