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Abstract Atriplex amnicola, was grown in nutrient solution cultures with concentrations of NaCl up to 750 mol m?3. The growth optimum was at 25–50 mol m?3 NaCl and growth was 10–15% of that value at 750 mol m?3 NaCl. Sodium chloride at 200 mol m?3 and higher reduced the rate of leaf extension and increased the time taken for a leaf to reach its maximal length. Concentrations of Na+, K+ and Mg2+ in leaves of different ages were investigated for plants grown at 25, 200 and 400 mol m?3 NaCl. Although leaves of plants grown at 200 and 400 mol m?3 NaCl had high Na+ concentrations at young developmental stages, much of this Na+ was located in the salt bladders. Leaves excluding bladders had low Na+ concentrations when young, but very high in Na+ when old. In contrast to Na+, K+ concentrations were similar in bladders and leaves excluding bladders. Concentrations of K+ were higher in the rapidly expanding than in the old leaves. At 400 mol m?3 NaCl, the K+:Na+ ratios of the leaves excluding bladders were 0.4–0.6 and 0.1 for rapidly expanding and oldest leaves, respectively. The Na+ content in moles per leaf, excluding bladders, increased linearly with the age of the leaves; concurrent increases in succulence were closely correlated with the Na + concentration in the leaves excluding the bladders. Soluble sugars and starch in leaves, stems and buds were determined at dusk and dawn. There was a pronounced diurnal fluctation in concentrations of carbohydrates. During the night, most plant parts showed large decreases in starch and sugar. Concentrations of carbohydrates in most plant organs were similar for plants grown at 25 and 400 mol m?3 NaCl. One notable exception was buds at dusk, where sugar and starch concentrations were 30–35% less in plants grown at 400 mol m?3 NaCl than in plants grown at 25 mol m?3 NaCl. The data indicate that the growth of A. amnicola at 400 mol m?3 NaCl is not limited by the availability of photosynthate in the plant as a whole. However, there could have been a growth limitation due to inadequate organic solutes for osmotic regulation.  相似文献   
KC1, at 200 mM, decreased rates of glycolysis, in vitro, inthe steady state and also increased the time required to reachthe steady state of CO2 and ethanol formation after glucoseaddition. KCl at 200 mM increased concentrations of fructose-1,6-diphosphateand decreased concentrations of pyruvate, at all times between3 and 120 min after glucose addition. At early times after glucoseaddition, 200 mM KCl decreased concentrations of triose phosphatesand 3-phos-phoglycerate. However, at later times, concentrationsof these two intermediates became higher at 200 mM KC1 thanat low Cl; with triose phosphates this occurred for thefirst time at 20 min and with 3-phosphoglyeerate at 60 min afterglucose addition. These and other experiments, including oneusing the crossover theorem of Chance, strongly suggested thatthe increased concentrations of fructose- 1,6-diphosphate andtriose phosphates alleviated severe KCl inhibitions of enzymescatalysing reactions in the conversion of fructose-l,6-diphosphateto 1,3-diphosphoglycerate. Similar phenomena occurred for otherparts of the pathway. Thus, the glycolytic sequence respondedto high KCl and NaCl concentrations in a manner predicted fromearlier published experiments with single enzymes, in whichKCl and NaCl inhibitions were much smaller at high than at lowsubstrate concentrations. For the steady state, addition of purified enzymes showed thathigh KCl reduced glycolysis, at least partly by persistent inhibitionsof glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and/or aldolase. Overall, the data suggest that high KCl and NaCl concentrationshave two main effects: (1) a transient reduction in rate ofglycolysis—this effect disappears when substrates of certainenzymes have increased above the initial low levels; and (2)inhibitions which persist despite high intermediate concentrations,i.e. inhibitions which occur even in the ‘steady state’.The relevance of these in vitro data to in vivo responses athigh salt concentrations is briefly discussed.  相似文献   
Chlorella emersonii (211/11n) was grown at external NaCl concentrationsranging between 1.0 and 335 mM (0.08–1.64 MPa). Previousstudies showed that there was no significant change in the internalconcentrations of Na+ or Cl over this range, the concentrationsremaining below 35 mM. Relative growth rates of C. emersoniiwere 30–45% lower in 335 mM NaCl than in 1.0 mM NaCl.Turgor pressure varied with the osmotic pressure of the growthmedium. Plots of cell volume versus (external osmotic pressure)–1indicated that cells grown in 1.0 mM NaCl (0.08 MPa) had turgorpressures ranging from 0.5 to 0.8 MPa, while cells in 335 mMNaCl (1.64 MPa) had turgor pressures of 0.0–0.14 MPa.Estimates of turgor pressure derived from the osmotic pressureof cell sap had a mean value of 0.6 MPa for cells in 1.0 mMNaCl, and 0.3 MPa for cells in 335 mM NaCl. The volumetric elasticmodulus () depended on the osmotic pressure of the growth medium: was 8.5 ± 1.7 MPa for cells grown in 1.0 mM NaCl, and0.9 ± 0.6 for cells in 335 mM NaCl. was measured bychanging turgor pressures over the range 0.0–0.5 MPa,and was found to be independent of turgor. Electron micrographsshowed that the walls of cells grown in 335 mM NaCl were 70%thicker than those grown in 1.0 mM NaCl. Other changes in cellularstructure were small, however, the area occupied by vacuolesincreased from 7% in cells grown in 1.0 mM NaCl to 14% in cellsin 335 mM. The percent osmotic volume of cells grown in 1.0–335mM NaCl (61 ± 17%, v/v) was similar to the percent watercontent (59 ± 13%, w/w). Key words: Chlorella emersonii, Sodium chloride, Osmotic volume, Turgor, Volumetric-elastic-modulus  相似文献   
