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The molecular evolution of mammalian Y-linked DNA sequences is of special interest because of their unique mode of inheritance: most Y- linked sequences are clonally inherited from father to son. Here we investigate the use of Y-linked sequences for phylogenetic inference. We describe a comparative analysis of a 515-bp region from the male sex- determining locus, Sry, in 22 murine rodents (subfamily Murinae, family Muridae), including representatives from nine species of Mus, and from two additional murine genera--Mastomys and Hylomyscus. Percent sequence divergence was < 0.01% for comparisons between populations within a species and was 0.19%-8.16% for comparisons between species. Our phylogenetic analysis of 12 murine taxa resulted in a single most- parsimonius tree that is highly concordant with phylogenies based on mitochondrial DNA and allozymes. A total evidence tree based on the combined data from Sry, mitochondrial DNA, and allozymes supports (1) the monophyly of the subgenus Mus, (2) its division into a Palearctic group (M. musculus, M. domesticus, M. spicilegus, M. Macedonicus, and M. spretus) and an Oriental group (M. cookii++, M. cervicolor, and M. caroli), and (3) sister-group relationships between M. spicilegus and M. macedonicus and between M. cookii and M. cervicolor. We argue that Y- chromosome DNA sequences represent a valuable new source of characters for phylogenetic inference.   相似文献   
The acrosomic status of spermatozoa prepared for IVF has been evaluated by means of immunofluorescence test from Fenichel and Hsi using calcium A 23187 ionophore as inductor of acrosome reaction (AR). The spontaneous AR remains slight, even after 6 hour-incubation in Menezo B2 (6,8+2,7%). The response to ionophore, moderate before (11,2+9%), frankly increases after a 6h-capacitation (28,9+8,3%) in a group of 25 IVF couples (tubal indication, normal semen, positive fertilization). Nevertheless, it remains slight or null in 4 cases of unexplained repeated failure of fertilization. The response to ionophore A 23187 allows to explore the kinetics of capacitation of spermatozoa and their ability to perform AR. Its significance in terms of fecondance remains to be precised.  相似文献   
Organisms associated with another species may experience both costs and benefits from their partner. One of these costs is competition, which is the more likely if the two species are ecologically similar. Parabioses are associations between two ant species that share a nest and often attend the same food sources. Albeit parabioses are probably mutualistic, parabiotic partners may compete for food. We therefore investigated feeding niches and dietary overlap of two parabiotically associated ants in Borneo using cafeteria experiments and stable isotope analyses. The two species strongly differed in their food choices. While Crematogaster modiglianii mostly foraged at carbohydrate‐rich baits, Camponotus rufifemur preferred urea‐rich sources. Both species also consumed animal protein. The 15N concentration in Ca. rufifemur workers was consistently lower than in Cr. modiglianii. Camponotus rufifemur but not Cr. modiglianii possesses microbial endosymbionts, which can metabolize urea and synthesize essential amino acids. Its lower 15N signature may result from a relatively higher intake of plant‐based or otherwise 15N‐depleted nitrogen. Isotopic signatures of the two partners in the same parabiosis showed strongly parallel variation across nests. As we did not find evidence for spatial autocorrelation, this correlation suggests an overlap of food sources between the two ant species. Based on model simulations, we estimated a diet overlap of 22–66% for nitrogen sources and 45–74% for carbon sources. The overlap may arise from either joint exploitation of the same food sources or trophallactic exchange of food. This suggests an intense trophic interaction and potential for competition between the parabiotic partners.  相似文献   
