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The distribution and percent frequency of the 13 species and one variety of Danthonia recorded on the New England Tablelands were examined in a survey of 110 predominantly pastoral sites. The relationships between site factors and the presence and percent frequency of the different Danthonia species were subjected to canonical correlation analysis. Individual species were found to have particular sets of environmental factors associated with their distribution and percent frequency; a fact not well recognized in the past. The most common factor associated with the abundance of Danthonia was either a long time since the last cultivation or no cultivation at all. Other factors such as altitude, drainage, soil parent material, soil texture and total soil phosphorus status were also of some importance. The six species most commonly recorded throughout the New England Tablelands were D. racemosa RBr, D. pilosa RBr, D. laevis J. Vickery, D. linkii Kunth., D. richardsonii Cashmore and D. tenuior (Steud.) Conert. Of these the first three are ecologically wide species. The first two can coexist with other naturalized species under grazing while D. laevis tends to disappear with disturbance. D. linkii and D. richardsonii require fairly narrow habitat conditions but these conditions and consequently these species are common. Both species respond positively to disturbance. Danthonia linkii increases with cultivation and D. richardsonii colonizes eroded soil surfaces. Danthonia tenuior has more restricted requirements and is not so frequent The other seven species and one variety did not occur often enough for detailed study and the occurrence of two of these species, D. carphoides and D. caespitosa must be considered as rare.  相似文献   
Methods of assessing the reaction of winter wheat cultivars to Septoria nodorum were compared in nine field trials. Plots were inoculated either by scattering naturally infected wheat debris or by spraying with a suspension of conidia at different growth stages, and were subsequently kept damp by several methods. Disease development was monitored by assessing the percentage cover of different organs by lesions, or by measuring the maximum height of lesions above ground. Major differences between cultivars were evident with all methods of inoculation and assessment, but time of assessment was critical for best differentiation. Inoculation with conidia soon after ear emergence, followed by assessment of lesions on flag leaves and ears, was a simple and effective method. Yield loss due to disease was measured by making comparisons either between inoculated and uninoculated plots, with various degrees of separation, or between inoculated plots with and without fungicidal treatment: the first of these methods was more effective in maintaining a disease differential. Yield loss was positively correlated with severity of disease and there was little evidence that cultivars differed in tolerance of disease. Disease was measured more easily and with less error than yield loss.  相似文献   
Coevolution was studied in six species of rodents of the genus Ctenomys and their parasitic nematodes of the genus Paraspidodera , collected in Bolivia. Representatives of the families Octodontidae and Caviidae were used as outgroups for the mammals, and nematodes from caviids were used as outgroups of the nematodes from ctenomyids. For the nematodes, quantitative and qualitative morphological characteristics of both males and females and electrophoretic characters of both sexes were used to generate phylogenetic hypotheses of evolutionary relationships of the OTUs occurring in hosts of different species. Concordance estimates of cladograms generated from biochemical—genetic and morphological data of the nematodes show a percentage incongruence (Mickevich-Farris Incongruence Statistic or I MF) of 8.23% in the character sets. Parsimony mapping, testing concordance of topologies between the trees derived from both analysis of both morphological and biochemical—genetic data indicates an overall agreement of 82.3°. Comparisons of topologies of the host and parasite cladograms, as measured with parsimony mapping, showed 70.8% concordance, indicating substantially more cospeciation than host-switching in the Ctenomys-Paraspidodera host-parasite system. Nematodes of the genus Paraspidodera appear to have invaded the Ctenomys lineage from an origin in caviids sometime before the ctenomyids began to diversify in early Pleistocene time.  相似文献   
A mechanically transmissible virus obtained from symptomless plants of a red raspberry selection imported into Scotland from Quebec, Canada was indistinguishable serologically from a cherry isolate of cherry rasp leaf virus (CRLV). The raspberry isolate, CRLV-R, was graft transmitted to several virus indicator species and cultivars of Rubus without inducing noticeable symptoms. In Chenopodium quinoa sap, CRLV-R lost infectivity after dilution to 10-5 or heating for 10 min at 60°C but was infective after 16 days (the longest period tested) at 18°, 4° or - 15°C. The virus particles are isometric, c. 28 nm in diameter, and were purified with difficulty from infected C. murale and C. quinoa plants. The particles comprise two nucleoprotein components with sedimentation coefficients of 89 and 115 S and are prone to aggregate during purification. When centrifuged to equilibrium in CS2SO4 solution, purified virus preparations formed two major components with p= 1·28 and 1·36 g/cm3. Virus particles contained two RNA species which, when denatured in glyoxal and electrophoresed in agarose gels, had estimated mol. wt of 2·56 × 106 (RNA-1) and 1·26 × 106 (RNA–2). Infectivity of CRLV-R RNA was abolished by treatment with proteinase K, suggesting that the RNA is linked to protein necessary for infectivity; RNA molecules contained polyadenylate. In reticulocyte lysates, CRLV-R RNA stimulated the incorporation of 3H-leucine, mainly into two polypeptides of estimated mol. wt 200 000 and 102 000. When electrophoresed in polyacrylamide gels, protein obtained from CRLV-R particles purified by centrifugation to equilibrium in Cs2SO4 separated into three bands with estimated mol. wt 26 000 , 23 000 and 21 000.  相似文献   
Trifluralin inhibited root elongation and induced root tip swellingof Zea mays and Triticum aeslivum. Time-course experiments showedthese effects occurred within 6 hr of treatment. As the rootstreated with trifluralin enlarged, there was a concomitant increasein root growth inhibition. Bioassays were devised to quantitativelymeasure the radial enlargement of trifluralin-treated roots.Histological observations indicated that swollen root tissuewas growing in a non-polar manner. The root swelling effectof trifluralin was inhibited 70% by the reducing agent, 2,3-dimercaptopropanol.Trifluralin had no effect on SH content of root tip proteinof Z.mays. 1 Published with the approval of the Director of die West VirginiaAgricultural Experiment Station as Scientific paper No. 1177. 2 Present address: Department of Biology, Mercyhurst College,Erie, Pennsylvania 16501, U.S.A. (Received March 19, 1971; )  相似文献   
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