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Karyotypes of Calomyscus from different regions of Turkmenistan, Iran, and Azerbaijan were studied using chromosome banding (G- and C-banding) and analyses of meiosis in laboratory hybrids. Extensive variation in the diploid number and the number of autosomal arms (FNa) was revealed (2n = 30, FNa = 44; 2n = 32, FNa = 42; 2n = 44, FNa = 46; 2n = 44, FNa = 58; 2n = 37, FNa = 44; 2n = 50, FNa = 50; 2n = 52, FNa = 56). Centric and tandem fusions and heterochromatin changes were identified as the major modes of karyotype evolution in this group. Natural hybrids between individuals with different karyotypes were recorded, and regular chromosome pairing in meiosis was observed in laboratory hybrids. Fluorescence in situ hybridization with a 353-bp BspRI complex tandem repeat indicated that chromosomal repatterning occurred recently within the genus. There is no unequivocal evidence suggesting the role of chromosomal change in the speciation of the populations of Calomyscus examined.  相似文献   
The antioxidant function of the p53 tumor suppressor   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
It is widely accepted that the p53 tumor suppressor restricts abnormal cells by induction of growth arrest or by triggering apoptosis. Here we show that, in addition, p53 protects the genome from oxidation by reactive oxygen species (ROS), a major cause of DNA damage and genetic instability. In the absence of severe stresses, relatively low levels of p53 are sufficient for upregulation of several genes with antioxidant products, which is associated with a decrease in intracellular ROS. Downregulation of p53 results in excessive oxidation of DNA, increased mutation rate and karyotype instability, which are prevented by incubation with the antioxidant N-acetylcysteine (NAC). Dietary supplementation with NAC prevented frequent lymphomas characteristic of Trp53-knockout mice, and slowed the growth of lung cancer xenografts deficient in p53. Our results provide a new paradigm for a nonrestrictive tumor suppressor function of p53 and highlight the potential importance of antioxidants in the prophylaxis and treatment of cancer.  相似文献   
Soluble siglecs-1, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8, -9, and -10 were probed with polyacrylamide glycoconjugates in which: 1) the Neu5Ac residue was substituted by a sulfate group (Su); 2) glycoconjugates contained both Su and Neu5Ac; 3) sialoglycoconjugates contained a tyrosine-O-sulfate residue. It was shown that sulfate derivatives of LacNAc did not bind siglecs-1, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8, -9, and -10; binding of 6'-O-Su-LacNAc to siglec-8 was stronger than binding of 3'SiaLacNAc. The relative affinity of 3'-O-Su-TF binding to siglecs-1, -4, and -8 was similar to that of 3'SiaTF. 3'-O-Su-Le(c) displayed two-fold weaker binding to siglec-1 and siglec-4 than 3'SiaLe(c). The interaction of soluble siglecs with sulfated oligosaccharides containing sialic acid was also studied. It was shown that siglecs-1, -4, -5, -6, -7, -9, and -10 did not interact with these compounds; binding of 6-O-Su-3'SiaLacNAc and 6-O-Su-3'SiaTF to siglec-8 was weaker than that of the corresponding sulfate-free sialoside probes. Siglec-8 displayed affinity to 6'-O-Su-LacNAc and 6'-O-Su-SiaLe(x), and defucosylation of the latter compound led to an increase in the binding. Sialoside probes containing tyrosine-O-sulfate residue did not display increased affinity to siglecs-1 and -5 compared with glycoconjugates containing only sialoside. Cell-bound siglecs-1, -5, -7, and -9 did not interact with 6-O-Su-3'SiaLacNAc, whereas the sulfate-free probe 3'SiaLacNAc demonstrated binding. In contrast, the presence of sulfate in 6-O-Su-6'SiaLacNAc did not affect binding of the sialoside probe to siglecs. 6'-O-Su-SiaLe(x) displayed affinity to cell-bound siglecs-1 and -5; its isomer 6-O-Su-SiaLe(x) bound more strongly to siglecs-1, -5, and -9 than SiaLe(x).  相似文献   
