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Little is known about the evolutionary history of most complex multi‐trophic insect communities. Widespread species from different trophic levels might evolve in parallel, showing similar spatial patterns and either congruent temporal patterns (Contemporary Host‐tracking) or later divergence in higher trophic levels (Delayed Host‐tracking). Alternatively, host shifts by natural enemies among communities centred on different host resources could disrupt any common community phylogeographic pattern. We examined these alternative models using two Megastigmus parasitoid morphospecies associated with oak cynipid galls sampled throughout their Western Palaearctic distributions. Based on existing host cynipid data, a parallel evolution model predicts that eastern regions of the Western Palaearctic should contain ancestral populations with range expansions across Europe about 1.6 million years ago and deeper species‐level divergence at both 8–9 and 4–5 million years ago. Sequence data from mitochondrial cytochrome b and multiple nuclear genes showed similar phylogenetic patterns and revealed cryptic genetic species within both morphospecies, indicating greater diversity in these communities than previously thought. Phylogeographic divergence was apparent in most cryptic species between relatively stable, diverse, putatively ancestral populations in Asia Minor and the Middle East, and genetically depauperate, rapidly expanding populations in Europe, paralleling patterns in host gallwasp species. Mitochondrial and nuclear data also suggested that Europe may have been colonized multiple times from eastern source populations since the late Miocene. Temporal patterns of lineage divergence were congruent within and across trophic levels, supporting the Contemporary Host‐tracking Hypothesis for community evolution.  相似文献   
Tooth microwear and premaxillary shape of an archaic antelope   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Extant ungulates can be divided into three dietary categories: browsing feeders, grazing feeders, and mixed feeders. Dietary adaptations can be differentiated in extinct ruminants based upon tooth microwear analysis as well as evaluation of premaxillary morphology. Tooth microwear shows that the extinct bovid Kipsigicerus labidotus from the Miocene of Fort Ternan in Kenya (14 million years old) was most likely a grazing feeder, with mixed-feeder tendencies, while morphologically the premaxilla most closely resembles that of a mixed feeder. Because the paleoenvironment at Fort Ternan was likely to have been forested, as shown by paleosol isotopic studies, grazing in this particular ruminant evolved within a forested environment preceding the origin of savanna. □ Tooth microwear, premaxilla, Miocene, Kenya, bovid, paleodiet.  相似文献   
Diversification of phytophagous insects is often associated with changes in the use of host taxa and host parts. We focus on a group of newly discovered Neotropical tephritids in the genus Blepharoneura , and report the discovery of an extraordinary number of sympatric, morphologically cryptic species, all feeding as larvae on calyces of flowers of a single functionally dioecious and highly sexually dimorphic host species ( Gurania spinulosa ) in eastern Ecuador. Molecular analyses of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase-I gene from flies reared from flowers of G. spinulosa reveal six distinct haplotype groups that differ by 7.2–10.1% bp (uncorrected pairwise distances; N  = 624 bp). Haplotype groups correspond to six distinct and well-supported clades. Members of five clades specialize on the calyces of flowers of a particular sex: three clades comprise male flower specialists; two clades comprise female flower specialists; the sixth clade comprises generalists reared from male and female flowers. The six clades occupy significantly different morphological spaces defined by wing pigmentation patterns; however, diagnostic morphological characters were not discovered. Behavioural observations suggest specific courtship behaviours may play a role in maintaining reproductive isolation among sympatric species. Journal compilation  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 779–797. No claim to original US government works.  相似文献   
Although active oxygen species are produced at high rates inboth the chloroplasts and peroxisomes of the leaves of C3 plants,most attention has focused on the potentially damaging consequencesof enhanced chloroplastic production in stress conditions suchas drought. This article attempts to provide quantitative estimatesof the relative contributions of the chloroplast electron transportchain and the glycolate oxidase reaction to the oxidative loadplaced on the photosynthetic leaf cell. Rates of photorespiratoryH2O2 production were obtained from photosynthetic and photorespiratoryflux rates, derived from steady-state leaf gas exchange measurementsat varying irradiance and ambient CO2. Assuming a 10 % allocationof photosynthetic electron flow to the Mehler reaction, photorespiratoryH2O2 production would account for about 70 % of total H2O2 formedat all irradiances measured. When chloroplastic CO2 concentrationrates are decreased, photorespiration becomes even more predominantin H2O2 generation. At the increased flux through photorespirationobserved at lower ambient CO2, the Mehler reaction would haveto account for more than 35 % of the total photosynthetic electronflow in order to match the rate of peroxisomal H2O2 production.The potential signalling role of H2O2 produced in the peroxisomesis emphasized, and it is demonstrated that photorespiratoryH2O2 can perturb the redox states of leaf antioxidant pools.We discuss the interactions between oxidants, antioxidants andredox changes leading to modified gene expression, particularlyin relation to drought, and call attention to the potentialsignificance of photorespiratory H2O2 in signalling and acclimation.  相似文献   
