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OBJECTIVE: To establish prognostic models and protocols for individualized management in colorectal carcinoma patients based on both clinical and DNA flow cytometric parameters. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective study of 88 colon carcinoma patients with a minimum follow-up of 12 months, operated on with the intent to cure and not treated with radiotherapy or chemotherapy. All the cases were subjected to a clinical evaluation: age, sex, tumor localization and size, histologic grade, tumor stage, disease-free interval, survival and flow cytometric study (ploidy, DNA index and S-phase fraction [SPF]). RESULTS: From the total of 88 neoplasms studied, 56 (63.6%) were from males and 32 (36.4%) from females; 30 (34%) were located in the right side of the colon, 7 (8%) in the transverse colon and 51 (58%) in the left side of the colon. Eleven (12.5%) were stage I, 52 (59.1%) stage II and 25 (28%) stage III. Forty-two (47.7%) were diploid and 46 (52.3%) aneuploid. The S-phase mean was 14.6% (12% for diploids and 16.9% for aneuploids). During the follow-up period, 26.1% of diploid tumors recurred, whereas aneuploid tumors recurred in 36.9% (P < .05). SPF from diploid and aneuploid tumors was analyzed separately. CONCLUSION: Regarding relapse-free interval, the behavior of diploid tumors with a high SPF was similar to that of aneuploid ones. Two kinetic profiles were established, favorable (diploid tumors with low S phase) and unfavorable (diploid with high S phase and all aneuploid tumors), that had significant prognostic value for progression and survival and that allowed identification of patients at high risk of recurrence. We formulated a prognostic index according to SPF and tumor stage that has discriminatory capacity for biologic behavior in colorectal tumors.  相似文献   
Two different strains of microalgae, one raphidophyte and one dinoflagellate, were tested under different abiotic conditions with the goal of enhancing lipid production. Whereas aeration was crucial for biomass production, nitrogen deficiency and temperature were found to be the main abiotic parameters inducing the high-level cellular accumulation of neutral lipids. Net neutral lipid production and especially triacylglycerol (TAG) per cell were higher in microalgae (>200% in Alexandrium minutum, and 30% in Heterosigma akashiwo) under treatment conditions (25°C; 330 μM NaNO3) than under control conditions (20°C; 880 μM NaNO3). For both algal species, oil production (free fatty acids plus TAG fraction) was also higher under treatment conditions (57 mg L−1 in A. minutum and 323 mg L−1 in H. akashiwo). Despite the increased production and accumulation of lipids in microalgae, the different conditions did not significantly change the fatty acids profiles of the species analyzed. These profiles consisted of saturated fatty acids (SAFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in significant proportions. However, during the stationary phase, the concentrations per cell of some PUFAs, especially arachidonic acid (C20:4n6), were higher in treated than in control algae. These results suggest that the adjustment of abiotic parameters is a suitable and one of the cheapest alternatives to obtain sufficient quantities of microalgal biomass, with high oil content and minimal changes in the fatty acid profile of the strains under consideration.  相似文献   
An alpha-xylosidase active against xyloglucan oligosaccharides was purified from cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata) leaves. Two peptide sequences were obtained from this protein, the N-terminal and an internal one, and these were used to identify an Arabidopsis gene coding for an alpha-xylosidase that we propose to call AtXYL1. It has been mapped to a region of chromosome I between markers at 100.44 and 107.48 cM. AtXYL1 comprised three exons and encoded a peptide that was 915 amino acids long, with a potential signal peptide of 22 amino acids and eight possible N-glycosylation sites. The protein encoded by AtXYL1 showed the signature regions of family 31 glycosyl hydrolases, which comprises not only alpha-xylosidases, but also alpha-glucosidases. The alpha-xylosidase activity is present in apoplastic extractions from Arabidopsis seedlings, as suggested by the deduced signal peptide. The first eight leaves from Arabidopsis plants were harvested to analyze alpha-xylosidase activity and AtXYL1 expression levels. Both increased from older to younger leaves, where xyloglucan turnover is expected to be higher. When this gene was introduced in a suitable expression vector and used to transform Saccharomyces cerevisiae, significantly higher alpha-xylosidase activity was detected in the yeast cells. alpha-Glucosidase activity was also increased in the transformed cells, although to a lesser extent. These results show that AtXYL1 encodes for an apoplastic alpha-xylosidase active against xyloglucan oligosaccharides that probably also has activity against p-nitrophenyl-alpha-D-glucoside.  相似文献   
A complete cDNA from Pinus pinaster Aiton, potentially coding for an alpha-xylosidase able to remove the xylose residue from xyloglucan oligosaccharides, has been cloned. Its sequence was homologous to previously published alpha-xylosidase genes from Arabidopsis and nasturtium. The protein also showed the two signature regions of family 31 of glycosyl hydrolases. The gene expression level was quantified by competitive RT-PCR, under different growth conditions, throughout seedling development, in different regions along the hypocotyls and in auxin-treated hypocotyl segments, and related with growth capacity and alpha-xylosidase activity. A role of alpha-xylosidase in regulating the level of xyloglucan oligosaccharides within the apoplast is proposed. The action of an alpha-xylosidase removing the xylose residue, would make possible the action of a beta-glucosidase deblocking the xyloglucan oligosaccharide degradation and it could serve as a control point for the regulation of the apoplastic levels of xyloglucan oligosaccharides.  相似文献   
