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We have examined the phylogenetic distribution of two t-specific markers among representatives of various taxa belonging to the genus Mus. The centromeric TCP-1a marker (a testicular protein variant specific for all t-haplotypes so far studied) has also been apparently detected in several non-t representatives of the Mus IVA, Mus IVB, and probably M. cervicolor species. By contrast, a t-specific restriction- fragment-length polymorphism allele (RFLP) of the telomeric alpha- globin pseudogene DNA marker alpha-psi-4 was found only in animals belonging to the M. musculus-complex species either bearing genuine t- haplotypes or, like the M. m. bactrianus specimen studied here, likely to do so. This t-specific alpha-psi-4 RFLP allele was found to be as divergent from the RFLP alleles of the latter, non-t, taxonomical groups as it is from Mus 4A, Mus 4B, or M. spretus ones. These results suggest the presence of t-haplotypes and of t-specific markers in populations other than those belonging to the M. m. domesticus and M. m. musculus subspecies, implying a possible origin for t-haplotypes prior to the radiation of the most recent offshoot of the Mus genus (i.e., the spretus/domesticus divergence), some 1-3 Myr ago.   相似文献   
The coelomic haemoglobin of Glycera dibranchiata is known to be separable into monomeric and higher-Mr fractions. Although exhibiting homogeneity with respect to Mr, the extent of haemoglobin heterogeneity for the monomer fraction has never been adequately assayed. In the present paper we demonstrate that there exists in the monomer haemoglobin fraction reproducibly detectable heterogeneity regardless of the presence or absence of proteinase inhibitors during the isolations. These results show that, considered on the same time scale as previous preparations used for amino acid sequencing, crystallography and kinetics, the monomer haemoglobin fraction is highly heterogeneous. Application of ion-exchange chromatography and ion-filtration methods resulted in the isolation of four resolvable haem protein components from the Glycera monomer haemoglobin fraction. Three of these components were isolated in sufficient quantity to employ proton n.m.r. as a successful analytical tool for discriminating the individual haemoglobins. These results are not surprising. Several previous studies indicated less extensive heterogeneity in the monomer fraction. Moreover, the ability of the Glycera monomer haemoglobin to bind oxygen at even quite low partial pressures has been attributed to functional diversity originating in multiple haemoglobin components. The present work reveals the extent of the haemoglobin heterogeneity. The results show that it is more extensive than previously believed. Examination of this monomer fraction is particularly important, since crystallography indicates that one of the components of the monomer fraction lacks the E-7 (distal) histidine residue. As a consequence, the identification of such extensive heterogeneity is important to many previously published ligand-binding studies.  相似文献   
The effects of high pressure (0.1-3.4 gigapascal (GPa)) on the ferrous heme active sites of human adult hemoglobin, sperm whale myoglobin, and Glycera dibranchiata hemoglobin (Fraction II) were probed using resonance Raman and absorption spectroscopies. High-to-low spin transitions of the heme iron occur for hemoglobin, myoglobin, and Glycera hemoglobin at 0.35, 0.75, and 0.50 GPa, respectively, for the deoxy species. These interspecies differences result from variations in the composition of the hemepockets and/or their rigidity to pressure-induced volume changes. Heme active sites initially bound to CO or O2 exhibit distinctive behavior at high pressures. For all proteins studied, O2 apparently dissociates from the heme at only moderately high pressure, while CO remains bound to the heme moiety even at extreme pressures. The Raman spectra demonstrate the differences in the ligated and deoxy species at 3.4 GPa in the high frequency region. Discrete changes (i.e. iron spin-state transitions and dissociation of O2) occur that are commensurate with the collapse of the distal pocket, while continuous shifts in the absorption and Raman spectra are observed at pressures above those required for pocket collapse.  相似文献   
Ferricytochromes c from three species (horse, tuna, yeast) display sensitivity to variations in solution ionic strength or pH that is manifested in significant changes in the proton NMR spectra of these proteins. Irradiation of the heme 3-CH3 resonances in the proton NMR spectra of tuna, horse and yeast iso-1 ferricytochromes c is shown to give NOE connectivities to the phenyl ring protons of Phe82 as well as to the beta-CH2 protons of this residue. This method was used to probe selectively the Phe82 spin systems of the three cytochromes c under a variety of solution conditions. This phenylalanine residue has previously been shown to be invariant in all mitochondrial cytochromes c, located near the exposed heme edge in proximity to the heme 3-CH3, and may function as a mediator in electron transfer reactions [Louie, G. V., Pielak, G. J., Smith, M. & Brayer, G. D. (1988) Biochemistry 27, 7870-7876]. Ferricytochromes c from all three species undergo a small but specific structural rearrangement in the environment around the heme 3-CH3 group upon changing the solution conditions from low to high ionic strength. This structural change involves a decrease in the distance between the Phe82 beta-CH2 group and the heme 3-CH3 substituent. In addition, studies of the effect of pH on the 1H-NMR spectrum of yeast iso-1 ferricytochrome c show that the heme 3-CH3 proton resonance exhibits a pH-dependent shift with an apparent pK in the range of 6.0-7.0. The chemical shift change of the yeast iso-1 ferricytochrome c heme 3-CH3 resonance is not accompanied by an increase in the linewidth as previously described for horse ferricytochrome c [Burns, P. D. & La Mar, G. N. (1981) J. Biol. Chem. 256, 4934-4939]. These spectral changes are interpreted as arising from an ionization of His33 near the C-terminus. In general, the larger spectral changes observed for the resonances in the vicinity of the heme 3-CH3 group in yeast iso-1 ferricytochrome c with changes in solution conditions, relative to the tuna and horse proteins, suggest that the region around Phe82 is more open and that movement of the Phe82 residue is less constrained in yeast ferricytochrome c. Finally, it is demonstrated here that both the heme 8-CH3 and the 7 alpha-CH resonances of yeast ferricytochrome c titrate with p2H and exhibit apparent pK values of approximately 7.0. The titrating group responsible for these spectral changes is proposed to be His39.  相似文献   
