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DNA base flipping is an important mechanism in molecular enzymology, but its study is limited by the lack of an accessible and reliable diagnostic technique. A series of crystalline complexes of a DNA methyltransferase, M.HhaI, and its cognate DNA, in which a fluorescent nucleobase analogue, 2-aminopurine (AP), occupies defined positions with respect the target flipped base, have been prepared and their structures determined at higher than 2 Å resolution. From time-resolved fluorescence measurements of these single crystals, we have established that the fluorescence decay function of AP shows a pronounced, characteristic response to base flipping: the loss of the very short (~100 ps) decay component and the large increase in the amplitude of the long (~10 ns) component. When AP is positioned at sites other than the target site, this response is not seen. Most significantly, we have shown that the same clear response is apparent when M.HhaI complexes with DNA in solution, giving an unambiguous signal of base flipping. Analysis of the AP fluorescence decay function reveals conformational heterogeneity in the DNA–enzyme complexes that cannot be discerned from the present X-ray structures.  相似文献   


Tissue factor (TF), an in vivo initiator of blood coagulation, is a transmembrane protein and has two disulfides in the extracellular domain. The integrity of one cysteine pair, Cys186–Cys209, has been hypothesized to be essential for an allosteric “decryption” phenomenon, presumably regulating TF procoagulant function, which has been the subject of a lengthy debate. The conclusions of published studies on this subject are based on indirect evidences obtained by the use of reagents with potentially oxidizing/reducing properties.


The status of disulfides in recombinant TF1–263 and natural placental TF in their non-reduced native and reduced forms was determined by mass-spectrometry. Functional assays were performed to assess TF cofactor function.


In native proteins, all four cysteines of the extracellular domain of TF are oxidized. Reduced TF retains factor VIIa binding capacity but completely loses the cofactor function.


The reduction of TF disulfides (with or without alkylation) eliminates TF regulation of factor VIIa catalytic function in both membrane dependent FX activation and membrane independent synthetic substrate hydrolysis.

