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The concepts of phase separation, anaerobic activated sludge process, and alkali pretreatment have been incorporated in this investigation with the objective of developing rational and cost-effective designs of diphasic anaerobic activated sludge systems, with and without alkali treatment, for methane recovery from water hyacinth (WH). Evaluation of process kinetics and optimization analyses of laboratory data reveal that a diphasic system with alkali treatment could be designed with an alkali pretreatment step (3.6% Na(2)CO(3) + 2.5% Ca(OH)(2) (w/w) of WH, 24 h duration) followed by an open acid phase (2.1 days HRT) and closed methane reactor with sludge recycle (5.7 days HRT, 7.7 days MCRT) for gas yield of 50 L/kg WH/d at 35-37 degrees C. Likewise, a diphasic system without alkali treatment could be designed with an open acid phase (2 days HRT) followed by closed methane reactor with sludge recycle (3.2 days HRT, 6 days MCRT) for gas yield of 32.5 L/kg WH/d at 35-37 degrees C. Detailed economic analyses bring forth greater cost-efficacy of the diphasic system without alkali treatment and reveal that the advantage accrued in terms of higher gas yield is overshadowed by the cost of chemicals in the diphasic system with alkali treatment.  相似文献   
Reactions of Sr(II) and Ba(II) chlorides with 2-hydroxybenzophenone and salicylaldehyde, hydroxyaromatic ketones or β-diketones in 1:1:1 molar ratios have resulted in the formation of mixed ligand complexes of the type [MLL′(H2O)2] (M = Sr(II) or Ba(II); HL = 2-hydroxybenzophenone and HL′ = salicylaldehyde, 2-hydroxyacetophenone, 2-hydroxypropiophenone, pentane-2,4-dione, 1-phenylbutane-1,3-dione or 1,3-diphenylpropane-1,3-dione). These complexes have been characterized by elemental analyses, TLC, IR and 1H NMR spectroscopy.  相似文献   
We have evaluated codon usage bias in Drosophila histone genes and have obtained the nucleotide sequence of a 5,161-bp D. hydei histone gene repeat unit. This repeat contains genes for all five histone proteins (H1, H2a, H2b, H3, and H4) and differs from the previously reported one by a second EcoRI site. These D. hydei repeats have been aligned to each other and to the 5.0-kb (i.e., long) and 4.8-kb (i.e., short) histone repeat types from D. melanogaster. In each species, base composition at synonymous sites is similar to the average genomic composition and approaches that in the small intergenic spacers of the histone gene repeats. Accumulation of synonymous changes at synonymous sites after the species diverged is quite high. Both of these features are consistent with the relatively low codon usage bias observed in these genes when compared with other Drosophila genes. Thus, the generalization that abundantly expressed genes in Drosophila have high codon bias and low rates of silent substitution does not hold for the histone genes.   相似文献   
An expression vector has been constructed for the type I regulatory subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase. A cDNA clone for the bovine RI-subunit has been inserted into pUC7. When Escherichia coli JM105 was transformed with this plasmid, R-subunit was expressed in amounts that approached 4 mg/liter. The expressed protein was visualized in total cell extracts by photolabeling with 8-azidoadenosine 3':5'-mono[32P]phosphate following transfer from sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels to nitrocellulose. Expression of R-subunit was independent of isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside. R-subunit accumulated in large amounts only in the stationary phase of growth, and the addition of isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside during the log phase of growth actually blocked the accumulation of R-subunit. Maximum expression (20 mg/liter) was achieved when E. coli 222 was transformed with the RI-containing plasmid. E. coli 222 is a strain that contains two mutations; it is cya- and also has a mutation in the catabolite gene activator protein (crp) that enables the protein to bind to DNA in the absence of cAMP. The expressed RI-subunit was a soluble, dimeric protein, and no significant proteolysis was apparent in the cell extract. The purified RI-subunit bound 2 mol of cAMP/mol of R monomer, reassociated with C-subunit to form holoenzyme, and migrated as a dimer on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels in the absence of reducing agents. The expressed protein was also susceptible to limited proteolysis, yielding a monomeric cAMP-binding fragment having a molecular weight of 35,000. In all of these properties, the expressed protein was indistinguishable from RI purified from bovine tissue even though the R-subunit expressed in E. coli represents a fusion protein that contains 10 additional amino acids at the amino terminus that are provided by the lac Z' gene of the vector. This NH2-terminal sequence was confirmed by amino acid sequencing.  相似文献   
There is a need for safe medications that can effectively support recovery by treating symptoms of protracted abstinence that may precipitate relapse in alcoholics, e.g. craving and disturbances in sleep and mood. This proof-of-concept study reports on the effectiveness of gabapentin 1200 mg for attenuating these symptoms in a non-treatment-seeking sample of cue-reactive, alcohol-dependent individuals. Subjects were 33 paid volunteers with current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV alcohol dependence and a strength of craving rating 1 SD or greater for alcohol than water cues. Subjects were randomly assigned to gabapentin or placebo for 1 week and then participated in a within-subjects trial where each was exposed to standardized sets of pleasant, neutral and unpleasant visual stimuli followed by alcohol or water cues. Gabapentin was associated with significantly greater reductions than placebo on several measures of subjective craving for alcohol as well as for affectively evoked craving. Gabapentin was also associated with significant improvement on several measures of sleep quality. Side effects were minimal, and gabapentin effects were not found to resemble any major classes of abused drugs. Results suggest that gabapentin may be effective for treating the protracted abstinence phase in alcohol dependence and that a randomized clinical trial would be an appropriate next step. The study also suggests the value of cue-reactivity studies as proof-of-concept screens for potential antirelapse drugs.  相似文献   
