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P Mariot  P Sartor  J Audin  B Dufy 《Life sciences》1991,48(3):245-252
Intracellular pH (pHi) can now be measured at the single cell level using dual emission wavelength microspectrofluorimetry with the fluorescent pH indicator SNARF 1 and its membrane permeant acetoxymethyl ester (SNARF 1/AM). We measured pHi of individual pituitary cells under both basal and stimulated conditions. The emitted fluorescence of SNARF 1 probe was calibrated following experimental manipulations of pHi in two types of rat pituitary cells. The calibration curves obtained in the two cell types were identical. We observed a Gaussian distribution of individual pHi with a wide dispersion (6.95 to 8) in the two cell populations. TRH (10(-7) M) and ionomycin (5 microM) induced a transient acidification followed by a sustained alkalinization, whereas K+ (50 mM) depolarization only exerted a transient acidification. These results show that the dual emission pH indicator SNARF 1 can be used to reliably investigate changes in pHi in individual endocrine cells.  相似文献   
The effect of the insertion of coenzyme Q10 and some of its shorter chain homologues in membrane models (Reverse Micelles, Small Unilamellar Vesicles and Liposomes) has been studied by NMR and IR spectroscopies. By 1H-NMR we have found that the stretched conformation of the isoprenoid side-chain observed in solution is maintained in membrane models. Interaction between the quinonoid moiety of the Q's and the phosphatidic groups of the phospholipids has been evidenced by 31P-NMR. A large effect of this interaction on the water microdynamics and distribution around the charged groups of the phospholipids has been observed by measurements of 1H and 2H relaxation times and by infrared spectra. The 13C-NMR spectra of the backbone of the acyl chains of phospholipids does not seem to be influenced to a noticeable extent by the presence of the Q's.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the role of a patient foramen ovale in the pathogenesis of multiple brain lesions acquired by sport divers in the absence of reported decompression symptoms. DESIGN: Prospective double blind cohort study. SETTING: Diving clubs around Heidelberg and departments of neuroradiology and neurology. SUBJECTS: 87 sport divers with a minimum of 160 scuba dives (dives with self contained underwater breathing apparatus). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Presence of multiple brain lesions visualised by cranial magnetic resonance imaging and presence and size of patent foramen ovale as documented by echocontrast transcranial Doppler ultrasonography. RESULTS: 25 subjects were found to have a right-to-left shunt, 13 with a patent foramen ovale of high haemodynamic relevance. A total of 41 brain lesions were detected in 11 divers. There were seven brain lesions in seven divers without a right-to-left shunt