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Net productivity of vegetation is determined by the product of the efficiencies with which it intercepts light (?i) and converts that intercepted energy into biomass (?c). Elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) increases photosynthesis and leaf area index (LAI) of soybeans and thus may increase ?i and ?c; elevated O3 may have the opposite effect. Knowing if elevated CO2 and O3 differentially affect physiological more than structural components of the ecosystem may reveal how these elements of global change will ultimately alter productivity. The effects of elevated CO2 and O3 on an intact soybean ecosystem were examined with Soybean Free Air Concentration Enrichment (SoyFACE) technology where large field plots (20‐m diameter) were exposed to elevated CO2 (~550 μmol mol?1) and elevated O3 (1.2 × ambient) in a factorial design. Aboveground biomass, LAI and light interception were measured during the growing seasons of 2002, 2003 and 2004 to calculate ?i and ?c. A 15% increase in yield (averaged over 3 years) under elevated CO2 was caused primarily by a 12% stimulation in ?c , as ?i increased by only 3%. Though accelerated canopy senescence under elevated O3 caused a 3% decrease in ?i, the primary effect of O3 on biomass was through an 11% reduction in ?c. When CO2 and O3 were elevated in combination, CO2 partially reduced the negative effects of elevated O3. Knowing that changes in productivity in elevated CO2 and O3 were influenced strongly by the efficiency of conversion of light energy into energy in plant biomass will aid in optimizing soybean yields in the future. Future modeling efforts that rely on ?c for calculating regional and global plant productivity will need to accommodate the effects of global change on this important ecosystem attribute.  相似文献   
CHLOROPLASTS are more permeable to amino-acids1,2 than are cell membranes3 and also discriminate between their optical isomers2. This has led to the suggestion that the passage of amino-acids through the limiting membranes of chloroplasts is facilitated by carriers2. Using the additional criteria of saturation and competition, we support this suggestion and show that at least two carriers are probably involved.  相似文献   
Aquatic snails from south western Zimbabwe belonging to theBulinus trunscatus/tropicus complex vary widely in shell formsuggesting that more than one taxon could be present. This possibilitywas investigated by making observations on snail samples from13 populations from the Plumtree area, in respect of allozymevariation (5 polymorphic loci), shell morphology (9 variables),copulatory organ and chromosome number. Comparative data wereobtained from snails from north western Zimbabwe identifieddefinitely as B. tropicus. Analysis of the genetic structurerevealed a high degree of polymorphism (P) ranging from 0.29–0.80among populations from Plumtree and expected heterozygosity(He) from 0.02–0.22. No enzymatic diagnostic loci werefound which could differentiate the different morphs or populationsand discriminant function analysis on the morphological datashowed an overlap of morphs among populations. Snails analyzedfor chromosome number were all diploid (2n = 36). Snails exposedto Schistosoma haematobium mira-cidia were all refractory. Thisinformation supports the view of a single species, B. tropicus,which is differentiated due to migration barriers and whereenvironmental variables might be implicated in the morphometricdivergence. (Received 31 July 1995; accepted 15 January 1998)  相似文献   
1. Small, vertebrate carrion is a significant input into terrestrial ecosystems. The relative importance of different recyclers of carrion is poorly understood because of seasonal and habitat variation and methodological differences among studies. Many studies, in particular, do not account adequately for the activity of burying beetles (Nicrophorus spp.). 2. The present work, utilising a previously unstudied woodland, addresses this concern by: placing only two carcasses in the field at one time, using microsites only once, and providing a means to easily recover successful burying beetles. 3. Burying beetles buried 77.5% of experimental mouse carcasses over their breeding season, and typically did so within three activity periods after placement (30 of 31 burials). 4. The results and a brief review suggest that burying beetles are the dominant summer competitor for small, vertebrate carrion in mid‐ and northern latitude woodlands. Information on the age of carcasses utilised by burying beetles also provides an ecological context for laboratory studies of behaviour, life history, and microbial interactions.  相似文献   
