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A set of morphological traits and SSR markers were used to determine the genetic relationship among 12 elite thermosensitive genic male sterile (TGMS) lines developed at three different research institutions of India. Agro-morphological data recorded on 20 morphological traits revealed a wide base of genetic variation and a set of four morphological traits could distinguish most of the TGMS lines. Analysis with 30 SSR markers (20 EST-SSRs and 10 genomic SSRs) revealed 27 markers to be polymorphic, amplifying a total of 83 alleles. Each SSR marker amplified 2-6 alleles with an average of 2.76 alleles per marker and a PIC value varying from 0.54 to 0.96. Cluster analysis based on SSR and morphological data clearly differentiated the lines according to their source of origin. Correlation analysis between morphological and molecular data revealed a very poor association (r = 0.06), which could be attributed to selection pressure, genetic drift, sampling error and unknown relationship among related lines. The SSR markers discriminated the genotypes distinctly and quantified the genetic diversity precisely among the TGMS lines. Data on the yield per plant indicated that the genotypes grouping under a similar cluster showed same heterotic behaviour as compared to the genotypes from different clusters when crossed to similar pollinators.  相似文献   
Collagenous spherulosis is a rare incidental finding seen in association with benign breast lesions. Cytological findings in three cases of collagenous spherulosis diagnosed on fine needle aspiration are presented. The presence of hyaline pink globules surrounded by benign myoepithelial cells in Giemsa stained smears was a diagnostic feature. Associated lesions were atypical papillary hyperplasia (2) and fibroadenoma (1). Adenoid cystic carcinoma was the close differential diagnosis on cytology. Awareness of this entity is important to avoid a false positive diagnosis of malignancy.  相似文献   
The dark-germinating seeds of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. cv.Saharanpur Long green) developed secondary dormancy when giventwo brief far-red light (FR) irradiations during a 4 d incubationin osmoticum at 20°C. Acetone treatment of seeds was foundnot only to break FR-induced dormancy but also to prevent itsdevelopment. The progressive effect of increasing the durationof treatment or the concentrations of acetone, as well as anappreciable activity of the latter, irrespective of its applicationto dry or hydrated seeds, is consistent with the Taylorson hypothesisof anaesthetic action at the membrane level. Contrary to thegeneral consensus that it is only the cells of the embryo whichrespond to an active dormancy-breaking factor, termination ofdormancy as well as prevention of its development by acetonein cucumber seeds was accompanied by a striking change in thepermeability of the cell membranes of the perisperm-endospermenvelope enclosing the embryo. This change in the permeabilityof the cell membranes brought about by acetone appeared to bepermanent in nature as it was not affected by hydration or dehydrationof the treated seeds. Key words: Acetone, anaesthetic substances, secondary seed dormancy, triphenyl tetrazolium chloride, benzyladenine, Evan's blue  相似文献   
The involvement of alternative respiration in thermogenesisduring the ripening of banana {Musa paradisiaca var. MysoreKadali) fruits, attached to a bunch, has been examined. Thetemperature of the youngest (unripened) banana fruit increasedfrom 27·0 ± 0·2°C to 30·8±0·1°C and the total respiration (in nmo1 oxygen min1 g1 drywt.) increased from 1·39·6 ± 5·5to 167·3 ± 7·0 at the fully ripened stage.Although the capacity for alternative respiration showed littlechange, the actual operation of this pathway increased from38 to 73% (p= 0·38 to 0·73) during ripening. Similarresults were obtained in fruits along the central axis at differentstages of ripening. It is suggested that alternative respirationmay contribute to the temperature rise observed in ripeningbanana fruit. Key words: Alternative respiration, tehrmogenesis, fruit ripening  相似文献   
1. Models predicting invasive macrophyte spread between lakes provide an important tool for focusing proactive management efforts to lakes deemed susceptible to invasion. However, challenges to forecasting macrophyte spread include wide physiological tolerances of invasive macrophytes and a lack of information on the relative importance of the various human vectors (e.g. boating traffic). In New Zealand, three invasive species that reproduce vegetatively, Ceratophyllum demersum, Lagarosiphon major, Egeria densa, and a single species that reproduces sexually, Utricularia gibba, are currently spreading across the lake landscape at a great cost to the local ecology and economy. 2. In this study, we first examined whether variables that indirectly describe weed spread via human access and use, as well as a lake’s position in the landscape, could describe the distribution of these four species using a boosted regression trees (BRT) modelling approach. Then, as these invasive species have not reached their full invasion potential, we examined how giving more influence to infected lakes at the edge of the invasion front, and including all lakes across New Zealand as background samples, simulating ‘absences beyond the invasion front’, influenced our ability to forecast the potential for new lakes to be invaded. 3. The BRT models identified that variables characterising human access and use, as well as lake position, were associated with the occurrence of the three vegetatively reproducing macrophytes. Weed occurrence was more likely when there was a highway in the vicinity, human population density was high and if the lake was large (c. 55 km2). But in the single case of U. gibba, temperature was the variable that best explained occurrence. This is consistent with the suggestion that U. gibba is predominantly dispersed by waterbirds, rather than human activity. 4. But for all four species, the BRT models based on the recorded observations alone predicted observed invasions with low prediction probabilities and did not forecast further spread. By contrast, when observations at the edge of the invasion front were upweighted, and additional background lakes implemented into the model, recorded observations were predicted and additional lakes were forecast to be at risk, suggesting that these models better captured the current and potential distribution of these macrophyte species. 5. The use of variables that characterise weed spread could provide similar insights into other systems where survey information on the nature, strength and direction of invasion vectors is lacking. Furthermore, when weighting the data, many lakes across New Zealand were forecasted to be at risk of invasion. The advantage of weighing the presence data was that insights into the potential for a species to spread were obtained. The probabilistic estimates of risk, as derived from the models, together with other information for prioritising lakes, can be used to focus surveillance and protection efforts.  相似文献   