The blocking potency of P- and L-selectin was studied for certain small molecule mannosides and their polyacrylamide (PAA, 30 kDa) conjugates in comparison to SiaLe(x) and fucoidan. Two experimental systems were used: (1) solid phase static assay based on recombinant selectins, and (2) P-selectin dependent rat peritoneal inflammation. betaMan-SC6H4NO2- p was four times more potent P-selectin inhibitor as compared to SiaLe(x). Docking of this molecule onto the P-selectin carbohydrate-binding site demonstrated that a nitro group enabled an electrostatic interaction with residue Lys 84, while the phenyl ring and the CH2 at C-6 contacted the CH2 groups of the same Lys residue. In vivo, betaMan-SC6H4NO2- p blocked experimental inflammation better than SiaLe(x), but significantly lower than fucoidan. In vitro Man-polyacrylic acid conjugates appeared to be very potent inhibitors comparable to fucoidan, uncharged Man-PAA proved rather active, comparable to SiaLe(x)-PAA both in vitro, and in vivo, whereas mannan did not display any P-selectin blocking effect.  相似文献   
A repetitive DNA sequence, MS2, was isolated from EcoRI-digested genomic DNA of the vole, Microtus subarvalis. The fragment was cloned and sequenced. Sequence analysis of this 1194-bp fragment revealed a 156-bp region demonstrating a 55% homology with the mouse B1 repeat. The remaining MS2 sequence shows no significant homology with other known GenBank sequences. The results of in situ hybridization of MS2 on vole metaphase chromosomes indicate the fragment is confined to heterochromatin blocks of the sex chromosomes in all but one species (M. arvalis). Distribution of MS2 sequences provides evidence for heterogeneity of the giant heterochromatin blocks of the XY Chromosomes (Chrs) in voles, for the unique cluster-like localization of MS2 within these blocks. Received: 10 October 1995 / Accepted: 30 March 1996  相似文献   
Active 3C protease of poliovirus 1(M) was obtained when cloning and expressing fragment HindII-HindIII (bases from 5240 to 6056) of cDNA in vector pTTQ8 in E.coli cells. As shown, fragment 3D of polymerase covalently bound to 3C does not deprive the enzyme of its specific proteolytic activity. The absence of 26 N-terminal amino acids in 3C entails its inactivation. The recombinant 3C protease cleaved peptide bond Gln-Gly not only in virus polyprotein, but also in molecules of beta-galactosidase and bovine catalase.  相似文献   
The protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) family of heterotrimeric serine-threonine phosphatases participates in human cell transformation. Each functional PP2A complex contains one structural A subunit (Aα or Aβ), and mutations of both are found to occur at low frequency in human tumors. We have shown that Aα functions as haploinsufficient tumor suppressor gene by regulating in part phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) signaling. In contrast, loss of Aβ function due to biallelic alterations contributes to cancer progression through dysregulation of small GTPase RalA activity. These observations provide evidence that dysfunction of particular PP2A complexes regulate specific phosphorylation event necessary for cancer initiation.Key Words: protein phosphatase 2A, RalA, cancer, transformationReversible phosphorylation plays a key role in the regulation of signaling pathways relevant to cell transformation. Dysregulation of several kinase oncogenes have been shown to be required for cancer development, and several targeted therapies focused on inhibiting particular kinases have now been approved for clinical use. Although it is clear that phosphorylation is also regulated by phosphatases, initial biochemical studies suggested that unlike kinases, phosphatases act promiscuously and constitutively in vitro. However, recent work indicates that phosphatases play essential roles in malignant transformation by acting on specific substrates in vivo.Protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) is a family of serine-threonine phosphatases implicated in the control of a diverse array of cellular processes. The PP2A core enzyme consists of a catalytic C subunit and a structural A subunit. In mammals, two distinct genes encode closely related versions of both the PP2A A and C subunits. The AC dimer recruits a third regulatory B subunit that has been predicted to dictate the substrate specificity and function of the PP2A heterotrimeric complex. Four unrelated families of B subunits have identified