Cigarette smoke has been directly implicated in the disease pathogenesis of a plethora of different human cancer subtypes, including breast cancers. The prevailing view is that cigarette smoke acts as a mutagen and DNA damaging agent in normal epithelial cells, driving tumor initiation. However, its potential negative metabolic effects on the normal stromal microenvironment have been largely ignored. Here, we propose a new mechanism by which carcinogen-rich cigarette smoke may promote cancer growth, by metabolically “fertilizing” the host microenvironment. More specifically, we show that cigarette smoke exposure is indeed sufficient to drive the onset of the cancer-associated fibroblast phenotype via the induction of DNA damage, autophagy and mitophagy in the tumor stroma. In turn, cigarette smoke exposure induces premature aging and mitochondrial dysfunction in stromal fibroblasts, leading to the secretion of high-energy mitochondrial fuels, such as L-lactate and ketone bodies. Hence, cigarette smoke induces catabolism in the local microenvironment, directly fueling oxidative mitochondrial metabolism (OXPHOS) in neighboring epithelial cancer cells, actively promoting anabolic tumor growth. Remarkably, these autophagic-senescent fibroblasts increased breast cancer tumor growth in vivo by up to 4-fold. Importantly, we show that cigarette smoke-induced metabolic reprogramming of the fibroblastic stroma occurs independently of tumor neo-angiogenesis. We discuss the possible implications of our current findings for the prevention of aging-associated human diseases and, especially, common epithelial cancers, as we show that cigarette smoke can systemically accelerate aging in the host microenvironment. Finally, our current findings are consistent with the idea that cigarette smoke induces the “reverse Warburg effect,” thereby fueling “two-compartment tumor metabolism” and oxidative mitochondrial metabolism in epithelial cancer cells.  相似文献   
Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) p38α was shown to be implicated in the organogenesis of the placenta, and such placental alteration is crucial for the development of hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelets (HELLP) syndrome. We aimed to analyze for the first time human placental expression of MAPK p38α in pregnancies complicated by HELLP. The placental expression of MAPK p38α was investigated by semiquantitative polymerase chain reaction using cDNA extracted from placental tissue of 15 pregnancies with HELLP syndrome and 15 gestational age-matched controls. Seven patients with HELLP also had intrauterine fetal growth restriction (IUGR). In placenta from pregnancy complicated by HELLP, the expression of MAPK p38α is significantly decreased compared to the group with normal pregnancy (p < 0.001), while no difference was found between the HELLP and HELLP with IUGR subpopulations. Our study shows for the first time that MAPK p38α is expressed in the human placenta. Pregnancies with placental dysfunction and hypertensive complications are characterized by a significantly decreased expression of MAPK p38α. Our observations suggest that p38 MAPK signaling may be essential in placental angiogenesis and functioning.  相似文献   
1. Interspecific competition among ants is common, and so is competitive exclusion among dominant ant species. In contrast, specific associations between non‐parasitic ant species are rare, especially in the temperate zones. As an exception, the subordinate ant Camponotus lateralis frequently co‐occurs with the dominant Crematogaster scutellaris but rarely with other dominant ants. 2. This association is one of various associations between Camponotus and Crematogaster species across the world. However, the mechanisms behind these co‐occurences are largely unknown. 3. In the present study, we therefore investigated the association of Ca. lateralis and Cr. scutellaris. We studied the spatial association of the nests, interspecific aggression, both species' cuticular hydrocarbon profiles, and their propensity to follow the other species' pheromone trails. 4. Crematogaster scutellaris usually attacked and displaced the generally submissive Ca. lateralis, but was significantly less aggressive at jointly used trails. Camponotus nests were always in close proximity to Crematogaster nests. 5. The cuticular hydrocarbons of both species consisted of alkanes with chain lengths between C21 and C35. The two species had 25 hydrocarbons in common, including mono‐, di‐, and tetramethyl alkanes. Despite this qualitative similarity, however, the quantitative hydrocarbon composition differed between the two species. 6. Camponotus lateralis followed artificial trails containing trail pheromones of Cr. scutellaris, but the latter did not follow Ca. lateralis trail pheromones. Interspecific trail‐following by Camponotus, but not vice versa, has been observed in another Camponotus–Crematogaster association and may be a more general mechanism that facilitates associations between the two ant genera.  相似文献   
