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A mouse-mouse hybridoma cell line (167.4G5.3) was cultivated in a 1.5-L stirred-tank bioreactor under constant pH and dissolved oxygen concentration. The transient kinetics of cell growth, metabolism, and antibody production were followed by biochemical and flow cytometric methods. The cell-specific kinetic parameters (growth and metabolic rates) as well as cell size were constant throughout the exponential phase. Intracellular protein and RNA content followed a similar trend. Cell growth stopped when the glutamine in the medium was depleted. Glucose could not substitute for glutamine, as glucose consumption ceased after glutamine depletion. Ammonia and lactate production followed closely glutamine and glucose consumption, respectively. Alanine, glutamate, serine, and glycine were produced but other amino acids were consumed. The cells are estimated to obtain about 45% of the total energy from glycolysis, with the balance of the metabolic energy provided by oxidative phosphorylation. The antibody was produced at a constant rate in both the exponential and decline phases of growth. The intracellular antibody content of the cells remained relatively constant during the exponential phase of growth and decreased slightly afterwards.  相似文献   
A murine hybridoma cell line (167.4G5.3) was cultivated in batch mode with varying inoculum cell densities using IMDM media of varying fetal bovine serum concentrations. It was observed that maximum cell concentrations as well as the amount of monoclonal antibody attainable in batch mode were dependent on the inoculum size. Specifically, cultures with lower inoculum size resulted in lower cell yield and lower antibody concentrations. However, in the range of 10(2) to 10(5) cells per ml, the initial cell density affected the initial growth rate by a factor of only 20%. Furthermore, specific monoclonal antibody production rates were independent of initial cell density and the serum concentration. Glutamine was the limiting nutrient for all the cultures, determining the extent of growth and the amount of antibody produced. Serum was essential for cell growth and cultures with initial cell concentrations up to 10(6) cells per ml could not grow without serum. However, when adapted, the cells could grow in a custom-made serum-free medium containing insulin, transferrin, ethanolamine, and selenium (ITES) supplements. The cells adapted to the ITES medium could grow with an initial growth rate slightly higher than in 1.25% serum and the growth rate showed an initial density dependency-inocula at 10(3) cells per ml grew 30% slower than those at 10(4) or 10(5). This difference in growth rate was decreased to 10% with the addition of conditioned ITES medium. The addition of conditioned media, however, did not improve the cell growth for serum-containing batches.  相似文献   
The influence of ammonia and lactate on cell growth, metabolic, and antibody production rates was investigated for murine hybridoma cell line 163.4G5.3 during batch culture. The specific growth rate was reduced by one-half in the presence of an initial ammonia concentration of 4 mM. Increasing ammonia levels accelerated glucose and glutamine consumption, decreased ammonia yield from glutamine, and increased alanine yield from glutamine. Although the amount of antibody produced decreased with increasing ammonia concentration, the specific antibody productivity remained relatively constant around a value of 0.22 pg/cell-h. The specific growth rate was reduced by one-half at an initial lactate concentration of 55 mM. Although specific glucose and glutamine uptake rates were increased at high lacatate concentration, they showed a decrease after making corrections for medium osmolarity. The yield coefficient of lactate from glucose decreased at high lactate concentrations. A similar decrease was observed for the ammonia yield coefficient from glutamine. At elevated lactate concentrations, specific antibody productivities increased, possibly due to the increase in medium osmolarity. The specific oxygen uptake rate was insensitive to ammonia and lactate concentrations. Addition of ammonia and lactate increased the calculated metabolic energy production of the cells. At high ammonia and lactate, the contribution of glycolysis to total energy production increased. Decreasing external pH and increasing ammonia concentrations caused cytoplasmic acidification. Effect of lactate on intracellular pH was insignificant, whereas increasing osmolarity caused cytoplasmic alkalinization.  相似文献   