Variation within the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) of the ribosomal RNA gene of 15 isolates representing seven European Armillaria species, was examined by sequencing of the PCR-amplified products. The analysis of an 744-bp region showed that the 5.8S gene appeared to be highly conserved in the 15 isolates and in other Basidiomycetes and Ascomycetes, whereas ITS1 and especially ITS2 spacers exhibited polymorphisms due to base substitutions, insertions or deletions of up to eight nucleotides. An initial dendrogram for the full sequence was drawn using cluster analysis (UPGMA), and a tree was constructed using the maximum parsimony method. Both methods indicated that the isolates could be divided into four major groups. One group, consisting of A. ectypa , was distinct from all the other species. Examination of the other groups indicated that A. tabescens and A. mellea were in a separated cluster, with a significant variation between the two isolates of the latter species. A. gallica and A. cepistipes constituted another closely related group distinguishable from A. ostoyae and A. borealis , these latter two species exhibiting the highest similarity. The results are consistent with, and discussed in regard to, the relationships estimated previously by pairing tests, morphological and physiological comparisons, as well as by restriction fragment length polymorphism of the rDNA.  相似文献   
Females of many species mate multiple times and store transferred sperm in storage organs. The mechanisms underlying sperm release from the stores at fertilization remain poorly understood, although they are central to an understanding of the female influence on post-copulatory male competition. Using double-mated females of the yellow dung fly, we counted the sperm sticking to the surface of deposited eggs of two successive clutches to obtain insight into the physiological processes associated with fertilization. The number of sperm released to fertilize an egg decreased between the first and second clutches, as well as within clutches from early to late eggs. These results indicate that: (1) sperm are lost from the stores over time independent of egg laying and (2) the number of sperm released depends on the amount of sperm stored. The lower number of sperm on eggs of the second clutches was accompanied by a strong increase of the proportion of sperm adhering to the micropyle region, suggesting that sperm use is more efficient and sperm release better controlled when sperm supply is substantially reduced. Finally, our approach indicates that sperm storage capacity of the female is higher than assumed from counts of spermathecal sperm.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 98 , 511–518.  相似文献   
Chromosome counts are reported in 29 populations representing 20 species and one subspecies of the genera Callicephalus (one sp.), Klasea (seven spp.), Myopordon (two spp.), Oligochaeta (one sp.), and Rhaponticum (nine spp., one ssp.). Eleven reports are new, the others supplement limited previous data. New and published cytological data are summarized and evaluated critically in light of current taxonomic treatments and evolutionary hypotheses. Basic chromosome numbers are a valuable source of taxonomic information and relate well to the phylogeny. They are quite conserved in Klasea (only x  = 15), the sister group of the remaining genera, and in the early branching genera of the Rhaponticum group ( x  = 14 for Centaurothamnus and Callicephalus ). However, a more complex pattern of genome evolution is present among the more derived clades, Oligochaeta plus Myopordon ( x  = 12, 14) and the genus Rhaponticum ( x  = 12, 13). The occurrence of x  = 12 in Oligochaeta divaricata and Rhaponticum carthamoides seems to be the result of a recent event of chromosome fusion, as suggested by the fragility of particularly long pairs of chromosomes. The use of chromomycin staining, including an enzymatic digestion step that facilitates spreading and permits a reduction of potential fragmentation, only partially resolves this problem.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 153 , 193–201.  相似文献   
1. In an attempt to discern long‐term regional patterns in phytoplankton community composition we analysed data from five deep peri‐alpine lake basins that have been included in long‐term monitoring programmes since the beginning of the 1970s. Local management measures have led to synchronous declines in phosphorus concentrations by more than 50% in all four lakes. Their trophic state now ranges from mesotrophic to oligotrophic. 2. No coherence in phytoplankton biomass was observed among lakes, or any significant decrease in response to phosphorus (P)‐reduction (oligotrophication), except in Lakes Constance and Walen. 3. Multivariate analyses identified long‐term changes in phytoplankton composition, which occurred coherently in all lakes despite the differing absolute phosphorus concentrations. 4. In all lakes, the phytoplankton species benefiting from oligotrophication included mixotrophic species and/or species indicative of oligo‐mesotrophic conditions. 5. A major change in community composition occurred in all lakes at the end of the 1980s. During this period there was also a major shift in climatic conditions during winter and early spring, suggesting an impact of climatic factors. 6. Our results provide evidence that synchronous long‐term changes in geographically separated phytoplankton communities may occur even when overall biomass changes are not synchronous.  相似文献   
Twenty-six chromosome counts were made of several genera of the tribe Cardueae from various European and Asian provenances: Acantholepis (one species studied), Amphoricarpus (1), Chardinia (1), Echinops (14 species, 15 populations), Siebera (1), Staehelina (3) and Xeranthemum (4). Eleven of the reports are made for the first time, ten confirm previous counts, while the remainder report disparities with earlier records. The existence of different basic chromosome numbers and ploidy levels suggests dysploidy and polyploidy as the main mechanisms of chromosomal evolution in the taxa considered.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 145 , 337−344.  相似文献   
We isolated 11 polymorphic microsatellite markers from Acacia mellifera, a savannah woodland tree in sub‐Saharan Africa and southern Arabia. The loci were screened for polymorphism using 48 Kenyan individuals. Allelic diversity ranged from three to 19 per locus and the polymorphic information content varied from 0.287 to 0.893. These loci will be useful in studies of genetic structure, gene flow and breeding systems.  相似文献   
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