Expansins are wall‐loosening proteins that promote the extension of primary cell walls without the hydrolysis of major structural components. Previously, proteins from the EXPA (α–expansin) family were found to loosen eudicot cell walls but to be less effective on grass cell walls, whereas the reverse pattern was found for EXPB (β–expansin) proteins obtained from grass pollen. To understand the evolutionary and structural bases for the selectivity of EXPB action, we assessed the extension (creep) response of cell walls from diverse monocot families to EXPA and EXPB treatments. Cell walls from Cyperaceae and Juncaceae (families closely related to grasses) displayed a typical grass response (‘β–response’). Walls from more distant monocots, including some species that share with grasses high levels of arabinoxylan, responded preferentially to α–expansins (‘α–response’), behaving in this regard like eudicots. An expansin with selective activity for grass cell walls was detected in Cyperaceae pollen, coinciding with the expression of genes from the divergent EXPB–I branch that includes grass pollen β–expansins. The evolutionary origin of this branch was located within Poales on the basis of phylogenetic analyses and its association with the ‘sigma’ whole‐genome duplication. Accelerated evolution in this branch has remodeled the protein surface in contact with the substrate, potentially for binding highly substituted arabinoxylan. We propose that the evolution of the divergent EXPB–I group made a fundamental change in the target and mechanism of wall loosening in the grass lineage possible, involving a new structural role for xylans and the expansins that target them.  相似文献   
R Zas  L Sampedro 《Heredity》2015,114(1):116-124
Quantitative seed provisioning is an important life-history trait with strong effects on offspring phenotype and fitness. As for any other trait, heritability estimates are vital for understanding its evolutionary dynamics. However, being a trait in between two generations, estimating additive genetic variation of seed provisioning requires complex quantitative genetic approaches for distinguishing between true genetic and environmental maternal effects. Here, using Maritime pine as a long-lived plant model, we quantified additive genetic variation of cone and seed weight (SW) mean and SW within-individual variation. We used a powerful approach combining both half-sib analysis and parent–offspring regression using several common garden tests established in contrasting environments to separate G, E and G × E effects. Both cone weight and SW mean showed significant genetic variation but were also influenced by the maternal environment. Most of the large variation in SW mean was attributable to additive genetic effects (h2=0.55–0.74). SW showed no apparent G × E interaction, particularly when accounting for cone weight covariation, suggesting that the maternal genotypes actively control the SW mean irrespective of the amount of resources allocated to cones. Within-individual variation in SW was low (12%) relative to between-individual variation (88%), and showed no genetic variation but was largely affected by the maternal environment, with greater variation in the less favourable sites for pine growth. In summary, results were very consistent between the parental and the offspring common garden tests, and clearly indicated heritable genetic variation for SW mean but not for within-individual variation in SW.  相似文献   
Oleoresin produced and stored in pine tree leaves provides direct resistance to herbivores, while leaf volatile terpenes (LVT) in the resin are also powerful airborne infochemicals. Resin concentration and profile show considerable spatial and temporal phenotypic variation within and among pine populations. LVT biochemistry is known to be under genetic control, and although LVT should be plastic to diverse abiotic and biotic environmental factors such as nutrient availability and herbivore attack, little is known about their relative contributions and interactive effects. The aim of this paper was to clarify whether reduced phosphorus availability could increase the LVT concentration and affect the expression of herbivore-derived induced defences, and how plasticity would contribute to the phenotypic variation of LVT. The constitutive and methyl-jasmonate (MeJa) induced LVT concentration and profile were analysed in 17 half-sib Pinus pinaster families growing under two levels of P-availability (complete and P-limited fertilization). Individual terpene concentrations showed large additive genetic variation, which was more pronounced in the control than in MeJa-induced pines. MeJa application did not affect the LVT concentration, but significantly modified the LVT profile by depleting the α-pinene content and reducing the sesquiterpene fraction. Low P-availability strongly reduced plant growth and foliar nutrient concentrations, but did not affect LVT concentration and profile, and did not interact with MeJa-induction. Results indicate a strong homeostasis of LVT concentration to P-availability, and minor changes in the LVT profile due to MeJa-induction. Genetic variation appears to be the main source of phenotypic variation affecting the LVT concentration in this pine species.  相似文献   
We studied the effects of phosphorus fertilisation on foliar terpene concentrations and foliar volatile terpene emission rates in six half-sib families of Pinus pinaster Ait. seedlings. Half of the seedlings were resistant to attack of the pine weevil Hylobius abietis L., a generalist phloem feeder, and the remaining seedlings were susceptible to this insect. We hypothesised that P stress could modify the terpene concentration in the needles and thus lead to altered terpene emission patterns relevant to plant-insect signalling. The total concentration and emission rate ranged between 5732 and 13,995 μg·g(-1) DW and between 2 and 22 μg·g(-1) DW·h(-1), respectively. Storage and emission were dominated by the isomers α- and β-pinene (77.2% and 84.2% of the total terpene amount amassed and released, respectively). In both resistant and susceptible families, P stress caused an increase of 31% in foliar terpene concentration with an associated 5-fold decrease in terpene emission rates. A higher terpene content in the leaves implies that the 'excess carbon', available under limiting growth conditions (P scarcity), is allocated to terpene production. Sensitive families showed a greater increase in terpene emission rates with increasing P concentrations, which could explain their susceptibility to H. abietis.  相似文献   
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