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Increasing the belowground translocation of assimilated carbon by plants grown under elevated CO2 can cause a shift in the structure and activity of the microbial community responsible for the turnover of organic matter in soil. We investigated the long‐term effect of elevated CO2 in the atmosphere on microbial biomass and specific growth rates in root‐free and rhizosphere soil. The experiments were conducted under two free air carbon dioxide enrichment (FACE) systems: in Hohenheim and Braunschweig, as well as in the intensively managed forest mesocosm of the Biosphere 2 Laboratory (B2L) in Oracle, AZ. Specific microbial growth rates (μ) were determined using the substrate‐induced respiration response after glucose and/or yeast extract addition to the soil. For B2L and both FACE systems, up to 58% higher μ were observed under elevated vs. ambient CO2, depending on site, plant species and N fertilization. The μ‐values increased linearly with atmospheric CO2 concentration at all three sites. The effect of elevated CO2 on rhizosphere microorganisms was plant dependent and increased for: Brassica napus=Triticum aestivum<Beta vulgaris<Populus deltoides. N deficiency affected microbial growth rates directly (N limitation) and indirectly (changing the quantity of fine roots). So, 50% decrease in N fertilization caused the overall increase or decrease of microbial growth rates depending on plant species. The μ‐value increase was lower for microorganisms growing on yeast extract then for those growing on glucose, i.e. the effect of elevated CO2 was smoothed on rich vs. simple substrate. So, the r/K strategies ratio can be better revealed by studying growth on simple (glucose) than on rich substrate mixtures (yeast extract). Our results clearly showed that the functional characteristics of the soil microbial community (i.e. specific growth rates) rather than total microbial biomass amount are sensitive to increased atmospheric CO2. We conclude that the more abundant available organics released by roots at elevated CO2 altered the ecological strategy of the soil microbial community specifically a shift to a higher contribution of fast‐growing r‐selected species was observed. These changes in functional structure of the soil microbial community may counterbalance higher C input into the soil under elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration.  相似文献   


The isolation of lymphocytes – and removal of platelets (PLTs) and red blood cells (RBCs) – from an initial blood sample prior to culture is a key enabling step for effective manufacture of cellular therapies. Unfortunately, currently available methods suffer from various drawbacks, including low cell recovery, need for complex equipment, potential loss of sterility and/or high materials/labor cost.


A newly developed system for selectively concentrating leukocytes within precisely designed, but readily fabricated, microchannels was compared with conventional density gradient centrifugation with respect to: (i) ability to recover lymphocytes while removing PLTs/RBCs and (ii) growth rate and overall cell yield once expanded in culture.


In the optimal embodiment of the new microfluidic approach, recoveries of CD3+, CD19+ and CD56+ cells (85%, 89% and 97%, respectively) were significantly higher than for paired samples processed via gradient-based separation (51%, 53% and 40%). Although the removal of residual PLTs and RBCs was lower using the new approach, its enriched T-cell fraction nevertheless grew at a significantly higher rate than the gradient-isolated cells, with approximately twice the cumulative cell yield observed after 7 days of culture.


The standardization of each step of cellular therapy manufacturing would enable an accelerated translation of research breakthroughs into widely available clinical treatments. The high-throughput approach described in this study – requiring no ancillary pumping mechanism nor expensive disposables to operate – may be a viable candidate to standardize and streamline the initial isolation of lymphocytes for culture while also potentially shortening the time required for their expansion into a therapeutic dose.  相似文献   
Felitsyn, S. B. 1992 04 15: Rare element concentrations indicating agglutinated character of Lower Cambrian Platysolenites tubes. Lethaia , Vol. 25, pp. 131–133. Oslo. ISSN 9924–1164.
