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Effect of gamma irradiation on growth, shoot organogenesis andenzyme activities and isoenzyme patterns of -amylase and peroxidaseduring differentiation in long-term calluses of Datura innoxiahave been investigated. Radiation in doses of 0.2 and 1.0 kRstimulated the shoot regeneration frequency as well as the numberof shoots per regenerating callus. The 0.2 kR dose could induceshoot organogenesis even in calluses incubated in the dark oncallusing medium, although with less frequency. Such cultures,however, showed profuse shoot regeneration when sub-culturedonto regeneration medium under light conditions. A higher radiationdose (5.0 kR) was lethal to both growth and shoot differentiation.Prior to shoot regeneration, -amylase and peroxidase specificactivities increased to four- to fivefold and 7–24-fold,respectively. While the amylase isoenzyme pattern remained unchanged,specific changes in the isoperoxidase pattern were observedduring shoot differentiation in callus cultures. The most significantchange was the appearance of fast-moving anodic bands priorto visible shoot differentiation. Thus, such isoperoxidasesprovide useful biochemical markers for shoot differentiation. Datura innoxia, shoot organogenesis, isoenzyme pattern, gamma-radiation, growth regulators  相似文献   
At 500 μg ml−1 of aldrin, Rhizobium sp. Bengal gram ( Cicer arietinum ) and Rhizobium sp. Green gram (Vigna radiata ) showed a lag of about 12 h after which the growth returned to normal. The lag period was extended at concentrations above 500 μg ml−1 of aldrin and it was more in the case of Rhizobium sp. Green gram than Rhizobium sp. Bengal gram. However, at high concentrations of aldrin, after the lag, the growth rate was very slow. On the seventh day, Rhizobium sp. Bengal gram showed 72, 81 and 84° inhibition while Rhizobium sp. Green gram exhibited 74, 85 and 88° inhibition of growth at 1000, 1500 and 2000 μg ml−1 of aldrin, respectively. In general, oxidative activity of both of the Rhizobium spp. on pentoses, hexoses and TCA cycle intermediates was more strongly inhibited in aldrin grown cells than normal cells. The inhibitory effect of aldrin on the oxidative activity of rhizobia was partially released with a high concentration of glucose.  相似文献   
The survival of several strains of Staphylococcus aureus after heat stress in different menstrua was not logarithmic and F-values were determined to express their resistance to heat. Of the strains tested, Staph, aureus 234 (enterotoxin B) was the most heat resistant and Staph. aureus 790 (enterotoxin E) was the most heat sensitive. Buffalo milk gave the best protection to all the strains of Staph. aureus against heat, followed by cow's milk; phosphate-buffered saline gave the least protection. Soyabean casein digest agar gave maximum recovery of survivors followed by brain heart infusion and Baird-Parker medium. At 50°C there was no marked variation in coagulase production by the surviving strains but at 55 and 62–5dE C there was complete loss of coagulase activity. There was a decreased deoxyribonuclease (DNase) production by all the strains of Staph. aureus after heat stress. Heat-treatment at 55 and 62mD5dE C resulted in loss of enterotoxin production by all the survivors except S6 and 234, the surviving cells of which still prodused enterotoxin B after heat treatment at 55dE C. Most of the survivors regained lost characteristics such as coagulase, DNase and enterotoxin production after four to five passages through BHI which suggests that subculture of Staph. aureus recovered from heat-processed milk is necessary to avoid false results.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. The erythrocytic stages of Plasmodium gallinaceum in chicken embryos injected with parasitized blood either from a syringe-passaged infection in chickens or from a chicken infected with sporozoites, were characterized by abnormal structure. Particularly evident were large, unstained vacuoles within the cytoplasm; these occurred with greatest frequency in schizonts. The presence of myelin bodies within these vacuoles was revealed by transmission electron microscopy; abnormal cytokinesis and aberrant merozoites provided additional evidence of the parasite's inability to develop naturally within the milieu of the embryonic erythrocytes. Fifty-five passages were necessary to restore normal structure of the parasites in embryos, while only 5 passages were required for such restoration in neonate chicks. The probable adaptation of the parasite to the proportions of hemoglobin of the adult chicken may be responsible for the abnormal growth in the immature host.  相似文献   
The spores of Anabaena doliolum formed in light (light spores)and after transfer to darkness (dark spores) are biochemicallydifferent in that the light spores contain chlorophyll a andphycocyanin, while dark spores seem to lack them. The apparentbiosyntheses accompanying dark-spore germination seem to proceedin the following order: RNA, chlorophyll a, phycocyanin andDNA. Results of chloramphenicol treatment indicate that proteinsynthesis precedes RNA synthesis. The biosynthetic events followingRNA synthesis show a requirement for light.  相似文献   
Salt-tolerant Brassica juncea L. cell lines or plants have beenselected by screening callus pieces, cell suspension culturesand cotyledon explants in vitro on high concentrations of NaCl.Callus-based selection was unsatisfactory, as only two out ofseven isolated clones retained tolerance after 3 months of subcultureon NaCl-free medium. Selections made via plated cell suspensionswere found to be more stable for salt-tolerance. AH selectedtolerant cell lines, however, failed to regenerate plantlets.A third selection method, employing cotyledon explants was basedon their high potential for regenerating multiple shoots. Outof a total of 2620 explants cultured on high salt media, threesurvived, showed sustained callus proliferation and each regeneratedone shoot. The salt-selected shoots withstood the stabilitytest after 3 months of growth and axillary bud multiplicationon NaCl-free medium. While one of these somaclones was morphologicallyabnormal and sterile, the other two could be reared to maturitywith normal seed set. Brassica juncea, tissue culture, in vitro selection, salt-tolerance, plant regeneration  相似文献   
Water and 1 mg1–1 each of IAA and IBA completely inhibitedon the cuttings of Phaseolus mungo obtained from the seedlingsraised under far-red light but rooting took place in the darkand under white and red lights. Sucrose, however, caused rootingunder far-red light and its effectiveness increased with theaddition of IAA and IBA to the sucrose medium IBA being moreeffective. Culturing in 1 and 5 mg 1–1 each of FudR, actinomycin-D,cycloheximide and chloramphenicol after pre-treatment with water,IAA, IBA, sucrose and IAA/IBA + sucrose inhibited rooting. Theeffect increased with the concentration of each inhibitor. Incontrast to this, the culturing in water, IAA, IBA, sucroseand IAA/IBA + sucrose after pre-treatment with these metabolicinhibitors produced varying effects. While the inhibition persistedin water, IAA and IBA and even in 5 mg 1–1 of each inhibitorthat in sucrose stimulated rooting and the effect increasedwith the addition of IAA and IBA to sucrose, the effect of IBA+ sucrose being more pronounced. This stimulation was irrespectiveof the inhibitor and light condition except that 1 mg 1–1actinomycin-D inhibited rooting in the dark and under far-redlight.  相似文献   
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