The ecology of the avian brain: food-storing memory and the hippocampus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Some species of birds store food, often hoarding several hundreds of seeds over a period of just a few weeks. Field and laboratory studies have demonstrated that food-storing species have an impressive memory and an enlarged region of the brain, the hippocampal region. Lesion experiments have shown that the hippocampus is important in accurate retrieval of stored food. Taken together, these results have led to the hypothesis that the enlarged hippocampus is associated with the memory requirements of retrieving stored food. In this review, we discuss four areas of study: comparative studies of the brain, comparative studies of behaviour, developmental plasticity and seasonal changes in food storing and the hippocampus.  相似文献   
Irrigation of paddy fields to arsenic (As) containing groundwater leads to As accumulation in rice grains and causes serious health risk to the people worldwide. To reduce As intake via consumption of contaminated rice grain, identification of the mechanisms for As accumulation and detoxification in rice is a prerequisite. Herein, we report involvement of a member of rice NRAMP (Natural Resistance‐Associated Macrophage Protein) transporter, OsNRAMP1, in As, in addition to cadmium (Cd), accumulation through expression in yeast and Arabidopsis. Expression of OsNRAMP1 in yeast mutant (fet3fet4) rescued iron (Fe) uptake and exhibited enhanced accumulation of As and Cd. Expression of OsNRAMP1 in Arabidopsis provided tolerance with enhanced As and Cd accumulation in root and shoot. Cellular localization revealed that OsNRAMP1 resides on plasma membrane of endodermis and pericycle cells and may assist in xylem loading for root to shoot mobilization. This is the first report demonstrating role of NRAMP in xylem mediated loading and enhanced accumulation of As and Cd in plants. We propose that genetic modification of OsNRAMP1 in rice might be helpful in developing rice with low As and Cd content in grain and minimize the risk of food chain contamination to these toxic metals.  相似文献   
A roughly 10.5-m-thick succession within the Langpar Formation of the Um Sohryngkew River section, Meghalaya, India, constrained by the last occurrence of Globotruncanita stuarti and the first occurrence of Parasubbotina pseudobulloides , spans the K/T (Cretaceous–Tertiary) transition. The unit is divisible into three parts with the lower consisting of shaly limestone, weakly calcareous shale and silty shale with coal streaks. The middle part is dominated by calcareous shale with mud flakes, coprolites, burrows and pyrite nodules, followed by alternating limestone and marlite at the top. Planktonic foraminifera are rare to frequent within the unit. Based on the distribution of zonal indices, seven successive planktonic foraminiferal zones are recognized from across the K/T boundary. From base to top, these are CF4, CF3, CF2 and CF1 in the upper Maastrichtian part and Zone P0, Zone Pα and Subzone P1a in the lower Danian part. The biozones indicate that the section is biostratigraphically continuous across the K/T boundary. A similar foraminiferal succession and K/T transition is observed in the Langpar of the Cherrapunji-Mahadeo road section at a distance of over 5km. These K/T outcrops from Meghalaya provide the first record of a continuous K/T sequence in the Indian subcontinent with respect to planktonic foraminifera.  相似文献   
Allelic combinations of major photoperiodic (E1, E3, E4) and maturity (E2) genes have extended the adaptation of quantitative photoperiod sensitive soybean crop from its origin (China ~35 °N latitude) to both north (up to ~50 °N) and south (up to 40 °S) latitudes, but their allelic status and role in India (6–35 °N) are unknown. Loss of function and hypoactive alleles of these genes are known to confer photoinsensitivity to long days and early maturity. Early maturity has helped to adapt soybean to short growing season of India. We had earlier found that all the Indian cultivars are sensitive to incandescent long day (ILD) and could identify six insensitive accessions through screening 2071 accessions under ILD. Available models for ILD insensitivity suggested that identified insensitive genotypes should be either e3 /e4 or e1 (e1-nl or e1-fs) with either e3 or e4. We found that one of the insensitive accessions (EC 390977) was of e3 /e4 genotype and hybridized it with four ILD sensitive cultivars JS 335, JS 95-60, JS 93-05, NRC 37 and an accession EC 538828. Inheritance studies and marker-based cosegregation analyses confirmed the segregation of E3 and E4 genes and identified JS 93-05 and NRC 37 as E3E3E4E4 and EC 538828 as e3e3E4E4. Further, genotyping through sequencing, derived cleaved amplified polymorphic sequences (dCAPS) and cleaved amplified polymorphic sequences (CAPS) markers identified JS 95-60 with hypoactive e1-as and JS 335 with loss of function e3-fs alleles. Presence of photoperiodic recessive alleles in these two most popular Indian cultivars suggested for their role in conferring early flowering and maturity. This observation could be confirmed in F 2 population derived from the cross JS 95-60 × EC 390977, where individuals with e1-as e1-as and e4e4 genotypes could flower 7 and 2.4 days earlier, respectively. Possibility of identification of new alleles or mechanism for ILD insensitivity and use of photoinsensitivity in Indian conditions have been discussed.  相似文献   
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