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SUMMARY. We describe a model of zooplankton population dynamics that accounts for differences in mortality and physiology among animals of different ages or sizes. The model follows changes in numbers of individuals and changes in individual and egg biomass through time and it expresses mortality and net assimilation as functions of animal size.
We investigated the effect of egg size, age at first reproduction, and size at first reproduction on the per capita growth rates of populations growing under different conditions. In the absence of predation or when exposed to vertebrate predators that prefer large prey, populations achieve maximum growth rates when animals hatch from small eggs and reach maturity quickly at small sizes. Populations exposed to invertebrate predators that concentrate on small animals may increase r in two different ways. One way is for animals to increase juvenile survivorship by hatching from large eggs and by shortening the juvenile period. An alternative strategy is for animals to hatch from small eggs and to postpone maturity until they grow beyond the range of sizes available to their predators. Certain life history strategies maximize r if animals continue to grow after they reach maturity. By growing larger, non-primiparous females are able to hatch larger clutches and thereby increase the overall rate of population growth.
The model analysis shows how to assess age-dependent mortality rates from field data. The net rate of population increase and the age distribution of eggs together provide specific, quantitative information about mortality.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. In response to a moderate mechanical stimulus, theleech withdraws by forming a U-shaped local bend beneath thestimulus. Interneurons in the local bending reflex receive multiplesensory inputs, and have outputs to many motor neurons, suggestingthat stimulus location on the body is represented in a distributedfashion. However, it is possible that as yet unidentified interneuronsdedicated to the detection of specific spatial locations arenecessary for the full range of the local bending motor output.Using the backpropagation algorithm to optimize connectionsin a model of the reflex, we showed that the distributed processingmodel of sensorimotor integration was consistent with our knowledgeof the connection strengths between identified neurons in thereflex. The model further showed that the spatial and temporalconstraints on the linkage between sensory representations andmotor output can be satisfied by the appropriate connectivitybetween layers of interneurons and motor neurons in the leech,as well as in other systems with similar circuitry.  相似文献   
Abstract: Common reed (Phragmites australis) forms dense stands with deep layers of residual organic matter that negatively affects plant diversity and possibly habitat use by wetland birds. We sought to determine whether seasonal relative abundance and species richness of birds varied among 3 habitat types in Great Lakes coastal wetland complexes recently invaded by common reed. We used fixed-distance point counts to determine species relative abundances and species richness in edge and interior locales within common reed, cattail (Typha spp.), and meadow marsh habitats of various sizes during 2 summers (2001 and 2002) and 1 autumn (2001) at Long Point, Lake Erie, Ontario, Canada. We found that total relative abundance and species richness of birds were greater in common reed habitat compared to cattail or meadow marsh habitats. However, we also found that relative abundance of marsh-nesting birds was greater in meadow marsh habitat than in cattail and common reed during summer. Lastly, we found that, irrespective of habitat type, habitat edges had higher total relative abundance and species richness of birds than did habitat interiors. Our results show that common reed provides suitable habitat for a diversity of landbirds during summer and autumn but only limited habitat for many marsh-nesting birds during summer. Based on these results, we recommend restoration of meadow marsh habitat through reduction of common reed in Great Lakes wetlands where providing habitat for breeding marsh-nesting birds is an objective. Managers also might consider reducing the size of nonnative common reed stands to increase edge effect and use by birds, possibly including wetland birds.  相似文献   
Abstract The 165-km2 Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area (APWRA) in west-central California includes 5,400 wind turbines, each rated to generate between 40 kW and 400 kW of electric power, or 580 MW total. Many birds residing or passing through the area are killed by collisions with these wind turbines. We searched for bird carcasses within 50 m of 4,074 wind turbines for periods ranging from 6 months to 4.5 years. Using mortality estimates adjusted for searcher detection and scavenger removal rates, we estimated the annual wind turbine–caused bird fatalities to number 67 (80% CI = 25–109) golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos), 188 (80% CI = 116–259) red-tailed hawks (Buteo jamaicensis), 348 (80% CI = −49 to 749) American kestrels (Falco sparverius), 440 (80% CI = −133 to 1,013) burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia hypugaea), 1,127 (80% CI = −23 to 2,277) raptors, and 2,710 (80% CI = −6,100 to 11,520) birds. Adjusted mortality estimates were most sensitive to scavenger removal rate, which relates to the amount of time between fatality searches. New on-site studies of scavenger removal rates might warrant revising mortality estimates for some small-bodied bird species, although we cannot predict how the mortality estimates would change. Given the magnitude of our mortality estimates, regulatory agencies and the public should decide whether to enforce laws intended to protect species killed by APWRA wind turbines, and given the imprecision of our estimates, directed research is needed of sources of error and bias for use in studies of bird collisions wherever wind farms are developed. Precision of mortality estimates could be improved by deploying technology to remotely detect collisions and by making wind turbine power output data available to researchers so that the number of fatalities can be related directly to the actual power output of the wind turbine since the last fatality search.