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Transthyretin (TTR) protects against A-Beta toxicity by binding the peptide thus inhibiting its aggregation. Previous work showed different TTR mutations interact differently with A-Beta, with increasing affinities correlating with decreasing amyloidogenecity of the TTR mutant; this did not impact on the levels of inhibition of A-Beta aggregation, as assessed by transmission electron microscopy. Our work aimed at probing differences in binding to A-Beta by WT, T119M and L55P TTR using quantitative assays, and at identifying factors affecting this interaction. We addressed the impact of such factors in TTR ability to degrade A-Beta. Using a dot blot approach with the anti-oligomeric antibody A11, we showed that A-Beta formed oligomers transiently, indicating aggregation and fibril formation, whereas in the presence of WT and T119M TTR the oligomers persisted longer, indicative that these variants avoided further aggregation into fibrils. In contrast, L55PTTR was not able to inhibit oligomerization or to prevent evolution to aggregates and fibrils. Furthermore, apoptosis assessment showed WT and T119M TTR were able to protect against A-Beta toxicity. Because the amyloidogenic potential of TTR is inversely correlated with its stability, the use of drugs able to stabilize TTR tetrameric fold could result in increased TTR/A-Beta binding. Here we showed that iododiflunisal, 3-dinitrophenol, resveratrol, [2-(3,5-dichlorophenyl)amino] (DCPA) and [4-(3,5-difluorophenyl)] (DFPB) were able to increase TTR binding to A-Beta; however only DCPA and DFPB improved TTR proteolytic activity. Thyroxine, a TTR ligand, did not influence TTR/A-Beta interaction and A-Beta degradation by TTR, whereas RBP, another TTR ligand, not only obstructed the interaction but also inhibited TTR proteolytic activity. Our results showed differences between WT and T119M TTR, and L55PTTR mutant regarding their interaction with A-Beta and prompt the stability of TTR as a key factor in this interaction, which may be relevant in AD pathogenesis and for the design of therapeutic TTR-based therapies.  相似文献   
Summary A pot experiment with lettuce involving three N forms each at six application levels, showed that lettuce can be grown satisfactorily with a very low nitrate content when supplied with ammonium sulphate and a nitrification inhibitor. For plants growing on nitrate N, the optimum midrib sap nitrate concentration as maturity approached was about 1400 mg/1 NO3-N. Large losses of mineral N were observed from the peat medium, even in the absence of plants. A relationship is presented which would enable a lettuce grower to estimate whole-shoot nitrate concentration from a quick test of midrib sapi.e. NO3-N (mg/kg in fresh shoot) =0.14×NO3-N (mg/l in sap). Tipburn was worst at intermediate levels of applied N, and was less serious with pure ammonium nutrition than with nitrate.  相似文献   
The cellular ultrastructure and surface glycoconjugate expression of three life stages of Leishmania major were compared. Noninfective logarithmic phase promastigotes (LP) are immature cells bearing a thin cell coat, short flagellum, small and empty flagellar pocket, and a loose cytoplasm filled with profiles of ER and large Golgi complex. LP also contain subpopulations of maturing cells containing less ER and Golgi and synthesizing cytoplasmic granules of different size, number, and electron-density. Infective or metacyclic promastigotes (MP) are fully differentiated nondividing forms with a thickened, prominent cell coat, long flagellum, distended flagellar pocket filled with secretory material, and few cytoplasmic organelles other than abundant electron-dense granules. Tissue amastigotes also contain electron-dense cytoplasmic granules, their flagellar pockets are also enlarged and contain secretory material, but they lack a discernable cell coat. Immunogold labeling of GP63 on the cell surface was extensive only on amastigotes. Promastigote GP63 appeared to be masked by the presence of a densely packed lipophosphoglycan (LPG) coat which was extensively labeled on the entire surface of MP and LP. An elongated, developmentally modified form of LPG was abundantly labeled only on MP. LPG was poorly labeled on amastigotes, arguing that the promastigote cell coat is a stage-specific structure which is lost during intracellular transformation.  相似文献   
Tuberculosis (TB), one of the deadliest threats to human health, is mainly caused by 2 highly related and human-adapted bacteria broadly known as Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium africanum. Whereas M. tuberculosis is widely spread, M. africanum is restricted to West Africa, where it remains a significant cause of tuberculosis. Although several differences have been identified between these 2 pathogens, M. africanum remains a lot less studied than M. tuberculosis. Here, we discuss the genetic, phenotypic, and clinical similarities and differences between strains of M. tuberculosis and M. africanum. We also discuss our current knowledge on the immune response to M. africanum and how it possibly articulates with distinct disease progression and with the geographical restriction attributed to this pathogen. Understanding the functional impact of the diversity existing in TB-causing bacteria, as well as incorporating this diversity in TB research, will contribute to the development of better, more specific approaches to tackle TB.  相似文献   
