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The photosynthetic characteristics of photoautotrophically culturedcells of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum cv. Samsun NN) as well asthose of photomixotrophically cultured cells and green leaveswere investigated. Analyses revealed that on a fresh weightbasis cultured tobacco cells had lower chlorophyll contentsthan cells of green leaves. The chlorophyll content per chloro-plast,however, was almost the same in both types of cell, and thechloroplast number per cell accounted for only small differencesin the cellular chlorophyll content. This indicates that thelarger cell volume of cultured cells is the main factor in thedifference in the chlorophyll content of these cells. Photosynthetic activity measurements also showed differencesin the chloroplasts of cultured and leaf cells. The maximumactivities of photosystem I and the Hill reaction for the culturedcells were about half those for leaf cells on a per unit chlorophyllbasis. Moreover, photo-autotrophic cells had relatively constantphotosystem I and Hill reaction activities during growth; whereas,on a fresh weight basis these activities in leaf cells reflecteddevelopmental changes in the chlorophyll content. Lithium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showedqualitatively similar thylakoid polypeptide compositions forcultured and leaf cells at all stages of growth even thoughthere were quantitative decreases in the contents of severalpolypeptides in the cultured green cells (especially in photomixotrophiccells) in comparison to the polypeptide contents of tobaccoleaves. We speculate that the lower photosynthetic activityof the cultured cells may be caused by this reduction in thecontents of certain thylakoid polypeptides. (Received November 14, 1988; Accepted June 19, 1989)  相似文献   
Contra-IL 2; a suppressor lymphokine that inhibits IL 2 activity   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Suppressive activity of culture supernatant of AS-9 (AS-9 CS), a T cell hybridoma line that was derived from fusion of BW5147 thymoma and splenic T cells of anti-lymphocyte serum-treated C3H mice, was analyzed. AS-9 CS inhibited allogeneic cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) generation as well as T cell proliferation to alloantigens and mitogens, but failed to inhibit B cell response to lipopolysaccharide or growth of tumor and fibroblast cells. Although addition of AS-9 CS to the allogeneic sensitization culture as late as on day 2 of incubation resulted in maximal inhibiton of CTL generation, removal of AS-9 CS on day 3 of incubation abolished its inhibitory effect. Addition of purified IL 2 together with AS-9 CS to the allogeneic sensitization cultures only partially abrogated the suppression. Experiments with IL 2-dependent cytotoxic T cell line (CTLL) showed that AS-9 CS suppressed the IL 2-induced proliferation of CTLL. Preincubation of AS-9 CS with CTLL removed its inhibitory effect on CTL generation. These results indicate that AS-9 CS interferes with the mechanism of T cell activation by IL 2. On this basis, AS-9 CS was named contra-IL 2.  相似文献   
1. The endogenous phosphorylation of mouse brain microsomes was studied using the technique of acrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). 2. It was found that specific proteins and lipids in brain microsomes were phosphorylated by the terminal phosphate of ATP under appropriate conditions. Six peaks of radioactivity were observed on SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of 32Pi-labelled brain microsomes. The peaks were designated as P-I, P-II, P-III, P-IV, P-V, and P-VI. The peaks from P-I to P-V, which consist of phosphoproteins, underwent rapid dephosphorylation. On the other hand, P-VI, which consists of phospholipids, remained unaffected even after the complete hydrolysis of added ATP. 3. With the addition of 100 muM CaCl2 to the assay medium, the phosphorylation of brain microsomal proteins was stimulated; in the regions of P-I, P-II, and P-III, the amounts of 32Pi incorporation were approximately twice the 32Pi incorporation in the absence of Ca2+. On the other hand, 32Pi incorporation into P-VI was unaffected irrespective of the presence or absence of 100 muM CaCl2. In the presence of higher concentrations of Ca2+ (1-10 mM), the phosphorylation of all components was inhibited.  相似文献   
Membrane proteins play essential roles in various cellular processes, such as nutrient transport, bioenergetic processes, cell adhesion, and signal transduction. Proteomics is one of the key approaches to exploring membrane proteins comprehensively. Bottom–up proteomics using LC–MS/MS has been widely used in membrane proteomics. However, the low abundance and hydrophobic features of membrane proteins, especially integral membrane proteins, make it difficult to handle the proteins and are the bottleneck for identification by LC–MS/MS. Herein, to improve the identification and quantification of membrane proteins, we have stepwisely evaluated methods of membrane enrichment for the sample preparation. The enrichment methods of membranes consisted of precipitation by ultracentrifugation and treatment by urea or alkaline solutions. The best enrichment method in the study, washing with urea after isolation of the membranes, resulted in the identification of almost twice as many membrane proteins compared with samples without the enrichment. Notably, the method significantly enhances the identified numbers of multispanning transmembrane proteins, such as solute carrier transporters, ABC transporters, and G-protein–coupled receptors, by almost sixfold. Using this method, we revealed the profiles of amino acid transport systems with the validation by functional assays and found more protein–protein interactions, including membrane protein complexes and clusters. Our protocol uses standard procedures in biochemistry, but the method was efficient for the in-depth analysis of membrane proteome in a wide range of samples.  相似文献   