Data on rare element contents in siliceous tubes of Platysolenites antiquissimus from Lontova Beds were obtained. Low metal contents and REE patterns serve as indications of the presence of quartz in the tube substance. X-ray analysis detected the quartz and K-feldspars. Information on tube composition suggests their agglutinated character, since siliceous minerals are not a single component of the tubes and an affinity between Platysolenites and Foraminifera is quite possible. * Plarysolenites, Lower Cambrian, rare elements .  相似文献   
The braconid subfamily Doryctinae (Hymenoptera) is a cosmopolitan, species‐rich group of parasitoid wasps whose known species richness and morphological diversity is mainly concentrated in the Neotropical region. Among the doryctine taxa that are endemic to this region, there is a group of six genera (the Pedinotus genus group) that are mainly characterized by having lateral, posteriorly converging or subparallel grooves on the second metasomal tergite (including Gymnobracon Szépligeti, Hybodoryctes Szépligeti, Lamquetia Braet et van Achterberg, Osmophila Szépligeti, Pedinotus Szépligeti and Trigonophasmus Enderlein). Most of these genera were described more than a century ago, and thus their limits and diagnostic morphological features are not well defined. We present an analysis of the phylogenetic relationships among various representative species of five of the six genera belonging to the Pedinotus genus group based on one mitochondrial (cytochrome oxidase I) and two nuclear (28S, Wingless) gene markers. We also estimated the timing of origin and diversification within the group and investigated the external morphology of the genera involved in order to determine reliable identification characters. The group as a whole, whilst being recovered as monophyletic with the inclusion of Acanthorhogas Szépligeti, was not statistically supported. However, the respective monophyly of all of the morphologically supported genera are confirmed, as are the intergeneric relationships (Gymnobracon, Trigonophasmus) ((Acanthorhogas, Osmophila) (Lamquetia, Pedinotus)). We propose that the pattern of sublateral grooves or depressions appears to be a useful systematic character for recognition of an endemic Neotropical radiation that could have originated c. 41–27 Ma. We redescribe six of the seven genera that we recognize for the Pedinotus genus group and provide a key to enable their identification.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. The enigmatic marine protozoan Stephanopogon was first classified with ciliate protozoa because its pellicle also has rows of cilia. As ciliates have nuclear dimorphism with separate germline and somatic nuclei, Stephanopogon with several identical nuclei was regarded as a model for a hypothetical homokaryotic ancestor of ciliates. When electron microscopy revealed radical differences from ciliates this idea was abandoned, but its evolutionary position remains controversial, affinities with three other phyla being suggested. We sequenced 18S rDNA from Stephanopogon aff. minuta and actin genes from it and Stephanopogon apogon to clarify their evolutionary position. Phylogenetic analyses of 18S rRNA nest S. aff. minuta and Stephanopogon minuta securely within the protozoan phylum Percolozoa with zooflagellates of the genus Percolomonas, their closest relatives, comprising the clade Percolatea. This supports a previous grouping of Stephanopogon (order Pseudociliatida) with Percolomonas (order Percolomonadida) as a purely zooflagellate class Percolatea within Percolozoa, in contrast to the fundamentally amoeboid Heterolobosea, which are probably ancestral to Percolatea. Stephanopogon actins evolve exceptionally fast: actin trees place them as a long branch within bikont eukaryotes without revealing their sisters. We establish Percolomonadidae fam. n. for Percolomonas, excluding Pharyngomonas kirbyi g., sp. n. and Pharyngomonas (=Tetramastix=Percolomonas) salina comb. n., which unlike Percolomonas have two anterior and two posterior cilia and a pocket‐like pharynx, like “Macropharyngomonas”, now grouped with Pharyngomonas as a new purely zooflagellate class Pharyngomonadea, within a new subphylum Pharyngomonada; this contrasts them with the revised ancestrally amoeboflagellate subphylum Tetramitia. We discuss evolution of the percolozoan cytoskeleton and different body forms.  相似文献   
The evolutionary relationships among most (143 genera) of the currently recognized genera of the braconid wasp subfamily Doryctinae were investigated using maximum parsimony analysis, employing 100 characters from external morphology and four additional, less well‐studied character systems (male genitalia, ovipositor structure, venom apparatus and larval cephalic structure). We investigated the ‘performance’ of characters from external morphology and the other character systems and the effects of abundant missing entries by comparing the data decisiveness, retention and consistency indices of four different character partitions. The results indicate that the performances of the different partitions are not related to the proportions of missing entries, but instead are negatively correlated to their proportion of informative characters, suggesting that the morphological information in this group is subject to high levels of homoplasy. The external morphological partition is significantly incongruent with respect to a data set comprising the other character systems based on the ILD test. Analyses supported neither the monophyly of the large tribes Doryctini and Hecabolini, nor the monophyly of the Spathiini and Heterospilini. Relationships obtained from successive approximation weighting analysis for the complete data differ considerably from the currently accepted tribal and subtribal classifications. The only exceptions were the Ypsistocerini and the Ecphylini, whose recognized members were recovered in single clades. A close relationship between the Binaerini and Holcobraconini, and also Monarea, is consistently supported by venom apparatus and ovipositor structure characters but is not indicated by external morphological data. Low bootstrap values obtained for most of the recovered clades in all analyses do not allow us to propose a meaningful reclassification for the group at this time. A complete list of the recognized genera and their synonymies is given. © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 142 , 369–404.  相似文献   