We tested whether zoledronic acid, a biphosphonate with proposed apoptotic activity, augmented the cytotoxicity of cisplatin and/or gemcitabine in A549 lung cancer cell line. This cell line was subjected to different concentrations of the above chemotherapeutic agents and zoledronic acid. Cytotoxicity was assessed by the MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrasodium bromide) assay. Particularly, zoledronic acid in 100 micromolar (microM) concentration augmented the cytotoxicity by cisplatin 1microg/ml from 25% to 70% (Z=3.22, P=0.0072). A significant portion of cells underwent apoptosis with or without zoledronic acid, but more so with the combination treatment as assessed by an Annexin V-FITC apoptosis detection kit. However, 100microM zoledronic acid showed 50% cytotoxicity on its own, but failed to improve cytotoxicity by Gemcitabine. Thus, we show for the first time in a lung cancer cell line that zoledronic acid bears cytotoxic potential on its own and in conjunction with cisplatin. The clinical potential of this finding should be further studied.  相似文献   
Contrary to the fact that doxorubicin is a powerful chemotherapeutic agent for the treatment of neoplastic diseases, cardiotoxicity is too important to be ignored. Thymoquinone serves as a powerful free radical scavenger. In the study, the effects of thymoquinone against doxorubicin‐cardiotoxicity will be evaluated. Forty rats were divided into five groups. Group I: control group (n = 8); group II: olive oil group (n = 8); group III: thymoquinone group (n = 8); given 10 mg/kg thymoquinone intraperitoneally per day throughout the experiment; group IV: doxorubicin group (n = 8); injected with a single dose of 15 mg/kg ip doxorubicin on the 7th day of the experiment; group V: doxorubicin + thymoquinone group (n = 8); administered with 10 mg/kg thymoquinone per day during the experiment and 15 mg/kg doxorubicin ip on the 7th day. The experiment was planned for 14 days. Immunohistochemically, heat shock protein (HSP) 70 and HSP90, glucose‐regulated protein 78 (GRP78), caspase‐3 were stained. We made terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling for apoptotic evaluation. Total oxidant status (TOS) levels and total antioxidant status (TAS) were measured in the heart tissue. Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and pro‐B type natriuretic peptide (proBNP) were evaluated. In the study, HSP70, HSP90, GRP78, and caspase‐3 levels increased in group IV. TOS and TAS levels were significant compared to group I. Doxorubicin significantly increased ANP and NT‐proBNP levels. Thymoquinone revealed significant differences in these values. Thymoquinone can be an important cardioprotective agent against doxorubicin‐cardiotoxicity.  相似文献   
Turbot, Scophthalmus maximus, is a commercially important demersal flatfish species distributed throughout the Black Sea. Several studies performed locally with a limited number of specimens using both mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and microsatellite markers evidenced notable genetic variation among populations. However, comprehensive population genetic studies are required to help management of the species in the Black Sea. In the present study eight microsatellite loci were used to resolve the population structure of 414 turbot samples collected from 12 sites across the Black Sea. Moreover, two mtDNA genes, COI and Cyt-b, were used for taxonomic identification. Microsatellite markers of Smax-04 and B12-I GT14 were excluded from analysis due to scoring issues. Data analysis was performed with the remaining six loci. Loci were highly polymorphic (average of 17.8 alleles per locus), indicating high genetic variability. Locus 3/20CA17, with high null allele frequency (>30%), significantly deviated from HW equilibrium. Pairwise comparison of the FST index showed significant differences between most of the surveyed sampling sites (P < 0.01). Cluster analysis evidenced the presence of three genetic groups among sampling sites. Significant genetic differentiation between Northern (Sea of Azov and Crimea) and Southern (Turkish Black Sea Coast) Black Sea sampling sites were detected. The Mantel test supported an isolation by distance model of population structure. These findings are vital for long-term sustainable management of the species and development of conservation programs. Moreover, generated mtDNA sequences would be useful for the establishment of a database for S. maximus.  相似文献   
Brassica juncea is mainly cultivated in the arid and semi-arid regions of India where its production is significantly affected by soil salinity. Adequate knowledge of the mechanisms underlying the salt tolerance at sub-cellular levels must aid in developing the salt-tolerant plants. A proper functioning of chloroplasts under salinity conditions is highly desirable to maintain crop productivity. The adaptive molecular mechanisms offered by plants at the chloroplast level to cope with salinity stress must be a prime target in developing the salt-tolerant plants. In the present study, we have analyzed differential expression of chloroplast proteins in two Brassica juncea genotypes, Pusa Agrani (salt-sensitive) and CS-54 (salt-tolerant), under the effect of sodium chloride. The chloroplast proteins were isolated and resolved using 2DE, which facilitated identification and quantification of 12 proteins that differed in expression in the salt-tolerant and salt-sensitive genotypes. The identified proteins were related to a variety of chloroplast-associated molecular processes, including oxygen-evolving process, PS I and PS II functioning, Calvin cycle and redox homeostasis. Expression analysis of genes encoding differentially expressed proteins through real time PCR supported our findings with proteomic analysis. The study indicates that modulating the expression of chloroplast proteins associated with stabilization of photosystems and oxidative defence plays imperative roles in adaptation to salt stress.  相似文献   
