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Blood smears of both male and female chicken Gallus domesticus were analysed by using the following topochemical methods: a) Periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) for glycogen. b) Mercury-bromophenol blue for protein. c) O-Toluidine for myeloperoxidase. d) Sudan black B for lipid. The PAS reaction revealed glycogen in the cytoplasm of all thrombocytes and in a few heterophils. The presence of proteins was evidenced in all types of cells. However variation in the intensity of staining of protein granules was observed in the fusiform structures of the heterophils. A negative reaction for myeloperoxidase was found in all cells. Although some evidence of myeloperoxidase activity was show in the polymorphonuclears it was not enough to ascertain a positive reaction. Lipids were detected in the cytoplasm of few heterophils, eosinophils and monocytes.  相似文献   
Recent studies have indicated that the C4 perennial bioenergy crops switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) and big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii) accumulate significant amounts of soil carbon (C) owing to their extensive root systems. Soil C accumulation is likely driven by inter- and intraspecific variability in plant traits, but the mechanisms that underpin this variability remain unresolved. In this study we evaluated how inter- and intraspecific variation in root traits of cultivars from switchgrass (Cave-in-Rock, Kanlow, Southlow) and big bluestem (Bonanza, Southlow, Suther) affected the associations of soil C accumulation across soil fractions using stable isotope techniques. Our experimental field site was established in June 2008 at Fermilab in Batavia, IL. In 2018, soil cores were collected (30 cm depth) from all cultivars. We measured root biomass, root diameter, specific root length, bulk soil C, C associated with coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM) and fine particulate organic matter plus silt- and clay-sized fractions, and characterized organic matter chemical class composition in soil using high-resolution Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry. C4 species were established on soils that supported C3 grassland for 36 years before planting, which allowed us to use differences in the natural abundance of stable C isotopes to quantify C4 plant-derived C. We found that big bluestem had 36.9% higher C4 plant-derived C compared to switchgrass in the CPOM fraction in the 0–10 cm depth, while switchgrass had 60.7% higher C4 plant-derived C compared to big bluestem in the clay fraction in the 10–20 cm depth. Our findings suggest that the large root system in big bluestem helps increase POM-C formation quickly, while switchgrass root structure and chemistry build a mineral-bound clay C pool through time. Thus, both species and cultivar selection can help improve bioenergy management to maximize soil carbon gains and lower CO2 emissions.  相似文献   
In this study, we analyze the human VH4 gene family and find it to exhibit a level of polymorphism similar to that of the much larger VH3 family. A cloned VH4 probe detected an average of 10 hybridizing BgIII restriction fragments in genomic DNA derived from 75 unrelated individuals and a total of 15 distinct bands. Of these 15 restriction fragments, 12 were polymorphic, as demonstrated by band absence in some individuals. Oligonucleotide probes specific to CDR1 and CDR2 sequences of known VH4 genes detected limited numbers of bands and revealed sequence polymorphisms that correlated with several of the RFLP detected by the cloned probe. The prevalence of the individual polymorphic restriction fragments was highly variable, ranging from 1% to 97%, with a mean prevalence of 51%. These values resemble those previously observed among VH3 elements. Analysis of linkage disequilibrium suggests that most VH4 gene segments are in genetic equilibrium. These results indicate that the VH4 loci, like those of VH3, are dominated by relatively few, perhaps two to four, alleles/locus and further suggest that the haplotype organization of the human VH locus is very complex.  相似文献   
In the cerebellar cortex, interneurons of the molecular layer (stellate and basket cells) provide GABAergic input to Purkinje cells, as well as to each other and possibly to other interneurons. GABAergic inhibition in the molecular layer has mainly been investigated at the interneuron to Purkinje cell synapse. In this study, we used complementary subtractive strategies to quantitatively assess the ratio of GABAergic synapses on Purkinje cell dendrites versus those on interneurons. We generated a mouse model in which the GABAA receptor α1 subunit (GABAARα1) was selectively removed from Purkinje cells using the Cre/loxP system. Deletion of the α1 subunit resulted in a complete loss of GABAAR aggregates from Purkinje cells, allowing us to determine the density of GABAAR clusters in interneurons. In a complementary approach, we determined the density of GABA synapses impinging on Purkinje cells using α-dystroglycan as a specific marker of inhibitory postsynaptic sites. Combining these inverse approaches, we found that synapses received by interneurons represent approximately 40% of all GABAergic synapses in the molecular layer. Notably, this proportion was stable during postnatal development, indicating synchronized synaptogenesis. Based on the pure quantity of GABAergic synapses onto interneurons, we propose that mutual inhibition must play an important, yet largely neglected, computational role in the cerebellar cortex.  相似文献   
A reproducible therapy model for advanced intracerebral B16 melanoma is reported. Implanted tumors (D0), suppressed by a single 15 Gy radiosurgical dose of 100 kVp X-rays (D8), were further suppressed by a single ip injection of a Treg-depleting mAb given 2 days prior to the initiation (D9) of four weekly then eight bi-monthly sc injections of GMCSF-transfected, mitotically disabled B16 cells. The trends of seven independent experiments were similar to the combined result: The median (days) [SD/total N] of survival went from 15[1.09/62] (no treatment control) to 35.8[8.8/58] (radiation therapy only) to 52.5[13.5/57] (radiation therapy plus immunotherapy). Within 2 weeks after immunization, tumors in mice receiving radiation therapy plus immunotherapy were significantly smaller than tumors in mice treated only with radiosurgery. Splenocytes and lymph node cells from immunized mice showed increased interferon γ production when cultured with syngeneic tumor cells. We suggest that our model will be useful for the development and testing of novel combination therapies for brain tumors.  相似文献   
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