Behavioral and adrenocortical reactivity to stressful stimulation was examined in 12- and 13-day-old chicks of two lines of Japanese quail selected over several generations for exaggerated (HS: high stress) or reduced (LS: low stress) plasma corticosterone (B) response to brief immobilization stress. Plasma B concentrations and tonic immobility (TI) fear reactions were measured in unstressed (control) and stressed (overnight cooping) chicks of both lines. The stress treatment was applied over a period of 12-20 hr and it involved capture by the experimenter, inescapable exposure to an unfamiliar environment and to strange conspecifics, reductions in ambient temperature and floor space, and the deprivation of food and water. Chicks of the HS line were more susceptible to the induction of TI and they remained immobile longer than did LS chicks. Therefore HS chicks were considered to be more fearful than their LS counterparts. Stress treatment elicited a marked adrenocortical response that was more pronounced in HS than in LS chicks. Stress treatment also increased susceptibility to TI but did not significantly affect the duration of immobility. These findings suggest that selecting the quail for differential corticosterone response to a particular stressor had exerted an unconscious and concomitant effect on underlying fearfulness as well as on their adrenocortical reactivity to several other stressful situations. The results are further discussed in terms of a putative relationship between adrenocortical activation and fearfulness.  相似文献   
The effect of S-methylating cysteine-102 (cys-102) (SH----SSCH3) of yeast isozyme-1 (iso-1) ferricytochrome c has been studied using proton NMR spectroscopy. COSY, NOESY, and one-dimensional nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) difference spectroscopies have all been used. The NMR spectrum of this derivative is very similar to that of native yeast iso-1 ferricytochrome c. The advantage of using the cys-102 S-methylated derivative is that it is unable to spontaneously dimerize in solution, like native iso-1 monomer does. This makes the derivative a simple, ideal protein for long NMR experiments. This work yields many proton resonance assignments for S-methylated yeast iso-1 monomer and confirms all of the assignments for iso-1 monomer that were previously made using only the one-dimensional NOE method.  相似文献   
Motile extracts have been prepared from Dictyostelium discoideum by homogenization and differential centrifugation at 4 degrees C in a stabilization solution (60). These extracts gelled on warming to 25 degrees Celsius and contracted in response to micromolar Ca++ or a pH in excess of 7.0. Optimal gelation occurred in a solution containing 2.5 mM ethylene glycol-bis (β-aminoethyl ether)N,N,N',N'-tetraacetate (EGTA), 2.5 mM piperazine-N-N'-bis [2-ethane sulfonic acid] (PIPES), 1 mM MgC1(2), 1 mM ATP, and 20 mM KCI at ph 7.0 (relaxation solution), while micromolar levels of Ca++ inhibited gelation. Conditions that solated the gel elicited contraction of extracts containing myosin. This was true regardless of whether chemical (micromolar Ca++, pH >7.0, cytochalasin B, elevated concentrations of KCI, MgC1(2), and sucrose) or physical (pressure, mechanical stress, and cold) means were used to induce solation. Myosin was definitely required for contraction. During Ca++-or pH-elicited contraction: (a) actin, myosin, and a 95,000-dalton polypeptide were concentrated in the contracted extract; (b) the gelation activity was recovered in the material sqeezed out the contracting extract;(c) electron microscopy demonstrated that the number of free, recognizable F-actin filaments increased; (d) the actomyosin MgATPase activity was stimulated by 4- to 10-fold. In the absense of myosin the Dictyostelium extract did not contract, while gelation proceeded normally. During solation of the gel in the absense of myosin: (a) electron microscopy demonstrated that the number of free, recognizable F- actin filaments increased; (b) solation-dependent contraction of the extract and the Ca++-stimulated MgATPase activity were reconstituted by adding puried Dictyostelium myosin. Actin purified from the Dictyostelium extract did not gel (at 2 mg/ml), while low concentrations of actin (0.7-2 mg/ml) that contained several contaminating components underwent rapid Ca++ regulated gelation. These results indicated : (a) gelation in Dictyostelium extracts involves a specific Ca++-sensitive interaction between actin and several other components; (b) myosin is an absolute requirement for contraction of the extract; (c) actin-myosin interactions capable of producing force for movement are prevented in the gel, while solation of the gel by either physical or chemical means results in the release of F-actin capable of interaction with myosin and subsequent contraction. The effectiveness of physical agents in producting contraction suggests that the regulation of contraction by the gel is structural in nature.  相似文献   