The myocarditic (H3) variant of Coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3) causes severe myocarditis in BALB/c mice and BALB/c mice lacking the invariant J alpha 281 gene, but minimal disease in BALB/c CD1d(-/-) animals. This indicates that CD1d expression is important in this disease but does not involve the invariant NKT cell often associated with CD1d-restricted immunity. The H3 variant of the virus increases CD1d expression in vitro in neonatal cardiac myocytes whereas a nonmyocarditic (H310A1) variant does not. V gamma 4(+) T cells show increased activation in both H3-infected BALB/c and J alpha 281(-/-) mice compared with CD1d(-/-) animals. The activated BALB/c V gamma 4(+) T cells from H3-infected mice kill H3-infected BALB/c myocytes and cytotoxicity is blocked with anti-CD1d but not with anti-MHC class I (K(d)/D(d)) or class II (IA/IE) mAbs. In contrast, H3 virus-infected CD1d(-/-) myocytes are not killed. These studies demonstrate that CD1d expression is essential for pathogenicity of CVB3-induced myocarditis, that CD1d expression is increased early after infection in vivo in CD1d(+) mice infected with the myocarditic but not with the nonmyocarditic CVB3 variant, and that V gamma 4(+) T cells, which are known to promote myocarditis susceptibility, appear to recognize CD1d expressed by CVB3-infected myocytes.  相似文献   
Giving C57BL/6 mice 10(4) PFU of coxsackievirus B3 (H3 variant) fails to induce myocarditis, but increasing the initial virus inoculum to 10(5) or 10(6) PFU causes significant cardiac disease. Virus titers in the heart were equivalent at days 3 and 7 in mice given all three virus doses, but day 3 titers in the pancreases of mice inoculated with 10(4) PFU were reduced. Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) concentrations in the heart were increased in all infected mice, but cytokine levels were highest in mice given the larger virus inocula. TNF-alpha(-/-) and p55 TNF receptor-negative (TNFR(-/-)) mice developed minimal myocarditis compared to B6;129 or C57BL/6 control mice. p75 TNFR(-/-) mice were as disease susceptible as C57BL/6 animals. No significant differences in virus titers in heart or pancreas were observed between the groups, but C57BL/6 and p75 TNFR(-/-) animals showed 10-fold more inflammatory cells in the heart than p55 TNFR(-/-) mice, and the cell population was comprised of high concentrations of CD4(+) gamma interferon-positive and Vgamma4(+) cells. Cardiac endothelial cells isolated from C57BL/6 and p75 TNFR(-/-) mice upregulate CD1d, the molecule recognized by Vgamma4(+) cells, but infection of TNF(-/-) or p55 TNFR(-/-) endothelial cells failed to upregulate CD1d. Infection of C57BL/6 endothelial cells with a nonmyocarditic coxsackievirus B3 variant, H310A1, which is a poor inducer of TNF-alpha, failed to elicit CD1d expression, but TNF-alpha treatment of H310A1-infected endothelial cells increased CD1d levels to those seen in H3-infected cells. TNF-alpha treatment of uninfected endothelial cells had only a modest effect on CD1d expression, suggesting that optimal CD1d upregulation requires both infection and TNF-alpha signaling.  相似文献   


Curcuma has long been used as an anti-inflammatory agent in inflammatory bowel disease. Since gastrointestinal motility is impaired in inflammatory states, the aim of this work was to evaluate if Curcuma Longa had any effect on intestinal motility.


The biological activity of Curcuma extract was evaluated against Carbachol induced contraction in isolated mice intestine. Acute and chronic colitis were induced in Balb/c mice by Dextran Sulphate Sodium administration (5% and 2.5% respectively) and either Curcuma extract (200 mg/kg/day) or placebo was thereafter administered for 7 and 21 days respectively. Spontaneous contractions and the response to Carbachol and Atropine of ileum and colon were studied after colitis induction and Curcuma administration.


Curcuma extract reduced the spontaneous contractions in the ileum and colon; the maximal response to Carbachol was inhibited in a non-competitive and reversible manner. Similar results were obtained in ileum and colon from Curcuma fed mice. DSS administration decreased the motility, mainly in the colon and Curcuma almost restored both the spontaneous contractions and the response to Carbachol after 14 days assumption, compared to standard diet, but a prolonged assumption of Curcuma decreased the spontaneous and Carbachol-induced contractions.


Curcuma extract has a direct and indirect myorelaxant effect on mouse ileum and colon, independent of the anti-inflammatory effect. The indirect effect is reversible and non-competitive with the cholinergic agent. These results suggest the use of curcuma extract as a spasmolytic agent.  相似文献   
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