Ozturk Urek  Raziye  Ilgin  Seda 《Annals of microbiology》2019,69(11):1201-1210
Microbial exopolysaccharides (EPSs) are very important because they are used in biotechnological applications in different industrial areas. The aim of the study was to determine the best EPS producer Pleurotus sp., to optimize EPS production and to perform partial purification and characterization of the produced EPS. After the production conditions were optimized, the EPS was isolated and partially purified. EPS was characterized by HP-TLC, 1H-NMR, FT-IR, and TGA. Hydroxyl, superoxide, and DPPH radical scavenging activities of the EPS were also investigated spectrophotometrically. The best EPS producer and its incubation period in submerged fermentation were determined as Pleurotus sajor caju and on 5 days, respectively. Culture conditions to increase EPS production were optimized as follows (in per liter): 90 g of glucose, 10 g of yeast extract, 10 g of peptone, and 100 mM of Mg2+. The optimal initial pH, temperature, and an agitation rate of culture were determined as 5.0, 25 °C, and 150 rate min−1, respectively. The highest EPS production was determined as 33.32 ± 1.6 g L−1. After isolation of EPS, one active fraction was obtained by gel filtration chromatography. EPS is composed mainly of glucose according to HP-TLC analysis. To the results, EPS had a complex structure by having carbohydrate and protein contents. The produced EPS had high degradation temperature as well as high antioxidant activity.  相似文献   
This paper presents the work conducted on the chemical constituents of some common and widely distributed halophyte taxa from Cyprus with the aim that these studies will help in the evaluation of halophytes for different economical purposes. The plant species of Crithmum maritimum L., Limbarda crithmoides (L.) Dumort, Atriplex portulacoides L., Salsola kali L., Atriplex halimus L., Limonium oleifolium Mill., L. meyeri (Boiss.) Kuntze; and Tetraena alba (L.f.) Beier & Thulin were collected in the middle of July. The shoot tissue and leaf samples were collected from the natural habitats and left for drying under air circulation followed by placing them in oven at 60 °C for 96 hours. The material was crushed using mortar and pestle and subjected to an analysis of macro- and micro-nutrients and biochemical compounds. K+/Na+ in the leaf tissues of the dicot species showed relatively high values depicting their behavior as Na+ includes but very low Cl- levels were recorded. Out of the species investigated here in 4 TFAA content was rather high. Values ranging from 0.5% to 1% dry weight were exhibited in one species. However, only 3 species showed very low TFAA values. Later may be due to low nitrogen availability in their environment. The phenetic analyses of eight halophyte species performed on the data matrix using Ntsys-pc program version 2.1 revealed that, cluster analysis of the overall results obtained here leads to 2 clusters. This discrimination appears to be as a result of their different abilities to accumulate either proline or glycine betaine.  相似文献   
In the present study, 1000 patients with clinical suspicion of FMF were retrospectively reviewed to determine the spectrum of MEFV gene mutations by using DNA sequence analysis between September, 2008 and April, 2012. Sixteen different mutations and 55 different genotypes were detected in 618 of 1000 patients. Among 16 different mutations, R202Q (21.35%) was the most frequently observed mutation; followed by E148Q (8.85%), M694V (7.95%), M680I (2.40%), V726A (1.85%), M694I (0.95%), A744S (0.80%), R761H (0.55%), P283L (0.35%), K695R (0.20%), E230K (0.15%), L110P (0.10%), I247V (0.05%), G196W (0.05%) and G304R (0.05%). In the present study, a novel missense mutation (I247V) and a silent variant (G150G) were identified in the MEFV gene. On the other hand, P238L, G632A and G304R mutations are the first cases reported from Turkey. Our results indicated that MEFV mutations are highly heterogeneous in our study population as in other regions of Turkey and mutation screening techniques such as PCR-RFLP, amplification refractory mutation system or reverse hybridization do not adequately detect uncommon or novel mutations. Therefore, it was proven that sequence analysis of the MEFV gene could be useful for detection of rare or unknown mutations.  相似文献   
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