General significance

Results of this study advance our knowledge on TF structure/function relationships.  相似文献   
Peptidoglycan hydrolases (PGHs) are responsible for bacterial cell lysis. Most PGHs have a modular structure comprising a catalytic domain and a cell wall-binding domain (CWBD). PGHs of bacteriophage origin, called endolysins, are involved in bacterial lysis at the end of the infection cycle. We have characterized two endolysins, Lc-Lys and Lc-Lys-2, identified in prophages present in the genome of Lactobacillus casei BL23. These two enzymes have different catalytic domains but similar putative C-terminal CWBDs. By analyzing purified peptidoglycan (PG) degradation products, we showed that Lc-Lys is an N-acetylmuramoyl-l-alanine amidase, whereas Lc-Lys-2 is a γ-d-glutamyl-l-lysyl endopeptidase. Remarkably, both lysins were able to lyse only Gram-positive bacterial strains that possess PG with d-Ala4d-Asx-l-Lys3 in their cross-bridge, such as Lactococcus casei, Lactococcus lactis, and Enterococcus faecium. By testing a panel of L. lactis cell wall mutants, we observed that Lc-Lys and Lc-Lys-2 were not able to lyse mutants with a modified PG cross-bridge, constituting d-Ala4l-Ala-(l-Ala/l-Ser)-l-Lys3; moreover, they do not lyse the L. lactis mutant containing only the nonamidated d-Asp cross-bridge, i.e. d-Ala4d-Asp-l-Lys3. In contrast, Lc-Lys could lyse the ampicillin-resistant E. faecium mutant with 3→3 l-Lys3-d-Asn-l-Lys3 bridges replacing the wild-type 4→3 d-Ala4-d-Asn-l-Lys3 bridges. We showed that the C-terminal CWBD of Lc-Lys binds PG containing mainly d-Asn but not PG with only the nonamidated d-Asp-containing cross-bridge, indicating that the CWBD confers to Lc-Lys its narrow specificity. In conclusion, the CWBD characterized in this study is a novel type of PG-binding domain targeting specifically the d-Asn interpeptide bridge of PG.  相似文献   
The biologically most significant genotoxic metabolite of the environmental pollutant benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P), (+)-7R,8S-diol 9S,10R-epoxide, reacts chemically with guanine in DNA, resulting in the predominant formation of (+)-trans-B[a]P-N(2)-dG and, to a lesser extent, (+)-cis-B[a]P-N(2)-dG adducts. Here, we compare the effects of the adduct stereochemistry and conformation on the methylation of cytosine catalyzed by two purified prokaryotic DNA methyltransferases (MTases), SssI and HhaI, with the lesions positioned within or adjacent to their CG and GCGC recognition sites, respectively. The fluorescence properties of the pyrenyl residues of the (+)-cis-B[a]P-N(2)-dG and (+)-trans-B[a]P-N(2)-dG adducts in complexes with MTases are enhanced, but to different extents, indicating that aromatic B[a]P residues are positioned in different microenvironments in the DNA-protein complexes. We have previously shown that the (+)-trans-isomeric adduct inhibits both the binding and methylating efficiencies (k(cat)) of both MTases [Subach OM, Baskunov VB, Darii MV, Maltseva DV, Alexandrov DA, Kirsanova OV, Kolbanovskiy A, Kolbanovskiy M, Johnson F, Bonala R, et al. (2006) Biochemistry45, 6142-6159]. Here we show that the stereoisomeric (+)-cis-B[a]P-N(2)-dG lesion has only a minimal effect on the binding of these MTases and on k(cat). The minor-groove (+)-trans adduct interferes with the formation of the normal DNA minor-groove contacts with the catalytic loop of the MTases. However, the intercalated base-displaced (+)-cis adduct does not interfere with the minor-groove DNA-catalytic loop contacts, allowing near-normal binding of the MTases and undiminished k(cat) values.  相似文献   
The formation of three oxidative DNA 5-methylcytosine (5mC) modifications (oxi-mCs)—5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC), 5-formylcytosine (5fC) and 5-carboxylcytosine (5caC)—by the TET/JBP family of dioxygenases prompted intensive studies of their functional roles in mammalian cells. However, the functional interplay of these less abundant modified nucleotides in other eukaryotic lineages remains poorly understood. We carried out a systematic study of the content and distribution of oxi-mCs in the DNA and RNA of the basidiomycetes Laccaria bicolor and Coprinopsis cinerea, which are established models to study DNA methylation and developmental and symbiotic processes. Quantitative liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry revealed persistent but uneven occurrences of 5hmC, 5fC and 5caC in the DNA and RNA of the two organisms, which could be upregulated by vitamin C. 5caC in RNA (5carC) was predominantly found in non-ribosomal RNA, which potentially includes non-coding, messenger and small RNA species. Genome-wide mapping of 5hmC and 5fC using the single CG analysis techniques hmTOP-seq and foTOP-seq pointed at involvement of oxi-mCs in the regulation of gene expression and silencing of transposable elements. The implicated diverse roles of 5mC and oxi-mCs in the two fungi highlight the epigenetic importance of the latter modifications, which are often neglected in standard whole-genome bisulfite analyses.  相似文献   
Saccharomyces cerevisiae Gpi3p is the UDP-GlcNAc-binding and presumed catalytic subunit of the enzyme that forms GlcNAc-phosphatidylinositol in glycosylphosphatidylinositol biosynthesis. It is an essential protein with an EX7E motif that is conserved in four families of retaining glycosyltransferases. All Gpi3ps contain a cysteine residue four residues C-terminal to EX7E. To test their importance for Gpi3p function in vivo, Glu289 and 297 in the EX7E motif of S. cerevisiae Gpi3p, as well as Cys301, were altered by site-specific mutagenesis, and the mutant proteins tested for their ability to complement nonviable GPI3-deleted haploids. Gpi3p-C301A supported growth but membranes from C301A-expressing cells had low in vitro N-acetylglucosaminylphosphatidylinositol (GlcNAc-PI) synthetic activity. Haploids harboring Gpi3p-E289A proved viable, although slow growing but Gpi3-E297A did not support growth. The E289D and E297D mutants both supported growth at 25 degrees C, but, whereas the E289D strain grew at 37 degrees C, the E297D mutant did not. Membranes from E289D mutants had severely reduced in vitro GlcNAc-PI synthetic activity and E297D membranes had none. The mutation of the first Glu in the EX7E motif of Schizosaccharomyces pombe Gpi3p (Glu277) to Asp complemented the lethal null mutation in gpi3+ and supported growth at 37 degrees C, but the E285D mutant was nonviable. Our results suggest that the second Glu residue of the EX7E motif in Gpi3p is of greater importance than the first for function in vivo. Further, our findings do not support previous suggestions that the first Glu of an EX7E protein is the nucleophile and that Cys301 has an important role in UDP-GlcNAc binding by Gpi3ps.  相似文献   
DNA methylation plays important roles via regulation of numerous cellular mechanisms in diverse organisms, including humans. The paradigm bacterial methyltransferase (MTase) HhaI (M.HhaI) catalyzes the transfer of a methyl group from the cofactor S-adenosyl-L-methionine (AdoMet) onto the target cytosine in DNA, yielding 5-methylcytosine and S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine (AdoHcy). The turnover rate (k cat) of M.HhaI, and the other two cytosine-5 MTases examined, is limited by a step subsequent to methyl transfer; however, no such step has so far been identified. To elucidate the role of cofactor interactions during catalysis, eight mutants of Trp41, which is located in the cofactor binding pocket, were constructed and characterized. The mutants show full proficiency in DNA binding and base-flipping, and little variation is observed in the apparent methyl transfer rate k chem as determined by rapid-quench experiments using immobilized fluorescent-labeled DNA. However, the Trp41 replacements with short side chains substantially perturb cofactor binding (100-fold higher K(AdoMet)D and K(AdoMet)M) leading to a faster turnover of the enzyme (10-fold higher k cat). Our analysis indicates that the rate-limiting breakdown of a long-lived ternary product complex is initiated by the dissociation of AdoHcy or the opening of the catalytic loop in the enzyme.  相似文献   
Purified recombinant viral replicases are useful for studying the mechanism of viral RNA replication in vitro. In this work, we obtained a highly active template-dependent replicase complex for Cucumber necrosis tombusvirus (CNV), which is a plus-stranded RNA virus, from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The recombinant CNV replicase showed properties similar to those of the plant-derived CNV replicase (P. D. Nagy and J. Pogany, Virology 276:279-288, 2000), including the ability (i). to initiate cRNA synthesis de novo on both plus- and minus-stranded templates, (ii). to generate replicase products that are shorter than full length by internal initiation, and (iii). to perform primer extension from the 3' end of the template. We also found that isolation of functional replicase required the coexpression of the CNV p92 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase and the auxiliary p33 protein in yeast. Moreover, coexpression of a viral RNA template with the replicase proteins in yeast increased the activity of the purified CNV replicase by 40-fold, suggesting that the viral RNA might promote the assembly of the replicase complex and/or that the RNA increases the stability of the replicase. In summary, this paper reports the first purified recombinant tombusvirus replicase showing high activity and template dependence, a finding that will greatly facilitate future studies on RNA replication in vitro.  相似文献   
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