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Distribution of iron-containing oxidases in aging nodal rootsof rice and wheat was studied. Activities of cytochrome c oxidase( [EC] , cytochrome c : O2 oxidoreductase), catalase ( [EC] ,H2O2: H2O2 oxidoreductase) and peroxidase ( [EC] , donor:H2O2 oxidoreductase) in wheat roots were comparatively higherthan were those in rice roots at corresponding stages. Cytochromec oxidase in roots remained active throughout the lives of therice and wheat crops. In rice roots, catalase seemed to playa distinct role around the panicle formation stage. Decay ofcatalase activity took place earlier than did that of peroxidaseand cytochrome c oxidase activities. In wheat roots similarenzyme activity changes were not observed. Data may suggestthat the high activity of iron containing oxidases at the panicleformation stage (I) may be chiefly due to catalase activityin rice roots. 1Paper presented at the 14th Annual Meeting of the Society ofthe Science of Soil and Manure, Japan (1968). (Received November 21, 1968; )  相似文献   
Biosynthesis of ethylene in sweet potato root tissue   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The biosynthetic pathway of ethylene in freshly cut and blackrot-diseased tissues of sweet potato roots was investigated.Glucose-U-14C administration gave labeled ethylene in both freshand diseased tissues, but at the early stage of infection, therewas ethylene production which was not derived from the fed 14C-glucose.Acetate-1-14C and acetate-2-14C were equally incorporated intoethylene produced from fresh tissue, but acetate-2-14C was preferentiallyincorporated into ethylene from diseased tissue. Pyruvate-3-14Cwas more efficient as a precursor than was acetate or glucosein fresh tissue, while its efficiency was the same as that ofacetate in diseased tissue. Monofluoroacetate promoted pyruvate-3-14Cincorporation in fresh tissue but inhibited incorporation indiseased tissue. We concluded that the TCA cycle is involvedin the case of diseased tissue but not in fresh tissue; thus,showing different pathways for ethylene production in each tissue.In addition, in diseased tissue, ethylene is assumed to be producedfrom some cellular component(s), not easily synthesized fromglucose through fungus infection, but is degraded as soon asinfection commences. 1This paper constitutes Part 85 of the Phytopathological Chemistryof Sweet Potato with Black Rot and Injury 2Present address: The Institute for Biochemical Regulation,Faculty of Agriculture, Nagoya University, Chikusa, Nagoya 464,Japan (Received April 20, 1970; )  相似文献   
This experiment studies the comparative activities of terminaloxidases (Fe-containing oxidases, Cu-containing oxidases andCN-resistant oxidases) in roots of rice and wheat seedlingsand the effect of root pruning on these terminal oxidases inthe roots of those crops. Data indicate that (i) excepting achange in the activity of Cu-containing oxidases no appreciabledifference in respiration or in Fe-containing and CN-resistantoxidases was noticed in the two types of seedling roots and(ii) root pruning did not produce any noticeable change in terminaloxidase activities in roots of wheat seedlings. A drastic changein terminal oxidase activities in roots of rice seedlings wasobserved, suggesting that a close relationship exists betweenCN-resistant oxidase and transplanting time. (Received November 21, 1968; )  相似文献   
Conservation of endemic species on oceanic islands is an essential issue for biodiversity conservation. Metrosideros boninensis (Myrtaceae) is an endangered tree species endemic to the Bonin Islands of the western North Pacific Ocean. This species is considered to be extremely rare with less than 400 adult individuals, a number that has fluctuated between the 1880s and 1980s through human influence. We analyzed the genetic diversity and genetic structure of this species using amplified fragment length polymorphism markers and microsatellite markers. Genetic diversity of M. boninensis was extremely low compared to related taxa and similar endemic species from small islands. This low genetic diversity might be attributed to a stepwise colonization process with repeated founder bottlenecks in the dispersal pathway to the Bonin Islands. Populations of M. boninensis showed significant genetic differentiation and isolation by distance over a small geographical scale, despite the fact that this species should have extensive gene dispersal ability. This genetic differentiation might be caused by limited gene flow via pollen and seed among populations and genetic drift amid a small number of remnant individuals. Taken together, these findings suggest that the genetic diversity and connectivity of tree populations on islands are more vulnerable to habitat fragmentation than previously thought. We offer some recommendations for management to ameliorate habitat fragmentation and biological invasion.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. The photosynthetic protozoon Euglena gracilis, accumulated a large amount of trehalose in the cells under salt or osmotic stresses. Radioactivity of [14C] paramylon, a β-1,3-polyglucan which was stored in the cells of E. gracilis. was degraded rapidly and this radioactivity was almost stoichiometrically incorporated into trehalose. The interconversion of trehalose from paramylon by salt or osmotic stresses was dependent on the concentrations or osmotic pressures, suggesting that E. gracilis accumulate trehalose as an osmoprotectant. After the removal of salt or osmotic stresses, trehalose was gradually degraded, however, it was not converted into paramylon.  相似文献   
Auxin induced an increase in the rate of ethylene productionby hypocotyl segments of etiolated mungbean seedlings aftera 1 hr lag period. The increase in the production rate was greatestwith segments immediately below the cotyledonary hook. Effectiveconcentrations of indoleacetic acid ranged from 1 µm to0.5 mM. Length of the lag period was the same regardless ofthe interval between segment excision and the addition of auxin.Auxin-induced ethylene production was inhibited by cycloheximidebut not by chloramphenicol. Auxin removal from, or cycloheximideaddition to, segments actively producing ethylene in responseto auxin caused a rapid decrease in the rate of ethylene production.These results suggest that the ethylene producing system inducedby auxin is rapidly turning over and that auxin acts at twosites to increase ethylene production 1This work was supported in part by grant No. 0802 from Ministryof Education, Japan (Received November 30, 1970; )  相似文献   
The effects of EDTA·Mg or GEDTA·Mg on the uptakeof nutrient ions, the release of Ca++ and nucleotides into themedium and the nucleic acid contents in rice and red bean rootswere investigated.
  1. Both EDTA and EDTA·Mg induced similarly the release ofCa from roots.
  2. EDTA·Mg as well as EDTA brought abouta significant repressionin K uptake, but had an insignificantor no effect on P, NH4and NO3 uptakes. EDTA·Ca did notrepress K, P, NH4 andNO3 uptakes.
  3. EDTA or GEDTA acceleratedthe degradation of nucleic acid andthe release of nucleotides,while EDTA·Mg or GEDTA·Mghad no such effect.
These results indicate that the indispensable role of intracellularCa in K uptake does not appear to be directly associated withRNA metabolism. (Received July 29, 1965; )  相似文献   
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