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Hepburn, H. A., Goodman, B. A., McPhail, D. B., Matthews, S.and Powell, A. A. 1986. An evaluation of EPR measurements ofthe organic free radical content of individual seeds in thenon-destructive testing of seed viability.—J. exp. Bot.37: 1675–1684. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra of individualintact seeds of a range of legumes and brassicas have been obtainedin order to measure their organic free radical contents. Norelationship was found between free radical content and seedviability or early seedling growth for both legumes and brassicas.The testa had a much greater free radical concentration thaneither the embryo axes or the cotyledons for all cultivars ofseed tested. The general high free radical content of the testasuggests that there is little possibility of EPR being usedto predict the viability of individual seeds. The spectroscopicsplitting factor of g = 2·0045 reported for the intactseeds is consistent with the radicals' arising from melanictype compounds. Key words: Seed viability, free radical content  相似文献   
Two methods were used to estimate construction costs for leaves,stems, branches and woody roots of yellow-poplar (LiriodendrontulipiferaL.) trees grown at ambient (35 Pa) and elevated (65Pa) CO2for 2.7 years and trees of white oak (Quercus albaL.)grown at these same CO2partial pressures for 4 years. Samplecombustion in a bomb calorimeter combined with measurementsof ash and nitrogen content provided the primary method of estimatingtissue construction costs (WG; g glucose g-1dry mass). Thesevalues were compared with a second, simpler method in whichcost estimates were derived from tissue ash, carbon and nitrogencontent (VG). Estimates of WGwere lower for leaves, branchesand roots of yellow-poplar and for leaves of white oak grownat elevated compared with ambient CO2partial pressures. TheseCO2-induced differences in WGranged from 3.7% in yellow-poplarroots to 2.1% in white oak leaves. Only in the case of yellow-poplarleaves, however, were differences in VGobserved between CO2treatments.Leaf VGwas 1.46 g glucose g-1dry mass in ambient-grown treescompared with 1.41 g glucose g-1dry mass for CO2-enriched trees.Although paired-estimates of WGand VGclustered about a 1:1 linefor leaves and branches, estimates of VGwere consistently lowerthan WGfor stems and roots. Construction costs per unit leafarea were 95 g glucose m-2for yellow-poplar trees grown at ambientCO2and 106 g glucose m-2for trees grown at elevated CO2partialpressures. No differences in area-based construction costs wereobserved for white oak. Whole-plant energy content was 1220g glucose per tree in ambient-grown white oak compared with2840 g glucose per tree for those grown at elevated CO2partialpressures. These differences were driven largely by CO2-inducedchanges in total biomass. We conclude that while constructioncosts were lower at elevated CO2partial pressures, the magnitudeof this response argues against an increased efficiency of carbonuse in the growth processes of trees exposed to CO2enrichment. Bomb calorimeter; construction costs; elevated CO2; energy allocation; global change; growth respiration; heat of combustion; respiration; Liriodendron tulipifera; Quercus alba  相似文献   
To accurately predict ecosystem responses induced by climate warming at local‐to‐global scales, models are in need of more precise knowledge of response during periods of environmental stress such as drought. In this paper, we studied environmental control of canopy‐level water use efficiency (WUE) during drought at an eddy flux site in an oak‐hickory forest in central Missouri, USA. Two consecutive severe droughts in the summers of 2006 and 2007 afforded coverage of a broad range of environmental conditions. We stratified data to obtain subranges that minimized cross‐correlations among putative WUE‐controlling factors. Our results showed that WUE was subject to control by atmospheric saturation deficit (ASD), soil water potential (SWP) and the ratio of diffuse to total photosynthetically active radiation (If/It). Generally, WUE was found to scale with 1/(ASD)0.5, consistent with predictions from stomatal optimization theory. In contrast, SWP and If/It were related to WUE in a linear fashion. ASD was better correlated with WUE than either of the other two factors. It was also observed that the relationship between WUE and any single controlling factor was subject to influence of the other two. One such example was an opposite response of WUE to SWP between low and high ASD values, suggesting a breakdown of stomatal optimality under severe environmental stresses and a shift from optimal stomatal regulation to nonstomatal regulation at leaf scale. We have demonstrated that different data handling (stratified vs. nonstratified) or selection (hourly vs. daily) could lead to different conclusions on the relationship between WUE and its controls. For this reason, we recommend modelers to be cautious when applying WUE‐response formulas at environmental conditions or at time scales different from those at which they are derived.  相似文献   
