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The germination of mould spores at controlled humidities   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Observations have been made on the influence of humidity on spore germination, the rate of elongation of the germ tubes and the production of asexual and sexual fructifications of various mould fungi. The humidity range at which the different species developed is given. Some of the Mucorales and certain pathogenic moulds required high humidities (100-93%) for their successful growth. Penicillium spp. had a wider humidity range (100-80%). Aspergillus spp. were able to grow under conditions of even more restricted moisture supply. Spores of members of the A. glaucus group, particularly, germinated and developed at humidities as low as 70-64%. The reasons for variations in the humidity range of the different species are discussed. The influence of the supply of nutrients on spore germination and subsequent mould growth is considered.  相似文献   
Permethrin-impregnated bednets reduce nuisance arthropods in Gambian houses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The prevalence of bedbugs (Cimex hemipterus L.), chicken ticks (Argas persicus Oken) and headlice (Pediculus capitis De Geer) was surveyed in a rural area of The Gambia. At the beginning of the study 37.5% of children's beds were infested with bedbugs and 3.9% with chicken ticks, whilst the prevalence rate of pediculosis in children under 10 years old was 28.8%. Both bedbugs and headlice were clustered within compounds. Headlice prevalence increased with hair length and they were more common on girls than boys. Following this cross-sectional survey all bednets in the sixteen hamlets were either dipped in permethrin or a placebo. About 4 months later it was found that bedbugs and chicken ticks had disappeared from homes in which the bednets had been impregnated with permethrin. There was no reduction in hamlets with placebo-treated bednets. The rate of acquiring headlice between the two surveys was reduced by 91.1% in children who slept under insecticide-treated bednets compared with children with placebo-treated bednets. There were also significantly fewer day-flying and crawling insects, except earwigs, in homes of children who slept under insecticide-treated bednets compared with those with placebo-treated nets. These additional benefits of permethrin-treated bednets should contribute to their widespread acceptance and utilization by the community for personal protection.  相似文献   
Evolution and adaptations of Galapagos sea-birds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With two endemic genera, 26% endemism at the specific, and 58% endemism at the subspecific level, the Galapagos sea-bird fauna is more highly endemic than that of any other archipelago. Of the four most distinct, hence probably oldest, endemics, three are probably of north Pacific origin and the fourth may be. The next most distinct group is of Humboldt Current origin, and the remainder, which are very little differentiated, are of Pacific or Caribbean origin. Special adaptations to Galapagos conditions include the loss of flight by a cormorant and the evolution of nocturnal habits by a gull, the latter probably as a result of kleptoparasitism or nest-predation by frigatebirds. As a group the Galapagos sea-birds show varied adaptive responses to the relatively ascasonal and highly unpredictable marine environment. Opportunistic and non-annual breeding regimes predominate. Unlike the Galapagos land-birds, the study of Galapagos sea-birds has thrown light not on speciation processes but on the consequences of natural selection acting on breeding ecology and associated behaviour.  相似文献   
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