Surface charge of Leishmania mexicana amazonensis was investigated by direct zeta-potential determination and ultrastructural cytochemistry, and its surface tension was studied by measurements of the advancing contact angle formed by the parasite monolayers with drops of liquids of different polarities. Both virulent and avirulent promastigotes exhibited negatively charged surfaces with a zeta-potential of about -15 mV. Treatment of these cells with trypsin, alkaline phosphatase, or phospholipase C rendered their surfaces less negatively charged, whereas neuraminidase did not alter the parasite negativeness. Cytochemically, we could observe a reduction in the cationized ferritin binding after the parasite treatment with each of the former enzymes, but not with neuraminidase. The surface free energy of parasites was calculated by taken to account the London dispersion, the Keeson dipole-dipole, and the Debye dipole-induced forces, as well as the surface polarity of the parasites and their zeta-potentials, by considering their adhesion to polystyrene surfaces. The delta G values of -6.4 and -18.1 mJ.m-2 were obtained for avirulent and virulent promstigotes, respectively.  相似文献   
Desulfovibrio species are Gram-negative anaerobic sulfate-reducing bacteria that colonize the human gut. Recently, Desulfovibrio spp. have been implicated in gastrointestinal diseases and shown to stimulate the epithelial immune response, leading to increased production of inflammatory cytokines by macrophages. Activated macrophages are key cells of the immune system that impose nitrosative stress during phagocytosis. Hence, we have analyzed the in vitro and in vivo responses of Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough to nitric oxide (NO) and the role of the hybrid cluster proteins (HCP1 and HCP2) and rubredoxin oxygen oxidoreductases (ROO1 and ROO2) in NO protection. Among the four genes, hcp2 was the gene most highly induced by NO, and the hcp2 transposon mutant exhibited the lowest viability under conditions of NO stress. Studies in murine macrophages revealed that D. vulgaris survives incubation with these phagocytes and triggers NO production at levels similar to those stimulated by the cytokine gamma interferon (IFN-γ). Furthermore, D. vulgaris hcp and roo mutants exhibited reduced viability when incubated with macrophages, revealing that these gene products contribute to the survival of D. vulgaris during macrophage infection.  相似文献   
The authors report a clinical case of an isolated oral histoplasmosis in a hemodialysis patient that presented with fever of unknown origin and had an unremarkable physical examination. During the investigation, a Gallium scan showed uptake in the oral cavity and soon after the oral cavity examination revealed a granulomatous lesion on the tooth 26. Histopathologic findings were compatible with histoplasmosis. The treatment regimen included liposomal amphotericin B followed by itraconazole consolidation therapy, and side effects did not occur. Both clinical evolution and outcome were favorable. Oral histoplasmosis in a non-immunosuppressed patient is extremely rare.  相似文献   
An increasing number of researchers are using the Saccharomyces cerevisiae chronological aging model to gain insight into the post-mitotic cellular aging. Recently, an alternative approach to the traditional cellular viability assay by colony-forming unit (CFU) counts, based on the propidium iodide (PI) staining combined with flow cytometry (PI-FCM), was proposed for the assessment of yeast chronological aging. Since the chronological aging assessment shows variations particularly concerning the aging media, in this work, the influence of the most common aging media (exhausted media or water) on the assessment of chronological aging by PI staining was studied. Our results show that this methodology is highly affected by the aging media. Indeed, a correlation between CFU counts and the percentage of PI-stained cells is only achieved with the exhausted media. As such, the assessment of yeast chronological aging by PI-FCM water should not be used.  相似文献   
Transthyretin (TTR) is a plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)-circulating homotetrameric protein. More than 100 point mutations have been identified in the TTR gene and several are related with amyloid diseases. Here we focused our attention in the TTR L12P variant associated with severe peripheral neuropathy and leptomeningeal amyloidosis. By using different cell lines derived from tissues specialized on TTR synthesis, such as the hepatocyte and the choroid plexus expressing WT, V30M, or L12P TTR variants we analyzed secretion, intracellular aggregation and degradation patterns. Also, we used liver-specific AAV gene transfer to assess expression of the L12P variant in vivo. We found the following: (i) decreased secretion with intracellular aggregation of TTR L12P in hepatoma cells relative to WT and V30M variant; this differential property of TTR L12P variant was also observed in mice injected with L12P AAV vector; (ii) differential N-glycosylation pattern of L12P variant in hepatoma cell lysates, conditioned media and mouse sera, which might represent an escape mechanism from ERAD degradation; (iii) intracellular L12P TTR aggregates mainly localized to lysosomes in cultured cells and liver; and (iv) none of the above findings were present in choroid plexus derived cells, suggesting particular secretion/quality control mechanisms that might contribute to leptomeningeal amyloidosis associated with the L12P variant. These observations open new avenues for the treatment of TTR associated leptomeningeal amyloidosis.  相似文献   
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