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Firmness is an important selection criterium in the breeding of fruit, including strawberry ( Fragaria  ×  ananassa Duch.). Clear differences in fruit-firmness are observed between cultivars. In order to identify candidate genes which might be associated with such textural differences, gene expression levels were compared for a soft and a firm cultivar (cv. Gorella and cv. Holiday, respectively). DNA-microarrays representing 1701 strawberry cDNAs were used for simultaneous hybridization of two RNA populations derived from red ripe fruit of both cultivars. In total 61 clones (3.6% of the total cDNAs on the arrays) displayed differential expression, including 10 clones (8 different ones) which showed homology to cell wall related genes in the public databases. The results from the microarray experiments were further confirmed by RNA gel blots, which were also used to examine gene expression in a third cultivar, Elsanta, showing an intermediate texture phenotype (offspring of a cross between Gorella and Holiday). Interestingly, two genes encoding proteins catalysing successive reactions in lignin metabolism (cinnamoyl CoA reductase and cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase) showed the highest difference in expression level.  相似文献   
Beet cyst nematode-resistant sugar beet plants, containing the Hs1pro-1 locus from Beta procumbens, show a female transmission frequency of the resistance of ca. 90%. Such plants often suffer from tumour formation on leaves and root systems, and from the occurrence of a so-called multi-top phenotype. With the aim of obtaining resistant sugar beet material lacking these negative traits, nematode-resistant plants with a reduced size of the chromosome segment of the wild beet that carries the Hs1pro-1 gene were selected from backcrosses between the resistant stocks B883 or AN1-65-2 and susceptible sugar beet (Beta vulgaris). Analysis of such plants, referred to as Sat-minus plants, showed that the transmission frequency of the resistance to subsequent generations had dropped dramatically to ca. 0.5%. The multi-top phenotype was still present in the newly selected material, indicating that improvement of the resistant sugar beet material by further backcrossing will be hard to achieve. Two of the selected resistant offspring plants were analysed at the molecular level. With the aid of AFLP markers it was found that the size of the alien chromosome segment had decreased to 35% and 17% of the original size, respectively. Surprisingly, both plants had lost the Hs1pro-1 nematode resistance gene that recently was isolated from the original introgression material. This shows that more than one gene conferring resistance must be present in the locus in B883 and AN1-65-2 carrying the resistance gene Hs1pro-1.  相似文献   
Celiac disease is caused by an uncontrolled immune response to gluten, a heterogeneous mixture of wheat storage proteins, including the α-gliadins. It has been shown that α-gliadins harbor several major epitopes involved in the disease pathogenesis. A major step towards elimination of gluten toxicity for celiac disease patients would thus be the elimination of such epitopes from α-gliadins. We have analyzed over 3,000 expressed α-gliadin sequences from 11 bread wheat cultivars to determine whether they encode for peptides potentially involved in celiac disease. All identified epitope variants were synthesized as peptides and tested for binding to the disease-associated HLA-DQ2 and HLA-DQ8 molecules and for recognition by patient-derived α-gliadin specific T cell clones. Several specific naturally occurring amino acid substitutions were identified for each of the α-gliadin derived peptides involved in celiac disease that eliminate the antigenic properties of the epitope variants. Finally, we provide proof of principle at the peptide level that through the systematic introduction of such naturally occurring variations α-gliadins genes can be generated that no longer encode antigenic peptides. This forms a crucial step in the development of strategies to modify gluten genes in wheat so that it becomes safe for celiac disease patients. It also provides the information to design and introduce safe gluten genes in other cereals, which would exhibit improved quality while remaining safe for consumption by celiac disease patients.  相似文献   
Routeing of fusion proteins to the thylakoid lumen of the chloroplast was compared in vitro and in vivo. The Escherichia coli protein beta-lactamase was used as a passenger to study this intraorganellar sorting process. The first step, translocation of beta-lactamase into the chloroplast stroma, occurs properly both in vitro and in vivo and is dependent on the presence of a transit peptide in the protein construct. The second step, targeting towards the thylakoid lumen, is more complicated as was also observed previously when other passenger proteins were used. In vitro, the presence of a thylakoid transfer domain is not enough for routeing and proper processing. Only when the complete thylakoid lumen precursor plastocyanin was fused to beta-lactamase was the fusion protein processed adequately, but routeing was still incomplete. However, in vivo, the information present in the thylakoid transfer domain was the only requirement for proper transport towards the thylakoid lumen. These data show that in vivo, the only requirement for targeting of passenger proteins towards the thylakoid lumen is the presence of a transit peptide and a thylakoid transfer domain. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the in vitro import system does not necessarily reflect the in vivo situation with respect to intraorganellar sorting.  相似文献   


Gluten proteins can induce celiac disease (CD) in genetically susceptible individuals. In CD patients gluten-derived peptides are presented to the immune system, which leads to a CD4+ T-cell mediated immune response and inflammation of the small intestine. However, not all gluten proteins contain T-cell stimulatory epitopes. Gluten proteins are encoded by multigene loci present on chromosomes 1 and 6 of the three different genomes of hexaploid bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) (AABBDD).  相似文献   
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