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Cereals are the world's major source of food for human nutrition. Among these, rice (Oryza sativa) is the most prominent and represents the staple diet for more than two-fifths (2.4 billion) of the world's population, making it the most important food crop of the developing world (Anon., 2000a). Rice production in vast stretches of coastal areas is hampered due to high soil salinity. This is because rice is a glycophyte and it does not grow well under saline conditions. In order to increase rice production in these areas there is a need to develop rice varieties suited to saline environments. Research has shown that Porteresia coarctata, a highly salt tolerant wild relative of rice growing in estuarine soils, is an important material for transferring salt tolerant characteristics to rice. It is quite possible that Porteresia may be used as a parent for evolving better and truly salt resistant varieties. The inadequate results and the difficulties associated with conventional breeding techniques necessitate the use of the tools of crop biotechnology in unravelling some of the characteristics of Porteresia that have been highlighted in this report. In view of the limited resources available for increasing salinity tolerance to the breeders to wild rice germplasm, Porteresia is undoubtedly one of the key source species for elevating salinity tolerance in cultivated rice.  相似文献   
Members of the cockroach genus Cryptocercus are subsocial insects that live in temperate forests and feed on decomposing logs. At present, seven species are recognized worldwide: four in the eastern USA, one in the western USA, and one each in Russia and China. Genetic variation within and among the Nearctic species has been characterized extensively in previous studies. However, whether there has been a corresponding divergence in the host and habitat association of Cryptocercus species is not known. Here, we report on differences in host and habitat association among six of the seven Cryptocercus species, estimated from field observations, elevation data, and land cover data. Our results indicated that the eastern and western USA species differ from one another in their distribution patterns, abundance, and habitat association. The eastern USA species are associated largely with deciduous forests, whereas the western USA and the Russian species are associated with evergreen forests. Thus, the eastern USA species, which are evolutionarily the most recent ones, have adapted to a different set of tree species relative to the basal species. There were also differences in the habitat association of the various species. Specifically, in the eastern USA, Cryptocercus darwini , evolutionarily the most recent species, occupied a habitat that is predominantly at low elevation [<400 m above sea level (ASL)] while all the other Nearctic species and the Russian species occupied a habitat that is at relatively higher elevations (>400 m ASL). Mapping of the above traits on a phylogenetic tree revealed that the evolutionary trend in Cryptocercus with regard to host and habitat association has been toward the utilization of low elevation habitats dominated by deciduous forests. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 75 , 163–172.  相似文献   
The distribution of a species is determined by a set of ecological correlates (biotic and abiotic factors) and historical phenomena that define and constrain its ecological niche. By examining the geographical projection of the ecological niche, it is possible to identify areas that are suitable for the species ecologically but that are not actually inhabited. Previous studies have used such discords to anticipate the existence of undescribed species; the absence of species may also result from historical barriers that have prevented colonization of the area. Thus, discords between potential and realized niches of a species may result from aspects of the species’s biology (e.g. lack of dispersal ability, specific habitat requirements) or from barriers to dispersal. In this study, we developed ecological niche models of the five Nearctic species of wood‐feeding cockroaches in the genus Cryptocercus. One species, C. clevelandi, occurs in the western USA and four (C. darwini, C. garciai, C. punctulatus, C. wrighti) are distributed in the Appalachian Mountains in the eastern USA. In general, modelled niches for all species showed ecological restriction relative to the total range of available conditions. Niche models for the eastern USA species predicted the geographical distributions of the other eastern USA species, with the exception of C. garciai, suggesting general overall conservatism in ecological characteristics. Some interspecific differences in modelled niches were also apparent. In general, C. clevelandi was predicted to occupy cooler and drier areas relative to the eastern USA species; among the eastern USA species, C. darwini and C. garciai were predicted to inhabit warmer areas relative to C. punctulatus and C. wrighti. Interspecific differences and similarities were consistent with the phylogenetic relationships among Cryptocercus species previously reported. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 90 , 457–466.  相似文献   
