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Nitrogen (N) deposition is widely considered an environmental problem that leads to biodiversity loss and reduced ecosystem resilience; but, N fertilization has also been used as a management tool for enhancing primary production and ground cover, thereby promoting the restoration of degraded lands. However, empirical evaluation of these contrasting impacts is lacking. We tested the dual effects of N enrichment on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning at different organizational levels (i.e., plant species, functional groups, and community) by adding N at 0, 1.75, 5.25, 10.5, 17.5, and 28.0 g N m?2 yr?1 for four years in two contrasting field sites in Inner Mongolia: an undisturbed mature grassland and a nearby degraded grassland of the same type. N addition had both quantitatively and qualitatively different effects on the two communities. In the mature community, N addition led to a large reduction in species richness, accompanied by increased dominance of early successional annuals and loss of perennial grasses and forbs at all N input rates. In the degraded community, however, N addition increased the productivity and dominance of perennial rhizomatous grasses, with only a slight reduction in species richness and no significant change in annual abundance. The mature grassland was much more sensitive to N‐induced changes in community structure, likely as a result of higher soil moisture accentuating limitation by N alone. Our findings suggest that the critical threshold for N‐induced species loss to mature Eurasian grasslands is below 1.75 g N m?2 yr?1, and that changes in aboveground biomass, species richness, and plant functional group composition to both mature and degraded ecosystems saturate at N addition rates of approximately 10.5 g N m?2 yr?1. This work highlights the tradeoffs that exist in assessing the total impact of N deposition on ecosystem function.  相似文献   
Argemone mexicana L. (Papaveraceae), a tropical annual weed, is known to be phytotoxic to many crop species. This study was designed to examine the possible impact of A. mexicana on root‐infecting fungi, changes in fungal community structure and the growth of tomato. A. mexicana decaying shoots in soil provided a marked decrease in the infectivity of Fusarium solani and Rhizoctonia solani but Macrophomina phaseolina remained unaffected. Plant height and shoot growth of tomato plants increased markedly though high concentration of A. mexicana (5% w/w) was deleterious to tomato plants. General species diversity of soil fungal communities increased in the amended soils over the controls and greater increase in diversity occurred at higher concentrations of decaying A. mexicana. Likewise, equitability and richness components of diversity increased in treatments compared to controls but declined with increasing sampling period. Aspergillus nidulans, Cephaliophora irregularis, Drechslera halodes, Paecilomyces lilacinus and Trichoderma viride were isolated exclusively from the amended soils. Aqueous extract of A. mexicana when applied in soil greatly suppressed all three of the above root‐infecting fungi, and at lower concentration actually enhanced plant growth. The influence of different levels of N‐fertilization with NH4NO3 on the modification of the effect of decaying A. mexicana on root‐infecting fungi was also investigated. N‐fertilization to some extent alleviated the phytotoxicity to tomato plants while suppressing the root‐infecting fungi. A. mexicana in conjunction with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a plant growth‐promoting rhizobacterium, significantly suppressed root‐infecting fungi with concomitant increase in plant growth. Whereas P. aeruginosa was reisolated from the rhizosphere and inner root tissues of tomato, its population slightly declined in the amended soil but not to an extent that could reduce the biocontrol and growth promoting potential of the bacterium.  相似文献   
