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It has been experimentally and clinically established that the determination of leucine-aminotransferase activity in the blood serum and abdominal exudate may serve as a marker for the early determination of pancreonecrosis and edematous (serous) pancreatitis.  相似文献   
目的建立长爪沙鼠原代肝细胞分离培养体系。方法以雄性长爪沙鼠为供体,采用组织消化法和Seglen两步灌流法分离肝细胞,以台盼蓝染色检测细胞得率和活率,过碘酸-希夫氏反应(PAS)鉴定肝细胞,倒置显微镜观察肝细胞形态变化,并使用含有多种细胞因子的培养基维持培养。结果组织消化法和Seglen两步灌流法平均每只长爪沙鼠可分别获得肝细胞(1.33±0.34)×107个、(3.97±1.15)×107个,细胞活率分别为(29.4±6.05)%、(80.3±4.56)%,这两种方法在细胞得率及活率方面存在显著差异。肝细胞内因有大量的糖原颗粒,经PAS染色后被染成红色。结果表明肝细胞在贴壁后72 h内,肝细胞形态发生显著变化。结论采用胶原酶经肝门静脉灌流分离肝细胞是一种高效获得肝细胞的方法。各种细胞因子有利于维持肝细胞在体外的生长分化,长爪沙鼠原代肝细胞分离培养体系的建立将为肝脏相关疾病研究和防治药物的开发提供技术支持。  相似文献   
裂叶蒿(Artemisia tanacetifolia)、大籽蒿(Artemisia sieversiana)和艾(Artemisia argyi)是我国常见的蒿属(Artemisia)植物,其分布区域遍布全国.本文利用MaxEnt模型预测3种蒿属植物在当前气候条件以及未来两种气候情景下的潜在分布区.采用受试者工作特征...  相似文献   
This study combined morphological and morphometric information on egg clutches, egg capsules and paralarvae of two sympatric coastal octopuses from New Zealand waters, Octopus huttoni and Pinnoctopus cordiformis, to provide species-specific traits to identify their early life stages obtained from field surveys. Eggs of O. huttoni (2.5 mm length; 1 mm width) were entwined with one another forming strings that ranged from 11 to 25.8 mm in length. Eggs of P. cordiformis (6.4 mm length; 1.5 mm width) were significantly bigger than those of O. huttoni and were grouped in small clusters of about seven eggs. Paralarvae O. huttoni and P. cordiformis differed in hatching size (1.4 mm versus 3.1 mm mantle length), number of suckers per arm (four versus eight), number of lamellae per outer demibranch (five versus ten) and arrangements of chromatophores in the body surface (29 to 59 versus 91 to 179), respectively. The morphological traits described in hatchlings from the laboratory allowed comparisons with field-collected paralarvae, suggesting that such characters were reliable species-specific patterns to enable a consistent differentiation between the early life stages of these two sympatric species, even in the absence of the brooding female.  相似文献   
The paper analyzes the immediate and long-term results of point stenting in patients with extended (more than 30 mm) coronary stenoses and compares them with those obtained by routine stenting. The study included 177 patients with varying extent stenoses who underwent traditional implantation of intracoronary stents. Thirty-seven patients undergone the so-called point stenting formed a separate group. There was no significant difference in clinical and angiographic success rates between the patients of all three groups. Significant difference was also absent in subacute stent thrombosis between the patients of Groups 2 and 3 and those of the point stenting group. Thus, acute or subacute stent thrombosis was noted in 4 (2.3%) patients from the routine stenting groups, all the patients being from Groups 2 and 3, and in 2 (5.4%) from the point stenting group. No significant difference was found in the incidence of recurrent angina pectoris (restenosis) between Groups 1 and 2 and between Groups 2 and 3. At the same time, recurrent angina (restenosis) significantly more frequently developed in the patients of Group 3 than those of Group 1. As compared with Groups 2 and 3 patients, there was no significant difference in the incidence of recurrent angina (restenosis).  相似文献   
