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The N1-methyl-Adenosine (m1A58) modification at the conserved nucleotide 58 in the TΨC loop is present in most eukaryotic tRNAs. In yeast, m1A58 modification is essential for viability because it is required for the stability of the initiator-tRNAMet. However, m1A58 modification is not required for the stability of several other tRNAs in yeast. This differential m1A58 response for different tRNA species raises the question of whether some tRNAs are hypomodified at A58 in normal cells, and how hypomodification at A58 may affect the stability and function of tRNA. Here, we apply a genomic approach to determine the presence of m1A58 hypomodified tRNAs in human cell lines and show how A58 hypomodification affects stability and involvement of tRNAs in translation. Our microarray-based method detects the presence of m1A58 hypomodified tRNA species on the basis of their permissiveness in primer extension. Among five human cell lines examined, approximately one-quarter of all tRNA species are hypomodified in varying amounts, and the pattern of the hypomodified tRNAs is quite similar. In all cases, no hypomodified initiator-tRNAMet is detected, consistent with the requirement of this modification in stabilizing this tRNA in human cells. siRNA knockdown of either subunit of the m1A58-methyltransferase results in a slow-growth phenotype, and a marked increase in the amount of m1A58 hypomodified tRNAs. Most m1A58 hypomodified tRNAs can associate with polysomes in varying extents. Our results show a distinct pattern for m1A58 hypomodification in human tRNAs, and are consistent with the notion that this modification fine tunes tRNA functions in different contexts.  相似文献   
The present study provides the first detailed early embryonic development of the Shalyni barb, Pethia shalynius (Yazdani & Talukdar, 1975), a vulnerable cyprinid fish occurring in streams and lentic waters of Meghalaya, northeast India. Induced spawning by synthetic hormone injection in May 2019 was conducted to a pair of mature female and male P. shalynius under controlled conditions in a well-aerated aquarium. Fertilized eggs were spherical, 0.75–0.80 mm (approx.) in diameter, transparent, unpigmented and non-adhesive. A total of 22 developmental stages could be categorized under seven broad periods, viz. the zygote, cleavage, blastula, gastrula, segmentation, pharyngula and hatchling. The first cleavage occurred at 15 min post fertilization (mpf), followed by blastulation at 01:23 hr post-fertilization (hpf), gastrulation at 04:20 hpf, initial somite formation at 07:00 hpf, and pharyngula period at 19:20 hpf, respectively. Embryos hatched between 26–27 hpf and the newly-hatched larvae ranged 2.2–2.5 mm in total length. For naturally-declining populations of this vulnerable fish species, inferences drawn from the present study will help provide a baseline data for its conservation and management, and aid the research fields of developmental biology, biotechnology, molecular biology as well as taxonomy of this species.  相似文献   
Molecular Biology Reports - RUNX1T1 is extensively studied in the context of AML1-RUNX1T1 fusion protein in acute myeloid leukemia. Little is known about the function of RUNX1T1 itself, although...  相似文献   
Lipophilic chalcones and their conformationally restricted analogues were synthesized and evaluated for their antitubercular efficacy against Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv strain. Compounds 16, 24, 25a and 25c were found to be active MIC at 60, 30, 3.5 and 7.5 μg-mL?1. In vitro cytotoxicity of compounds 16, 24, 25a, 25c and 26 in non-cancerous human epithelial kidney cell line (HEK-293) showed that most active compound 25a was approximately 2.85 times selective towards tubercular versus healthy cells whereas compound 24 was found to be 16 times selective.  相似文献   
The utility of RAPD markers in assessing genetic diversity and phenetic relationships in Persea bombycina, a major tree species for golden silk (muga) production, was investigated using 48 genotypes from northeast India. Thirteen RAPD primer combinations generated 93 bands. On average, seven RAPD fragments were amplified per reaction. In a UPGMA phenetic dendrogram based on Jaccard’s coefficient, the P. bombycina accessions showed a high level of genetic variation, as indicated by genetic similarity. The grouping in the phenogram was highly consistent, as indicated by high values of cophenetic correlation and high bootstrap values at the key nodes. The accessions were scattered on a plot derived from principal correspondence analysis. The study concluded that the high level of genetic diversity in the P. bombycina accessions may be attributed to the species’ outcrossing nature. This study may be useful in identifying diverse genetic stocks of P. bombycina, which may then be conserved on a priority basis.  相似文献   
Poly-ADP-ribosylation (PAR) of cellular proteins has been shown to have decisive roles in diverse cellular functions including carcinogenesis. There are indications that metabolic level of poly-ADP-ribosylated cellular proteins might indicate carcinogenesis and, therefore, could be potentially used in cancer screening program. Keeping in mind the limitations of currently available assays of cellular PAR, a new assay is being reported that measures the metabolic level of poly-ADP-ribosylated cellular proteins. The ELISA based slot and Western blot immunoassay used polyclonal antibody against natural, heterogeneous ADP-ribose polymers. It could be successfully employed to qualitatively and quantitatively assay metabolic levels of poly-ADP-ribosylated proteins of spleen and liver tissues of normal mice or mice exposed to dimethylnitrosamine for up to 8 weeks; potentially PAR of cellular proteins could be assayed in any tissue or biopsy. Implications of the results in cancer screening program have been discussed. (Mol Cell Biochem 278: 213–221, 2005)  相似文献   
We recorded the in vivo emission and time-resolved spectra of the firefly Luciola praeusta Kiesenwetter 1874 (Coleoptera: Lampyridae: Luciolinae). The emission spectrum shows that the full width at half maximum (FWHM) value for this particular species is 55 nm, which is significantly narrower than the in vivo half-widths reported till now. The time-resolved spectrum reveals that a flash of about 100 ms duration is, in fact, composed of a number of microsecond pulses. This suggests that the speed of the enzyme-catalysed chemiluminescence reaction in the firefly for the emission of light is much faster than was previously believed. A version of this article has already appeared in an archive Nature Precedings; see  相似文献   
The present investigation was done to understand the fungal-fungal interactions mechanisms based on level of nonspecific adhesion of a potential fungal mycoparasite (Trichoderma) to their fungal host (Macrophomina phaseolina). The relative cell surface hydrophobicity (CSH) and cell surface electrostatic charge (CSEC) of 29 isolates of Trichoderma species, analyzed by bacterial adhesion to hydrocarbon (BATH), hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC), microelectrophoresis and contact angle, revealed a large degree of variability. CSH and CSEC of conidia depended on culture age, pH and temperature. Maximum CSH and CSEC were recorded in 25–28 °C range, and both declined significantly with increasing temperature. Isolate Trichoderma hazianum (Th)-23/98 expressed surface hydrophobicity at 25–28 °C and hydrophilicity at 40 °C. Surface hydrophobicity of the isolate was susceptible to various proteases (trypsin, pepsin, proteinase k and a-chymotrypsin) and inhibitors (SDS, mercaptoethanol and Triton X-100) and a significant reduction in CSH was recorded in hydrophobic conidia. Hydrophilic conidia remained more or less unaffected by such treatments. SDS-PAGE analysis of the hydrophobic and hydrophilic conidia exhibited several protein bands in the 25 to 61 kDa range. However, each protein population contained one protein that was not observed in the other population. For hydrophobic conidia, the unique protein had an apparent molecular mass of 49 kDa, while the unique protein associated with hydrophilic conidia had a molecular mass of 61 kDa. Our findings suggest that CSH and CSEC of mycoparasitic Trichoderma may contribute to non-specific adhesion on to the sclerotial surfaces of Macrophomina phaseolina that may be influenced by growth and environmental conditions.  相似文献   
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