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We have isolated a cell surface proteoglycan from a human mammary cell line (HBL-100). This proteoglycan was found to be a human equivalent to mouse syndecan, because (i) it has identical biochemical properties with murine syndecan, including size, charge, buoyant density, and glycosaminoglycan composition, (ii) its core protein has identical size with murine syndecan as studied by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and (iii) the core protein is detected with anti-peptide antibody for the cytoplasmic domain of syndecan. HBL-100 cells also showed high expression of syndecan mRNAs, when probed with mouse syndecan cDNA. The ectodomain of the human syndecan revealed binding to type I collagen fibrils and fibronectin but not to laminin, duplicating the binding properties of murine syndecan. Very interestingly, syndecan did not bind to vitronectin, which is known to contain a heparin binding domain and is one of the major adhesive factors of serum for cultured cells. Syndecans are known to change their glycosaminoglycan composition yielding tissue-type specific polymorphic forms of syndecan (Sanderson, R., and Bernfield, M. (1988) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S.A. 85, 9562-9566). The members of this family may thus represent a collection of structurally related matrix receptors that could differ in their interactions due to variation of the ectodomain glycosylation.  相似文献   
Fibroblast growth factors FGF-1 and FGF-2 mediate their biological effects via heparan sulfate-dependent interactions with cell surface FGF receptors. While the specific heparan sulfate domain binding to FGF-2 has been elucidated in some detail, limited information has been available concerning heparan sulfate structures involved in the recognition of FGF-1. In the current study we present evidence that the minimal FGF-1 binding heparan sulfate sequence comprises 5-7 monosaccharide units and contains a critical trisulfated IdoA(2-OSO3)-GlcNSO3(6-OSO3) disaccharide unit. N-Sulfated heparan sulfate decasaccharides depleted of FGF-1 binding domains showed dose-dependent and saturable binding to FGF-2. These data indicate that the FGF-1 binding domain is distinct from the minimal FGF-2 binding site, previously shown to contain an IdoA(2-OSO3) residue but no 6-O-sulfate groups. We further show that the FGF-1 binding heparan sulfate domain is expressed in human aorta heparan sulfate in an age-related manner in contrast to the constitutively expressed FGF-2 binding domain. Reduction of heparan sulfate O-sulfation by chlorate treatment of cells selectively impedes binding to FGF-1. The present data implicate the 6-O-sulfation of IdoA(2-OSO3)-GlcNSO3 units in cellular heparan sulfate in the control of the biological activity of FGF-1.  相似文献   


Nuclear localization of proteolytically formed intracellular fragment of ErbB4 receptor tyrosine kinase has been shown to promote cell survival, and nuclear localization of ErbB4 receptor has been described in human breast cancer. Tumor necrosis factor alpha converting enzyme (TACE) initiates the proteolytic cascade leading to ErbB4 intracellular domain formation. Interactions between matrix metalloproteases and heparan sulfate have been described, but the effect of cell surface heparan sulfate on TACE activity has not been previously described.  相似文献   
Promotion of cell growth and differentiation by growth factors during early development and organ formation are both temporally and spatially very precise. Syndecan is a well characterized integral membrane proteoglycan that binds several extracellular matrix components via its heparan sulfate chains and is therefore suggested to participate in cell regulation. Syndecan-like molecules, as low affinity receptors for heparin-binding growth factors, have been recently suggested to also regulate growth factor activity. Heparin/heparan sulfate interaction is required before, e.g. basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) can associate with its high affinity cell surface receptors and trigger signal transduction. In this paper we show that syndecan, but not free heparan sulfate chains, can simultaneously bind both bFGF and extracellular matrix molecules. Moreover, increased DNA synthesis of 3T3 cells was observed when the 3T3 cells were exposed to beads coated with the fibronectin-syndecan-bFGF complex, indicating that bFGF remains biologically active even when immobilized to matrix via the heparan sulfate chains of syndecan. Finally, when bFGF was bound to the surface of another cell type (epithelial), co-culture with 3T3 cells stimulated 3T3 cell growth. Therefore, we suggest that syndecan-like molecules may determine sites of growth factor action at cell-matrix and cell-cell interfaces.  相似文献   