The paper considers the impact of the length of an implanted stent on the early and late outcomes of intracoronary stenting. The study included 177 patients on a retrospective basis. They all underwent intracoronary stenting of 215 stenoses. All the patients were divided into three groups in relation to the length of an implanted segment (under 20 mm, 20-30 mm, and under 30 mm). In 16 (9.04%) of the 177 patients, for complete stenosis correction, several, but not one, stents were inserted, i.e. multiple stenting of a coronary stenting was performed. The stents were implanted by the conventional procedure. There was no significant difference in clinical and angiographic success rates between the patients of all three groups. There were no complications, such as transmural myocardial infarction and deaths in any groups. Acute stent thrombosis was noted only in 1 (1.8%). There was no significant difference in the incidence of subacute stent thrombosis between Groups 2 and 3 patients. No case of subacute thrombosis of implanted stents was noted in Group 1 patients. Thus, acute and subacute stent thromboses were observed in 4 (2.3%) patients, they being all from Groups 2 and 3. There was no significant difference in the development of restenosis between Groups 1 and 2 and Groups 2 and 3. At the same time, restenosis significantly more frequently developed in patients from Group 3 than in those from Group 1. Thus, the findings indicate that the length of a stented segment is an important factor that influence both early and late outcomes of intracoronary stenting.  相似文献   
The paper assesses the immediate and long-term results of direct stenting (without the stage of predilation) and compares with the outcomes of conventional stent implantation. A prospective study included 183 patients. All the patients were divided into two groups according to the procedure of stent implantation. In 85 (46.7%) patients, the stent was implanted without preliminary predilation of stenosis (direct stenting). These patients formed Group 1. Group 2 comprised 97 (53.3%) patients in whom the stent was placed by using the routine procedure. All the patients enrolled into the study had types A, B1, and B2 stenoses according to the ACC/AHA classification and received the conventional antiaggregatory and anticoagulant therapy. The technical success of direct stenting was 97.7%. There were no cases of stent dislocation and loss during direct stenting or expansion of a balloon and stent. Analyzing the immediate results in all the patients of the both groups showed a positive angiographic success. Thus, a primary angiographic and clinical success of direct stenting was achieved in all (100%) patients. Recurrent angina pectoris with restenosis was observed in 8 (9.4%) patients in Group 1 and in 21 (21.6%) in Group 2 (p < 0.05). Direct stenting significantly differs from the routine stent implantation in all procedure parameters. Thus, direct stenting in patients with uncomplicated stenoses is a safe and feasible procedure.  相似文献   
The seizure susceptibility of amygdaloid complex in rat was investigated. In piriform cortex and cortical nucleus of amygdaloid complex the structural and electrophysiological rostro-caudal differences were found (using relative spectral densities EEG, seizure thresholds, electrical kindling rate). The fundamental dependence of severity of motor seizures from structural (nuclear or cortical) organization of stimulating area was shown. There were more of limbic stages while stimulating anterior and posterior cortical nuclei, and there were more generalized stages while stimulating piriform and periamygdaloid cortex. Using the model of electrical kindling anticonvulsant effects of Sacricin were demonstrated. Sacricin is one of the compounds of polycarbonic acid. Sacricin has fully coped the process of secondary generalization of epileptic seizures.  相似文献   
目的对实验动物皮肤病原真菌2种培养方法进行了比较。方法将采集到的3只皮肤真菌感染病兔样品经由沙氏平皿法和沙氏试管斜面培养法分别进行培养。结果在3只真菌感染病兔中应用试管斜面法我们只检测到1例皮肤病原真菌阳性,而采用沙氏平皿法3例阳性全部检出。结论结合临床检测经验,我们认为本研究的沙氏平皿法优于沙氏试管斜面法,在实验动物皮肤病原真菌常规检测中具有推广应用价值。  相似文献   
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