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The effect of root-pruning on shoot growth was investigated in winter wheat growing in lysimeters. Removal of half of the root axes at the beginning of stem elongation reduced shoot dry matter, determined 1 month after pruning, by 13% and grain yield by 8%. Removal of either the seminal or nodal root system during tillering reduced shoot dry weight, measured during the growing season, by 7% and grain yield by 25%. Root-pruning had negligible, or only transient, effects on the concentration of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and manganese in the shoots. The harvest index was not affected by root-pruning.  相似文献   
Western Sandpipers Calidris mauri are the most numerous shorebird species in the San Francisco Bay estuary during winter. A sample of 106 Western Sandpipers was captured in mist nets and radio-marked with 1-g transmitters to examine their wintering site fidelity and movements. Differences in distances moved, home range extent and core area size were examined by age, sex, season, site, time of day and tide. All birds remained in the south San Francisco Bay region during winter and exhibited strong site fidelity, with a mean home range of 22.0 km2 or only 8% of the study area. First-year birds had larger home ranges (26.6 ± 3.6 km2) than adults (17.2 ± 2.5 km2) in winter, but home range sizes of males and females were not significantly different in any period. Home range sizes were similar between seasons, but core areas were smaller in spring (6.3 ± 1.2 km2) than in early (9.6 ± 4.0 km2) or late (11.6 ± 1.6 km2) winter. Movements and home range size were similar for radio-marked birds located during day and night. The high degree of regional and local site fidelity demonstrated that the mixture of natural mud fiats and artificial salt ponds in southern San Francisco Bay provided sufficient resources for large wintering populations of Western Sandpipers.  相似文献   
Wingbeat frequency, temperature and body size in bees and flies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT. This paper describes the relationship between ambient temperature and wingbeat frequency in bees and flies of different sizes, and presents new data from insects in free fight. The slope of the relationship changes with the size of the insect, and was different for insects in hovering flight compared with individuals of the same species in forward flight.  相似文献   
Differential responses of UK upland plants to nitrogen deposition   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Native upland species, Nardus stricta , Eriophorum vaginatum , Erica cinerea and Vaccinium vitis-idaea were given 3 or 60 kg N ha−1 yr−1, over 2 yr, applied as a mist (NH4NO3). The high N treatment increased above-ground biomass in all four species, but only significantly in E. cinerea , E. vaginatum and N. stricta . Biomass increases in E. vaginatum and N. stricta resulted from enhanced tiller production rather than shoot elongation. Root growth increased in N. stricta , so that root:shoot ratio in this species was unchanged by N. Root growth in E. vaginatum , E. cinerea and V. vitis-idaea did not respond to N and their root:shoot ratios decreased. Tissue N concentrations increased in both shoots and roots of all species in response to N. The accumulated foliar N did not increase the proportion of N allocated to Rubisco and the photosynthetic capacities of N. stricta , E. vaginatum and V. vitis-idaea were unchanged. Thus growth responses to N were due to altered allocation rather than increased rate of photosynthesis per unit leaf area. The high N treatment increased flower production significantly in E. cinerea but not in the other species. Although in this experiment dwarf shrubs were more responsive than graminoids to N, in the field at current N inputs the enhanced tillering of the graminoids may be more competitively advantageous, especially where gaps develop in the canopy. Thus increasing N deposition may lead to increased grassiness of upland heath, and in particular, a spread of N. stricta .  相似文献   
Manipulating resource availability to assess the strength and effects of resource limitation on an animal population is relatively straightforward, and thus, common in the scientific literature. Resource quality, however, is rarely manipulated, as this requires a priori knowledge of a relationship between some measurable variation in the resource and individual preference and/or fitness. Recent research on nest‐site selection was used to inform the design of custom‐built nest‐boxes for an endangered hollow‐nester, the Gouldian finch (Erythrura gouldiae). By provisioning breeding populations with these ‘high quality’ artificial nest sites over 3 years, we experimentally investigated the strength and effects of nest‐site limitation in this species. Breeding pairs using nest‐boxes initiated nesting earlier, produced larger clutches and fledged more offspring per season than those in natural hollows. Total and mean reproductive output also increased in nest‐box provisioned sites over the duration of the study. All of these effects were predominantly driven by pairs initiating clutches earlier, potentially because of the reduced intra‐ and interspecific competition for nest sites at optimal breeding times. Our findings suggest that reproduction in wild Gouldian finch populations may be limited by the availability of high quality nest sites in the landscape, and that nest‐boxes could be used as a tool for enhancing reproduction in recovering populations. Furthermore, we conclude that resource quality is equally, if not more important than quantity when supplementing resource‐limited habitats.  相似文献   
Although microsatellite markers have become exceedingly popular in molecular studies of wild organisms, their development in some taxonomic groups is challenging. This is partly because of repetitive flanking sequences, which lead to the simultaneous amplification of alleles from multiple loci. Until now, these microsatellite DNA families have been considered unsuitable for population genetics studies, but here we describe our development of these repetitive flanking sequences (ReFS) as novel molecular markers. We illustrate the utility of these markers by using them to address an outstanding taxonomic question in the moth genus Schrankia.  相似文献   
Thirteen polymorphic microsatellite loci were isolated and characterized from two clades of an endemic Hawaiian flycatcher, the elepaio (Chasiempis sandwichensis). Seven dinucleotide repeats and one trinucleotide repeat were cloned from Kauai elepaio; five dinucleotide repeats were cloned from Oahu elepaio. Polymorphism was assessed in a sample of Oahu elepaio (n = 22) revealing two to 16 alleles per locus. Observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.14 to 0.91. However, linkage analysis exposed highly significant linkage disequilibrium between two of the most polymorphic loci. Twelve loci are therefore expected to be useful for investigations of population structure.  相似文献   
Cultivars of pearl millet were challenged by isolates of downy mildew collected from various locations in West Africa and India in order to ascertain whether variability in cultivar response was genetically or environmentally determined. Results of experiments, in Polythene tunnels which imitated tropical field conditions, were confirmed by more precise experiments in an isolation plant propagator. The most important conclusion was that variation is determined by host and pathogen genotypes. West African isolates of the pathogen were generally more pathogenic than Indian isolates. However, there were also substantial differences between two isolates collected from different host cultivars at the same location in Upper Volta. Cultivar ICH105 differentiated between West African and Indian isolates. Cultivars 700516 and MBH110 also showed differential responses between isolates. In contrast two distinct types of symptom expression were recorded and found to be characteristic of cultivar genotype, independent of pathogen isolate. The possibility that both race specific and race non-specific resistance may coexist in this little understood pathosystem is discussed and the practical implications are considered.  相似文献   
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