Hepatic and cardiac drug adverse effects are among the leading causes of attrition in drug development programs, in part due to predictive failures of current animal or in vitro models. Hepatocytes and cardiomyocytes differentiated from human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) hold promise for predicting clinical drug effects, given their human-specific properties and their ability to harbor genetically determined characteristics that underlie inter-individual variations in drug response. Currently, the fetal-like properties and heterogeneity of hepatocytes and cardiomyocytes differentiated from iPSCs make them physiologically different from their counterparts isolated from primary tissues and limit their use for predicting clinical drug effects. To address this hurdle, there have been ongoing advances in differentiation and maturation protocols to improve the quality and use of iPSC-differentiated lineages. Among these are in vitro hepatic and cardiac cellular microsystems that can further enhance the physiology of cultured cells, can be used to better predict drug adverse effects, and investigate drug metabolism, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics to facilitate successful drug development. In this article, we discuss how cellular microsystems can establish microenvironments for these applications and propose how they could be used for potentially controlling the differentiation of hepatocytes or cardiomyocytes. The physiological relevance of cells is enhanced in cellular microsystems by simulating properties of tissue microenvironments, such as structural dimensionality, media flow, microfluidic control of media composition, and co-cultures with interacting cell types. Recent studies demonstrated that these properties also affect iPSC differentiations and we further elaborate on how they could control differentiation efficiency in microengineered devices. In summary, we describe recent advances in the field of cellular microsystems that can control the differentiation and maturation of hepatocytes and cardiomyocytes for drug evaluation. We also propose how future research with iPSCs within engineered microenvironments could enable their differentiation for scalable evaluations of drug effects.  相似文献   
The observation that increased muscular activity leads to muscle hypertrophy is well known, but identification of the biochemical and physiological mechanisms by which this occurs remains an important problem. Experiments have been described (5, 6) which suggest that creatine, an end product of contraction, is involved in the control of contractile protein synthesis in differentiating skeletal muscle cells and may be the chemical signal coupling increased muscular activity and the increased muscular mass. During contraction, the creatine concentration in muscle transiently increases as creatine phosphate is hydrolyzed to regenerate ATP. In isometric contraction in skeletal muscle for example, Edwards and colleagues (3) have found that nearly all of the creatine phosphate is hydrolyzed. In this case, the creatine concentration is increased about twofold, and it is this transient change in creatine concentration which is postulated to lead to increased contractile protein synthesis. If creatine is found in several intracellular compartments, as suggested by Lee and Vissher (7), local changes in concentration may be greater then twofold. A specific effect on contractile protein synthesis seems reasonable in light of the work of Rabinowitz (13) and of Page et al. (11), among others, showing disproportionate accumulation of myofibrillar and mitochondrial proteins in response to work-induced hypertrophy and thyroxin-stimulated growth. Previous experiments (5, 6) have shown that skeletal muscles cells which have differentiated in vitro or in vivo synthesize myosin heavy-chain and actin, the major myofibrillar polypeptides, faster when supplied creatine in vitro. The stimulation is specific for contractile protein synthesis since neither the rate of myosin turnover nor the rates of synthesis of noncontractile protein and DNA are affected by creatine. The experiments reported in this communication were undertaken to test whether creatine selectively stimulates contractile protein synthesis in heart as it does in skeletal muscle.  相似文献   
Presence or absence of N-acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac) can change a sialylated glycoprotein's serum half-life and possibly its function. We evaluated the linearity, sensitivity, reproducibility, and accuracy of a HPAEC/PAD method to determine its suitability for routine simultaneous analysis of Neu5Ac and N-glycolylneuraminic acid (Neu5Gc). An effective internal standard for this analysis is 3-deoxy-d-glycero-d- galacto-2-nonulosonic acid (KDN). We investigated the effect of the Au working electrode recession and determined that linear range and sensitivity were dependent on electrode recession. Using an electrode that was 350 &mgr;m recessed from the electrode block, the minimum detection limits of Neu5Ac, KDN, and Neu5Gc were 2, 5, and 2 pmol, respectively, and were reduced to 1, 2, and 0.5 pmol using a new electrode. The response of standards was linear from 10 to 500 pmol (r2>0.99) regardless of electrode recession. When Neu5Ac, KDN, and Neu5Gc (200 pmol each) were analyzed repetitively for 48 h, area RSDs were <3%. Reproducibility was unaffected when injections of glycoprotein neuraminidase and acid digestions were interspersed with standard injections. Area RSDs of Neu5Ac and Neu5Gc improved when the internal standard was used. We determined the precision and accuracy of this method for both a recessed and a new working electrode by analyzing Neu5Ac and Neu5Gc contents of bovine fetuin and bovine and human transferrins. Results were consistent with published values and independent of the working electrode. The sensitivity, reproducibility, and accuracy of this method make it suitable for direct routine analysis of glycoprotein Neu5Ac and Neu5Gc contents.   相似文献   
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