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S Miyagawa  M L Kirby 《Teratology》1989,39(3):287-294
Nimustine hydrochloride (ACNU) is a nitrosourea derivative anticancer agent which has been shown to cause persistent truncus arteriosus in chick embryos. The objective of this study was to confirm the teratogenic effects of ACNU on the cardiovascular system of chick embryos and to determine whether ACNU induces persistent truncus arteriosus by interfering with neural crest cells. Various doses of ACNU ranging from 10 to 200 micrograms were injected under the chorioallantoic membrane of chick embryos on the third day of incubation. Saline solution was used as the control. After 10 to 11 days of incubation, 242 (46%) survivors of the 524 treated eggs were obtained. The survival rates of the embryos and the frequencies of cardiovascular anomalies were dose dependent. Of 146 embryos with cardiovascular anomalies, 104 (71%) had persistent truncus arteriosus. Ventricular septal defect and double-outlet right ventricle were seen in 37 (25%) and one (1%), respectively. Aortic arch anomalies were seen in 116 embryos (79%). Quail-chick chimeras (chick embryos with quail cardiac neural crest) were treated with 50 micrograms of ACNU and examined histologically 24 hours later. These chimeras showed dying neural crest cells in the pharyngeal arches. Dying cells were also noted in the neural tube, cranial ganglia, retina, and otocyst. These results suggest that persistent truncus arteriosus in chick embryos treated with ACNU is induced by neural crest cell death.  相似文献   
The primary structure ofHLA-B51 andHLA-Bw52 suggested thatHLA-B51 was derived fromHLA-Bw52 by the combination of a genetic exchange withHLA-B8 and a point mutation. To investigate the evolution of theHLA-B5 cross reactive group, theHLA-B35 gene was cloned and the primary structure was determined.HLA-B35 is identical toHLA-Bw58 except in the α1 domain. The α1 domain ofHLA-B35 except Bw4/Bw6-associated amino acids is identical to that ofHLA-B51 *, which was suspected to be an intermediate gene betweenHLA-B51 andHLA-Bw52. These data suggest thatHLA-B35 has evolved fromHLA-Bw58 in two steps; an in vivo replacement of the α1 domain withHLA-B51 and genetic exchange with one of theHLA-Bw6 genes. These three genes andHLA-Bw58 are postulated to share a common ancestor.  相似文献   
Summary Actin-containing cytoplasmic fibers were visualized in the mesenteric mesothelial cells of the large intestine of bullfrog tadpoles by rhodamine-phalloidin staining of en face preparations of mesothelial cells. These fibers were concurrently stained by immunofluorescence using antibodies to myosin or -actinin. Electron microscopy showed the presence of bundles of microfilaments in the basal cytoplasm of the cells. Such fibers in the mesothelial cells may be comparable to the stress fibers present in cultured cells. The mesothelial cells initially formed axially oriented stress fibers when they changed from a rhombic to a slender spindle-like shape. On the other hand, stress fibers disappeared as cells transformed from elongated to polygonal shapes during the period of metamorphic climax. Expression of stress fibers in these cells appears to be related to the degree of tension loaded on the mesentery, which may be generated by mesenteric winding. These stress fibers in the mesothelial cells may serve to regulate cellular transformation. They may also help to maintain cellular integrity by strengthening the cellular attachment to subepithelial tissue against tensile stress exerted on the mesentery.  相似文献   
The effect of human C-reactive protein (CRP) on macrophage function was studied in an assay of superoxide anion (O2-) production. Peritoneal exudate macrophages (PEM) of guinea pigs exposed in vitro to various doses of CRP for 72 hr resulted in the development of O2- production dose-dependently, measured by increases in superoxide dismutase-inhibitable nitro blue tetrazolium reduction. The O2--producing activity of PEM cultured without CRP, used as a control, decreased markedly in proportion to incubation time. The O2- production by PEM exposed to CRP for 18 hr when control PEM were still high in O2- production, was decreased by larger doses of CRP, while PEM cultured without CRP for 72 hr, when O2- production by control PEM was very low, followed by incubation with CRP for another 18 hr, produced O2- CRP-dose-dependently as in the case of that observed after 72-hr incubation with CRP. These results indicate that CRP is capable of activating macrophages and acts on macrophage function as a modulator. CRP possesses migration inhibitory factor (MIF)-like activity (as reported in the preceding paper) and also macrophage-activating factor (MAF)-like activity, indicating that CRP may play a functional role at the site of inflammation and tissue damage by accumulating and activating macrophages.  相似文献   
