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Comparative development of the narrow pinnules of rheophyticOsmunda lancea and of the broad pinnules of a related dryland species,O. japonica, was examined and the origin of rheophytic stenophylly was discussed. The mature leaves and their various parts ofO. lancea are smaller and narrower than those ofO. japonica. The young pinnules ofO. lancea at the initiation of cell expansion are smaller than those ofO. japonica. The growth pattern of the pinnules is fundamentally the same in the two species, but pinnule growth period is shorter inO. lancea than inO. japonica. While the largest growth rate in pinnule length is quite similar, inO. lancea the pinnules are less elongated and much less broadened during ontogeny. Cell expansion in the mesophyll and epidermis proceeds acropetally and toward the margin along the axes of costules and veins. Although the numbers of mesophyll and epidermal cells between two adjacent veinlets are almost the same inO. lancea andO. japonica, during the subsequent growth period inO. lancea, the cells expand to a smaller extent and the veinlets become more narrowly oblique to the costule. This oblique distortion of laminar segments framed by veins causes stenophylly, an allometric modification. The stenophylly ofO. lancea is believed to have arisen by heterochronic evolution, in particular, progenesis.  相似文献   
 Severe combined immune deficiency (scid) mice are assumed to have two types of abnormalities: one is high radiosensitivity and the other is abnormal recombination in immunoglobulin and T-cell receptor genes. The human chromosome 8 q1.1 region has an ability to complement the scid aberrations. Moreover, the localization of the subunit DNA-dependent protein kinase [DNA-PKcs] participating in DNA double-strand break repair in the same locus was clarified. In scid mouse cells, the number of DNA-PKcs products and extent of DNA-PK activity remarkably decrease. These observations gave rise to the assumption that DNA-PKcs is the scid factor itself. In order to determine whether the DNA-PK cs gene is the scid gene, we isolated the mouse DNA-PK cs gene and investigated its chromosomal locus by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Consequently, it became clear that the mouse DNA-PK cs gene existed in the centromeric region of mouse chromosome 16, determined by cross-genetic study, as a scid locus. This finding strongly suggests that mouse DNA-PK cs is the scid gene. Received: 22 March 1996  相似文献   
We studied the effects of several plant-growth regulators onthe induction of nodule-like structures on roots of Lotus japonicus,which has been proposed as a candidate for a leguminous plantfor molecular genetic analysis. Contrary to our expectations,the addition of gibberellin A3 (GA3) at concentrations of 10-4M to 10-4 M resulted in the formation of nodule-like structureson roots when seedlings were plated on nitrogen-free Fahraeusagar medium. GA4 also induced such outgrowths but was less activethan GA3. Application of an inhibitor of auxin transport, N-(1-naphthyl)-phthalamicacid (NPA) and of kinetin, which have been reported to inducepseudonodules in other legumes, had no effect on L. japonicus.Microscopic observations showed that GA3-induced nodule-likestructures were caused by cell divisions within the pericycleon the roots. In addition, the outgrowths elicited by GA3 couldbe completely suppressed by the addition of 15 mM potassiumnitrate or ammonium nitrate. These results show that the pericyclecells of the roots of L. japonicus are specifically sensitiveto gibberellins and that potential for cell division might bemodulated by nitrogen compounds. We also examined the effectsof ancymidol and uniconazole [S-3307; (E)-1-(4-chIorophenyl)-4,4-dimethyl-2-(1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)-1-penten-3-ol],two synthetic plant-growth retardants. Both compounds at 3 x10-5 M significantly increased the number of stunted lateralroots. The unusual branching could not be counteracted by theexogenous addition of GA3 but by 10-6 M brassinolide. We discussthe physiological role of brassinolide in the initiation oflateral roots. (Received August 4, 1995; Accepted March 11, 1996)  相似文献   
Based on the hypothesis that the relation between sweating rate and body temperature should be different during exercise and rest after exercise, we compared the sweating response during exercise and recovery at a similar body temperature. Healthy male subjects performed submaximal exercise (Experiment 1) and maximal exercise (Experiment 2) in a room at 27° C and 35% relative humidity. During exercise and recovery of 20 min after exercise, esophageal temperature (Tes), mean skin temperature, mean body temperature ( ), chest sweating rate ( ), and the frequency of sweat expulsion (F SW) were measured. In both experiments, andF SW were clearly higher during exercise than recovery at a similar body temperature (Tes, ). was similar during exercise and recovery, or a little less during the former, at a similarF SW. It is concluded that the sweating rate during exercise is greater than that during recovery at the same body temperature, due to greater central sudomotor activity during exercise. The difference between the two values is thought to be related to non-thermal factors and the rate of change in mean skin temperature.  相似文献   
Type II oculocutaneous albinism (OCA2) is an autosomal recessive disorder in which the biosynthesis of melanin pigment is reduced in the skin, hair, and eyes. OCA2, which results from mutations of the P gene, is the most frequent type of albinism in African and African-American patients. OCA2 is especially frequent in Tanzania, where it occurs with an incidence of approximately 1/1,400. We have identified abnormalities of the P gene in each of 13 unrelated patients with OCA2 from Tanzania. One of these, a deletion of exon 7, is strongly predominant, accounting for approximately 77% of mutant alleles in this group of patients.  相似文献   