to date: B/B55/PR55/PPP2R2, B′/B56/PR61/PPP2R5, B″/PR72/PPP2R3 and Striatin1 (Fig. 1). Recent genetic and proteomic studies implicate clear roles for PP2A subunits in regulating physiological functions and one emerging view is that specific PP2A complexes play critical roles in cell transformation by regulating particular substrates.Open in a separate windowFigure 1Disruption of PP2A complexes induces transformation. PP2A is a heterotrimeric protein complex, and several isoforms exist for each of the three subunits, creating a diverse family of related enzymes that regulate specific physiological functions. Alterations of PP2A structural subunits, Aα and Aβ, contribute to spontaneously arising human cancers by distinct mechanisms. Cancer-associated Aα haploinsufficiency may induce human cell transformation by activating PI3K/AKT pathway while PP2A Aβ loss-of-function permits the accumulation of activated RalA.Somatic alterations of the PP2A structural subunit Aβ (PPP2R1B) have been found to occur in colon, lung and breast cancers.25 Notably, point mutations in one Aβ allele are commonly accompanied by loss of the second Aβ allele. We confirmed previous work6 that showed cancer-associated Aβ mutants form functionally null alleles.7 These studies indicate that Aβ is genetically inactivated in a subset of human cancers. In addition, we found that suppression of Aβ was found to cooperate with H-Ras, telomerase catalytic subunit hTERT and the SV40 Large T antigen to induce transformation of normal human cells while introduction of wild type Aβ into lung carcinoma cells lacking functional Aβ partially reverses this tumorigenic phenotype.7 Together, these data provide evidence that PP2A Aβ functions as a tumor suppressor gene.Previous work has shown cancer derived Aβ mutants exhibit markedly impaired ability to form complexes with the catalytic C subunit and the regulatory PR72 subunit.6 We have found that Aβ mutants also showed decreased ability to bind to regulatory Bα subunit and several members of B′ family. These data indicate that cancer-associated alterations of PP2A Aβ result in disruption of most if not all PP2A Aβ-containing complexes. Considering that distinct Aβ-B complexes are likely regulate the phosphorylation of particular substrates involved in transformation, further work is required to identify which B subunits participate in malignant transformation.Somatic mutations of the more abundant PP2A structural Aα subunit have also been reported in human cancers, although at low frequency.2,8 We previously showed that cancer-associated PP2A Aα mutations contribute to cell transformation by creating a state of haploinsufficiency.9 Although these two distinct PP2A structural isoforms, Aα and Aβ, are 86% identical,10 it was unclear whether these two isoforms share overlapping functions.11 We found that overexpression of Aα failed to revert the tumorigenic phenotype induced by Aβ suppression, suggesting that PP2A complexes containing Aα or Aβ are functionally distinct.To identify substrates specific for PP2A Aβ, we performed large scale immunopurification of PP2A Aα- and Aβ-containing complexes. We have found that PP2A Aβ complex, but not the PP2A Aα complex, binds to and inhibits activity of the small GTPase RalA through direct dephosphorylation at Ser183 and Ser 194. Cancer-associated Aβ mutants are unable to dephosphorylate RalA, suggesting that loss of Aβ function impairs the formation of complexes with RalA and deregulates its activity. Consistent with previous reports that implicated RalA in regulation of several signaling pathways relevant to cell transformation,1214 loss of function experiments revealed that RalA is crucial for transformation mediated by Aβ dysfunction. These findings strongly suggest that accumulation of phospho-RalA in PP2A Aβ deficient cells promotes tumorigenic phenotype (Fig. 1). However, we cannot exclude that other substrates of PP2A Aβ complexes also contribute to cell transformation.These observations also implicate phosphorylation of RalA as an alternative mechanism that may regulate RalA activity and cell transformation. Prior work has shown Aurora A kinase as one kinase that can induce RalA phosphorylation at Ser 194.15 However, further