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The antitumor agent L-asparaginase was entrapped in canine erythrocytes by a single dialysis encapsulation (efficiency mean = 30%). Concentration of asparaginase in carrier cells was about 240 IU/ml, with an average of 62% cell recovery. Use of a double dialysis procedure increased the L-asparaginase concentration within carrier cells to 530 IU/ml, with an overall cell recovery of 53.9%. In vitro efflux experiments showed L-asparaginase-loaded canine carriers were stable at both 4 and 37 degrees C for an 18-h period. In vivo cell survival studies showed that carrier cells did circulate and that L-asparaginase had a half-life of 6.5 days. No evidence suggesting that the enzyme left the cell was found. Carrier cells prepared with [3H]inulin and [14C]sucrose were stored at 4 degrees C for 2 weeks and began to show signs of deterioration after 2 days.  相似文献   
Methods are presented for organizing and integrating DNA sequence data, restriction maps, and genetic maps for the same organism but from a variety of sources (databases, publications, personal communications). Proper software tools are essential for successful organization of such diverse data into an ordered, cohesive body of information, and a suite of novel software to support this endeavor is described. Though these tools automate much of the task, a variety of strategies is needed to cope with recalcitrant cases. We describe such strategies and illustrate their application with numerous examples. These strategies have allowed us to order, analyze, and display over one megabase of E. coli DNA sequence information. The integration task often exposes inconsistencies in the available data, perhaps caused by strain polymorphisms or human oversight, necessitating the application of sound biological judgment. The examples illustrate both the level of expertise required of the database curator and the knowledge gained as apparent inconsistencies are resolved. The software and mapping methods are applicable to the study of any genome for which a high resolution restriction map is available. They were developed to support a weakly coordinated sequencing effort involving many laboratories, but would also be useful for highly orchestrated sequencing projects.  相似文献   
To test life-history theory that body size and sex should influence how animals allocate time to foraging versus reproductive activities, we measured the effects of size and sex on courting success and foraging behaviour of black surfperch Embiotoca jacksoni off Santa Catalina Island, southern California. Observations of focal fish were made while snorkelling, during which the length of each fish (estimated to the nearest cm), total duration of courting encounters and foraging rates were recorded. We made observations during and outside the mating season. Courtship occurred only between pairs and its duration increased with the size of both the male and female. Although males would court females that were smaller or larger than themselves, pairs that were closely matched in size had long courting sessions, whereas those that differed considerably in size courted only briefly. Small fish foraged more than larger fish, both during and outside the mating season. Males and females foraged at similar rates outside of the mating season, but during the mating season males reduced their foraging rates to less than half that seen outside of the mating season, whereas females continued to forage at the same rate. This decrease in foraging rate of males during the mating season was seen in all sizes of males but was proportionally greatest in the largest males. These observations indicate that males trade off time spent on foraging for time spent courting during the mating season, whereas females do not.  相似文献   


Leukocyte telomere length (LTL) is an emerging marker of biological age. Chronic inflammatory activity is commonly proposed as a promoter of biological aging in general, and of leukocyte telomere shortening in particular. In addition, senescent cells with critically short telomeres produce pro-inflammatory factors. However, in spite of the proposed causal links between inflammatory activity and LTL, there is little clinical evidence in support of their covariation and interaction.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To address this issue, we examined if individuals with high levels of the systemic inflammatory markers interleukin-6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and C-reactive protein (CRP) had increased odds for short LTL. Our sample included 1,962 high-functioning adults who participated in the Health, Aging and Body Composition Study (age range: 70–79 years). Logistic regression analyses indicated that individuals with high levels of either IL-6 or TNF-α had significantly higher odds for short LTL. Furthermore, individuals with high levels of both IL-6 and TNF-α had significantly higher odds for short LTL compared with those who had neither high (OR = 0.52, CI = 0.37–0.72), only IL-6 high (OR = 0.57, CI = 0.39–0.83) or only TNF-α high (OR = 0.67, CI = 0.46–0.99), adjusting for a wide variety of established risk factors and potential confounds. In contrast, CRP was not associated with LTL.


