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A North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) genomic library was developed and screened with a (GATA)8 probe to identify tetranucleotide microsatellite loci. Sixteen characterized loci were polymorphic in North Atlantic and/or South Atlantic (Eubalaena australis) right whales, 12 being polymorphic in E. glacialis, and 15 in E. australis. Fourteen of these were combined with 21 other previously identified loci for a suite of 35 loci which can be used to increase resolution of genetic analyses of these species. Multiplex reactions were developed for genotyping samples at these loci, providing a method that is rapid, reliable and cost‐effective.  相似文献   
Intra- and extracellular Cd uptake were investigated in themoss Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus. Intracellular Cd uptake displayedMichaelis–Menten kinetics and showed that the moss hada high uptake rate and high affinity for Cd. Extracellular Cdbinding capacity was also high. The anion used had little effecton Cd uptake to either location but both intra- and extracellularCd uptake were reduced by equimolar concentrations of Ca, Mgor Zn, although inhibition was not wholly competitive. IntracellularCd uptake was not significantly affected by the supply of energygenerating reserves but, like extracellular Cd uptake, showedaltered characteristics following growth under controlled laboratoryconditions. The results are compared with data on Cd uptakeby the lichen genus Peltigera. Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus, moss, cadmium, intra- and extracellular uptake characteristics, kinetics  相似文献   
Mechanism of iron uptake by plants   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Abstract. Green plants require a continuous supply of Fe as they grow, because Fe does not not move from the older to the newer leaves. Soils do not lack Fe per se , but it may not be available to plants grown in alkaline soils. Plants are classed 'Fe-efficient' if they respond to Fe-deficiency stress by inducing biochemical reactions that make Fe available in a useful form, and 'Fe-inefficienT' if they do not. Iron uptake induced in response to Fe stress involves release of hydrogen ions and reductants by the root. The lowered pH and presence of reductant at the root zone, along with reduction of Fe3+ to Fe2+ at the root surface, enables Fe2+ to be taken up primarily through the young lateral roots. Ferrous iron is present throughout the protozylem and may or may not have entered the root by a carrier. The root-absorbed Fe2+ is oxidized to Fe3+ at the junction of the protoxylem and the metaxylem, chelated by citrate, and then transported in the metaxylem to the plant top. In the plant, the chemical reactions injuced by Fe-deficiency stress may affect nitrate reductase activity, use of Fe from Fe3+ phosphate and chelating agents, and tolerance to heavy metals. An efficient mechanism for Fe uptake in roots appears to be important for the efficient use of Fe in plant tops.  相似文献   
The European Beaver Castor fiber once occurred throughout Europe, but in many countries was exterminated or greatly reduced by over-hunting. In the UK, Beavers were last recorded in Scotland in the sixteenth century. Thirteen countries have carried out reintroduction programmes to restore the range of the Beaver in Europe, We provide a basis for discussing the feasibility and desirability of reintroducing the Beaver to Britain. The basic biology of the Beaver is described, followed by summaries of reintroductions in Europe and an evaluation of their successes and failures. We address the fundamental questions of propagule size, habitat requirements, habitat size and provenance of Beavers to be released, before examining in theory whether reintroducing Beavers to Britain is likely to fulfil UKCINC and IUCN criteria relating to environmental impact, socioeconomics and conservation. We then make suggestions as to how a reintroduction to Britain could proceed. Essential work outstanding includes site assessment and public consultation. The restoration of the Beaver to Britain could be a fitting start to the millennium.  相似文献   
A modification to Schaefer's agglutination method for serotyping mycobacteria within the Mycobacterium avium-M. intracellulare-M. scrofulaceum complex is described. The antigens are screened against polyvalent sera and subsequently a reduced range of absorbed antisera. This expedites the serotyping procedure and conserves expensive antiserum stocks.  相似文献   
The trophic impact of small mammals in successional grasslands   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The habitat use and diets of small mammals inhabiting grassland plots of different successional ages were investigated by live-trapping and faecal analysis over a period of 16 months. The contribution of the major plant life forms and the structural profile of the vegetation of each plot and the availability of insect prey were assessed. The dominant species of small mammal found on each plot were Sorex araneus, S. minutus, Apodemus sylvaticus and Microtus agrestis . Small mammals were most commonly found in the late and mid-successional stages, reflecting the habitat structure and food availability. A wide range of insects and other invertebrates were eaten by all four species and insects formed 50–62% of the animal prey taken. The incidence of certain prey in the diets differed between plots. The daily consumption rate of invertebrates by shrews and mice was estimated at some 6800 prey per ha. The greatest predatory impact came from shews but A. sylvaticus showed increased consumption of invertebrates in spring. The combined predatory impact of the grassland small mammal community on insect populations alone was estimated to average 0.01% per day and is predicted to be greatest in the mid-successional stages.  相似文献   
The pleurembolic proboscis of Bullia functions in the manner of a classical hydrostatic skeleton. Its protrusion occurs both with high pressure pulses (2 KPa) in the cephalic sinus and at a steady standing pressure (0-2 KPa). The proboscis probably functions as a haemocoelic chamber separate from the cephalic sinus and pressure pulses from within the everted proboscis, but not the sinus, suggest that muscle antagonism occurs in a manner common to hydrostatic skeletons. The advantages of the proboscis having a hydrostatic skeleton are discussed.  相似文献   
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