Heparan sulfate species expressed by different cell and tissue types differ in their structural and functional properties. Limited information is available on differences in regulation of heparan sulfate biosynthesis within a single tissue or cell population under different conditions. We have approached this question by studying the effect of cell differentiation on the biosynthesis and function of heparan sulfate in human colon carcinoma cells (CaCo-2). These cells undergo spontaneous differentiation in culture when grown on semipermeable supports; the differentiated cells show phenotypic similarity to small intestine enterocytes. Metabolically labeled heparan sulfate was isolated from the apical and basolateral media from cultures of differentiated and undifferentiated cells. Compositional analysis of disaccharides, derived from the contiguous N-sulfated regions of heparan sulfate, indicated a greater proportion of 2-O- sulfated iduronic acid units and a smaller amount of 6-O-sulfated glucosamine units in differentiated than in undifferentiated cells. By contrast, the overall degree of sulfation, the chain length and the size distribution of the N-acetylated regions were similar regardless the differentiation status of the cells. The structural changes were found to affect the binding of heparan sulfate to the long isoform of platelet-derived growth factor A chain but not to fibroblast growth factor 2. These findings show that heparan sulfate structures change during cell differentiation and that heparan sulfate-growth factor interactions may be affected by such changes.   相似文献   
Heparan sulfate found in the cerebral plaques of Alzheimer's disease binds to beta-amyloid (Abeta) fibrils. This interaction has been proposed to enhance fibril deposition and mediate Abeta-induced glia activation and neurotoxicity. On the other hand, heparan sulfate augments signaling of fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2), a neuroprotective factor that antagonizes the neurotoxic effects of Abeta. We defined structures in heparan sulfate from human cerebral cortex that bind Abeta fibrils. The minimal binding site is found in N-sulfated hexasaccharide domains and contains critical 2-O-sulfated iduronic acid residues. By contrast, binding of Abeta monomers requires, in addition, 6-O-sulfate groups on glucosamine residues. The binding specificity of fibrillar Abeta is shared by FGF-2, and we here show that cerebral heparan sulfate domains selected for binding to Abeta-(1-40) fibrils bind also to FGF-2. These data suggest that neurotoxic and neuroprotective signals may converge by competing for the same binding sites on the heparan sulfate chain.  相似文献   
The sulfated glycosaminoglycan heparan sulfate (HS) is found ubiquitously on cell surfaces, in the extracellular matrix, and intracellularly as HS proteoglycans. Because of the structural heterogeneity of HS, tissue-derived HS preparations represent a mixture of HS chains originating from different cell types and tissue loci. Monoclonal anti-HS antibodies have been employed to detect the localization of specific HS epitopes in tissues, but limited information has been available on the saccharide structures recognized by the antibodies. We have studied the saccharide epitope structures of four anti-HS antibodies, HepSS1, JM13, JM403, and 10E4, which all recognize distinct HS species as demonstrated by different patterns of immunoreactivity upon staining of embryonic rat and adult human tissues. The epitopes recognized by JM13 and HepSS1 were found almost exclusively in basement membrane HS, whereas JM403 and 10E4 reacted also with cell-associated HS species. The binding of HepSS1, JM403, and 10E4 to HS was dependent on the GlcN N-substitution of the polysaccharide rather than O-sulfation. HepSS1 thus interacted with N-sulfated HS domains, JM403 binding was critically dependent on N-unsubstituted GlcN residues, and 10E4 bound to "mixed" HS domains containing both N-acetylated and N-sulfated disaccharide units. By contrast, JM13 binding seemed to require the presence of 2-O-sulfated glucuronic acid residues.  相似文献   
Syndecan-1 is an integral membrane heparan sulfate/chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan, involved in the control of cell growth and differentiation. The biological activities of syndecan-1 involve interactions with a variety of extracellular ligands, such as growth factors and matrix components, that are mainly mediated by the heparan sulfate moieties. The expression of syndecan-1 is downregulated in various malignant tumors, and low levels of expression appear to correlate with poor prognosis of some cancer types. On the other hand, the extracellular portion of syndecan-1 (ectodomain) has been demonstrated to inhibit the proliferation of various cancer cells in culture, suggesting that proteoglycan-like molecules should be studied further with regard to their antitumor activities. We have expressed, in CHO cells, a truncated syndecan-1 ectodomain ("minican") harboring domains for glycosaminoglycan attachment and antibody recognition. Analysis of recombinant minican indicates that it shares some of the biochemical and biological characteristics attributed to syndecan-1 ectodomain. Minican was thus substituted with heparan sulfate chains and bound to extracellular matrix proteins as well as fibroblast growth factors. Notably, minican inhibited the proliferation of S115 mouse mammary carcinoma cells and the effect seemed to involve inhibition of the Ras/Erk signaling pathway. Our data suggest that recombinant syndecan-1 with a minimal protein component is biologically active. This information may provide useful in further design of proteoglycan-like antitumor molecules.  相似文献   
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