The food of foxes in suburban London was examined using stomach contents and den litter analysis. A great diversity of food was taken. Adult foxes killed nearer to the city centre were found to eat significantly fewer earthworms, domestic pets and wild mammals, but more scavenged food items, than foxes killed closer to the suburban fringe. Cubs killed closer to the city centre ate significantly fewer earthworms and insects, and more pet birds, pet mammals and scavenged food items than cubs killed nearer the periphery of the suburban area. Although seasonal trends in food selection were apparent, they were not as pronounced as those observed in studies of rural foxes. At no time of the year did a single food item predominate in the diet of adult foxes. Passeriformes were the most important single food item in the diet of young cubs, but there was no correlation between the number of Passeriformes eaten and their abundance, nor between annual changes in the abundance of small birds and mean fox birth litter size and productivity. Most foxes examined were in good body condition; there was no seasonal variation in body weight, although fat content did vary seasonally. A complementary survey in Bristol on losses of domestic pets to foxes revealed that 07% of pet cats and 80% of other pets kept outdoors were killed in a year. Damage to garden Crops was negligible.  相似文献   
Although it is common knowledge that many trilobites enrolled, behavioral and functional aspects of enrollment are not at all well understood. Taphonomic details portrayed by enrolled trilobites in the Middle Devonian Hamilton Group (New York State) indicate that enrollment was a complex and morphologically constrained behavior. The trilobites Phacops rana (Green) and Greenops boothi (Green) are frequently enrolled in Hamilton strata; biostratinomic data indicate two very different enrollment postures. Interlocking morphologies (coaptative devices) and apodeme structure and disposition indicate that these postures reflect specific behaviors which involved interaction between tergal structures, inferred musculature, and the substratum. Phacops enrolled by burrowing forward and down into the sediment; dorsal muscles, attached to prominent articulating half-rings, imbricated the thorax such that each lappet overlapped the next posterior segment and locked into a posterior pleural facet. The pygidium was brought into place as the posterior segments of the thorax were placed into vincular notches along the lateral margin of the ventral cephalon. The pygidium locked with the cephalic vincular furrow to complete ‘perfect sphaeroidal’ closure. Greenops enrolled with the cephalon in an upright position at the sediment surface; a submarginal furrow on the ventral surface of the pygidium received the anterior rim of the cephalon. Relatively narrow articulating half-rings limited pleural rotation. Segments were loosely locked into narrow facets at the anterior margin of the next posterior lappet. In spite of rudimentary lappet and half-ring structures, Greenops displays an elaborate system of thoracopygidial muscles which involved dorsoventral and longitudinal attachments along the thorax and into the pygidium. Phacops, in contrast, displays very poorly developed apodemes which occur in the thorax only. Longitudinal muscle strength was likely less important during Phacops enrollment than is evident for the Greenops enrollment procedure. Conversely, Phacops clearly relied to a great degree upon competent closure devices which are poorly developed in Greenops. Biostratinomic data reveal different enrollment behaviors which reflect the function of different enrollment-related morphologies present in each species.  相似文献   
Synarthrial fulcral ridges are found in crinoid columnals from the mid-Ordovician to the present and in all four subclasses. Similar articulations did not become common in the cirri until the Mesozoic. Synarthrial stem articulations fall into two broad groups. Type I articulations have a fulcral ridge in the centre of the articular facet. In elliptical ossicles this ridge corresponds to either the long (IA) or short (IB) axis of the facet. Although both are functionally similar, Type IA ossicles are more common. Type II articulations have an excentric fulcral ridge, parallel to either the long (IIA) or short (IIB) axis of the articular facet. Type IIA articulations are found in crinoid stems capable of coiling. Type II articulations are particularly common in the cirri of articulates and are well adapted for attachment to hard and soft substrates. Columnals with Type I articulations often have divergent fulcra, giving the stem flexibility in all directions, but this feature is not seen in cirri or in coiled stems, where it would impair normal functions. Only the cirri of isocrinids and comatulids are muscular, so the movement of columns with fulcra must be passive.  相似文献   