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and dioxins are widespreadenvironmental contaminants that are suspected of causing cognitivedeficits in children exposed in utero. Very little is knownabout which of the PCB and dioxin congeners present in the environmentare responsible for the changes in cognitive function or aboutthe mechanisms through which these chemicals affect the centralnervous system (CNS). Because both PCBs and dioxins reduce circulatingthyroid hormone levels, it has been proposed that these chemicalsmay affect CNS function indirectly by reducing the availabilityof thyroid hormone to the brain during development. Thyroidhormones play a critical role in brain development, and spatiallearning and memory is one of the behavioral functions mostseverely affected by neonatal hypothyroidism. In the studiesreviewed here, we investigated the effects of three ortho-substitutedPCBs, two coplanar PCBs and 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin(TCDD) on spatial learning and memory in the rat. Pups exposedto PCBs or TCDD in utero and during lactation were tested whenthey reached adulthood. All three ortho-substituted PCBs causeddeficits in spatial learning, but only two of the three reducedcirculating thyroid hormone concentrations. Furthermore, thelearning deficit was observed only in females, but thyroid hormoneswere equally depressed in males and females. Thus, the PCB-induceddeficit in spatial learning did not appear to be mediated bythe decreased thyroid hormone levels. TCDD and coplanar PCBscaused moderate reductions in thyroid hormone, but facilitatedrather than impaired spatial learning, an effect that has beenreported in neonatally hyperthyroid rats. The possibility thatTCDD and coplanar PCBs may act as "mixed" thyroid agonists/antagonistscausing hypothyroid-like effects in some tissues and hyperthyroid-likeeffects in other tissues is discussed.  相似文献   
Elevated CO2, increased nitrogen (N) deposition and increasing species richness can increase net primary productivity (NPP). However, unless there are comparable changes in decomposition, increases in productivity will most likely be unsustainable. Without comparable increases in decomposition nutrients would accumulate in dead organic matter leading to nutrient limitations that could eventually prohibit additional increases in productivity. To address this issue, we measured aboveground plant and litter quality and belowground root quality, as well as decomposition of aboveground litter for one and 2‐year periods using in situ litterbags in response to a three‐way factorial manipulation of CO2 (ambient vs. 560 ppm), N deposition (ambient vs. the addition of 4 g N m−2 yr−1) and plant species richness (one, four, nine and 16 species) in experimental grassland plots. Litter chemistry responded to the CO2, N and plant diversity treatments, but decomposition was much less responsive. Elevated CO2 induced decreases in % N and % lignin in plant tissues. N addition led to increases in % N and decreases in % lignin. Increasing plant diversity led to decreases in % N and % lignin and an increase in % cellulose. In contrast to the litter chemistry changes, elevated CO2 had a much lower impact on decomposition and resulted in only a 2.5% decrease in carbon (C) loss. Detectable responses were not observed either to N addition or to species richness. These results suggest that global change factors such as biodiversity loss, elevated CO2 and N deposition lead to significant changes in tissue quality; however, the response of decomposition is modest. Thus, the observed increases in productivity at higher diversity levels and with elevated CO2 and N fertilization are not matched by an increase in decomposition rates. This lack of coupled responses between production and decomposition is likely to result in an accumulation of nutrients in the litter pool which will dampen the response of NPP to these factors over time.  相似文献   
The use of biofuels has been proposed as one possible substitute for fossil fuels, which contribute substantially to the increase in [CO2] in the atmosphere. However, increased harvesting of forest residues for biofuel might affect the availability of base cations, P and N, as well as the development, community dynamics and function of ectomycorrhizas. This in turn might influence nutrient uptake and tree growth. In this study we investigated the effects of repeated forest residue harvesting on ectomycorrhizal species colonizing spruce roots in the humus layer of a 35-yr-old forest. Harvesting significantly decreased the thickness of the humus layer as well as decreasing the numbers of ectomycorrhizal root tips both per metre root length and per unit humus volume. Changes in mycorrhizal community structure were studied by ITS typing with the use of PCR–RFLP analysis. In total, 19 different ITS types were found on two different sampling occasions (autumn and spring); 11 of these were common to both samplings. Nine of the ITS types were identified to at least the genus level by comparison with RFLP patterns of identified fruiting bodies or axenic cultures. Five species, Cortinarius sp. 2, Thelephora terrestris (Ehrenb.) Fr., Lactarius theiogalus (Bull.:Fr.) S. F. Gray s.st. Neuhoff, Tylospora fibrillosa Donk and Tö-96-12, occurred on over 5% of the total sampled root tips. Together these five types colonized 63% of the mycorrhizas screened. A similarity index assessment showed no shift in mycorrhizal community structure as a result of harvesting. Our findings suggest that the repeated removal of forest residues might have a strong effect on the quantity and development of ectomycorrhizal roots in the organic horizon, but little effect on the species composition of the community.  相似文献   