To study the effect of root-zone pH on characteristic responsesof -fed plants, soybeans (Glycine max {L.}Merr. cv. Ransom) were grown in flowing solution culture for21 d on four sources of N (1.0 mol m–3 , 0.67 mol m–3 plus 0.33 mol m–3, 0.33 mol m–3 plus 0.67 mol m–3 , and 1.0 mol m–3) with nutrient solutions maintained at pH 6.0, 5.5, 5.0, and 4.5. Amino acid concentration increased inplants grown with as the sole source of N at all pH levels. Total amino acid concentration in the rootsof -fed plants was 8 to 10 times higher than in -fed plants, with asparagine accounting for more than 70% of the total in the roots of these plants.The concentration of soluble carbohydrates in the leaves of-fed plants was greater than that of -fed plants, but was lower in roots of -fed plants, regardless of pH. Starch concentration was only slightlyaffected by N source or root-zone pH. At all levels of pH tested,organic acid concentration in leaves was much lower when was the sole N source than when all or part of theN was supplied as . Plants grown with mixed plus N sources were generally intermediate between - and -fed plants. Thus, changes in tissue compositioncharacteristic of nutrition when root-zone pH was maintained at 4.5 and growth was reduced, still occurredwhen pH was maintained at 5.0 or above, where growth was notaffected. The changes were slightly greater at pH 4.5 than athigher pH levels. Key words: Ammonium, nitrogen nutrition, root-zone pH, soybean, tissue composition  相似文献   
The amino acid composition of the EDTA-induced phloem exudatereaching the fruit and the seed, and of the solutes releasedby the seed coat during fruit development were determined inglasshouse-grown pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. Finale) suppliedeither with nitrate-free nutrients (nodulated plants) or withcomplete medium (non-nodulated plants). The EDTA-promoted exudationtechnique was used supposedly to collect phloem sap and theempty seed technique supposedly to collect the solutes secretedby the seed coat to the embryo sac cavity. In young seeds embryosac liquid was sampled directly from the embryo sac. The maincarbohydrate transported and secreted was sucrose. The mainamino acids reaching the fruit were asparagine, glutamine, andhomoserine. Their proportions were steady during a day-nightcycle and throughout fruit development. Amino acid compositionchanges occurred first in the pathway from fruit stalk to seedfunicle, due to the formation of threonine (probably from homoserine)and in the seed coat due to production of glutamine, alanineand valine which, together with threonine were the main secretedamino acids. The temporary nitrogen reserves of the pod walland seed coat were remobilized as asparagine during senescence.Phloem exudate of nodulated plants showed a higher (about twice)proportion of asparagine but lower proportions of homoserineand glutamine than in EDTA-induced phloem exudate of nitrate-fedplants. The two types of nitrogen nutrition also produced somechanges in relative proportions of threonine and homoserinesecreted by the seed coat. Key words: Pisum sativum, phloem, amino acids, pod wall, seed coat  相似文献   
The use of genomic techniques to address ecological questions is emerging as the field of genomic ecology. Experimentation under environmentally realistic conditions to investigate the molecular response of plants to meaningful changes in growth conditions and ecological interactions is the defining feature of genomic ecology. Because the impact of global change factors on plant performance are mediated by direct effects at the molecular, biochemical, and physiological scales, gene expression analysis promises important advances in understanding factors that have previously been consigned to the 'black box' of unknown mechanism. Various tools and approaches are available for assessing gene expression in model and nonmodel species as part of global change biology studies. Each approach has its own unique advantages and constraints. A first generation of genomic ecology studies in managed ecosystems and mesocosms have provided a testbed for the approach and have begun to reveal how the experimental design and data analysis of gene expression studies can be tailored for use in an ecological context.  相似文献   
The Farquhar–von Caemmerer–Berry (FvCB) model of photosynthesis is a change‐point model and structurally overparameterized for interpreting the response of leaf net assimilation (A) to intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci). The use of conventional fitting methods may lead not only to incorrect parameters but also several previously unrecognized consequences. For example, the relationships between key parameters may be fixed computationally and certain fits may be produced in which the estimated parameters result in contradictory identification of the limitation states of the data. Here we describe a new approach that is better suited to the FvCB model characteristics. It consists of four main steps: (1) enumeration of all possible distributions of limitation states; (2) fitting the FvCB model to each limitation state distribution by minimizing a distribution‐wise cost function that has desirable properties for parameter estimation; (3) identification and correction of inadmissible fits; and (4) selection of the best fit from all possible limitation state distributions. The new approach implemented theoretical parameter resolvability with numerical procedures that maximally use the information content of the data. It was tested with model simulations, sampled A/Ci curves, and chlorophyll fluorescence measurements of different tree species. The new approach is accessible through the automated website leafweb.ornl.gov.  相似文献   
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