Prolactin inducible protein (PIP) is a 17 kDa glycoprotein. It binds to many proteins including fibrinogen, actin, keratin, myosin, immunoglobulin G, CD4, and human zinc-alpha-2 glycoprotein. Its ability to bind a large array of proteins indicates its multifaceted role in various biological processes, such as fertility, immunoregulation, antimicrobial activity, apoptosis, and tumor progression. Here, we present the first report of native human serum albumin (HSA)-PIP complex formation in seminal plasma. The complex was purified by chromatographic separation techniques, analyzed by gel electrophoresis, identified by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry and validated by co-immunoprecipitation coupled with western blotting experiments. Moreover, the behavior of complex in solution was analyzed by dynamic light scattering and interacting residues were identified by in silico protein-protein docking. The purified protein complex shows two bands (67 kDa and 17 kDa) on SDS-PAGE gel and a single band (~85 kDa) on native PAGE gel. The predicted complex structure has 13 intermolecular hydrogen bonds, which may contribute to the overall stability of the complex. As HSA has been known to preserve the motility of sperm, native HSA-PIP complex formation may point towards an important role of PIP, which can directly be correlated with male fertility/infertility.  相似文献   
The study aimed to explore the suicidal process, suicidal communication and psychosocial situation of young suicide attempters in a rural community in Hanoi, Vietnam. Semi-structured interviews were conducted, in a community setting, with 19 suicide attempters aged 15-24 who had been consecutively hospitalized in an intensive care unit. In 12 of 19 cases, the first pressing, distinct and constant suicidal thoughts appeared less than one day before the suicide attempt in question. However, distress and mild, fleeting suicidal thoughts had been present up to six months before the suicide attempt in 16 cases. Five respondents had a suicide plan one to three days before attempting suicide. Altogether, 13 engaged in some form of suicidal communication before their attempt. This communication was, however, difficult for outsiders to interpret. Twelve of the respondents were victims of regular physical abuse and 16 had suffered psychological violence for at least one year before attempting suicide. Eighteen of the respondents used pesticides or raticides in their suicide attempts. None sought advice or consultation in the community despite long-standing psychosocial problems. The strategy of reducing the availability of suicide means (e.g., pesticides or raticides) in Asian countries should be complemented with a long-term suicide-preventive strategy that targets school dropouts and domestic violence, and promotes coping abilities and communication about psychological and social problems as well as recognition of signs of distress and suicidal communication.  相似文献   
A simple and flexible setup for conducting drug metabolism studies is described in this report. A heating block was designed for the Multimek liquid handler platform for incubation of multiple samples at 37 degrees C in a 96-well format. This setup enables the rapid performance of drug metabolism experiments on a large number of samples. In this report, the authors present the validation of the system by 1) showing reproducible and consistent determination of the in vitro half-life of midazolam in every well across the entire plate and 2) determination of metabolic parameter values of midazolam, testosterone, diclofenac, warfarin, and dextromethorphan and inhibition parameter values of quinidine and ketoconazole, all comparable to literature values. In addition, the authors demonstrate the application of the setup to determining the metabolic stability of a set of proprietary compounds, the inhibition of activity of cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes, and the conduct of a single combination experiment that can simultaneously determine the metabolic stability and CYP inhibition activity. Overall, the system represents a simple, high-throughput and useful tool for drug metabolism screening in drug discovery.  相似文献   
The function of the src-homology 3 (SH3) domain in class II myosins, a distinct beta-barrel structure, remains unknown. Here, we provide evidence, using electron cryomicroscopy, in conjunction with light-scattering, fluorescence and kinetic analyses, that the SH3 domain facilitates the binding of the N-terminal extension of the essential light chain isoform (ELC-1) to actin. The 41 residue extension contains four conserved lysine residues followed by a repeating sequence of seven Pro/Ala residues. It is widely believed that the highly charged region interacts with actin, while the Pro/Ala-rich sequence forms a rigid tether that bridges the approximately 9 nm distance between the myosin lever arm and the thin filament. In order to localize the N terminus of ELC in the actomyosin complex, an engineered Cys was reacted with undecagold-maleimide, and the labeled ELC was exchanged into myosin subfragment-1 (S1). Electron cryomicroscopy of S1-bound actin filaments, together with computer-based docking of the skeletal S1 crystal structure into 3D reconstructions, showed a well-defined peak for the gold cluster near the SH3 domain. Given that SH3 domains are known to bind proline-rich ligands, we suggest that the N-terminal extension of ELC interacts with actin and modulates myosin kinetics by binding to the SH3 domain during the ATPase cycle.  相似文献   
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