Results suggest that cumulative inflammatory load, as indexed by the combination of high levels of IL-6 and TNF-α, is associated with increased odds for short LTL. In contrast, high levels of CRP were not accompanied by short LTL in this cohort of older adults. These data provide the first large-scale demonstration of links between inflammatory markers and LTL in an older population.  相似文献   
Over the past 20 years, growing interest in the biochemistry, nutrition, and pharmacology of l-arginine has led to extensive studies to explore its nutritional and therapeutic roles in treating and preventing human metabolic disorders. Emerging evidence shows that dietary l-arginine supplementation reduces adiposity in genetically obese rats, diet-induced obese rats, finishing pigs, and obese human subjects with Type-2 diabetes mellitus. The mechanisms responsible for the beneficial effects of l-arginine are likely complex, but ultimately involve altering the balance of energy intake and expenditure in favor of fat loss or reduced growth of white adipose tissue. Recent studies indicate that l-arginine supplementation stimulates mitochondrial biogenesis and brown adipose tissue development possibly through the enhanced synthesis of cell-signaling molecules (e.g., nitric oxide, carbon monoxide, polyamines, cGMP, and cAMP) as well as the increased expression of genes that promote whole-body oxidation of energy substrates (e.g., glucose and fatty acids) Thus, l-arginine holds great promise as a safe and cost-effective nutrient to reduce adiposity, increase muscle mass, and improve the metabolic profile in animals and humans.  相似文献   
目的探讨多发伤患者的救治策略。方法回顾分析我科2000年1月至2008年5月急诊抢救的556例多发伤患者的临床资料。结果 16例患者经抢救无效死亡,死亡率2.88%;其余患者均经紧急抢救及行必要实验室检查,病情稳定,好转率达97.12%。平均抢救时间为(1.37±1.05)h。结论强化多发伤的急诊科早期救治,树立创伤急救"黄金1 h"观念,是提高多发伤患者生存率及降低死亡率的关键。  相似文献   
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is a single-chain glycoprotein that is used as a biomarker for prostate-related diseases. PSA has one known posttranslational modification, a sialylated diantennary N-linked oligosaccharide attached to the asparagine residue N45. In this study capillary electrophoresis (CE) was employed to separate the isoforms of seven commercially available free PSA samples, two of which were specialized: enzymatically active PSA and noncomplexing PSA. The free PSA samples examined migrated as four to nine distinct, highly resolved peaks, indicating the presence of several isoforms differing in their oligosaccharide compositions. Overall, the use of CE provides a rapid, reproducible method for separation of PSA into its individual isoforms.  相似文献   
Peri-implantation conceptus (embryo/fetus and associated extraembryonic membranes) growth and development are primarily regulated by secretions from the uterus. This study investigated the effects of progesterone on preimplantation conceptus development and endometrial galectin 15 (LGALS15). Ewes received daily injections of either corn oil (CO) vehicle or 25 mg progesterone (P4) from 36 h postmating to hysterectomy. Treatment with P4 increased blastocyst diameter by 220% on Day 9 and advanced time of elongation of blastocysts to a filamentous conceptus on Day 12. Effects of P4 treatment on blastocyst development were blocked by administration of RU486, a progesterone receptor antagonist. Consistent with early elongation of blastocysts, interferon tau (IFNT) protein was about 50-fold greater in uterine flushes from Day 12 in ewes receiving P4 compared with those receiving CO. Expression of cathepsin L (CTSL) and radical S-adenosyl methionine domain containing 2 (RSAD2), both IFNT-stimulated genes, was increased in endometria of Day 12 P4-treated ewes. LGALS15 mRNA, expressed only in the endometrial luminal epithelium and superficial glands, was detected between Days 9 and 12 and was more abundant in ewes receiving P4 than in those receiving CO on both Days 9 and 12. RU486 treatment ablated P4 induction of LGALS15 mRNA in the endometrial epithelia. LGALS15 protein in uterine flushings was not different on Day 9 but tended to be greater in P4-treated ewes than in those receiving CO on Day 12. The advanced development of blastocysts in P4-treated ewes is hypothesized to involve early induction of specific genes in the endometrial epithelia, such as LGALS15, and undoubtedly components of uterine histotroph.  相似文献   
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