Avian use of man-disturbed forest habitats in the Eastern Ghats, India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Short-term, fixed-line surveys using mist-nets and visual censuses were made of bird populations on five plots in the Eastern Ghats of Andhra Pradesh. Plots included two segments of moderately-disturbed hill forest, a remnant patch of humid ravine forest surrounded by young coffee, a mature coffee plantation with remnant natural forest overstory, and a sub-mature teak monoculture. Species-number and diversity (H') were measured to be highest in the two hill forest plots. Equitability was highest in the Teak plot. Population numbers were highest in one of the forest plots and the Coffee plot. 'Over-dominance' by tramp species was exhibited in the Coffee plot, in which the three most common bird species (two bulbuls and a white-eye) comprised more than half of the individuals censused. All censuses were dominated by non-forest and forest-edge species; few raptors and species larger than 100 g were recorded in censuses. The patch of Ravine Forest was species-poor and yet supported several unusual species (e.g., Abbott's Babbler Malacocincla abbotti. Blue Chat Erithacus brunneus and Little Spiderhunter Arachnothera longirostris ) found on no other plot. We suggest that: (1) the few remaining undisturbed tracts of moist deciduous and semi-evergreen forest should be declared natural reserves with complete protection from disturbance; (2) future forestry development in upland southeastern India should exclude teak monocultu re except on badly disturbed or clear-felled areas. Preferred development would feature coffee/ pepper plantation under maximum natural overstory, interspersed with remnant forest tracts for faunal and watershed protection. Such a combination would appear to have the least effect on the original forest avifauna.  相似文献   
A functional analysis of the V2 protein of two monopartite begomoviruses, Papaya leaf curl virus (PaLCuV) and Cotton leaf curl Kokhran virus (CLCuKoV), has been performed. Expression of the V2 gene from a Potato virus X (PVX) vector resulted in severe leaf curling followed by a hypersensitive response (HR) in Nicotiana benthamiana and N. tabacum , demonstrating that the V2 protein is a pathogenicity determinant and a target of host defence responses. Agroinfiltration of a PVX vector expressing the V2 protein resulted in cell death in the infiltrated area. Subsequently, a systemic HR developed that was associated with the long-distance spread of the virus and led to the death of the plant. V2 amino acid sequences encompassing a conserved putative protein kinase C (PKC) phosphorylation motif were shown to be essential for the elicitation of cell death. In co-inoculation experiments, the transient expression of the C2 protein of PaLCuV or Cotton leaf curl Multan virus under the control of the Cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter inhibited the HR induced by V2 in the agroinfiltrated area. These findings demonstrate that the V2 protein of monopartite begomoviruses is a pathogenicity determinant and induces an HR that can be suppressed by the C2 protein. The induction and suppression of HR have been demonstrated previously in bipartite begomoviruses and our results extend this to monopartite begomoviruses.  相似文献   
The effects of triazines on growth, 14CO2-fixation and translocation of 14C-assimilates by young Pinus seedlings were investigated. Post-emergenceroot application of moderate and high concentrations of simazine and atrazine resulted in severe toxicity to the seedlings of Pinus nigra and P. coniorta as depicted by reduction in dry weight, chlorosis, wilting and mortality. Atrazine was more toxic than simazine and P. nigra was more susceptible than P. contorta to both the triazines. Simazine treatment to the roots of P. nigra seedlings, not only caused inhibition of 14CO2-fixation but also reduced the short-term downward transloca-tion of l4 C-assimilates. Various possible mechanisms whereby simazine reduced the downward movement of I4C-assimilates in Pinus seedlings are discussed.  相似文献   
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