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To study the effects of elevated ozone concentration on methane dynamics and a sedge species, Eriophorum vaginatum, we exposed peatland microcosms, isolated by coring from an oligotrophic pine fen, to double ambient ozone concentration in an open‐air ozone exposure field for four growing seasons. The field consists of eight circular plots of which four were fumigated with elevated ozone concentration and four were ambient controls. At the latter part of the first growing season (week 33, 2003), the methane emission was 159±14 mg CH4 m?2 day?1 (mean±SE) in the ozone treatment and 214±8 mg CH4 m?2 day?1 under the ambient control. However, towards the end of the experiment the ozone treatment slightly, but consistently, enhanced the methane emission. At the end of the third growing season (2005), microbial biomass (estimated by phospholipid fatty acid biomarkers) was higher in peat exposed to ozone (1975±108 nmol g?1 dw) than in peat of the control microcosms (1589±115 nmol g?1 dw). The concentrations of organic acids in peat pore water showed a similar trend. Elevated ozone did not affect the shoot length or the structure of the sedge E. vaginatum leaves but it slightly increased the total number of sedge leaves towards the end of the experiment. Our results indicate that elevated ozone concentration enhances the general growth conditions of microbes in peat by increasing their substrate availability. However, the methane production did not reflect the increase in the concentration of organic acids, probably because hydrogenotrophic methane production dominated in the peat studied. Although, we used isolated peatland microcosms with limited size as study material, we did not find experimental factors that could have hampered the basic conclusions on the effects of ozone.  相似文献   
We report the effects of anethole on adult Ceratitis capitata Wied. (Diptera, Tephritidae) which cause serious damage to fruit crops. Because of the toxicological and environmental pollution due to the indiscriminate use of organophosphates against the endophagous larvae, the control of this pest is now mainly directed against the adults, by the application of bait sprays. Considerable toxic effects have been obtained by oral administration to adults of nutritive formulations containing 5% anethole with some hydrolised commercial proteins. In this test we observed high values of mortality (85% after 24 h) and a total inhibition of reproductive activity. The toxic effect produced by oral administration of the compound tested appears to be correlated to irreversible damage to the gut of the medfly. These results acquire a particular importance in view of the introduction of alternative methods for the control of the medfly. In particular, our objective is the testing of relevant formulations of this active principle in field. The use of anethole combined with protein baits, which can be used in the open field, is therefore particularly promising.  相似文献   
Abstract.  1. Large colonies of ants are known to have a higher propensity for sexual offspring production, probably owing to their high capacity to exploit food resources.
2. The effects of food supplementation on the propensity for sexual offspring production, and whether it is linked with colony size, were investigated in an environment with poor resources (clear-cut areas).
3. Large colony size was associated with a higher propensity for sexual offspring production in food-supplemented colonies, whereas in non-supplemented control colonies an association with colony size was not found.
4. The results demonstrate that large colonies seem to have a higher capacity to exploit supplemented food. In addition, the production of sexual offspring was apparently limited by food availability in clear-cuts, especially for large colonies.  相似文献   
Only a few species belonging to the Proseriata (Platyhelminthes) show a parenchymatic pigmentation, which may aid identification. Among these, Pseudomonocelis agilis has a yellowish body and is provided with a reddish–brown girdle in front of the statocyst. The species is known for limited areas of northern Europe and the Mediterranean. The present study was conducted to assess both the taxonomic status of populations attributed to the species across the unusually wide range for an interstitial flatworm, which lacks an obvious means of dispersal, and the levels of genetic variability within and among populations, by employing an integrative approach that included the analyses, on six populations, of three molecular markers (small subunit ribosomal 18S‐like gene, inter‐simple sequence repeat, allozymes), karyotypes, and 11 morphological characters. Furthermore, crossbreeding experiments were carried out on the Mediterranean populations. The results obtained revealed the existence of four highly divergent genotypic clusters, accompanied by karyological differences, with complete intersterility among the clusters tested. The combination of approaches adopted strongly supports the conclusion that the wide‐ranging European pigmented species P. agilis is actually composed of four species: P. agilis in the Baltic area; Pseudomonocelis cetinae in the Adriatic; and Pseudomonocelis sp. nov. A and Pseudomonocelis sp. nov. B in the western and eastern Mediterranean, respectively. The latter two species are morphologically indistinguishable for the parameters essayed. Reconstruction of the phylogenetic relationships of these taxa, including congeneric and consubfamilial outgroups, showed that pigmentation is a plesiomorphic condition for the genus Pseudomonocelis and that Pseudomonocelis sp. nov. A shares a previously undetected, sister‐group relationship with species of the unpigmented P. ophiocephala complex. The present study thus depicts complex speciation processes in a mesopsammic species, which involves allopatric divergence operating on different scales and ecological shifts, and highlights that the contribution of microturbellarians to marine biodiversity may be seriously underestimated. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 98 , 907–922.  相似文献   
Despite decades of research on plant drought tolerance, the physiological mechanisms by which trees succumb to drought are still under debate. We report results from an experiment designed to separate and test the current leading hypotheses of tree mortality. We show that piñon pine (Pinus edulis) trees can die of both hydraulic failure and carbon starvation, and that during drought, the loss of conductivity and carbohydrate reserves can also co‐occur. Hydraulic constraints on plant carbohydrate use determined survival time: turgor loss in the phloem limited access to carbohydrate reserves, but hydraulic control of respiration prolonged survival. Our data also demonstrate that hydraulic failure may be associated with loss of adequate tissue carbohydrate content required for osmoregulation, which then promotes failure to maintain hydraulic integrity.  相似文献   
