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Polyclonal antisera to three synthetic peptides of bovine MIP26K have been used in combination with Western blot analysis to probe for changes of the MIP26K molecule during human senile cataractogenesis. Anti-MIP26K229-237 binds well to the 26K component from cataractous lens membranes, but binds poorly to the same component from normal lens. In contrast, antisera to two other sequences of MIP26K (anti-MIP26K252-259 and anti-MIP26K256-263) bind approximately equally well to the 26K component from either cataractous or normal lens. Together, these results demonstrate that during cataract development there is a selective covalent change in a region of the MIP26K molecule that may have profound effects upon the ability of this molecule to facilitate intercellular communication between lens fiber cells.  相似文献   
In the course of study on the mechanism of the tartaric acid formation from 5-ketogluconic acid, a new intermediary substance with mauve color to Abdel-Akhel and Smith’s reagent was isolated from intact cell culture liquid. The chemical structure of this substance was determined as 1,2-dihydroxyethyl hydrogen L(+) tartrate from the results of hydrolysis experiments and from the identifications of the constituents of the molecule, and named “pretaric acid.” Tartaric acid was evidently produced from pretaric acid by intact cell culture. Clearly, then, pretaric acid appears to be an intermediate in the formation of tartaric acid from 5-ketogluconic acid. The authors assumed that in the formation of pretaric acid from 5-ketogluconic acid, a Baeyer-Villiger type oxidation occurred.  相似文献   
Using the cornea of macaque monkey, we demonstrated the relationship between cell density and growth of endothelial cells in vitro. Corneal endothelial cells in a cell sheet grow most actively in regions with cell density of 1000 to 1800 cells/mm2, in explant cultures and cell sheets and in concentrated inocula dissociated cells. Cell morphology was well sustained in these cultures. Cells cultured at a higher cell density retained their potential to proliferate actively, showing clear contrast to cells cultured at a density lower than 200 cells/mm2. When dissociated cells were cultured at a low density and maintained for more than 4 weeks, they gradually lost their growth potential, altered into polymorphonuclear giant cells and eventually dedifferentiated. In addition, cells with no contact with each other did not express growth potential. Density dependent growth was confirmed by measuring the mitotic index against the cell density per square mm from the center to the peripheral regions in cultured explants. It is concluded that the growth pattern of corneal endothelial cells is closely related to cell density, and that growth of these cells might be regulated through intercellular communications.  相似文献   
A fluid-accumulating factor (FAF in the ligated rabbit ileal loop test) from a strain of non-O1 Vibrio cholerae not producing cholera toxin-like enterotoxin (CTLT) was partially purified by ammonium sulfate precipitation, gel filtration with Sephadex G-100, and DEAE cellulose column chromatography. The preparation thus obtained showed collagenolytic, cytolytic, necrotic, and hemorrhagic activities, but was not lethal to mice nor hemolytic to sheep erythrocytes. Desquamation of epithelial cells, inflammatory edema, and hemorrhage were observed in sections of rabbit intestine after inoculation of partially purified FAF (PPFAF). Biological and enzymatic activities of FAF were completely neutralized with anti-PPFAF rabbit serum. More than 70% of non-O1 V. cholerae strains from human diarrheal feces produced FAF in the shake culture of heart infusion broth (Difco). A fluid-accumulating factor immunologically similar to FAF of non-O1 V. cholerae was also produced by V. mimicus strains isolated from human diarrheal feces. These results indicate that the FAF produced by CTLT-negative non-O1 V. cholerae strains is an entity closely related to a cytolytic and hemorrhagic substance or the like, and that this FAF may play a role in the enteropathogenicity of CTLT-negative strains.  相似文献   
The three-dimensional structure of the mouse epidermal growth factor (EGF) in solution was studied by comparison of the 1H NMR spectra of alpha EGF (1-53) and beta EGF (2-53, des-asparaginyl 1 form). Using pH dependence of chemical shifts and a two-dimensional difference spectrum, the effect of the N-terminal deletion was investigated based on the complete assignment of the proton resonances. The affected residues were all found to be located exactly in the triple-stranded, beta-sheet core in the N-terminal domain of the EGF molecule.  相似文献   
We investigated light and electron microscopic localization of ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) in rat intestinal mucosa. In the immunoblotting assay of OTC-related protein, a single protein band with a molecular weight of about 36,500 is observed in extracts of liver and small intestinal mucosa but is not observed in those of stomach and large intestine. For light microscopy, tissue slices of the digestive system were embedded in Epon and stained by using anti-bovine OTC rabbit IgG and the immunoenzyme technique. For electron microscopy, slices of these and the liver tissues were embedded in Lowicryl K4M and stained by the protein A-gold technique. By light microscopy, the absorptive epithelial cells of duodenum, jejunum, and ileum stained positively for OTC, but stomach, large intestine, rectum, and propria mucosa of small intestine were not stained. Electron microscopy showed that gold particles representing the antigenic sites for OTC were confined to the mitochondrial matrix of hepatocytes and small intestinal epithelial cells. However, the enzyme was detected in mitochondria of neither liver endothelial cells, submucosal cells of small intestine, nor large intestinal epithelial cells. Labeling density of mitochondria in the absorptive epithelial cells of duodenum, jejunum, and ileum was about half of that in liver cells.  相似文献   
The activities of the two unique enzymes of the glyoxylate cycle,isocitrate lyase (EC [EC] ) and malate synthase (EC [EC] ),were undetectable in petals of pumpkin (Cucurbita sp. AmakuriNankin) until the end of blooming, but they appeared duringsenescence. The activity of catalase (EC [EC] ) increased,glycolate oxidase (EC [EC] ) activity did not change, whilehydroxypyruvate reductase (EC [EC] ) activity peaked at fullblooming stage and declined thereafter. After fractionationof cellular organelles on a sucrose density gradient, we detectedisocitrate lyase and malate synthase activities in peroxisomalfractions only from petals at the senescing stage. Northernblot analysis revealed that malate synthase mRNA increased duringpetal senescence. Citrate synthase (EC [EC] ) and malate dehydrogenase(EC [EC] ) activities were also present, while aconitase(EC [EC] ) was not detectable in peroxisomal fractions. Moreoverthe presence of 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (EC [EC] )and urate oxidase (EC [EC] ) in the peroxisomal fractionsfrom senescing petals indicates that peroxisomes could be involvedboth in the ß-oxidation pathway and in the purinecatabolism during petal senescence. (Received May 25, 1991; Accepted September 25, 1991)  相似文献   
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