Microbial characteristics of soils on a latitudinal transect in Siberia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Soil microbial properties were studied from localities on a transect along the Yenisei River, Central Siberia. The 1000 km‐long transect, from 56°N to 68°N, passed through tundra, taiga and pine forest characteristic of Northern Russia. Soil microbial properties were characterized by dehydrogenase activity, microbial biomass, composition of microbial community (PLFAs), respiration rates, denitrification and N mineralization rates. Relationships between vegetation, latitude, soil quality (pH, texture), soil organic carbon (SOC) and the microbial properties were examined using multivariate analysis. In addition, the temperature responses of microbial growth (net growth rate) and activity (soil respiration rate) were tested by laboratory experiments. The major conclusions of the study are as follows: 1. Multivariate analysis of the data revealed significant differences in microbial activity. SOC clay content was positively related to clay content. Soil texture and SOC exhibited the dominant effect on soil microbial parameters, while the vegetation and climatic effects (expressed as a function of latitude) were weaker but still significant. The effect of vegetation cover is linked to SOC quality, which can control soil microbial activity. 2. When compared to fine‐textured soils, coarse‐textured soils have (i) proportionally more SOC bound in microbial biomass, which might result in higher susceptibility of SOC transformation to fluctuation of environmental factors, and (ii) low mineralization potential, but with a substantial part of the consumed C being transformed to microbial products. 3. The soil microbial community from the northernmost study region located within the permafrost zone appears to be adapted to cold conditions. As a result, microbial net growth rate became negative when temperature rose above 5 °C and C mineralization then exceeded C accumulation.  相似文献   
Increased belowground carbon (C) transfer by plant roots at elevated CO2 may change properties of the microbial community in the rhizosphere. Previous investigations that focused on total soil organic C or total microbial C showed contrasting results: small increase, small decrease or no changes. We evaluated the effect of 5 years of elevated CO2 (550 ppm) on four extracellular enzymes: β‐glucosidase, chitinase, phosphatase, and sulfatase. We expected microorganisms to be differently localized in aggregates of various sizes and, therefore analyzed microbial biomass (Cmic by SIR) and enzyme activities in three aggregate‐size classes: large macro‐ (> 2 mm), small macro‐ (0.25–2 mm), and microaggregates (< 0.25 mm). To estimate the potential enzyme production, we activated microorganisms by substrate (glucose and nutrients) amendment. Although Ctotal and Cmic as well as the activities of β‐glucosidase, phosphatase, and sulfatase were unaffected in bulk soil and in aggregate‐size classes by elevated CO2, significant changes were observed in potential enzyme production after substrate amendment. After adding glucose, enzyme activities under elevated CO2 were 1.2–1.9‐fold higher than under ambient CO2. This indicates the increased activity of microorganisms, which leads to accelerated C turnover in soil under elevated CO2. Significantly higher chitinase activity in bulk soil and in large macroaggregates under elevated CO2 revealed an increased contribution of fungi to turnover processes. At the same time, less chitinase activity in microaggregates underlined microaggregate stability and the difficulties for fungal hyphae penetrating them. We conclude that quantitative and qualitative changes of C input by plants into the soil at elevated CO2 affect microbial community functioning, but not its total content. Future studies should therefore focus more on the changes of functions and activities, but less on the pools.  相似文献   
Salt sensitive (pea) and salt tolerant (barley) species were used to understand the physiological basis of differential salinity tolerance in crops. Pea plants were much more efficient in restoring otherwise depolarized membrane potential thereby effectively decreasing K+ efflux through depolarization‐activated outward rectifying potassium channels. At the same time, pea root apex was 10‐fold more sensitive to physiologically relevant H2O2 concentration and accumulated larger amounts of H2O2 under saline conditions. This resulted in a rapid loss of cell viability in the pea root apex. Barley plants rapidly loaded Na+ into the xylem; this increase was only transient, and xylem and leaf Na+ concentration remained at a steady level for weeks. On the contrary, pea plants restricted xylem Na+ loading during the first few days of treatment but failed to prevent shoot Na+ elevation in the long term. It is concluded that superior salinity tolerance of barley plants compared with pea is conferred by at least three different mechanisms: (1) efficient control of xylem Na+ loading; (2) efficient control of H2O2 accumulation and reduced sensitivity of non‐selective cation channels to H2O2 in the root apex; and (3) higher energy saving efficiency, with less ATP spent to maintain membrane potential under saline conditions.  相似文献   
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