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Annual and cumulative incidences of HIV + and AIDS in patients reported by the AIDS Surveillance Committee of the Ministry of Health and Welfare are cited to illustrate some characteristics in Japan: nearly 59% of either HIV + or AIDS patients were infected through injection of blood products or by blood transfusion. A number of plaintiffs have sued the Japanese government and pharmaceutical companies since 1989, but no judicial decisions have yet been made. The incidence of HIV decreases for each of the following routes of infection: the second highest route of transmission being heterosexual, followed by bisexual and unconfirmed or unknown cases, and less frequently homosexual, drug use and lastly via vertical transmission. The most serious bioethical problems with HIV + and AIDs patients in Japan is the social segregation of these patients. There are many emotional fears among the general public and medical personnel about AIDS because of their inadequate scientific knowledge of this disease. The Japan Hospital Association is doing The Stop AIDS Campaign and made several surveys. Japan has become increasingly aware of the importance of AIDS education and a great deal of effort is being made to enhance bioethical considerations.  相似文献   
To evaluate the effects on CO2 exchange of clearcutting a mixed forest and replacing it with a plantation, 4.5 years of continuous eddy covariance measurements of CO2 fluxes and soil respiration measurements were conducted in a conifer-broadleaf mixed forest in Hokkaido, Japan. The mixed forest was a weak carbon sink (net ecosystem exchange, −44 g C m−2 yr−1), and it became a large carbon source (569 g C m−2 yr−1) after clearcutting. However, the large emission in the harvest year rapidly decreased in the following 2 years (495 and 153 g C m−2 yr−1, respectively) as the gross primary production (GPP) increased, while the total ecosystem respiration (RE) remained relatively stable. The rapid increase in GPP was attributed to an increase in biomass and photosynthetic activity of Sasa dwarf bamboo, an understory species. Soil respiration increased in the 3 years following clearcutting, in the first year mainly owing to the change in the gap ratio of the forest, and in the following years because of increased root respiration by the bamboo. The ratio of soil respiration to RE increased from 44% in the forest to nearly 100% after clearcutting, and aboveground parts of the vegetation contributed little to the RE although the respiration chamber measurements showed heterogeneous soil condition after clearcutting.  相似文献   
The present study investigates the emergence of adult white grub beetles Dasylepida ishigakiensis Niijima et Kinoshita (Coleoptera: Scrabaeidae) from soil as well as their burrowing behaviours. ‘Standby behaviour’ (i.e. adults come to the soil surface where they expose their heads) is shown in the field and, along with emergence behaviour, is entrained by LD photocycles. These 24‐h rhythms persist after transfer to continuous light conditions for 2 days. By contrast, beetles transferred from LD photocycles to continuous dark conditions fail to show standby behaviour; thus, it appears to be manifested only in the presence of illumination. Under dark conditions, beetles emerge completely from the soil directly at the time when standby behaviour is otherwise expected to occur. Emerged adults then burrow back into the soil before dawn. Virgin and mated males, as well as virgin females, which are expected to emerge from the soil for mating on later evenings, burrow to a relatively shallow depth (<2 cm), whereas mated females burrow deeper (2–10 cm). Soil properties such as moisture, grain size, topography and temperature influence the burrowing behaviour and the depths that the beetles reach.  相似文献   
Lithium chloride treatment of hydras cut just proximal to the tentacle circle and just distal to the budding region induces a supernumerary head at the proximal cut surface. Such a supernumerary head does not appear in the normal course of regeneration. The bipolar hydra thus formed persists for several weeks and later separates to form two normal individuals. The supernumerary head is not formed at the proximal cut surface when the hydra is transected just distal to the budding zone and the distal portion is allowed to regenerate in the Li-containing medium. LiCl has a slight inhibitory effect on the regeneration of hypostomes or tentacles when the animal is cut at the base of the hypostome.  相似文献   
  1. Phyllosinol is a phytotoxic metabolite of Phyllosticta sp. Thissubstance at 100 µg/ml produced dark grey necrotic lesionson the leaf of red clover. Sensitivities of various plant speciesto phyllosinol differed both quantitatively and qualitatively.
  2. Phyllosinol reduced root growth in rice seedlings by 60% at10–4 M, whereas stimulation of root elongation occurredat a concentration range from 10–9 to 10–5 M.
  3. Phyllosinolat 2.5x10–4M promoted adventitious root formationin epicotylsof Azukia cuttings by about 100%. Promotion waspartly reducedby simultaneous application of cysteine.
  4. IAA-induced elongationof isolated Avena coleoptile sectionswas inhibited by phyllosinolat a concentration range from 10–5to 10–3M.
  5. Sulfhydrylcompounds, i.e. cysteine and glutathione relievedinhibitioncaused by phyllosinol in IAA-induced elongation ofAvena coleoptilesections.
  6. GA3-induced elongation of wheat leaf sections wasslightly inhibitedby phyllosinol at 10–4M.
  7. Phyllosinolalso has antibiotic activity. Among the organismstested, Phycomycetesand Gram-negative bacteria appeared mostsusceptible to phyllosinol.
