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The relationships between leaf nitrogen content per unit area (Na) and (a) the initial slope of the photosynthetic CO2 response curve, (b) activity and amount of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC), and (c) chlorophyll content were studied in the ecologically similar weeds Chenopodium album (C3) and Amaranthus retroflexus (C4). In both species, all parameters were linearly dependent upon leaf Na. The dependence of the initial slope of the CO2 response of photosynthesis on Na was four times greater in A. retroflexus than in C. album. At equivalent leaf Na contents, C. album had 1.5 to 2.6 times more CO2 saturated Rubisco activity than A. retroflexus. At equal assimilation capacities, C. album had four times the Rubisco activity as A. retroflexus. In A. retroflexus, a one to one ratio between Rubisco activity and photosynthesis was observed, whereas in C. album, the CO2 saturated Rubisco activity was three to four times the corresponding photosynthetic rate. The ratio of PEPC to Rubisco activity in A. retroflexus ranged from four at low Na to seven at high Na. The fraction of organic N invested in carboxylation enzymes increased with increased Na in both species. The fraction of N invested in Rubisco ranged from 10 to 27% in C. album. In A. retroflexus, the fraction of Na invested in Rubisco ranged from 5 to 9% and the fraction invested in PEPC ranged from 2 to 5%.  相似文献   
Endothelioma cells expressing the polyoma virus middle T oncogene induced hemangiomas in mice by the recruitment of nonproliferating endothelial cells from host blood vessels (Williams et al. 1989). I now report that SPARC, a Ca(2+)-binding glycoprotein that perturbs cell-matrix interactions and inhibits the endothelial cell cycle, is produced by endothelioma cells and is in part responsible for the alterations in the morphology and growth that occur when nontransformed bovine aortic endothelial cells are cocultured with endothelioma cells. Normal endothelial cells cocultured with two different middle T-positive endothelial cell lines, termed End cells, exhibited changes in shape that were accompanied by the formation of cell clusters. Media conditioned by End cells repressed proliferation of normal endothelial cells, but enhanced that of an established line of murine capillary endothelium. Radiolabeling studies revealed no apparent differences in the profile of proteins secreted by aortic or capillary cells cultured in End cell conditioned media. Characterization of proteins produced by End cells led to the identification of type IV collagen, laminin, entactin, and SPARC as major secreted products. Although SPARC did not affect the morphology of End or capillary cells, it was associated with overt changes in the shape of aortic endothelial cells. Moreover, SPARC and a synthetic peptide from SPARC domain II inhibited the incorporation of [3H]thymidine by aortic cells, but had minimal to no effect on the capillary endothelial cell line. The inhibition of growth exhibited by aortic endothelial cells cultured in End cell conditioned media could be partially reversed by antibodies specific for SPARC and SPARC peptides. These studies indicate a potential role for SPARC in the generation of hemangiomas by End cells in vivo, a process that requires normal (host) endothelial cells to disengage from the extracellular matrix, withdraw from the cell cycle, migrate, and reassociate into the disorganized cellular networks that comprise cavernous and capillary hemangiomas.  相似文献   
A novel protein has been purified from fetal calf serum and from serum-free bovine aortic endothelial cell conditioned culture medium. This protein consists of a single polypeptide chain of reduced Mr 70,000 (70K protein) and was separated from bovine serum albumin and other proteins by ion-exchange chromatography and immunoabsorption on Sepharose-coupled anti-70K protein antiserum. The 70K protein was shown to be structurally and immunologically distinct from bovine serum albumin, alpha-fetoprotein, and vitronectin by one- and two-dimensional peptide mapping, amino acid analysis, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and/or immunoblotting. The 70K protein was located in endothelial cell cytoplasmic granules of irregular size and distribution. Metabolic radiolabeling studies showed that the 70K protein was not a biosynthetic product of these cells; its cytoplasmic location was due to a selective uptake from the fetal calf serum in which the cells were initially grown. After subconfluent cultures of endothelial cells were shifted to serum-free medium, nearly 80% of the total 70K protein that was measurable in the medium was released between 0 and 20 min. Moreover, sparse, rapidly proliferating cells released approximately 18-fold more 70K protein within 2 min as compared to dense, nonproliferating cultures. The concentration of 70K protein in fetal calf serum was estimated to be 400-600 micrograms/ml. Proliferating bovine aortic endothelial cells, 24 h after plating at an intermediate density, released approximately 250 pg of 70K protein/cell within the first 20 min after exposure to serum-free conditions. The data provide evidence for a novel protein in serum which is selectively internalized by endothelial cells in vitro and which in turn is released rapidly under conditions such as osmotic imbalance due to serum removal, or during periods of cellular proliferation, conditions which we term "culture shock."  相似文献   