Water deficit severely decreases maize (Zea mays L.) kernel growth; the effect is most pronounced in apical regions of ears. The capacity for accumulation of storage material in endosperms is thought to he partially determined by the extent of cell division and endoreduplication (post-mitotic nuclear DNA synthesis). To gain a better understanding of the regulatory mechanisms involved, we have examined the effect of water deficit on cellular development during the post-fertilization period. Greenhouse-grown maize was subjected to water-limited treatments during rapid cell division [from 1 to 10days after pollination (DAP)] or rapid endoreduplication (9 to 15 DAP). The number of nuclei and the nuclear DNA content were determined with flow cytometry. Water deficit from 1 to 10 DAP substantially decreased the rate of endosperm cell division in apical-region kernels, but had little effect on middle-region endosperms. Rewatcring did not allow cell division to recover in apical-region endosperms. Water deficit from 9 to 15 DAP also decreased cell division in apical-region endosperms. Endoreduplication was not affected by the late treatment in either region of the car, but was inhibited by the early treatment in the apical region. In particular, the proportion of nuclei entering higher DN A-content size classes was reduced. We conclude that cell division is highly responsive to water deficit, whereas endoreduplication is less so. We also conclude that the reduced proportion of nuclei entering higher DNA-content size classes during endoreduplication is indicative of multiple control points in the mitotic and endoreduplication cycles.  相似文献   
The physiological mechanisms for growth reductions of rice atlow root temperatures were investigated in detail via time coursesin nutrient status of several cultivars. During short-term exposureto low temperature, i.e. between 0–2.5 d with roots at10°C, leaf extension rates were reduced approximately 80%-95%in all cultivars. In contrast, relative growth rates of shootson a dry weight basis were often even greater for plants withroots at 10°C relative to 30°C. During long-term growthat low root temperatures, i.e. between 2.5–10 d, relativegrowth rates of shoots were reduced, chlorosis developed andcultivar differences were observed which were consistent withfield observations of cold-tolerant and cold-intolerant cultivars. The results indicate that decreases in nutrient concentrationsin plants could not account for growth reductions during short-termexposure to low root temperatures. However, it is possible thatthey are responsible for most of the growth reductions and chlorosislater than 2.5 d. The latter suggestion is not proven unequivocallybut is supported by: (i) similar results when plants were transferredto CaSO4 solutions at 30°C in terms of growth, nutrientdecreases with time and chlorosi (ii) N and sometimes P concentrationsfalling below critical levels for rice and (iii) lower nutrientuptakes and concentrations, particularly of N, in a cold-intolerantthan a cold-tolerant cultivar. Key words: Root temperature, growth, rice, nutrient uptake  相似文献   
Complete submergence of rice plants (Oryza sativa L. cv. ‘IR42’)in dilute nutrient solution for 3–6 d almost stopped theaccumulation of dry matter, depressed soluble carbohydrate concentrationby over 75% and promoted chlorosis in fully expanded leaves.Increase in fresh weight by the shoots was not impaired. Extensionby the youngest visible leaf was stimulated. Extension by thenext leaf to appear was retarded by submergence. These growthresponses to submergence were associated with a 1-5-fold increasein the partial pressure of endogenous ethylene (ethene). Applying ethylene (0.3–0.35 Pa) in the gas-phase to non-submergedplants reproduced some, but not all, of these effects of submergence.Thus, greater leaf extension and chlorosis of submerged plantscould be attributable to accumulated ethylene but neither theslow relative growth rate nor the decreased extension of leavesemerging after the start of submergence could be so attributed. Two cultivars (‘FR13A’ and ‘Kurkaruppan’)already known to tolerate submergence, differed little fromsubmergence-intolerant ‘IR42’ in their relativegrowth rate and soluble carbohydrate concentration during submergence.However, their underwater leaf extension was less than in ‘IR42’and chlorosis was much less prevalent, especially in ‘FR13A’.Similarly, ethylene supplied to non-submerged plants was a lesseffective promotor of leaf extension and chlorosis in the twosubmergence tolerant cultivars. Application of 1.0 kPa carbondioxide in the gas-phase prevented the chlorosis response toethylene. The results indicate that accumulated ethylene is a likely causeof fast leaf extension and chlorosis in submergence intolerantforms of rice, particularly when amounts of dissolved carbondioxide are minimal. Key words: Oryza sativa L., aeration, ethylene (ethene), stress-tolerance  相似文献   
