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Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology - Wrinkling is a ubiquitous surface phenomenon in many biological tissues and is believed to play an important role in arterial health. As arteries are...  相似文献   
The Indian subcontinent has experienced a major shift in climatic regime from a wet tropical regime to increased seasonal rainfall, since the late Miocene. This shift has been attributed to the intensification of monsoons, which led to opening up of dry habitats in humid forests and formation of deciduous forests. We explored the role of this climatic shift in the origin and diversification of dry‐adapted plant genera Ceropegia and Brachystelma (Ceropegiae, Asclepiadoideae, Apocynaceae). We sampled Ceropegia and Brachystelma from across India and used five markers (two nuclear and three plastid regions) to reconstruct a global phylogeny of this group. Indian members of the tribe Ceropegiae were derived from Africa through at least four independent dispersal events. All dispersal events occurred in late Miocene after establishment of a monsoon climate. One of these early dispersing lineages underwent rapid radiation in peninsular India, giving rise to around 50 species. Thus, both dispersal and diversification events coincided with the intensification of monsoons and concomitant aridification. The role of environment in the evolution of floral characteristics and root type in the Indian radiation is also discussed. This is one of the first reports on a dry‐adapted endemic radiation of plants in India.  相似文献   
Amino acid restriction is among promising potential cancer treatment strategies. However, cancer cells employ a multitude of mechanisms to mount resistance to amino acid restriction, which impede the latter’s clinical development. Here we show that MAPK signaling activation in asparagine‐restricted melanoma cells impairs GSK3‐β‐mediated c‐MYC degradation. In turn, elevated c‐MYC supports ATF4 translational induction by enhancing the expression of the amino acid transporter SLC7A5, increasing the uptake of essential amino acids, and the subsequent maintenance of mTORC1 activity in asparagine‐restricted melanoma cells. Blocking the MAPK‐c‐MYC‐SLC7A5 signaling axis cooperates with asparagine restriction to effectively suppress melanoma cell proliferation. This work reveals a previously unknown axis of cancer cell adaptation to asparagine restriction and informs mechanisms that may be targeted for enhanced therapeutic efficacy of asparagine limiting strategies.  相似文献   
Adipocytes play a vital role in glucose metabolism. 3T3 L1 pre adipocytes after differentiation to adipocytes serve as excellent in vitro models and are useful tools in understanding the glucose metabolism. The traditional approaches adopted in pre adipocyte differentiation are lengthy exercises involving the usage of IBMX and Dexamethasone. Any effort to shorten the time of differentiation and quality expression of functional differentiation in 3T3 L1 cells in terms of enhanced Insulin sensitivity has an advantage in the drug discovery process. Thus, there is a need to develop a new effective method of differentiating the pre adipocytes to adipocytes and to use such methods for developing efficacious therapeutic molecules. We observed that a combination of Dexamethasone and Troglitazone generated differentiated adipocytes over fewer days as compared to the combination of IBMX and Dexamethasone which constitutes the standard protocol followed in our laboratory. The experiments conducted to compare the quality of differentiation yielded by various differentiating agents indicated that the lipid droplet accumulation increased by 112 % and the GLUT4 mediated glucose uptake by 137 % in cells differentiated with Troglitazone and Dexamethasone than in cells differentiated traditionally. The comparative studies conducted for evaluating efficient measurable glucose uptake by GOPOD assay, radioactive 3H-2-deoxy-D-glucose assay and by non-radioactive 6-NBDG (fluorescent analog of glucose) indicated that the non-radioactive method using 6-NBDG showed a higher signal to noise ratio than the conventional indirect glucose uptake method (GOPOD assay) and the radioactive 3H-2-deoxy-D-glucose uptake method. Differentiated 3T3 L1 cells when triggered with 2.5 ng/mL of Insulin showed 3.3 fold more glucose uptake in non-radioactive method over the radioactive 3H-2-deoxy-D-glucose uptake method. The results of this study have suggested that a combination of Dexamethasone and Troglitazone for 3T3 L1 cell differentiation helps in better quality differentiation over a short period of time with increased sensitivity to Insulin. The application of these findings for developing new methods of screening novel Insulin mimetics and for evaluating the immunological responses has been discussed.  相似文献   
Channelrhodopsins-2 (ChR2) are a class of light sensitive proteins that offer the ability to use light stimulation to regulate neural activity with millisecond precision. In order to address the limitations in the efficacy of the wild-type ChR2 (ChRwt) to achieve this objective, new variants of ChR2 that exhibit fast mon-exponential photocurrent decay characteristics have been recently developed and validated. In this paper, we investigate whether the framework of transition rate model with 4 states, primarily developed to mimic the biexponential photocurrent decay kinetics of ChRwt, as opposed to the low complexity 3 state model, is warranted to mimic the mono-exponential photocurrent decay kinetics of the newly developed fast ChR2 variants: ChETA (Gunaydin et al., Nature Neurosci. 13:387–392, 2010) and ChRET/TC (Berndt et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 108:7595–7600, 2011). We begin by estimating the parameters of the 3-state and 4-state models from experimental data on the photocurrent kinetics of ChRwt, ChETA, and ChRET/TC. We then incorporate these models into a fast-spiking interneuron model (Wang and Buzsaki, J. Neurosci. 16:6402–6413, 1996) and a hippocampal pyramidal cell model (Golomb et al., J. Neurophysiol. 96:1912–1926, 2006) and investigate the extent to which the experimentally observed neural response to various optostimulation protocols can be captured by these models. We demonstrate that for all ChR2 variants investigated, the 4 state model implementation is better able to capture neural response consistent with experiments across wide range of optostimulation protocol. We conclude by analytically investigating the conditions under which the characteristic specific to the 3-state model, namely the monoexponential photocurrent decay of the newly developed variants of ChR2, can occur in the framework of the 4-state model.  相似文献   
The availability of refuges from predators and high quality food are thought to determine habitat use in small ungulates. We tested this hypothesis on habitat use by the Indian chevrotain in a tropical rainforest in the Western Ghats, using pellet-groups to infer habitat use. Between December 2009 and April 2010, we sampled 204 grids of 50 m × 50 m with four spatial replicates in each, using occupancy framework. We quantified refuges such as fallen logs and boulders, understorey complexity, and noted the presence of fruiting trees in the grid. Detection probability, p, of pellet-groups was estimated at 0.61. The naive estimate of occupancy was 0.52, which increased to 0.73 when p was accounted for. Out of eight candidate models compared using AICC, the one with the number of refuges and understorey complexity was the best model. Both covariates had non-zero positive slopes. Fruiting trees occurred very infrequently and did not influence habitat use, perhaps because the chevrotain fed more on buds, shoots and young leaves during the dry period covered by this study. The strong influence of understorey complexity on habitat use was perhaps also due to the abundance of these food items. These results highlight the need to control human use that adversely impacts the availability of refuges and understorey complexity such as removal of fallen logs and rattans. This study also demonstrates the application of the occupancy approach in the study of small and elusive ungulates.  相似文献   
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