Drought‐induced forest mortality is an increasing global problem with wide‐ranging consequences, yet mortality mechanisms remain poorly understood. Depletion of non‐structural carbohydrate (NSC) stores has been implicated as an important mechanism in drought‐induced mortality, but experimental field tests are rare. We used an ecosystem‐scale precipitation manipulation experiment to evaluate leaf and twig NSC dynamics of two co‐occurring conifers that differ in patterns of stomatal regulation of water loss and recent mortality: the relatively desiccation‐avoiding piñon pine (Pinus edulis) and the relatively desiccation‐tolerant one‐seed juniper (Juniperus monosperma). Piñon pine experienced 72% mortality after 13–25 months of experimental drought and juniper experienced 20% mortality after 32–47 months. Juniper maintained three times more NSC in the foliage than twigs, and converted NSC to glucose and fructose under drought, consistent with osmoregulation requirements to maintain higher stomatal conductance during drought than piñon. Despite these species differences, experimental drought caused decreased leaf starch content in dying trees of both species (P < 0.001). Average dry‐season leaf starch content was also a good predictor of drought‐survival time for both species (R2 = 0.93). These results, along with observations of drought‐induced reductions to photosynthesis and growth, support carbon limitation as an important process during mortality of these two conifer species.  相似文献   
Monocelis lineata is a complex of cryptic species (three in the Mediterranean and one in the Atlantic) widespread in midlittoral habitats. Throughout the range, populations with or without an ocular pigmented shield are found. We investigated the genetic structure of the North‐East Atlantic populations with the aim of shedding light on their phylogeography and reconstructing possible patterns of recolonization after the Würmian glaciation. Fourteen samples were investigated using cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and 13 by inter‐simple sequence repeats (ISSRs). COI did not exhibit a clear pattern of decreased genetic diversity along a latitudinal gradient. Populations from Ferrol (Spain), Doolin (Ireland), and Helsingør (Denmark) showed a higher genetic variability, whereas a reduction in the number of haplotypes was found at the northernmost edge of the distribution and in northern Ireland and Scotland. Two genetically differentiated areas (southern Europe and south‐western Ireland versus northern Atlantic) were revealed by ISSR data. The results obtained provided evidence of three refugia (Iberian Peninsula, south‐western Ireland, and North Sea), and the occurrence of secondary contacts that shaped the genetic variability of some of the populations examined. Two different recolonization pathways of north‐western Europe during the post‐Würmian glaciations have been detected. Furthermore, ISSR analysis provided evidence of genetic divergence among populations with and without pigmented eyespot, suggesting the action of ecological differentiation. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 103 , 117–135.  相似文献   
Lake littoral zones have a transitional nature and dynamic conditions, which are reflected in their CH4 emissions. Thus, detailed studies are needed to assess the littoral CH4 emissions in a regional scale. In this study, CH4 fluxes were followed during the ice‐free seasons in 1998 and 1999 by using the static chamber method in the littoral zone of two lakes in Finland. An exceptionally high water level in 1998 caused an unusually long inundation in otherwise ephemerally flooded zone. The flooding was normal in year 1999. The factors controlling CH4 emissions were examined and statistical response functions were constructed. Further, the effect of extended flooding on the littoral CH4 budged was estimated. The methane flux was primarily regulated by the water level in grass and sedge dominated eulittoral zone, but not in infralittoral reed and water lily stands. Methane emissions in the sedge dominated zone decreased significantly, when the flood was high enough to submerge the venting structures of the plants. Besides water level, sediment temperature determined CH4 emission. The cumulative CH4 emissions from the whole littoral wetlands in wet year were 1.1 times (L. Kevätön), or 0.61 and 0.79 times (L. Mekrijärvi) those in dry year. The crucial factor was the discrepancy between the exceptional and the average water level. The extension of inundated area does not necessarily increase CH4 emissions if the flood reaches infrequently inundated areas, which apparently have low CH4 production potential. This is the case especially, if the emissions in lower zones simultaneously decrease due to high water level. Our study analyses these complex responses between CH4 emissions and water level.  相似文献   
Abstract.  1. One of the main themes in ecology is adaptation for survival in different habitats and the potential of the environment to regulate populations.
2. The effects of clear-cutting on nest-abandonment rate and local population sizes in the polydomous wood ant Formica aquilonia was studied, using uncut forest stands as controls.
3. The nest-abandonment rate was clearly higher in clear-cuts than in forest interiors. In clear-cuts, 39% of pre-deforestation nests and 73% of new bud-nests were abandoned 4–5 years after deforestation, whereas in forest interiors fewer than 2% of nests were abandoned at the same time period. Local population size decreased 30% in clear-cuts, but fewer than 2% in forest interiors.
4. The results demonstrate that despite modern logging practices in which mechanical harming of nest mounds is reduced, nest mounds are abandoned at high rate, and despite frequent establishment of new bud-nests, populations start to decline.
5. The likely reason for the high nest-abandonment rate in clear-cuts is a combination of changed abiotic conditions, resource limitation, and disturbed reproduction.
6. Species that are sensitive to changes in the size of habitat patch, such as F. aquilonia , likely are harmed by logging, even employing biodiversity oriented management practices. Hence there is a need for conservation actions that are based on the size of protection areas.  相似文献   
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