Nonylphenol (NP) is an important intermediate in the production of various commercial and industrial materials, but is also known as a ubiquitous pollutant in urban aquatic environments. We recently studied the NP-degrading activities of microflora in several aquatic environments, and found a notable degrading activity for wastewater from a sewage treatment plant in Tokyo. This result led us to isolate NP-degrading microbes and identify biodegradation products. Using conventional plate culture techniques and molecular biological methods, Pseudomonas and Sphingomonas species, which are known for their degradation activities of many aromatic compounds, have been isolated. But it has also been found that Sphingomonas sp. (S-strain) is necessary and sufficient for the degradation of NP. Although the role of Pseudomonas sp. (P-strain) remains unclear, P-strain seems to provide some co-nutrients for the growth of S-strain. The degradation products were analyzed by GC/MS and NMR. More than 95% of NP was degraded within 10 days and aromatic compounds other than NP were not found, suggesting that the phenolic part of NP was completely degraded. We also examined the potential of S-strain for bioremedial applications. S-strain cells immobilized on chitosan or alginate beads retain their NP-degrading activity in flask-scale experiments. Furthermore, the chitosan-bound cells in a lab-scale bioreactor have been found to be persistent for repeated use, suggesting that S-strain is applicable to the treatment of NP-contaminated wastewater.  相似文献   
A hierarchical approach to restoration planning at the regional, catchment and local scales is proposed and examined. Restoration projects limited to a local scale and focused on habitat improvement for individual species ended in failure, which has led to the recognition that there is a need for ecosystem-based management at the landscape level. The first landscape-level restoration in Japan is under way in the Kushiro and Shibetsu River Basins, in northern Japan. However, public consensus on these large-scale restoration projects has not yet matured and there are very few projects that have progressed even as far as mapping to classify intact and disturbed ecosystems. Classification of habitat quality using physical and biological indicators appears to be the core element of analysis of ecological degradation at the regional scale (100–1,000 km2). This mass-screening process is critical to identify areas in potential need of restoration. The causes and mechanisms of ecosystem degradation are then examined at the catchment scale (10–100 km2) by linking material flows and habitat conditions. Direct environmental gradient analysis is useful to determine cause and effect relationships between species and habitat quality. Finally, we recommend implementation of field experiments with a clear hypothesis at the local scale (0.01–1 km2). At this stage, key variables causing degradation of the target ecosystem are manipulated to verify the hypothesis. Based on the results of local-scale analyses, the possibility of restoration success can be evaluated, which directs us to practical schemes for future restoration projects at larger scales.  相似文献   

Exposure to asbestos fiber is central to mesothelial carcinogenesis, for which iron overload in or near mesothelial cells is a key pathogenic mechanism. Alternatively, iron chelation therapy with deferasirox or regular phlebotomy was significantly preventive against crocidolite-induced mesothelial carcinogenesis in rats. However, the role of iron transporters during asbestos-induced carcinogenesis remains elusive. Here, we studied the role of divalent metal transporter 1 (DMT1; Slc11a2), which is a Fe(II) transporter, that is present not only on the apical plasma membrane of duodenal cells but also on the lysosomal membrane of every cell, in crocidolite-induced mesothelial carcinogenesis using DMT1 transgenic (DMT1Tg) mice. DMT1Tg mice show mucosal block of iron absorption without cancer susceptibility under normal diet. We unexpectedly found that superoxide production was significantly decreased upon stimulation with crocidolite both in neutrophils and macrophages of DMT1Tg mice, and the macrophage surface revealed higher iron content 1?h after contact with crocidolite. Intraperitoneal injection of 3?mg crocidolite ultimately induced malignant mesothelioma in ~50% of both wild-type and DMT1Tg mice (23/47 and 14/28, respectively); this effect was marginally (p?=?0.069) delayed in DMT1Tg mice, promoting survival. The promotional effect of nitrilotriacetic acid was limited, and the liver showed significantly higher iron content both in DMT1Tg mice and after crocidolite exposure. The results indicate that global DMT1 overexpression causes decreased superoxide generation upon stimulation in inflammatory cells, which presumably delayed the promotional stage of crocidolite-induced mesothelial carcinogenesis. DMT1Tg mice with low-stamina inflammatory cells may be helpful to evaluate the involvement of inflammation in various pathologies.  相似文献   
piRNA (PIWI-interacting RNA) is a germ cell–specific small RNA in which biogenesis PIWI (P-element wimpy testis) family proteins play crucial roles. MILI (mouse Piwi-like), one of the three mouse PIWI family members, is indispensable for piRNA production, DNA methylation of retrotransposons presumably through the piRNA, and spermatogenesis. The biogenesis of piRNA has been divided into primary and secondary processing pathways; in both of these MILI is involved in mice. To analyze the molecular function of MILI in piRNA biogenesis, we utilized germline stem (GS) cells, which are derived from testicular stem cells and possess a spermatogonial phenotype. We established MILI-null GS cell lines and their revertant, MILI-rescued GS cells, by introducing the Mili gene with Sendai virus vector. Comparison of wild-type, MILI-null, and MILI-rescued GS cells revealed that GS cells were quite useful for analyzing the molecular mechanisms of piRNA production, especially the primary processing pathway. We found that glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 2 (GPAT2), a mitochondrial outer membrane protein for lysophosphatidic acid, bound to MILI using the cells and that gene knockdown of GPAT2 brought about impaired piRNA production in GS cells. GPAT2 is not only one of the MILI bound proteins but also a protein essential for primary piRNA biogenesis.  相似文献   
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