and 34 lesions in four divers with a right-to-left shunt. Multiple brain lesions occurred exclusively in three divers with a large patent foramen ovale (P = 0.004). CONCLUSIONS: Multiple brain lesions in sport divers were associated with presence of a large patent foramen ovale. This association suggests paradoxical gas embolism as the pathological mechanism. A patent foramen ovale of high haemodynamic relevance seems to be an important risk factor for developing multiple brain lesions in sport divers.  相似文献   
秦斐斐  慈敦伟 《生态学报》2017,37(24):8486-8498
防雨棚内设盆栽试验,设置对照(Control,75%田间持水量)、干旱胁迫(D,35%)、重复干旱胁迫(D_D,35%)3个处理,探讨花生幼苗对预干旱胁迫的适应和记忆响应,分析预干旱对缓解重复干旱胁迫危害的生理作用。结果表明,与干旱胁迫处理相比,重复干旱胁迫提高了叶片的相对含水量,减少脯氨酸的积累,降低MDA和O·_2~-含量;抗氧化酶SOD、CAT活性降低,其中POD活性降低最为明显,并在复水后恢复到与对照相同水平或低于对照。与正常水分的对照相比,干旱胁迫显著降低叶片光合速率(P_N)、最大光合势能(P_C)、最大光量子产量(Y_Q),但重复干旱处理在重复干旱胁迫时期和复水后P_N、P_C和Y_Q均高于干旱处理。预干旱胁迫导致光合和气孔导度滞后面积、滞后率(H_P和H_g)增加,经过预干旱胁迫后,重复干旱显著降低光合和气孔导度滞后面积和滞后率。预干旱胁迫提高植株在重复干旱胁迫下叶片含水量,减轻重复干旱对植株造成的生理伤害,在光合作用上提高对重复干旱的抵御能力,并在复水后快速恢复到正常水分条件下植株生长水平,减少干旱对植株的不利影响。因此,预干旱胁迫促使花生幼苗具备适应或可记忆初始胁迫的能力,重复干旱胁迫时表现更为迅速和强烈的生理防御和快速的生理恢复机制。  相似文献   
为了探究植物在盐渍化胁迫下对原油污染的适应性及改良措施,本研究以油葵作为研究对象,进行了原油-氯化钠-脱硫石膏盆栽正交试验和煤渣-沸石-脱硫石膏-锯沫盆栽正交试验.结果表明: 在盐渍化条件下,随着原油浓度的增大,油葵幼苗株高相对生长率(RGR)、地上生物量RGR、根氮磷比均显著减小,超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性呈先增加后显著降低的趋势;随着锯沫体积分数的加大,油葵株高RGR和地上生物量RGR均显著增加,SOD活性逐渐降低,说明锯沫在改良盐渍化原油污染土壤方面比煤渣、沸石和脱硫石膏效果显著.在盐渍化条件下,原油污染能够降低油葵幼苗的生长率,锯沫对改良原油污染有较好的效果.  相似文献   



收集甘肃肃南县裕固族血脂异常人群和健康人群粪便样本,提取细菌总DNA,通过16S rDNA高通量测序和生物信息学技术,分析2组人群肠道菌群的差异。





山东蒙山植物多样性及其海拔梯度格局   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
高远  慈海鑫  邱振鲁  陈玉峰 《生态学报》2009,29(12):6377-6384
2007年7月和2008年7月,采用典型取样法,沿海拔梯度对蒙山自然植被进行调查,发现区域地带性植被为麻栎(Quercus acutissima)林,主要植被类型为麻栎群落、赤松(Pinus densiflora)群落、油松(Pinus tabuliformis)群落、日本落叶松(Larix kaempferi)群落、黑松(Pinus thunbergii)群落和刺槐-麻栎(Robinia pseudoacacia-Q.acutissima)群落,麻栎群落略占优势,已具备继续向温带落叶阔叶林演替的条件基础.蒙山各层次植物物种丰富度呈现出草本层>灌木层>乔木层特征,Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Simpson多样性指数整体规律为灌木层>草本层>乔木层.以蒙山森林群落不同层次的各种物种多样性指数和森林群落总体重要值为测度指标,均判断蒙山植被演替正处于亚顶极群落阶段.蒙山植物多样性沿海拔梯度呈现出近似中海拔高的单峰格局,这除受温度、湿度、人为干扰与面积外,蒙山植被亚顶极群落演替现状与所调查区域仅有800 m的海拔梯度也是重要影响因素.  相似文献   
以甘肃省的民勤绿洲为例,选择土壤水分最为亏缺的7月,对白刺(Nitraria tangutorum)沙包不同迎风面,以及绿洲和荒漠交错地带的土壤水分进行了取样分析。结果表明,对于白刺沙包而言,其上层和深层土壤水分是迎风坡大于背风坡,中间层次(40~80 cm)则刚好相反。在绿洲与荒漠的交错带上,灌丛沙包与沙丘间低地水分变化有很大的不同,总体而言,丘间地水分含量大于灌丛沙包,但在距离绿洲406 m处,二者均出现一个土壤水分的最低值。在丘间地表层,水分变化是距离绿洲愈近,土壤含水量愈高;而深层土壤水分的变化趋  相似文献   
目的: 为探讨新生儿自主呼吸产生机制,前文已对新生儿出生后自主呼吸开始前脐带动静脉氧气和二氧化碳差值进行了人群组间分析;而本部分则对相关信息进行个体化分析。方法: 在产前经所有胎儿父母签署知情同意书,新生儿出生后还没有呼吸之前在脐带动脉和脐带静脉分别连续逐搏取血,仅有3例同时采集到Pua和Puv血液样本进行血气分析测定,计算分析脐带静脉和脐带动脉的异同和动态变化。结果: 虽然准备了数十产妇,但仅有3例同时采集到Pua和Puv血液样本,同一时间的PuvO2显著高于PuaO2P均<0.01),平均相差(24.17±7.09) mmHg;而PuvCO2显著低于PuaCO2P均<0.01),平均相差(-7.67±3.70) mmHg。在同一时间的Puv-uaO2显著高于Puv-uaCO2P<0.05)。结论: 新生儿出生后自主呼吸前,全部氧气供应由脐带静脉运输,只要胎盘开始剥离则新生儿的PuaO2随时间(心跳次数)逐渐降低,当PuaO2达到触发呼吸阈值(最低值)诱发第一次吸气开始其自主呼吸。  相似文献   
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