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Numerous headshields of ephippial Chydorus piger (currently called Paralona pigra) females were found from the Holocene sediments of Aitajärvi Lake, northern Finnish Lapland (69° 08′ N, 27° 14′ E). Headshields of ephippial females of the genus Chydorus s.l. can be easily identified since their posterior margin is elongated and pointed. According to analysis of fossil cladoceran remains, Chydorus piger lived in the lake throughout the Holocene but was never very common (less than 10% of preserved cladoceran remains). Headshields of ephippial females were found in most samples and they comprised ca 10–30% of all Chydorus piger headshields. No similar phenomenon was met in Chydorus cf. sphaericus which is common up to the most severe arctic conditions. Aitajärvi is situated north of the modern distribution area of Chydorus piger. I suggest that this species reacted to the stress of harsh climatic conditions outside of its distribution area by being gamogenetic during most of the ice-free period. The ephippial headshields could be valuable indicators of severe climatic conditions in pre-Holocene sedimentary environments.  相似文献   
Declines in Alnus coinciding with the first signs of Iron Age (a.d. 0–1150) human activities were found in the pollen stratigraphies of five small lakes in southern Finland. One lake did not show a clear minimum. Three of the lakes were investigated with close-interval analyses which showed that the Alnus minimum lasted for several centuries. The results were compared with 41 previously published pollen diagrams with evidence of Iron Age human activity from southern Finland. These diagrams were classified in three ways: (1) showing no Alnus minimum; (2) cases where a minimum was unclear; (3) showing a clear minimum in Alnus. The different types were found randomly scattered around southern Finland suggesting that Alnus minima were a local phenomenon. In most cases the Alnus minimum took place between ca. a.d. 600 and ca. a.d. 1000, a.d. 1300 being the latest date for the end of the minimum. The results do not suggest a pathogen outbreak over the entire area. The beginning of the minimum clearly coincides with the onset of Iron Age anthropogenic activities suggesting that these were the probable cause. Pollen analysis provides little information as to why trees were felled thus archaeological evidence is needed. However, the Alnus decline may prove a new and useful indicator of the onset of Iron Age anthropogenic activity in pollen diagrams.  相似文献   
We investigated sexual reproduction patterns of a ubiquitous littoral cladoceran Alonella nana (Anomopoda, Chydoridae), using ecological and paleoecological approaches to clarify the forcing mechanisms behind its sexual reproduction. Contemporary sampling of A. nana populations in two environmentally different lakes showed abundant sexual reproduction in the lake with eutrophic, oxygen-deficient conditions and scarce gamogenesis in the oligotrophic, well-oxygenated lake. Sediment core studies from the same lakes indicated that comparable sexual reproduction patterns had prevailed for many centuries. However, in eutrophic Lake Hamptr?sk, A. nana increased its sexual reproduction from 1700 ad onward, consistently with decreasing trend in chironomid-inferred oxygen. The core samples, together with a surface sediment dataset of 25 lakes from southern and central Finland, showed a negative correlation between ephippia of A. nana and winter oxygen, although the surface sediment data per se did not show any significant correlation. When the dataset was scaled locally to include lakes in close proximity in southern Finland, the correlation became clearer. The results imply that the spatial and temporal variations in sexual reproduction of A. nana populations may partly be explained by differences in oxygen levels.  相似文献   
Chydorids (Cladocera, Chydoridae) have two reproductive strategies: asexual reproduction that prevails during favorable environmental conditions and sexual reproduction that is induced by environmental stimuli associated with seasonal or aperiodic environmental stresses. These modes of reproduction can be recognized in the subfossil sedimentary records as parthenogenetic shells of females (asexual reproduction) and by ephippia (sexual reproduction). We studied the interrelations between subfossil chydorid ephippia and environmental variables by analyzing surface sediment samples obtained from 76 Finnish lakes across a latitudinal gradient (60–70°N). The results showed that the total chydorid ephippia (TCE) increases along the climate gradient from ~2 to 3% in the south to ~25% in the north and suggested a significant dependence (r ~ −0.8, P < 0.001) with several climate factors, especially that of mean July air temperature. We used this relationship to create a model for reconstructing past mean July air temperatures. A linear regression of the log10 transformed TCE as a single independent variable explained 76% (SE ± 0.76°C) of the variance of the observed mean July air temperatures. Accordingly, we propose that this novel tool may be highly suitable for reconstructing paleotemperatures in cold-temperate environments.  相似文献   