(Received April 21, 1970; )  相似文献   
Adults of the white grub beetle Dasylepida ishigakiensis Niijima et Kinoshita (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) emerge from the soil around dusk for mating on subtropical islands. The present study examines the factors controlling the emergence of males in the laboratory. There are two steps involved. Standby behaviour (i.e. insect head appears at the soil surface) can be observed for several hours before the beetles actually emerge for mating. The standby behaviour is facilitated by warm conditions, although the proportion of standby individuals is influenced not only by the temperature on that day, but also by that on the previous day. Experiments in which beetles are exposed to photoperiod and thermoperiod combinations, in and out of phase, show that temperature is more important in inducing standby and emerging behaviour than light alone. For the second step, factors such as temperature, light and the presence of the female sex pheromone determine whether males will leave the standby position and emerge onto the ground. The female sex pheromone stimulates standby beetles to exhibit emerging and wing vibration behaviours, although the effect depends on when it is presented to beetles. Beetles burrow back into the soil; this behaviour is influenced by illumination and time of the day but not by temperature. The results suggest that D. ishigakiensis possesses a sophisticated mechanism controlling male emergence from the soil.  相似文献   
Abstract The white grub Dasylepida ishigakiensis has a 2‐year life cycle and spends approximately 9 months as a nonfeeding larva, pupa and adult on a subtropical island. Evidence is presented indicating that this beetle has two diapauses that appear to synchronize this long life cycle with the seasons. Larvae exposed to 20, 22.5, 25 and 27.5 °C late in the third (last) stadium pupate rapidly except for some individuals kept at the highest temperature. The latter pupate upon transfer to 22.5 °C, indicating that larval diapause is maintained at high temperature but terminates upon transfer to a lower temperature. Pupal development is directly temperature‐dependent in the range 20–30 °C. Adults develop reproductive organs (i.e. the ovary in females and the seminal vesicles and accessory glands in males) rapidly at 15 and 20 °C, whereas those kept at 25 °C take a long time to do so. Ovarian development is completely suppressed at 30 °C but initiated upon transfer to 20 °C. In the laboratory, males with well‐developed reproductive organs mate even with sexually immature females , whereas females with undeveloped ovaries show no sexual behaviour. Although the two diapauses of this species are thermally regulated (i.e. a characteristic commonly expressed by insects in summer diapause), adults of this beetle emerge from pupae late in the autumn and remain in the soil for 2 months. Adult diapause effectively serves to synchronize the time of sexual maturation with the coldest month of the year.  相似文献   
Three types of invertase (invertase I, II and III) are separatedfrom the soluble and insoluble fractions (4,500xg, 10 min supernatantand pellets of the homogenate, respectively) of baker's yeastby a DEAE cellulose column chromatography. The invertases Iand II are eluted with 0.1 M sodium acetate buffer (pH 3.9)and with 0.1 M sodium acetate buffer (pH 6.2) containing 0.1M NaCl from DEAE cellulose respectively, whereas the invertase-IIIremains adsorbed on the cellulose under these conditions. Theyare present in proportions of 2.5: 1 : 0.06 in the soluble fractionand 1.4: 1 : 0.12 in the insoluble fraction of the fresh baker'syeast cells. While in-vertase-II remains at a constant level,invertases I and III in the soluble fraction increase upon incubationof cells for the formation of invertase under the continuoussupply of sucrose. Invertases I and II differ from each other considerably in theoptimum pH and slightly in the response to (activation and inactivationby) crude papain and are identical with respect to the heatstability and probably to the affinity for sucrose. 1Present address: Chemical Laboratory, Nippon Medical School,Konodai, Ichikawa-shi, Chiba-ken.  相似文献   
Mammary isografts dissociated in gland-free fat pads in 24 hr but regenerated single glands. Isografts in the anterior chamber of the eye did not dissociate but regenerated only after collagenase treatment and retransplantation to gland-free fat pads.  相似文献   
The air ion effects on "active" and "residual" iron distributionin barley seedlings were studied in the course of the developmentof ironchlorosis in an iron-free culture medium. "Active" or"acid soluble" iron plays an important role for chlorophyllbiosynthesis and is extractable with 1.0 N HCl from dried tissues,and "residual" or "acid insoluble" iron does not participatein this chlorophyll formation process and is not extracted with1.0 N HCl. Ions of either charge induced a significant decrease in activeiron content which was associated with a decrease in chlorophyllcontent. Concomitantly, there occurred an increase in both theresidual iron and the cytochrome c fractions. The increase inresidual iron content may involve not only cytochrome c butalso other cytochromes and ironcontaining enzymes as well. Theauthors have proposed a hypothesis that the site of air ionaction in the experiments reported may be the regulatory systemscontrolling iron metabolism in the seed and young seedling.Through this action air ions apparently divert more endogenousfree-state iron to residual iron (consisting of cytochromesand Fe-containing enzymes) than to active iron. Tracer experiments showed that air ions enhanced the uptakeof exogenous iron by early germinating barley seeds. The increasedincorporation of iron was not influenced by light. (Received December 10, 1964; )  相似文献   
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