Two D-homosteroids were isolated from the hydrolyzate of 5β-pregnane -3α,20α-diol disulfate (II) when it was refluxed in 3N hydrochloric acid. The structures of these steroids have been elucidated as 17α-methyl-D-homo-5β-androstane-3α, 17aβ-diol (VI) and 17α-methyl-17aγb-chloro-D-homo-5β-androstan-3α-ol (VIII) by instrumental analyses. The former was identical with a synthetic specimen derived from 5β-pregnane-3α,20β-diol di-sulfate (IV) by uranediol rearrangement. The main hydrolyzates obtained were 17α-ethyl-17β-methyl-18-nor-5β-androst-13-en-3α-ol (V) and 5β-pregnane-3α, 20α-diol (III).  相似文献   
The third petiolar bud ofHypolepis punctata appears on the basiscopic lateral side of the petiole above the fairly developed first petiolar bud. This investigation clarified the fact that the third bud is formed neither by the activity of the meristem of the first bud nor by the meristem directly detached from the shoot apical meristem, but is initiated in the cells involved in the abaxial basal part of the elevated portion of the leaf primordium. Thus the third bud is of phyllogenous origin. This investigation further revealed that the cells to initiate the third bud are originally located in the abaxial side of the leaf apical cell complex like the cells to initiate the first bud, but are not incorporated into the meristem of the first. After the first, second and third petiolar buds have been initiated, they are carried up into fairly high regions on the petiolar base by the intercalary growth which occurs in the leaf base below the insertion level of the first and the second buds.  相似文献   
It has been known in amphibians and starfishes that a cytoplasmic factor called maturation-promoting factor (MPF), produced in maturing oocytes under the influence of the maturation-inducing hormones, can induce germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) and the subsequent process of meiotic maturation. The present study revealed that injection of cytoplasm of maturing starfish oocytes (starfish MPF) into immature sea cucumber oocytes brought about maturation of the recipients. Amphibian MPF obtained from mature oocytes of Xenopus laevis or Bufo bufo was found to induce maturation of starfish oocytes following injection. Cytoplasm taken from cleaving starfish blastomeres induced maturation when injected into immature starfish oocytes. The maturation-inducing activity of cytoplasm of starfish blastomeres changed along with the mitotic cell cycle during 1- to 4-cell stages so far tested and reached a peak just before cleaving. Furthermore, an extract of mammalian cultured cells, CHO or V-79, synchronized in M phase, induced GVBD in starfish oocytes following injection, whereas S phase extract had little activity. These facts suggest that MPF generally brings about nuclear membrane breakdown in both meiosis and mitosis, and that the nature of MPF is very similar among vertebrates and invertebrates.  相似文献   
The early interactions of LLC-MK2 cell-grown noninfectious Sendai virus and a murine cell line, P815 mastocytoma ascitic cells, were studied by electron microscopy, using the ferritin-conjugated antibody technique with anti-virus glycoprotein serum. For comparison, the interactions of egg-grown infectious Sendai virus with the same cells were also examined. When noninfectious virus was adsorbed to the cells in the cold, the cell membranes become partially invaginated at the site of contact of adsorbed virions, but ferritin-conjugated antibodies did not penetrate into the areas of envelope-cell membrane association. This pattern of virus attachment was similar to that of infectious virus attachment. Upon subsequent incubation at 37 degrees C, most of the adsorbed noninfectious virions were taken into cytoplasmic vesicles and then degraded, although a few virions remained attached to the cell membrane. No evidence of fusion of envelopes of noninfectious virions was obtained. On the other hand, envelopes of infectious virions fused with the cell membrane, and the transferred viral antigens diffused on the cell surfaces and then decreased in number.  相似文献   
Anatomical and developmental studies have been made ofHistiopteris incisa in order to obtain a reasonable interpretation of the so-called extra-axillary bud. Single, or rarely two extra-axillary buds arise on the lateral side of the petiolar base. The branch trace appears to depart from the basiscopic margin of the leaf trace. At the earliest stage of the leaf initiation, the leaf apical cell is cut off in one of the prismatic cells of the shoot apical meristem. The leaf apical cell, then, cuts off segments successively to form a well-defined group of derivatives. On the other hand, a well-recognized cell group called “outer neighboring cell group”,onc, is found adjacent to the abaxial boundary of the derivatives of the leaf apical cell. This group of cells does not originate directly in the mother cell of the leaf apical cell. The primordium of the extra-axillary bud is always initiated in the superficial pillar-shaped cell layer ofonc. The leaf primordium may consist of two parts, the distal part derived from the leaf apical cell and the basal part from the adjacent cells includingonc. These facts suggest that the extra-axillary bud is of foliar nature. This study was partly supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement of Young Scientists by the Ministry of Education of Japan; no. 374222 in 1978.  相似文献   
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