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An immunoradiometric assay for 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 receptor   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A ligand-independent, quantitative assay has been developed for the measurement of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D receptor utilizing purified receptor from pig intestine as a standard and two high affinity monoclonal antibodies directed to two different epitopes on the receptor. In this assay a fixed amount of 125I-labeled antibody is incubated with a fixed amount of a second antireceptor antibody linked to biotin and increasing amounts of purified receptor protein or sample. Antibody-receptor complexes can then be immunoprecipitated with avidin-Sepharose beads and counted. This method is highly reproducible and can detect 150 pg of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 receptor in crude extracts with intra- and interassay coefficients of variation of 8.6 and 18.2%. The monoclonal antibodies used recognize both native and denatured receptors from several different species, including human. This immunoradiometric assay should prove useful for studies of receptor regulation, occupancy, distribution, and turnover.  相似文献   
Monoclonal antibodies were raised against a conjugate between heparin oligosaccharides and human serum albumin. The oligosaccharides were prepared by partial nitrous acid degradation of heparin and were coupled to human serum albumin by reductive amination. Characterization of the antibodies secreted by one of the resulting clones showed that they recognize a determinant present in the oligosaccharide antigen, but not in intact heparin, nor in a variety of related polysaccharides. Degradation of heparin by nitrous acid generates a 2,5-anhydro-D-mannose residue at the reducing end of the resulting oligosaccharides, and it is concluded that this structure is essential for interaction with the antibodies. Reduced oligosaccharides (containing a terminal anhydromannitol residue) are also active. After gel chromatography of partially degraded heparin, the smallest components capable of binding to the antibodies were found in a tetrasaccharide fraction. Affinity chromatography on immobilized monoclonal antibodies separated this tetrasaccharide fraction into distinct populations of binding and nonbinding species. Structural analysis showed that the tetrasaccharide fraction that bound to the monoclonal antibodies contained one single component with the structure IdoA(2-OSO3)-GlcNSO3 (6-OSO3)-IdoA(2-OSO3)-aManR(6-OSO3), whereas the fraction that did not bind to the antibodies contained a mixture of different structures.  相似文献   
Seven diversity indices were calculated for each of fifty-eight microcosm communities. All fifty-eight communities were initiated from equal density inoculations of fourteen algal species. Each microcosm developed in one of six controlled experimental environments; the environments differing only in their temporal patterns of disturbance. Five linear discriminating techniques were used to evaluate the diversity index most useful for discriminating between these environments. The Shannon-Wiener index was best according to two of the discriminating methodologies and second best using the other techniques. Evenness was best when the Shannon-Wiener index was second best and vice versa.  相似文献   
Many chrysophycean species produce resting cysts (statospores) with purportedly species-specific morphology. I investigated variation in the cyst morphology of a single species that may result from genetic differences among the vegetative clones involved and from variation in the temperature of the environment during cyst development. Populations of Dinobryon cylindricum Imhof cysts were produced under defined conditions in vitro and then sampled for morphological analysis based on SEM micrographs. Morphological data is presented and then used in a multivariate discriminant analysis to determine the utility of each morphological character in distinguishing the six populations studied. Results suggest that some features of cyst morphology (i.e. cyst diameter) are invariant among the populations, while other features show distinctive variation. The density of spines covering the cyst body as well as the morphology of those spines appear correlated to the specific clones involved, and thus may represent useful phenotypic genetic markers. The length and definition of both the spines and the cyst collar, on the other hand, are markedly influenced by encystment temperature. The implications of these findings for paleoecological studies is discussed.  相似文献   
Metallothionein-directed expression of TGF alpha in transgenic mice induced a spectrum of changes in the growth and differentiation of certain adult tissues. First, TGF alpha promoted a uniform epithelial hyperplasia of several organs without otherwise causing major alterations in tissue architecture. Second, in pancreas it promoted proliferation of both acinar cells and fibroblasts and focally altered acinar cell differentiation. The magnitude of this response was proportional to the level of local, tissue-specific TGF alpha expression and was reproduced when expression of TGF alpha was placed under the control of the elastase promoter, implying an autocrine or paracrine mechanism. Third, TGF alpha was oncogenic in vivo. It caused dramatic hyperplasia and dysplasia of the coagulation gland epithelium, which displayed evidence of carcinoma in situ, and in postlactational mammary gland it induced secretory mammary adenocarcinomas. Thus, TGF alpha displays characteristics of both a potent epithelial cell mitogen and an oncogenic protein in vivo.  相似文献   
DNA regions of 10 and 7 kb that flank the mouse metallothionein II (MT-II) and MT-I genes, respectively, were combined with a minimally marked MT-I (MT-I*) gene and tested in transgenic mice. This construct resulted in (i) position-independent expression of MT-I* mRNA and copy number-dependent expression, (ii) levels of hepatic MT-I mRNA per cell per transgene that were about half that derived from endogenous MT-I genes, (iii) appropriate regulation by metals and hormones, and (iv) tissue distribution of transgene mRNA that resembled that of endogenous MT-I mRNA. These features were not observed when MT-I* was tested without the flanking regions. These MT-I flanking sequences also improved the expression of rat growth hormone reporter genes, with or without introns, that were under the control of the MT-I promoter. Moreover, they enhanced expression from two of four heterologous promoters/enhancers that were tested. Deletion analysis indicated that regions known to have DNase I-hypersensitive sites were necessary but not sufficient for high-level expression. These data suggest that the DNA regions flanking the mouse MT-I and MT-II genes have functions like the locus control regions described for other genes.  相似文献   
Root rot fungi of the Heterobasidion annosum complex are the most damaging pathogens in temperate forests, and the recently sequenced Heterobasidion irregulare genome revealed over 280 carbohydrate-active enzymes. Here, H. irregulare was grown on biomass, and the most abundant protein in the culture filtrate was identified as the only family 7 glycoside hydrolase in the genome, which consists of a single catalytic domain, lacking a linker and carbohydrate-binding module. The enzyme, HirCel7A, was characterized biochemically to determine the optimal conditions for activity. HirCel7A was crystallized and the structure, refined at 1.7 Å resolution, confirms that HirCel7A is a cellobiohydrolase rather than an endoglucanase, with a cellulose-binding tunnel that is more closed than Phanerochaete chrysosporium Cel7D and more open than Hypocrea jecorina Cel7A, suggesting intermediate enzyme properties. Molecular simulations were conducted to ascertain differences in enzyme-ligand interactions, ligand solvation, and loop flexibility between the family 7 glycoside hydrolase cellobiohydrolases from H. irregulare, H. jecorina, and P. chrysosporium. The structural comparisons and simulations suggest significant differences in enzyme-ligand interactions at the tunnel entrance in the −7 to −4 binding sites and suggest that a tyrosine residue at the tunnel entrance of HirCel7A may serve as an additional ligand-binding site. Additionally, the loops over the active site in H. jecorina Cel7A are more closed than loops in the other two enzymes, which has implications for the degree of processivity, endo-initiation, and substrate dissociation. Overall, this study highlights molecular level features important to understanding this biologically and industrially important family of glycoside hydrolases.  相似文献   
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