studies are required to identify the kinase(s) that are responsible for RalA phosphorylation at Ser 183 and Ser 194.While Aβ loss-of-function permits the accumulation of activated RalA, Aα haploinsufficiency seems to induce human cell transformation by activating AKT/PI3K signaling pathway9 (Fig. 1). However, it remains unclear whether PP2A A subunits determine the substrate specificity of heterotrimeric complexes by direct substrate binding, or by forming complex with particular set of B and C subunits. In consonance with the latter idea, Aα and Aβ have been reported to have different affinity to Cα, Bα, B''α1 and PR72 subunits.17 The systematic characterization of PP2A complex composition necessary for RalA dephosphorylation and Akt activation and further structural studies to resolve PP2A in complex with specific substrates will help elucidate the mechanistic details of how PP2A acts as a tumor suppressor.  相似文献   
p53 plays a critical role as a tumour-suppressor in restricting the proliferation of damaged cells, thus preventing formation of genetically altered cell clones. Its inactivation leads, in particular, to accumulation of polyploid and aneuploid cells. To elucidate the role of p53 in control of chromosome number, we analysed its participation in the cell cycle checkpoints controlling: (1) spindle assembly; and (2) G1-to-S transitions in cells with disintegrated microtubule cytoskeleton. Treatment with 8-10 ng/ml of colcemid causing no visible destruction of the spindle leads to arrest of metaphase-to-anaphase transition in both p53-positive and p53-negative murine fibroblasts, as well as in p53-positive REF52 cells and their counterparts (where the p53 function was inactivated by transduction of dominant-negative p53 fragment). Furthermore, p53-positive and p53-defective rodent and human cells showed no significant difference in kinetics of metaphase-to-interphase transitions in cultures treated with high colcemid doses preventing spindle formation. These data argue against the hypothesis that p53 is a key component of the spindle-assembly checkpoint. However, p53 mediates activation of the G1 checkpoint in response to depolymerization of microtubules in interphase cells. Treatment of synchronized G0/G1 cells with colcemid causes arrest of G1-to-S transition. Inactivation of the p53 function by transduction of dominant-negative p53 fragment abolishes the G1 checkpoint that prevents entry into S phase of cells with disrupted microtubules. Transduction of kinase-defective dominant-negative c- raf mutant or application of PD 098059, a specific inhibitor of MEK1, also abrogates the G1 cell cycle arrest in cells with disintegrated microtubule system. It seems that Raf-MAP-kinase signalling pathways are responsible for p53 activation induced by depolymerization of microtubules.  相似文献   
An experimental model system involving the modification of carbohydrate composition of the target cell surface with neoglycolipids was developed for studying the role of surface carbohydrates of target cells in the NK-cell-mediated cytotoxicity. The polymeric glycoconjugates of the Glyc-PAA-PEA and Glyc-PAA(Flu)-PEA types (where Glyc was an oligosaccharide residue, PAA poly(acrylamide) polymer, and PEA the phosphatidylethanolamine residue, and Flu fluorescein residue) capable of incorporation into the cell membrane were synthesized. The optimum structures of neoglycoconjugates and conditions for their incorporation into K562 and Raji cell lines, which differ in their sensitivity to the NK-cell-mediated lysis were selected. The mechanism of association of glycoconjugates with the plasma cell membrane and the kinetics of their elimination from the cell surface were investigated using the fluorescent-labeled Glyc-PAA(Flu)-PEA derivatives. The spatial accessibility of the carbohydrate ligands for the interaction with human NK cells was demonstrated. The target cells modified with the Le(x) trisaccharide were shown to be more sensitive to the cytotoxic effect of human NK cells than the intact cells. The English version of the paper: Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry, 2004, vol. 30, no. 3; see also http://www.maik.ru.  相似文献   
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