Ribonuclease activity in hepatic nuclei during development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Antibodies specific for bromelain-treated mouse RBC (BrMRBC) are of interest as models of "natural autoantibodies" and because of their primary source is Ly-1+ (CD5+) B cells. In earlier work by others, anti-BrMRBC hybridomas prepared by using CBA or NZB "spontaneously activating" peritoneal B cells were all found to produce mAb with a single common H chain V region sequence, by using a novel gene (VH11p), and a single common L chain V region sequence, a member of the Vk9 group (VkBrMp). We prepared anti-BrMRBC hybridomas by using LPS-activated B10.A splenic B cells in order to reveal the maximum available diversity in this repertoire. Data based on binding studies, Northern blot analyses with V region-specific probes, and mRNA nucleotide sequence analysis indicated that there is combining-site diversity in the repertoire of anti-BrMRBC hybridomas. There was considerable variation in trimethylammonium (a constituent of phosphatidyl choline) binding efficiency, and one of the anti-BrMRBC mAb showed no detectable binding. Northern blot analyses indicated 6 of 11 mAb to be of the VH11p/VkBrMp type, including one dual reactive anti-[BrMRBC + SRBC] mAb. Sequence analyses of the H chain V regions of four of the non-VH11p mAb revealed utilization of four distinct VH, three of which are very similar to the VH expressed by Ly-1+ B cell clones or lymphomas, as reported by others. However, because the VH11p/VkBrMp-type mAb were all relatively efficient at lysing BrMRBC and binding trimethylammonium, we suggest that affinity considerations may determine the selective predominance of B cells with this V region configuration from an available repertoire of considerable diversity.  相似文献   
Sage RF 《Plant physiology》1990,94(4):1728-1734
A model of the regulation of the activity of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase, electron transport, and the rate of orthophosphate regeneration by starch and sucrose synthesis in response to changes in light intensity and partial pressures of CO2 and O2 is presented. The key assumption behind the model is that nonlimiting processes of photosynthesis are regulated to balance the capacity of limiting processes. Thus, at CO2 partial pressures below ambient, when a limitation on photosynthesis by the capacity of rubisco is postulated, the activities of electron transport and phosphate regeneration are down-regulated in order that the rate of RuBP regeneration matches the rate of RuBP consumption by rubisco. Similarly, at subsaturating light intensity or elevated CO2, when electron transport or Pi regeneration may limit photosynthesis, the activity of rubisco is downregulated to balance the limitation in the rate of RuBP regeneration. Comparisons with published data demonstrate a general consistency between modelled predictions and measured results.  相似文献   
The light-dependent regulation of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) activity was studied in 16 species of C4 plants representing all three biochemical subtypes and a variety of taxonomic groups. Rubisco regulation was assessed by measuring (a) the ratio of initial to total Rubisco activity, which reflects primarily the carbamylation state of the enzyme, and (b) total Rubisco activity per mol of Rubisco catalytic sites, which declines when 2-carboxyarabinitol 1-phosphate (CA1P) binds to carbamylated Rubisco. In all species examined, the activity ratio of Rubisco declined with a reduction in light intensity, although substantial variation was apparent between species in the degree of Rubisco deactivation. No relationship existed between the degree of Rubisco deactivation and C4 subtype. Dicots generally deactivated Rubisco to a greater degree than monocots. The total activity of Rubisco per catalytic site was generally independent of light intensity, indicating that CA1P and other inhibitors are not major contributors to the light-dependent regulation of Rubisco activity in C4 plants. The light response of the activity ratio of Rubisco was measured in detail in Amaranthus retroflexus, Brachiaria texana, and Zea mays. In A. retroflexus and B. texana, the activity ratio declined dramatically below a light intensity of 400 to 500 [mu]mol of photons m-2 s-1. In Z. mays, the activity ratio of Rubisco was relatively insensitive to light intensity compared with the other species. In A. retroflexus, the pool size of ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP) declined with reduced light intensity except between 50 and 500 [mu]mol m-2 s-1, when the activity ratio of Rubisco was light dependent. In Z. mays, by contrast, the pool size of RuBP was light dependent only below 350 [mu]mol m-2 s-1. These results indicate that, in response to changes in light intensity, most C4 species regulate Rubisco by reversible carbamylation of catalytic sites, as commonly observed in C3 plants. In a few species, notably Z. mays, Rubisco is not extensively regulated in response to changes in light intensity, possibly because the activity of the CO2 pump may become limiting for photosynthesis at subsaturating light intensity.  相似文献   
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