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  • 1 In the spring, females of the leaf beetle Gonioctena sibirica deposited larvae on the ventral surface of growing young leaves situated on the apical position of shoots of the willow Salix bakko.
  • 2 The parent females remained with the larvae usually on the underside of the basal part of leaves, facing toward the base of shoots. When other arthropods approached, the females temporarily moved towards these intruders, showing aggressive behaviour such as swinging the body or stamping the legs. Many females remained with their larvae until the larvae grew into the final (fourth) instar. No female produced an additional brood in the field.
  • 3 Broods from which parent females were experimentally removed suffered higher mortality than those in which females were left intact. Arthropods such as spiders and ants were observed preying on the larvae. In contrast, the survivorship of broods from which females were removed and intruders were excluded with a sticky substance applied to the base of twigs was not different from that of control broods. These results demonstrate that the main mortality factor of offspring is pedestrian arthropod predators and females physically repel the predators.
  • 4 Potentially alternative reproductive strategies, such as producing a large number of offspring by iteroparity and/or larger brood(s) with less or no care, seem to be inhibited in G.sibirica by larval dependence on growing young leaves which are temporally limited and by ovoviviparity which may have limited brood size.
The sea lavender, Limonium wrightii , has six morphs of flower colour variation. The geographical distribution of flower colour morphs is disjunct; the distribution of the pink flower morph is divided into two subregions, and that of the yellow flower morph intervenes between them. The present study aimed to examine the origin of this apparent distribution pattern of flower colour in L. wrightii . Two main hypotheses (i.e. past dispersal events and phenotypic changes by natural selection and/or stochastic processes) have been proposed to account for the origin of leapfrog distribution patterns. To determine which hypothesis was applicable, we conducted a molecular phylogenetic analysis using sequence variation in chloroplast DNA (three regions of intergenic spacers, trnG - trnfM , trnV - trnM , and psbA-trnH ). We sequenced 58 accessions of L. wrightii frin 28 islands in the Ryukyu Archipelago and the Izu-Ogasawara Islands, located south of the Japanese mainland, and 12 accessions of four congeneric species. Within L. wrightii , we obtained four lineages of ten haplotypes. These lineages and haplotypes did not correlate with the different flower colours. These results indicate that the formation processes of populations are complex. The haplotypes of the pink flower morph did not show a sister relationship between the two disjunct subregions, indicating that the disjunct populations of the pink flower morphs are unlikely to share the pink flower colour as a result of common ancestry. We conclude that the observed leapfrog distribution pattern is caused by natural selection and/or stochastic processes.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 97 , 709–717.  相似文献   
Geographical variation and differentiation of flightless leaf beetles of the Chrysolina angusticollis species complex were analysed. Nine morphological groups were recognized on the basis of metric characters relating to body size, shape of hind wing and shape of male genitalia, and binary characters relating to females' elytral surface and larval pubescence. The nine groups were essentially parapatric or allopatric to each other. Five groups occupied a continuous geographical range each, whereas another four groups were disjunctively distributed. Morphometric distance and geographical distance between populations were significantly correlated. Analyses based on 13 allozyme loci demonstrated that six out of the nine morphological groups were further divided into more than one genetically distinct group each. Genetic similarity between populations was significantly correlated with morphometric similarity and geographical closeness. Disjunctively distributed populations of a single morphological group more often resembled geographically adjacent populations of different morphological groups than geographically remote populations of the same group. In a morphological group that occupied a wide continuous range, remote populations substantially differed genetically from each other. The results suggest that there exist at least 19 morphologically and/or genetically differentiated units in the C. angusticollis complex in northern Japan. The C. angusticollis complex is likely a superspecies composed of a number of semispecies. We postulate that the diversification of this species complex might have resulted from the repeated range contraction and expansion during the ice ages. Movement of tension zones that separate two adjacent forms might contribute to enhance their geographical differentiation.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 557–578.  相似文献   
Allozyme diversity was examined in 30 populations of the maritime perennial plant Hedyotis strigulosa var. parviflora , which is distributed from subtropical islands to the central mainland of Japan. Genetic diversity within populations tended to be larger in southern island populations than in northern mainland populations. In the southern part of the distribution, the population size is generally large and populations are distributed more continuously than in the northern area, resulting in the larger effective size of southern populations as a whole. These factors play a major role in maintaining greater genetic diversity in the southern populations. By contrast, genetic diversity in the northern populations is very low, probably resulting from bottlenecks of population establishments during recolonization from refugial area to the northern areas. Geographically close populations were located near each other in the multidimensional scaling and the phenogram based on genetic distances, suggesting that gene flow among remote populations is rather limited. The pattern of genetic diversity in H. strigulosa var. parviflora is likely caused by the distribution expansion of the species; in the last glacier era, the species was restricted to the southern area; its advance to the northern area is relatively recent. Another variety endemic only to the Daito Islands, H. strigulos a var. luxurians , has lower genetic diversity than H. strigulosa var. parviflora and has genetically diverged from H. strigulosa var. parviflor a.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 679–688.  相似文献   
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