The late glacial and the early Holocene sediments of the classic site Bølling Sø in Denmark are being reinvestigated by multi-proxy analyses. We present here the record of Pediastrum species and discuss the climate-mediated changes in the aquatic ecosystem, as reflected by aquatic proxies (e.g. aquatic plants and mosses, cladocerans, ostracods, bryozoan statoblasts), as well as a number of other proxies (organic content, biogenic silica, carbonates, terrestrial plant macrofossils). Climate had warmed to such an extent at c. 12,500 14C yrs BP that aquatic life could begin. Productivity was low and only very scarce indication of a warmer interval predating the Allerød chronozone was found. At the beginning of the Allerød chronozone climate ameliorated and productivity clearly increased. The cool climate of the Younger Dryas chronozone (YD) was more clearly reflected in the terrestrial ecosystem than in the aquatic ecosystem, where productivity appeared to remain rather high. The lake was very shallow and non-stratified during the YD, indicating low effective moisture. Probably it warmed throughout early in the open-water season and in that way enabled higher productivity, even if summer temperatures were rather low. It is also possible that the difference in July temperatures between the late part of the Allerød chronozone and the YD was not large in central Jutland. The amelioration of climate at the beginning of the Holocene is clearly reflected in all proxies. There is also evidence that the lake level rose. The lake probably remained alkaline during all of its history but some evidence suggests that pH was somewhat lowered during the YD chronozone. Pediastrum species appear to be relatively good indicators of environmental conditions; similarly, the concentrations may reflect productivity variations during changing climatic conditions.  相似文献   
Hydrological parameters can potentially have an overwhelming influence on sedimentary assemblages of Cladocera at certain sampling sites that can cause problems for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. We applied a previously developed Cladocera-based inference model of water depth and a mean July air temperature transfer function developed in this study to a surface sediment dataset of fossil Cladocera from a lake in eastern Finland aiming to investigate the influence of stream flow and water depth on reconstruction results. The developed temperature-inference model, using the weighted averaging-partial least squares technique, had relatively favourable performance statistics suggesting that it is valid in means of performing temperature estimations. When the temperature model was applied to the intralake samples, the lotic samples had inferred values mostly within the model??s prediction error and only one lotic sample showed an underestimated temperature. Samples taken from depths over ~3 m inferred generally underestimated temperatures, although most of the values were within the model??s prediction error. The water depth reconstructions correlated significantly with the measured water depth, but the shallowest samples and most of the lotic samples yielded overestimated inferred values and the samples taken from depths >5 m showed underestimated values. In both reconstruction sets, the inferred values were underestimated in samples taken from deeper sites. Based on the present results, it may be recommendable that downcore sediment samples should be taken from intermediate depths, where also the diversity is higher, and deepest sites and inflows should be avoided. However, more research is needed to validate these results in a larger geographical context.  相似文献   