Non-selected and Na2SO-, K2SO4- or KCl-selected callus culturesof Vaccinium corymbosum L. cv. Blue Crop were grown on mediasupplemented with 0, 25 and 50 mM Na2SO4 (non-selected and Na2SO(-selectedonly), 0, 25 and 50mMK2SO4 (non-selected and K2SO4-selectedonly) or 0, 50 and 100 mM KCl (non-selected and KCl-selectedonly). On all media, growth of selected callus (on a fresh-weightor dry-weight basis) was greater than that of non-selected callus,and selected callus grew optimally on the level and type ofsalt on which it was selected. Selected callus was friable andmaintained a higher f. wt:d. wt ratio. Tissue water potentialin selected callus was more negative than in non-selected callus. Flame photometry and chloridometry showed Na+, K+ and Claccumulated in callus to concentrations equal to or greaterthan the initial concentration in the medium. Turbidometry showedthat tissue SO42- concentration was lower than the concentrationin the medium. In most cases selected callus accumulated moreNa+, Ksup, SO42– or Cl than non-selected callus.Vacuolar ion concentration was measured by electronprobe X-raymicroanalysis, and on most media selected callus had highervacuolar ion concentrations than non-selected callus. SO42–and Cl were accumulated in the vacuoles at concentrationshigher than the external medium, but vacuolar Na+ concentrationdid not reach external concentration on Na2SO4 and on potassiumsalts was maintained between 12 and 17 mM. Vacuolar K+ concentration(approx. 142–191 mM on no salt) decreased on Na2SO4 andincreased on K2SO4 and KCl. There was no precise correlation between total or specific ionaccumulation (Na+, K+, SO42– and Cl and fresh-weightyield. Results suggest that selection results in adaptationin response to decreased water potential of the medium. Vaccinium corymbosum, blueberry, electronprobe X-ray microanalysis, callus, in vitro selection, salt tolerance, KCl, K2SO4, Na2SO4  相似文献   
  • 1 To investigate the range of resource size that burying beetles (Nicrophorus) exploit, small (21–33 g), medium (50–90 g) and large (120–210g) carcasses, were placed in the field and then exhumed after 1, 4, 8, 12 or 18 days.
  • 2 Nicrophorus attempts to utilize carcasses over this entire size range but has greater success on smaller carcasses.
  • 3 Larger carcasses were more difficult to exploit because: (a) they took longer to conceal beneath the leaf litter; (b) they were less likely to be rounded into brood balls; (c) they were more likely to be utilized by dipterans; and (d) they were occupied by greater numbers of congeners.
  • 4 Larger carcasses, however, did support greater numbers of larvae and contained broods of greater total mass than smaller carcasses.
  • 5 Beetles sometimes bred communally on larger carcasses in the field and same-sex adults were observed to feed young.
  • 6 Two follow-up experiments were conducted in the laboratory. On a large carcass N.defodiens, N.tomentosus or N.orbicollis can raise a maximum of 35–50 young. Nicrophorus pustulatus, in contrast, appears to be unique among Nicrophorus in that it can raise nearly 200 young on larger carcasses.
  • 7 Nicrophorus orbicollis and Nicrophorus sayi are extremely dependent on parental regurgitations and young fail to survive to the second instar if parents are removed. Young of Nicrophorus defodiens, N.tomentosus and N.pustulatus can develop normally without parental regurgitations.
  • 8 I discuss these results in the context of reproduction on carcasses of different size and hypothesize that this breeding system is facultatively quasisocial.
A scanning electron microscope technique for restoring deformed fossils   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Deformed fossils which originally had a regular geometric outline, such as crinoid columnals, can be restored using a scanning electron microscope technique called tilt correction. This magnifies the specimen in one direction only. It is unsuitable for specimens where deformation has occurred unevenly and can also distort small structures while restoring the whole specimen. D Crinoid columnals, scanning electron microscope, tilt correction.  相似文献   
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