The in vitro ent-Mcaurene synthesizing capacity, as well asthe endogenous GA content of shoot-forming tobacco crown gallsinduced by a nopaline-type Ti plasmid, was studied. For determinationof the ent-kaurene synthesizing capacity, an HPLC procedurepreceded by sample clean-up was used and the GA content wasexamined by GC-SIM. Kaurene synthesis reached a maximum at thebeginning of the logarithmic phase of growth. There was a clearcorrelation between the ent-kaurene synthesizing capacity andthe content of C20-GAs. It seems that gibberellin synthesisis related to growth and development of the tissue. The natureof the GAs identified suggests, that the GA metabolism mightbe an unusual one. (Received October 12, 1987; Accepted April 11, 1988)  相似文献   
The hst gene was originally identified in surgically obtained human gastric mucosae as a transforming gene which could transform NIH3T3 cells morphologically. The hst cDNA clone was synthesized from mRNA of one of the NIH3T3 transformants. A human leukocyte genomic library was screened with this cDNA clone, and an hst genomic fragment was obtained. This genomic fragment itself had transforming activity, and the protein coding sequences were proved to be completely identical to those of the cDNA clone prepared from mRNA of the NIH3T3 transformant. This fact suggests that rearrangement or other structural alterations in the coding sequence are not required for the activation of the hst gene. The predicted hst protein consists of 206 amino acids and has a significant homology (40-50%) to fibroblast growth factors and int-2 protein. They together make up a new superfamily of growth factors and transforming genes.  相似文献   
Superinfection immunity is found in the conjugal transfer of R factors between two fi(+) R factors and between two fi(-) R factors (fi = fertility inhibition), as we reported previously. In contrast, no reduction in the frequencies of transduction of an fi(+) R factor 222 was caused by the presence of fi(+) R factors in the recipients in transduction systems with phage P1kc in Escherichia coli K-12 and with phage P22 in Salmonella typhimurium LT-2. The absence of superinfection immunity in transduction may be due to the difference in the route of entry of the R factor. The frequencies of transduction of an fi(+) R factor were reduced, although slightly, by the presence of fi(-) R factors in the recipients. This reduction is probably due to host-controlled restriction of the entering fi(+) R factor by the fi(-) R factors in the recipients, since transduction of an fi(+) R factor by the transducing phage propagated on the strain carrying both fi(+) and fi(-) R factors was not reduced by the presence of homologous fi(-) R factors in the recipients. The fi(+) R factor 222, when transduced to the recipient strains carrying other R factors, recombined genetically at high frequencies with these resident R factors, regardless of their fi type.  相似文献   
Five-mm sections of elongation zones of Zea mesocotyls wereincubated for designated periods with various concentrationsof IAA. In vitro protein phosphorylation in the soluble fraction(85,000 x g supernatant) prepared from the sections was analyzedby sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.The phosphorylation of proteins in the soluble fraction thathad been prepared from sections incubated for 20 min in thepresence of 10{small tilde}s M IAA was greater than that inthe sections incubated for 20 min without IAA. The amount ofphosphorylation of proteins per protein became higher when higherconcentrations increased (10{small tilde}8—10{small tilde}5M).The growth of sections incubated in the presence of 10{smalltilde}8 M IAA or higher concentrations was greater than thatof sections incubated in the absence of IAA. The promotion ofgrowth by IAA was greater at higher concentrations of IAA. Proteinsin the soluble fraction, prepared from sections incubated for20 min in the presence of 10{small tilde}5 M IAA, were phosphorylatedin the presence of either 10 fM cAMP, 10 µM cGMP, 100µM W-7, 100 µM W-5, 20 µM H-7 or 20 µMHA1004. The calmodulin antagonist, W-7, and the inhibitor ofprotein kinase C, H-7, inhibited the phosphorylation of proteinsstimulated by incubation with IAA. These results suggest thatIAA promotes cell elongation via protein phosphorylation thatdepends on calmodulin-dependent protein kinase and protein kinaseC. (Received November 29, 1995; Accepted May 20, 1996)  相似文献   
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