Lake Vähä-Pitkusta is a 35-m deep meromictic kettle-hole lake in SW Finland. The topmost 15cm of the sediment stratigraphy consists of black gyttja, representing the last ca. 600years. A sediment core from the deepest point was examined with multi-proxy methods to determine the origin and evolution of the basin, the onset of the meromictic conditions and the primary factors that initiated the meromictic processes. The results indicate that Lake Vähä-Pitkusta became isolated from the Baltic basin during the Yoldia Sea stage. After initial unstable sedimentary conditions the development continued steadily until ca. 2500–2300 cal.BP when there is indication of lake level rise and/or increased surface runoff, probably resulting from a cooler and moister climate. The diatom and cladoceran results indicate only a slight rise in the trophic state following the increased erosion. Pollen evidence suggests weak anthropogenic activity in the catchment during the last 1000 years, and this had only little effect on the trophic state, which remained rather low. Thus, it is most unlikely that the trophic state was the primary reason for the origin of meromixis, although it may have contributed to it. We tentatively suggest that the primary reason was the peculiar morphometric dimensions of Lake Vähä-Pitkusta (small, deep, sheltered from winds) which made it very sensitive and that even a very slight increase in soluble electrolytes may push it over the edge into meromixation. It is possible that this did not occur during the cold/moist period around ca. 2300 cal.BP but during the Medieval Climate Anomaly. Studies on sediment geochemistry are needed to verify this assumption.  相似文献   
I present a new method, ephippium analysis, to investigate past environmental changes which may have affected chydorid Cladocera (Anomopoda, Chydoridae). I studied chydorid ephippia from sediments of two small lakes (Kaksoislammi and Rutikka) in southern Finland. The relative adundance of chydorid ephippia periodically increased during the Holocene. Ephippia were abundant during the late Pleistocene/early Holocene transition, reflecting the severe climate (short open-water season) that existed prior to the onset of rapid postglacial warming. Both lakes experienced an environmental change in the late Holocene. In Kaksoislammi there was a dramatic change in predator–prey relationships following a decline in pH. All chydorids responded with increased gamogenesis. Prehistoric anthropogenic activities caused a rise in the trophic state in Rutikka and probably caused changes in the predator/food web. One chydorid, Alona affinis, reacted first with increased gamogenesis and then almost disappeared. These first results of ephippium analysis indicate that the method has a great potential in detecting periods of environmental change during the Holocene.  相似文献   
Subfossil remains of an unknown chydorid taxon were found in sediments of three lake basins in Finland. Two of the sites lie in southern Finland and one in NW Finnish Lapland. Similar remains are also known from four lakes in eastern Finland. The headshields are small, with a broadly rounded posterior margin and an attenuated rostrum. The headshields resemble those of Rhynchotalona falcataSars, but have a unique pore arrangement. There is one oval median pore near the posterior margin and two lateral pores which are displaced quite far in position. The shell is very small and has faint, longitudinal striae. Also, unknown postabdomens were found. These resemble postabdomen of R. falcatain shape but had 5–6 pairs of teeth instead of the 2 seen in R. falcata. The age of the remains varies between ca. 8500 14C yr BP and recent decades. The species appears to have been present in the entire country during most of the Holocene. On the basis of the pore arrangement, the new species cannot be put into any previously known genus. A tentative name Unapertura latensn. sp. is suggested until intact specimens are found and described.  相似文献   
Zooplankton are potentially powerful proxies for the assessments of biologic integrity. The paleolimnological perspective and use of fossil Cladocera also provide the means to reconstruct reference conditions and natural long-term community dynamics. Unfortunately, the use of zooplankton in lake quality assessments is currently underexploited. We studied a surface sediment dataset of 41 lakes in Finland to examine the relationship between Cladocera remains and environmental variables. Of the examined environmental variables, total phosphorus availability was found to be the most important variable in explaining the Cladocera community composition. Following the tests on species environment relations, we selected a lake trophic typology as the most suitable environmental variable for developing a new tool for limnoecological quality assessments. A test of the model on a modern and historic sample from a eutrophied lake showed that the test lake has proceeded from “mesotrophic/poor” to “eutrophic/bad” limnoecological state in agreement with previous independent evidence. The model developed here showed favorable performance that can be used to provide reliable estimates of ecological and environmental state of lakes.  相似文献   
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