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Mortality estimates are needed of birds and bats killed by wind turbines because wind power generation is rapidly expanding worldwide. A mortality estimate is based on the number of fatalities assumed caused by wind turbines and found during periodic searches, plus the estimated number not found. The 2 most commonly used estimators adjust mortality estimates by rates of searcher detection and scavenger removal of carcasses. However, searcher detection trials can be biased by the species used in the trial, the number volitionally placed for a given fatality search, and the disposition of the carcass on the ground. Scavenger removal trials can be biased by the metric representing removal rate, the number of carcasses placed at once, the duration of the trial, species used, whether carcasses were frozen, whether carcasses included injuries consistent with wind turbine collisions, season, distance from the wind turbines, and general location. I summarized searcher detection rates among reported trials, and I developed models to predict the proportion of carcasses remaining since the last fatality search. The summaries I present can be used to adjust previous and future estimates of mortality to improve comparability. I also identify research directions to better understand these and other adjustments needed to compare mortality estimates among wind farms.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Population modeling exercises can lead to both expected and unexpected results useful for wildlife research and management, even though inferences must often be qualitative, given underlying assumptions. Our main objective was to use empirical data on wolf (Canis lupus) kill rates and growth of the Western Arctic caribou (Rangifer tarandus) herd (WAH) of Alaska, USA, to assess the potential for predator regulation. We used available data and published literature to construct a deterministic density-dependent population model fitted to trends of the WAH from 1976 through 2003. By increasing wolf densities in the baseline model, we failed to reject the hypothesis that wolves at a density of 6.5 wolves per 1,000 km2 could regulate a caribou herd at a density of 0.4 caribou per km2. In addition, our model may be conservative by underestimating the regulatory potential of wolves. We suggest that this relatively simple predator-preysystem shows signs of a predation—food 2-state model. Elasticities from matrix models may be deceiving. Although herd growth is most sensitive to changes in adult female survival, survival of younger cohorts may be more easily influenced by natural conditions or management action. Management of the WAH near maximum sustained yield may not be attainable if desired, but modeling exercises such as this elucidate options. In conducting this research, we also discovered by Monte Carlo simulation that survival and productivity data from radiocollared females and calves were negatively biased and failed to predict herd growth. Thus, researchers should consider potential effects of neck collars on vital rates of female tundra caribou and concomitant offspring when using sample data to model population dynamics or test hypotheses.  相似文献   
Abstract: The largest aggregations of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) in Alaska, USA, haul out on floating ice in tidewater glacial fjords. Seals use these fjords in peak numbers during the critical periods of pupping, breeding, and molting when visits by tour ships also peak. Documented and suspected declines of harbor seals in fjords with rising vessel traffic underscore the need to better understand possible impacts, particularly in areas where ship visits have risen substantially in the past 2 decades. We examined the interruption of haul-out bouts of harbor seals due to approaching cruise ships in Disenchantment Bay, Alaska. We conducted observations from cruise ships and focused on disturbance of seals as evidenced by seals flushing into the water from the floating ice on which they rested. We investigated rate of flushing in relation to vessel distance, approach angle, group size, and seal type (mother, pup, or other). Using a survival-regression analysis, we found that the risk of disturbing harbor seals increased when ships approached within 500 m; seals approached as close as 100 m were 25 times more likely to enter the water than seals 500 m from a ship. Seals were 4 times more prone to enter the water when ships were approaching directly rather than passing abeam. Seals responded similarly regardless of group size or seal type. Energetic models indicated a potential to disrupt energy balance and cause thermal stress in disturbed pups if they spent >50% of their time in ice-chilled water. Studies at non-glacial sites suggest that pups spend 40–70% of their time in the water. Voluntary guidelines for approaching seals in Alaska recommend that cruise ships approach ≥91 m (100 yards), a distance at which we show 90% of seals would flush into the water. Our findings indicate a need to develop regulations to maintain a 500-m separation between cruise ships and seals in all Alaskan glacial fjords.  相似文献   
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