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In the fern Pteris vittata, the low-energy blue-light-induced inhibition of phytochrome dependent spore germination was protected by 0.1 mol ethanol. This protective action was observed only with ethanol in a sampling of 9 alcohols. Ethanol does not induce dark germination of spores and may act directly on the inhibition induced by blue light. It takes about a 15 times more intense dose of blue light for the induction of 50% inhibition of spore germination in 0.1 mol ethanol containing media compared with control media. The protective action of ethanol was apparent within 2 days after treatment and reached a maximum level at the 4th day. The effect of ethanol continues for about 32 hours after withdrawal of the ethanol. This action of ethanol was also observed in the case of far-red light irradiation but the mode of action of ethanol may be different from the case of blue light irradiation.  相似文献   
  1. Spores of the fern Pteris vittata did not germinate under totaldark conditions, while an exposure of the spores to continuouswhite light brought about germination. The germination was mosteffectively induced by red light and somewhat by green and far-red,but not at all by blue light. The sensitivity of spores to redlight increased and leveled off about 4 days after sowing at27–28. The promoting effect of red light could be broughtabout by a single exposure of low intensity. Far-red light givenimmediately after red light almost completely reversed the redlight effect, and the photoresponse to red and far-red lightwas repeatedly reversible. The photoreversibility was lost duringan intervening darkness between red and far-red irradiations,and 50% of the initial reversibility was lost after about 6hr of darkness at 27–28. These observations suggest thatthe phytochrome system controls the germination of the fernspore.
  2. When the imbibed spores were briefly exposed to a low-energyblue light immediately before or after red irradiation, theirgermination was completely inhibited. The blue light-inducedinhibition was never reversed by brief red irradiation givenimmediately after the blue light. The escape reaction of redlight-induced germination as indicated by blue light given aftervarious periods of intervening darkness was also observed, andits rate was very similar to that determined by using far-redlight. Spores exposed to blue light required 3 days' incubationin darkness at 27–28 to recover their sensitivity tored light. The recovery in darkness of this red sensitivitywas temperature-dependent. It is thus suggested that an unknownbluelight absorbing pigment may be involved in the inhibitionof phytochrome-mediated spore germination.
(Received August 21, 1967; )  相似文献   
  1. 1. In the fern Pteris vittata, low-energy blue-light-inducedinhibition of phytochrome-dependent spore germination and darkrecovery from this inhibition were repeatedly observed severaltimes at intervals of 3 days at 26. The same amount of incidentenergy of blue light was required for inhibition in each successivetreatment.
  2. 2. The recovery from blue-light-induced inhibitionof germinationwas markedly accelerated by continuous illuminationwith redlight, and this red light effect was not affected bythe presenceof CMU.
  3. 3. The recovery process was not influencedby a single exposureto redlight, but was definitely promotedby brief red irradiationsgiven intermittently, at least 2 times,at equal intervals duringthe first 8 hr after blue light treatment.The effect of intermittentlygiven red light was annulled wheneach red exposure was followedby brief far-red irradiation.These facts suggest that phytochromemay be involved in therestoration of the ability of sporesto germinate (in responseto red light) which had been lostby blue irradiation.
1Present address: Botany Department, Faculty of Science, Universityof Tokyo, Hongo, Tokyo 113.  相似文献   
Action spectra between 350 and 500 nm for the inhibition ofphytochrome-dependent spore germination in the fern Pteris vittatawere obtained. Both action spectra obtained before and afterred light irradiation have peaks at about 440 nm and 380 nmand shoulders from 440 to 480 nm. These results suggest thatthe phytochrome system is not involved in the inhibitory processof spore germination induced by short irradiation with bluelight. (Received October 8, 1970; )  相似文献   
Micronuclear changes of variety 1 of Tetrahymena pyriformis during meiotic prophase have been observed by the light microscope. Morphologic changes in the micronucleus are divided into 6 stages. In stage I, chromatin begins to polarize; in stage II, the micronucleus becomes spindle shaped; and in stage III, one end of the micronucleus protrudes to form a “neck.” In stage IV, where the micronucleus elongates to maximal length, the whole micronucleus consists of 2 chromatin threads pairing longitudinally. One thread probably contains one genome. In stage V, the elongated thread becomes shorter and thicker. Finally, in stage VI, separate chromosomes appear and enter into metaphase. To discover the role of the elongation of the micronucleus, called crescent formation, autoradiographic analysis of RNA and DNA synthesis were undertaken using [3H]uridine and [3H]thymidine. Pulse label and chase experiments show that the crescent in stages II and III is actively synthesizing RNA. Though no remarkable DNA synthesis was observed during meiosis, a small amount of DNA synthesis occurred during the 1st and 2nd prezygotic divisions.  相似文献   
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