Maize (Zea mays L. cv. Pioneer 3925) subjected to post-anthesiswater stress during the first 2 weeks of kernel developmenthad lower leaf-water potentials and higher leaf-ABA concentrationsthan well-watered controls. There was a concomitant rise inABA concentration in kernel tissues 3 and 7 d after pollination(DAP), after which the concentration decreased to control levelsby 13 DAP. Kernel water potential, however, remained unchangedby the water stress. Radiolabelled ABA, fed to a leaf, was translocatedto kernels, where free ABA as well as several ABA metaboliteswere the major labelled fractions. This suggested that the stress-inducedkernel ABA was of maternal origin. Since ABA plays a putativerole in seed maturation of several crop species, and appliedABA or water stress often hastens seed development, we expectedthat a water-stress-induced rise in kernel ABA concentrationearly in grain development may serve to prematurely induce storage-productaccumulation. Zein, starch and several enzymes key to the starchsynthesis pathway followed the same course of induction throughoutthe experiment, with no difference between treatments Henceit was concluded that although water stress increased kernelABA independent of kernel water status, there was no apparenteffect of water stress or ABA on timing of early kernel developmentalprocesses. Zea mays L. cv. Pioncer 3925, maize, water stress, abscisic acid, endosperm development  相似文献   
Maize (Zea mays L., cultivar Pioneer 3925) plants were givenshaded, thinned and control light treatments during 10 d or20 d periods surrounding pollination. Glucose, sucrose, starch,and dry matter (DM) contents were measured at intervals in compositesamples of pericarp/nucellus (PN), and in endosperms taken fromdeveloping kernels. Total kernel DM per ear at maturity washigher in the thinned treatment than control and shaded treatmentsdue to higher kernel set in apical regions of ears. In PNs at11 d after pollination (DAP), DM and sucrose contents were slightlygreater in thinned than control and shaded plants. Glucose contentswere substantially greater than controls in PNs of thinned plantsand were less than controls in shaded plants. In endospermsfrom apical kernels at 8 to 12 DAP (during cell division), DM,glucose and sucrose contents were substantially less in shadedthan control and thinned plants. Sucrose contents were greaterin endosperms of thinned than control plants. Sugar contentsin endosperms from basal kernels were nearly the same in thethree light treatments. At 12 DAP, apical and basal endospermsin shaded plants had fewer nuclei than those of the other lighttreatments. The light treatments appeared to effect apical kernelgrowth by influencing the extent of cell division. Zea mays L, maize, light treatment, endosperm, cell division, glucose, sucrose, starch  相似文献   
Abstract. The type of endogenous osmotic solute accumulated by Chlorella emersonii grown at high external osmotic pressure (πext) depended on the light/dark conditions: proline accumulated to high concentrations in cells in the light, while sucrose accumulated to high concentrations in the dark. These findings were made during the alternating light dark cycles used to obtain synchronized cultures, i.e. cultures containing cells at only one stage of development at any one time. Similar decreases in proline and increases in sucrose in the dark were found for cells previously grown in continuous light to obtain non-synchronized cultures, i.e. cultures containing cells at all stages of development.
In cultures synchronized at 200 mol m −3 NaCl (πext= 1.01 MPa), recently divided 'daughter cells' at the beginning of the light periods contained 60 mol m−3 proline and 100mol m−3 sucrose, while mature cells towards the end of light periods contained 130 mol m proline and 20 mol m−3 sucrose. The changes in proline and sucrose which occurred in synchronized cultures were due mainly to light/dark conditions and to a much lesser extent to different stages of cell development. The proportion of proline to sucrose in daughter cells collected from non-synchronized cultures in continuous light was not different from the proportion in heterogeneous populations of cells.
Results are discussed in relation to the accumulations of two, rather than one, endogenous osmotic solute and to growth reductions of C. emersonii exposed to high external osmotic pressures.  相似文献   
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