Inheritance of resistance and allelic relationships were studied in three resistant pigeonpea sources for strain 2 of sterility mosaic pathogen. The resistant genotypes (ICP 7035, ICP 7349 and ICP 8850) were crossed with susceptible genotypes (BDN1 and LRG30) to determine the inheritance of resistance. The resistant and susceptible genotypes were also crossed among themselves to obtain information on their allelic relationships. Parents, F1 and F2 generations were sown in pots and screened using infector-hedge technique. Observations in parents, F1 and F2 generations, indicated dominance of resistance in certain crosses and the dominance of susceptibility in others. Disease reaction appeared to be governed by two independent non-allelic genes, with at least three multiple alleles, at one of the loci.  相似文献   
A number of phylogenies exist for cockroaches that differ in the postulated relationships among families and genera. The relationship of the wood-feeding genus, Cryptocercus, to other cockroach families and to termites, has generated considerable debate. Grandcolas (1994), based on morphological analysis, synonymized the family Cryptocercidae with Polyphagidae and placed the genus Cryptocercus in the subfamily Polyphaginae. To determine if an independent set of characters supports the placement of Cryptocercus in Polyphaginae, a phylogenetic analysis of relationships among representative genera of the five cockroach families was undertaken. DNA sequence of a -430 base pair portion of the mitochondrial small ribosomal subunit gene from representatives of Blattidae, Blattellidae, Blaberidae and Cryptocercus, previously published by Kambhampati (1995) and Kambhampati et al. (1996), and the homologous sequence from representatives of Polyphagidae were used in the analysis. A total of twenty cockroach taxa and three termite genera were included in the study. Because a recent study showed that Cryptocercus punctulatus consists of a species complex, DNA sequence from four individuals collected in different parts of the U.S.A. was included in the study. The trees estimated from parsimony and neighbour-joining analyses indicated that Cryptocercus is a monophyletic clade which is most closely related to members of Blattidae. Polyphagidae is indicated as a sister group to the Blattidae + Cryptocercus complex, suggesting that Polyphagidae may belong to the superfamily Blattoidea rather than to Blaberoidea as proposed by McKittrick (1964). Blaberidae and Blattellidae were sister groups as previously proposed. Based on the present analysis, I propose that the genus Cryptocercus be retained in the family Cryptocercidae. Cockroaches  相似文献   
Dampwood termites in the genus Zootermopsis inhabit forested areas in western North America. To better understand the colony composition and breeding structure of Zootermopsis, we identified polymorphic microsatellite loci to use in population analysis. Microsatellite loci were isolated from Zootermopsis nevadensis nevadensis (Hagen); however, all primers amplified homologous loci in Zootermopsis angusticollis (Hagen) and Zootermopsis nevadensis nuttingi (Hagen). Twelve loci were polymorphic in one or more of the above subspecies and species. The number of alleles per locus ranged from one to six, with some allelic differences among subspecies and species. We are currently utilizing the microsatellite markers to investigate the population genetics of Zootermopsis.  相似文献   
The Indian meal moth, Plodia interpunctella (Hübner), is a serious and widespread pest of stored food commodities worldwide. Studies on the population genetics and breeding structure of P. interpunctella are lacking. Understanding the breeding structure of this pest has implications for its management. Fifteen microsatellite loci were isolated, cloned and characterized using an enrichment method. Forty individuals from six subpopulations were tested for polymorphism. Nine loci were found to be polymorphic. The number of alleles varied from three to six per locus.  相似文献   
The house fly, Musca domestica L., is a cosmopolitan species with a capacity to transmit human pathogens. Here, we report on the development of polymorphic microsatellite loci for house flies and present preliminary results from four house fly subpopulations from Manhattan, Kansas. Twenty‐four microsatellite loci were isolated and characterized using DNA enriched for repeat sequences. Forty individuals from four locations in Kansas were assayed to identify for polymorphic loci. Eight loci were polymorphic with the number of alleles ranging from three to six.  相似文献   
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